I did my best to act cool, but I failed miserably as we walked back through town to Charlie’s house. My hands were shaky and sweaty, especially the one that was currently clasped with Charlie’s. I was extremely self-conscious about it, but after the third time I pulled my hand away to wipe it on my shirt, Charlie laced his fingers through mine and held tight.
“I don’t care,” he said. “In fact, it’s making me feel good that I’m not the only one who’s nervous.”
I just nodded, not really understanding how mutual anxiety made things any better. If anything, it made me even more nervous. I’d been thinking about this since I was fourteen, usually when I was alone and had my dick in my hand. The amount of times I’d fantasized about Charlie were far too many to count. And now that fantasy was finally coming true. I was terrified I was going to screw it up or make an ass of myself. This had to be good for him. If the sexual chemistry was bad, our relationship would be over before it started .
Wait. Were we even in a relationship? Was this a date and a hookup for him? How many other guys had he done this with? I couldn’t see him doing a lot of this because of his anxiety. But maybe he just met dudes randomly at night to get off. After all, I’d found him wandering the woods that night. Was he cruising? Could that even happen in Creekside?
I’d worked myself into an anxious frenzy by the time we got back to his house. But Charlie just pulled me inside, shutting the door behind us. Before I could say anything, he was wrapped around me again, his lips connecting with mine once more. The fireworks that filled my brain drove all my anxiety aside. All I could think about was the warmth of his mouth, the way his tongue danced against mine, and his fingers slipping into my back pockets.
“Be gentle with me,” he cooed against my lips. “It’s… It’s my first time.”
I pulled back, surprised. “Ever?”
He nodded.
All my previous worries were pushed aside for new ones. “Have you… explored?”
“I have toys if that’s what you mean. So yes.”
“Okay,” I sighed in relief. “You had me worried for a moment.”
“I know how this works in theory,” he laughed, kissing me again. “I’m not that na?ve. And I know it’s going to be wonderful with you.” He lifted his hands, splaying his fingers out. To my surprise, they didn’t quake at all. Out of all the things in the world that should frighten him, sex with me wasn’t one of them. “I’m not nervous because I know you’ll be good to me.” He leaned close, his forehead resting against mine as his hand wrapped around the back of my neck. “I trust you, Nix. More than anyone. ”
My heart melted in an instant, his words stripping away all my fears so easily it felt like a magic spell. He cried out as I scooped him up into my arms and carried him across the house to his old bedroom. From the looks of the rumpled bedding, it was still where he slept. I couldn’t help but smile as I realized he still had the same comforter with little cartoon characters all over it. I’d sat on this bed with him so many times as a kid, us lying side by side as we talked about what the future would hold for us. There were several times I wondered if I should just lean over and kiss him back then. And I never did.
But this time, as I laid him down in bed and crawled in next to him, I didn’t waste a moment bringing his lips to meet mine. I kissed him gently, my hands exploring his neck and chest. He wrapped his arms around my neck, making sure I didn’t pull away. His breath was more intense and needy than I’d heard it before. He kissed me like he wanted something from me, like he was trying to drive us forward.
“Touch me,” he whispered between kisses, his hand guiding mine down to his torso. “Please.”
I did as I was told, slipping my fingers under his shirt, the flushed heat of his skin soaking into my fingertips. Goosebumps broke out over his body as I traced his muscles. I was surprised to find a trail of dark hair running down his stomach, disappearing below the waistband of his jeans. My curiosity was piqued, and I wanted to know where it went and what lay beneath.
Untangling myself from him, I lifted his shirt up and off, tossing it to the floor. The arrowhead necklace went second, although I sat it gently on the bedside table to keep it safe. However, my lips didn’t return to his. Instead, I set them to work across his clavicle, working my way down until I found a nipple. He hissed through his teeth as I dragged my tongue over it, the shuddering sound of his breath filling me with an insatiable lust.
At the waistband of his jeans, I stopped, biting my lower lip and looking up at him for permission. He grinned, giving me a nod. With quivering hands, I undid the button and pulled the zipper down. Then, with my fingers wrapped under the edge of the fabric, I pulled them free.
