“Casey? Is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” I swallowed hard, trying my best to push back my tears. “I’m in trouble.”
“What do you mean? Where are you?”
“I’m at a hotel in Franklin. I used the last of my cash to get us a room.” I knew I wasn’t making any sense. I was trying, but my head was all over the place. “He found me.”
“What? Nooo.”
“He was at the house when I got home from work.”
Even as I said the words, I couldn’t believe it.
I’d done everything to get away from him.
I’d moved. I’d gotten a new job. I’d even colored my hair.
It had been weeks since I’d last seen him, and I thought I’d finally done it.
I thought I’d finally gotten rid of him.
But I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Frankie sounded heartbroken as she said, “But you were so careful.”
“It doesn’t matter how careful I am. He’s a cop.” I could still feel the panic I felt when I saw his car pull up outside. My heart started pounding in my chest, and my hands started to shake. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t think. It was like the walls were closing in on me, confining me, and I had no way out.
Because there was no way out.
He’d proven that over and over again.
I tried not to cry as I told her, “It’s his job to find people.”
“So, what happened?”
“He just showed up on my doorstep with that stupid smile on his face.” Frankie and I had become friends when I started working for her at the coffee shop. I’d worked there for almost two years, but sadly, I’d had to quit when I moved. She knew all about Dylan and what I’d been through with him, so I knew she would understand when I told her, “I told him to leave, but of course, he refused. He played it off like he’d done nothing wrong.”
“Are you serious? How can he play off stalking you, hurting you, and then, hunting you down and doing it all over again.”
“He couldn’t. He knew he’d gone off the rails, but he kept going on and on about how he’d changed and would never hurt me again.”
I knew it was all a lie. Dylan wasn’t just a man who put his hands on a woman and her kid. He was a psychopath. He decided that I was his one and only, and he refused to let me go. I would try to smooth things over and convince him that things would never work between us, but he thought he could force me into submission.
My throat tightened as I told her, “He realized I wasn’t falling for it, and he got mad and choked me, and things went downhill from there.”
“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t know what to do anymore.” I wiped the tears from my cheek as I told her, “I try to get away from him, but each time, he comes back and hurts me more than the last.”
She sounded horrified when she asked, “So, how bad was it this time?”
“It was the worst yet. He forced his way into the house and started wailing on me, and then, poor Toby came rushing in to help. He hurt him, too. This time he was on a tear like never before. The neighbor must’ve heard and pulled the fire alarm. He threatened me and took off.” I broke into tears as I mumbled, “Oh, Frankie… I—I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried everything, but he won’t leave us alone. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
"Enough is enough. We gotta do something.”
"But he’s… he’s a cop, Frankie. I can’t report him. No one is going to believe that he would hurt me, and even if they did, they would just turn things around to make it my fault. I’m stuck. I can’t protect my son or myself when he knows he has all the power.”
“He thinks he has all the power, but he’s wrong. You’ve got power, too.” Frankie’s voice was firm as she said, “It’s time for you to come to the clubhouse and talk to Widow and Viper.”
“I don’t know.” I’d met Widow and several other brothers when they came into the coffee shop, and while they looked rough and tough with their leather and tattoos, they all seemed like great guys. They were always eager to give Frankie a helping hand, but that was because she was Widow’s ol’ lady. I was just her friend. “Why would they help me?”
“Because they will,” she answered confidently. “I’ll talk to Widow and let him know what’s going on. Okay?”
“Yeah, okay.”
“Good. I’ll text you the address.”
“I’ll see you soon.”
“Thank you, Frankie.” I clutched the phone to my ear, the promise in Frankie’s voice the only thing keeping me from collapsing under the weight of my fear. "I don’t know what I’d do without you."
As soon as Frankie ended the call, Toby and I checked out of the hotel and went back to the apartment to pack our things. Thankfully, we didn’t have much. Most of our things were still in boxes. We were busy putting everything into the SUV when Frankie texted me the address to the Sinner’s clubhouse.
I was scared, truly scared, but my only choice was to get in that car and drive to the clubhouse. My knuckles were white as I gripped the steering wheel and started towards the address Frankie had given me. I prayed I was doing the right thing, but I wasn’t so sure. My heart pounded with doubt as I sped down the dark, lonely highway.
