Gatherdusk (Luminia #3) Chapter 15 60%
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Chapter 15

Chapter Fifteen


The next morning, we leave with the somewhat reluctant help of Rahz and Jindal. I know they’re coming for my sake, if not for the sake of all humankind, but they don’t believe one maybe-alive-maybe-not gargoyle general is the answer to all our problems.

And Zenith won’t be swayed.

Regardless, it won’t take long to check. Either Talus is imprisoned at the dock, or he’s not, and since Rahz can portal, we don’t have the downside of the time it takes to travel by foot or wing.

So we’ll go, we’ll search, and if we’re lucky, we’ll rescue. Then we’ll return and regroup.

I don’t want to think about what will happen if we aren’t lucky.

Zenith has his heart set on his friend still being alive. But it’s been an awfully long time since the war with the incubi. An awfully long time since the palace gargoyles were spelled to sleep.

I have more doubt than hope, but my misgivings are my own. No need to voice them now that a decision has been made.

Jindal and I hold on to Rahz, and Zenith holds on to me. On Rahz’s count, we all step through a glimmering lavender portal. One moment we’re in the incubus brothel, and the next we're stumbling onto the cool, damp sand of Irondale’s beach.

My skin tingles with the remnants of Rahz’s magic, goose flesh puckering on my nape. We separate, and Zenith and I share a glance. Wow , his eyes say to me. I couldn’t agree more. It’s unheard of for a mage to create portals alone, without help on the other end. Rahz really is a wonder.

We gather our bearings, though there isn’t much to see.

Sand beneath our feet, the frothing waves of the southern sea down hill, and the grassy dunes uphill. Rahz is clever and has dropped us away from civilization. Good that we’ll be able to sneak in undetected. Bad that we now have a long walk ahead of us.

“This way,” says Zenith, oriented already and eager to get a move on.

The rest of us tag after him, a cool coastal breeze at our back, pushing us along. The season has finally shifted, even here at the southernmost point of Luminia. Soon it will be time for Gatherdusk celebrations. Hopefully, by then, we’ll have something worth celebrating.

A wave of longing tugs at my heart. The coast smells so much like my island home. The salt on my tongue, the fishy scent in the air, even the squawking of seabirds bring up happy memories of days spent on the many beaches of Tierney.

One day, I shall return, my mate at my side, my family with me, all of us together and at peace. One day.

“There.” Zenith points at a pier in the distance. We’re approaching the docks. People are about, taking a stroll along the beach, fishing, watching children splash in the water. Mostly human. Perhaps all.

“Stick to the plan,” says Rahz.

What plan?

Get to the docks, stay together, investigate. Not much of a plan.

“If we can find a place close to the docks but not too conspicuous, I can use my magic to search for the presence of your friend,” Rahz offers.

At least that’s something. “Yes, thank you,” I answer before Zenith can suggest otherwise.

Of course missions like this are nothing new to Rahz and Jindal. They’ve been an unstoppable two-man team for Suvi, nailing one objective after another. Steal maps? Check. Swap them for fakes? Check. Create an underground escape route for refugees? Check. Burn a few bridges? Double check. Zenith might still be a bit sore over that.

Rahz and Jindal also gathered a fair amount of intelligence about guildsmen working in Her Majesty’s interest headquartered at these very docks. The Guild of Dark Waters. Which makes little sense, seeing as the water here is a lovely shade of light blue, not dark at all, but I suppose ruffians prefer to sound intimidating, and “Guild of the Lovely Blue Waters” won’t do in that case.

Jindal points to a row of carts on the boardwalk. “Let’s get some street food and find a good spot to eat. That way, we won’t look suspicious while Rahz casts his senses.”

Sounds good to me. At my side, Zenith grunts an affirmative.

We gather an assortment of fried fish, shelled oysters, and freshly baked bread, then settle picnic-style on linen Rahz conjures from thin air.

“Neat trick,” I say.

Dock workers come and go, and none of them gives us a second glance.

“What now?” asks Zenith, ignoring the food.

“You eat.” I hand him a bit of fish on a hunk of bread. “And let Rahz do what Rahz does. Try to relax. Or at least fake it, or you’ll give us away.”

Rahz digs the fingers of his right hand into the sand. “Give me a few minutes.”

We eat. Well, Jindal and I eat while Rahz picks at his food and looks to be concentrating on ships sailing the horizon, and Zenith chews and swallows like a puppet on strings.

Rahz closes his eyes. The rest of us pretend not to notice. Jindal and I make small talk.

“Where are you from?”


“Where’s that?”

“Farmlands north of the Onyx River. Lovely place. You?”


“Oh, right! The island.” A pause. “What’s it like being a prince?”

“Privileged, I guess. Not that I know anything different.”

I don’t think either of us is paying much attention, though I could see us being friends in another context. One not so burdened by purpose and consequence.

“Is that supposed to happen?” Zenith nods at Rahz, whose head has slumped forward.

Jindal wraps an arm around Rahz’s waist and leans into his side. “It’s not ideal, but he’s fine. Just pushing his magic more than he should.”

Not long afterward, Rahz gasps, raises his head, and opens his eyes. “Talus looks like you but bigger, yes? Dark hair and eyes. Muscles on top of muscles. Barrel of a chest.”

Zenith straightens. Hope flares to life in his gaze. “Yes.”

“He’s here. Captive. He is…unwell.”

“What does that mean? Unwell?” Zenith gathers up his things and stands. “We have to get to him. Where is he? What’s the quickest way in?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” I grab his arm and drag him back down. “We can’t just barge in without a solid plan and an exit strategy. Let’s listen to everything Rahz has to say.”

Zenith huffs. “Well?”

“There are two sets of jail cells. One inland. You probably know more about them than me. They’re made of stone. And another under that dock.” He gestures to the farthest one out. “Made of wood and metal. One is completely submerged in water. That’s where your friend is.”

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from reacting. The horror. I can only imagine. “Alive?”

“Barely. He’s dormant. In stone form. He doesn’t need to breathe in that state, but I sense no thought. No turmoil. Nothing. He’s completely shut off. Not like when a fae goes dormant, but deeper. I’m not really sensing him, but rather I’m sensing memories of him from his captors.”

“But then—not to be rude—but how do you know he’s still there?” I ask.

“They check on him when the tide changes, twice a day, every day.” Rahz shivers. Jindal hands him a mug of water. Drinking seems to help. “Talus never changes. His guards find him creepy. Off-putting.”

Yikes. I would too. Seeing a body that large and powerful rendered so utterly powerless. “How is it that in all these years, no one has thought to free him?”

“They fear him,” says Rahz. “He’s been there, unconscious and drowned, for longer than anyone has been alive. He is their charge. They are his wardens. Their orders come from Queen Aurielle and, before that, her mother.”

Zenith holds himself tense. “There’s no crime so great as to warrant this level of punishment.”

“I agree,” says Rahz. “I’m sorry to be the bearer of such bad news.”

I stare at the dock that hides this prison, stretching far over the sea’s rolling waves. “We’re going to need a tight plan to get in there, free him, and get out without being caught.”

“Once we free him, he’ll be able to help us fight our way out. You’ve never seen a warrior so great as Talus.” Pride rings true in Zenith’s voice. Such faith has he in his old commander. “We’ve nothing to fear.”

I hate it, but I think he’s wrong.

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