A dark tuft of hair greeted me followed by a thick and delicious looking cock. It sprang free of his jeans, flopping onto his belly as I pulled his pants away and tossed them aside. My heart did a little flip as I ran my finger over the soft underside of his shaft, a gasp of pleasure escaping his lips. I looked up, admiring my beautiful friend as he lay there in the bed, naked and exposed. I’d always wanted to see him like this and now that I had, I was going to worship him.
I leaned down, licking his crown long and slow.
“Fuck…” he moaned, his hips bucking of their own accord. “That feels way better than I expected.”
“I haven’t even started yet,” I laughed, wrapping my hand around the base of his shaft. “It only gets better.”
“W-Wait,” he sputtered before I could take him into my mouth. I stopped and his shy gaze turned to the bed. “Can… Can I undress you?”
I nodded. “Of course.”
Sitting back on my heels, I let Charlie pull my shirt off. He dropped it to the side, his gaze fixed on my torso as he ran his fingers up and down my body. His hands contoured my pecs and then my abs, taking in each piece of me as if he were committing it to memory. More than once, he stopped to kiss me, his lips causing goosebumps to break out over my skin as the pleasure surged through me. I’d wanted this for so long…
However, the nervousness I’d managed to push away earlier came thundering back as Charlie worked his way down my body, heading for the button on my jeans. I tried to push it aside as he popped open the fly and worked me out of them. My hands were shaking by the time he came back, and a quick glance down made me realize I was still soft. Suddenly my body was flooded with anxiety as the embarrassment threatened to consume me.
“S-Sorry,” I muttered, unable to look him in the eye.
Why was I losing my shit right now? This was my fantasy. The one I’d been jerking off to for years. What the fuck was going on?
“Nothing to be sorry about,” he replied, still smiling, He pushed me onto my back, crawling up my body. “Let me help.”
Before I could respond, I felt the warmth of his lips wrap around my cock and I gasped. It felt incredible , the pleasure pulsing through my body. But as it went on, I still wasn’t getting hard. Within a minute or so, the anxiety had taken over so much that I couldn’t think about anything else.
“Is something wrong?” Charlie asked, looking up at me with a worried expression. “Am I doing it right?”
“You’re doing fine.” I let out a long sigh, reaching up and jamming my palms against my eyes in frustration. “I’m just… I'm really nervous for some reason.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
Another sigh. “I don’t know… it’s stupid but… I really don’t want to mess this up for you. It’s your first time and I want it to be perfect and special and–”
“Nix,” Charlie said, pulling my hands away from my face. “It’s special already. You’re here. That’s all I needed.”
“Yeah, and now my fucking dick won’t work.” I was so fucking irritated that I could hardly stand it .
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
I opened my mouth to tell him no when a thought struck me. “Yeah, actually.” I reached up, grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss. “How do you feel about being the top this time?”
“I’ve never done that before…” He gave me a long hard look, his thick cock twitching against my leg. “But I can give it a try.”
“Do you have lube?”
“Obviously.” He grinned down at me. “Do you think I’m some kind of monster?”
“Just be gentle with me,” I laughed, trying not to be so nervous. “It’s been quite a while since I bottomed.”
He gave me a good hard look, lifting one eyebrow. “Are you sure about this? We can do this another time if you’re not into it. I know I sort of sprung it on you.”
“I want this,” I replied, squeezing his thigh. “For you and for me. I don’t care if I get off, but I do want to be your first. I… I’ve always wanted to be your first.” It was a goofy thing to say. “And if I bottom, I can concentrate on feeling good. Maybe that’ll help.”
“Okay.” Charlie retrieved the lube from the bedside table and handed it to me. “I… uh… I don’t have any condoms. I didn’t know this was going to happen.”
“I came back negative on all my tests a month ago,” I said. “And I haven’t been with anyone since I saw you that night. So, I’m okay with not using one if you are.”
“I think it should be fine.”
“You’re sure?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I trust you, Nix.”