Every shadow seemed to stretch and twist into something menacing, which only added to my fear. It didn’t help matters that every set of headlights in my rearview mirror looked like his. I glanced over at Toby, and I had to hold back my tears when I saw the fear in his eyes.
I reached over and placed my hand on his shoulder. “How you doing over there, buddy?”
“I’m fine,” he lied.
“I’m so sorry about all this. I know it isn’t fair, but I’m trying to fix it.”
“But you already tried to fix it. Twice .” Refusing to look at me, he kept his focus on the road ahead. “But he just keeps coming, and he just keeps hurting us.”
“I know, but...”
“I hate him. I wish he was dead.” I couldn’t correct him. I loathed Dylan, too. And I loathed myself for ever getting involved with him. Toby was still staring straight ahead as he whispered, “I wish a bad guy would do to him what he’s done to us.”
“I don’t know how to make this better. Just please know that if I could take all this away, I would.”
“Yeah, I know.” He let out a somber sigh. “Are we really going to some biker club?”
“Yes, but you’ve met Widow. He’s always been nice.”
“Yeah, well, Dylan was nice until...”
“I know, sweetie.” I turned my attention back to the road as I told him, “But they’re gonna help us put all that behind us.”
“It’s never going to be behind us, Mom.” He glanced over at me for a second, then back to the road. “Dylan won’t let it.”
His words hit hard, mainly because a part of me believed them.
But the other part of me—the part that held on to the hope for a better tomorrow—kept pushing forward.
With each mile we drove, I’d check my rearview mirror, and I kept expecting to see his flashing lights coming up behind us. The thought of him catching up with us made my stomach churn with dread. It was that dread that kept me from completely panicking when we pulled up to the Sinner’s clubhouse.
When we got to the gate, a man came up to my window. He was a big, burly guy with a long, thick beard and tattoos. He was wearing a leather vest like Widow always wore, and he had a fierce expression on his face as he leaned in and asked, “You Casey?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Pull up front, and someone will come for you.”
I nodded, then pulled forward. Motorcycles lined the parking lot like a fleet of dark, gleaming beasts, and it was impossible not to feel intimidated as I parked next to them. I was tempted to just back my car out and leave, but I needed help, and these men were my only hope.
I looked over at Toby and grimaced. “I guess this is it.”
“It’s bigger than I thought it’d be.”
“Yeah, I was thinking the same.”
“Are you really going in there?”
“I have to, honey. I really need their help.”
“But what can they do?”
“I won’t know until I talk to them.”
Before I could say anything more, Frankie tapped on my car window. I opened the door, and as soon as I got out, she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. “You made it.”
After a moment, she took a step back and gave me a quick once over. “Are you guys okay?”
“No, but we will be.”
“I talked to Widow and Viper and told them everything that’s been going on.”
“They’re going to help. Just like I knew they would.”
“Slow down.” Widow stepped forward out of the shadows as he said, “Viper wants a word with you.”
“He’s waiting for you in the bar.”
“Okay.” The thought of going into that clubhouse bar terrified me. It terrified me even more to think about leaving my son behind while I did it. “What about my Toby?”
“Best for him to stay here.”
“I’m not leaving him out here alone.”
“It’s okay.” Frankie stepped over to the car as she said, “I’ll keep an eye on him.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, we’ll be fine.”
I sat back down in the car so I could look Toby in the eyes as I said, “I’m about to go inside and find out what we’re going to do. Frankie and Widow are going to hang out here with you. Is that okay?” He nodded, but I could see the worry in his eyes. “Okay. I won’t be gone long, and when I can, I’ll come out to get you.”
“Lock the doors while I’m gone.”
He nodded once again, and after I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead, I motioned for him to roll up the window and lock the doors. Once I heard the car lock, I turned to Widow and asked, “How do I get to the bar?”
“Just go through that door. Prez is sitting in the back. You can’t miss him.”