I reached out, cupping the side of his face. “I trust you too.” I gave him a soft kiss before pushing him down on the bed. “Now sit still so I can ride you.”
Throwing my leg over his waist, I squirted a generous helping of lube into my hand, warming it up before I smeared it over his cock. The rest went to my hole, my skin prickling as I ran a finger over my sensitive entrance. It really had been a long time since I’d bottomed, but I was looking forward to it more than I expected. Something about having Charlie inside me, the pair of us finally being as close as we could possibly be… it drove me wild.
Reaching back, I grabbed Charlie’s cock, aiming it toward my willing hole as I leaned back. The heat and pulsing of him against me made me bite my lower lip. And slowly but surely, I worked myself up and down until he finally slipped inside. A gasp escaped my lips as I sunk down, not stopping until my ass came to rest against his pelvis.
My body lit up like a Christmas tree as he throbbed against my prostate, filling all the empty space inside me and then some. This was nothing compared to bottoming with other guys. With Charlie it was intense, energizing, and… safe . I didn’t feel like I was chasing an orgasm. Instead, it was like I was coming home for the first time. This was where I belonged. Being this close to Charlie was better than anything I’d ever felt.
“Oh fuck,” I moaned, my hands coming to rest on his chest. “Fuck that feels incredible.”
“Oh my god,” Charlie moaned back, his hand on my hips. “Wow. That’s way better than a toy.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“I see you like it too.”
I furrowed my brows as he reached out. Then I gasped as his hand wrapped around my rock-hard cock pulsing against his belly. I’d been so preoccupied with getting him inside me that I didn’t notice how turned on I was. A wave of relief washed over me, and I groaned happily as Charlie stroked me slowly.
“You have a gorgeous cock,” he said, his eyes flicking between my dick and my face. “Just like I imagined it would be. And this,” he added, running his hand down my torso to the tuft of hair above my dick. “Now I know your hair isn’t from a box.”
“Did you think I was dyeing it at twelve years old?” I laughed.
“You never know these days,” he grinned. His hands ran over my muscles again, touching every inch of me he could find. “How much do you work out?”
“Enough to know that I’m not gonna quit riding this beautiful cock of yours until you cum.”
The sudden lust that filled Charlie’s eyes went straight to my dick. Words forgotten, I rocked my hips forward, tensing my muscles to squeeze him as I slid to his tip, then all the way back down again.
“Oh fuck…”
It wasn't long before Charlie had one hand on my hip, guiding my movements while the other slowly stroked my cock. My pre-cum leaked into his hand, adding some slickness to the mix that had me already on edge. I rode him faster, feeling his cock lurch over my prostate with every movement. The sensation had me seeing stars, my entire body flooded with endorphins.
Everything was just how I'd imagined it. Charlie felt incredible inside me, just like I always knew he would. The way he dug his fingers into my skin and moaned my name… it had me going faster and faster, aching for his release. I wanted to know what it felt like to have him let go inside of me. To have him be part of me at last .
“Nix,” he gasped, his body tensing below me. “I… I'm not gonna last…”
“Me either,” I replied, thrusting into his hand as I rode him. “Don't hold back.”
“Oh fuck… Nix…” he whimpered.
It only took a few more strokes before he cried out, forcing me down and driving himself to the hilt. A sudden heat filled my insides, his orgasm pulsing inside me. At the same time, I leaned forward, groaning as I came all over his hand and belly.
All at once, I was hit with a wave of sleepiness and I collapsed on top of him, his cock still wedged inside me. My breath came in heavy gasps and my entire body felt hot and flushed. Charlie just wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight. He missed the side of my neck as he ran his fingers through my hair.
“That was perfect,” he cooed. “ You were perfect.”
My cock gave another twitch, the praise going straight to my groin. I panted against his chest, soaking the beauty of the moment in. There were several things I wanted to say, but one stuck out the most. He was so gentle and understanding with me, making me love him more than ever.
I bit my lip, wondering if I should tell him. Instead, I decided to kiss him again and again, showing my affection that way. We'd only just started, and I didn't want to push him too fast. Besides, we had all the time in the world. I was never going to leave his side again.