I nodded, then glanced back at the car. Once I saw that Toby was okay, I walked up to the back door and inhaled a deep breath, trying to summon the courage to go inside. It wasn’t easy. I could hear the music and various men talking through the door. I was terrified to go in there and face them, but I had no choice. I had to do it.
A sense of dread washed over me as I forced myself to step inside. I’d barely got my foot through the door when I was hit with a mixed scent of leather, smoke, and booze. I drew my wounded wrist close to my chest and quickly scanned the room. It was one burly, tattooed biker after the next, and each one of them exuded a menacing aura.
But none more so than the man sitting at the back of the room.
Even in the midst of his brothers, you could see that he was the one in control.
He had to be the one they called Viper.
Frankie had only talked about him a time or two but always made him out to be this father-figure type. She failed to mention that he was the kind of father who had an overwhelming presence and commanded attention without a word.
His eyes, dark and piercing, locked on mine and remained trained on me as I started over to him. As I grew closer, his fierce expression softened, and there was a kindness in his eyes that took me by surprise. “You must be Casey.”
“Yes, sir. I am.” I tried to keep my voice steady as I told him, “I’m sorry to come to you like this, but Frankie insisted. She said you might be able to help me.”
“Yeah, I talked to her, and she explained the situation.” He grimaced as his eyes skirted over my wounds. “I’ll do what I can, but first, we need to get Doc to check you out.”
“That’s okay. I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. You’re anything but fine,” he clipped. “What about your son? Does he need to be checked out, too?”
“Yes, sir. I’m afraid he does.”
The words had barely left my mouth when Viper leaned over to the man sitting next to him and said, “Get the kid and bring him to the infirmary. We’ll meet you there.”
The man nodded, then stood and started out of the bar.
“Wait!” I called out. “He won’t go with you unless you say hungry hippo. I know it sounds stupid, but it’s our secret code. He’ll know I gave the okay for him to go if you use it.”
“Hungry hippo?”
“That’s right.”
“I got it.”
He continued out the door, and I turned my attention back to Viper. Seeing the concern in my eyes, he gave me a warm smile and said, “It’s going to be okay, Casey. We’re gonna get you through this.”
I wanted to respond, but I was too overcome with emotion to speak. So, I nodded, then followed him out of the bar and down a long, dim hallway. After passing several doors, we entered a room that looked like a cross between a doctor’s office and a surgical room. An older man with salt and pepper hair and a thick beard greeted us at the door. “Doc, this is Casey. I need you to check her out and make sure she’s okay.”
“Sure thing.”
“Rafe’s gone to get her son. I’ll need you to check him out, too.”
“Of course.”
Doc grimaced as he helped me up on one of the gurneys and started looking me over. I had my doubts on whether this guy was a real doctor, but it was evident in the way he was examining me that he knew what he was doing. “So, an ex did this to you?”
“Afraid so.” I glanced over at Viper as I said, “I really did try and get away from him.”
“We know... Frankie told us everything.” Doc examined my wrist, carefully pressing and bending, and after several seconds, he said what I already knew. “It’s just a bad sprain, but it’s going to be tender for a while. I’ll wrap it to give you a little extra support.”
I nodded and silently watched as he started wrapping it with an ACE bandage. Once he was done, he moved on to my other wounds. He was checking my swollen eye when one of the men walked in with Toby. “Momma?”
“It’s okay, Toby.” I eased off the gurney and quickly made my way over to him. I knelt in front of him and showed him my bandaged wrist. “He’s a doctor. He’s just making sure I’m okay, and he’s going to look you over, too.”
“I don’t want him to.”
“It’s okay, kid,” Doc interjected. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. I just want to make sure you and your momma are okay. That gonna work for you?”
Still unsure, Toby glanced over at me.
I gave him a reassuring nod, and he turned back to Doc and whispered, “Okay.”
Doc spent the next half hour checking us both over, and he seemed a bit distraught as he tended to all our bumps and bruises. I couldn’t blame him. I knew it was terrible. While it was one thing to see that a man had hurt a woman he was supposed to love and take care of, it was even worse that a man would hurt a child the way Dylan had Toby.
It was hard to believe that someone could be so vile, but that was Dylan. He was a vile, disgusting man who’d made my life a living hell for the past two years, and I was hopeful that neither of us would ever have to see him again.
As soon as Doc was done checking us over, he took us to a small room where Viper and two other men were waiting for us. We walked over and sat down at the table across from them. They all just sat there staring at us, and I wasn’t sure what to do or say. So, I just sat there and waited until Viper finally said, “You’re a brave girl, Casey. It took a lot of guts for you to come in here and ask for our help, and as much as I want to be the one who sees this through, we can’t give you the kind of help you need.”
“But you... you said you’d help me,” I stammered. “I have no one else to turn to. I...”
“Easy now. We’re not just going to throw you to the wolves. We’ve got a plan.” He kept his voice calm and steady as he explained, “We’ve been talking things over and trying to come up with the best course of action, and we believe that it would be best to put some distance between you and your cop friend.”
“I’ve tried that. I’ve moved more than once, but he always found me.”
“This time is going to be different. This time, you’ll be in a different state, and you’ll have a new name, a new social, and a new phone.”
“A new name?”
“You’ll go by Whitney Sanders.”
“And Toby?”
“Figured it’d be easier for him to keep his first name, but he’ll become a Sanders, too.”
“Okay. And you mentioned a new state?” My chest tightened. “Where are we going?”
“To Little Rock.” His tone was deep and almost menacing as he explained, “You’ll be staying with the brothers of Satan’s Fury.”
He took a minute to explain the connection their club had with Satan’s Fury and how they’d agreed to help us out. We would be meeting them later in the night, and they would take us in and watch over us as we got back on our feet. I was skeptical, but then he said, “I wouldn’t send you there if I didn’t think they’d do right by you and your boy. They’ll make sure this ex of yours steers clear, and if he doesn’t, there will be hell to pay—from them and from us.”
“How long will we be there?”
“Indefinitely,” he answered without any reservation. “This isn’t a quick fix, Casey. If you want to truly be rid of this guy, it’s going to mean making some big sacrifices. The question is... are you ready to make them?”
“I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he doesn’t hurt Toby again.”
“That’s what I wanted to hear.” He extended his hand as he said, “I’m gonna need your phone and keys.”
I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my phone and keys. As soon as I handed them to Viper, he took the battery out of the phone and tossed everything into the trash. And just like that, our old lives were erased. I would have a new home. A new life. We would be cut off from everyone and everything I’d ever known, and not only that, but we would have new names.
We were no longer Casey and Toby Michaels.
We would now be Whitney and Toby Sanders. Just hearing those names made me feel like I was trying on someone else’s shoes. They didn’t fit, but it didn’t matter. We had to wear them anyway.
I barely had a chance to tell Frankie goodbye before they had us loaded into a truck and were heading to an unknown destination.
Toby held onto my hand like I was his lifeline, and maybe I was.
He was certainly mine.
Half an hour later, we were sitting in a room in the back of some strange building, waiting for the men who would be taking us to Little Rock. Even though Viper had assured us that we had nothing to worry about, we were both very apprehensive. I held him close and kissed him on the top of his head as I whispered, “I’m so sorry, sweetie.”
“You don’t gotta keep saying that.”
“I know, but I am.” Tears streamed down my face as I said, “It was my job to keep you safe, and I failed. I messed up everything.”
He didn’t respond.
He knew I was right. He knew I’d failed him.
And that hurt more than all my wounds combined.
I just prayed that one day he would be able to forgive me.
I was lost in a world of thoughts when Viper walked into the room with three bikers—each one more threatening than the last. Like Viper and his brothers, these men were massive and covered in leather and tattoos. They towered over me and Toby with an air of danger that made my blood run cold. My pulse was racing as I tried to shrink back into the shadows, hoping they wouldn’t notice me.
“I have some friends I’d like you to meet.”
Viper motioned his hand to the men standing next to him as he said, “This is Memphis, Goose, and Ghost. They’re members of Satan’s Fury, the MC out of Little Rock. They’re going to take you two back with them and watch over you.”
The man in the back—the one with the blonde hair so white it looked like cotton and crystal blue eyes was glaring at me. He was tall, muscular, and intimidating as any man I’d ever seen, and his fierce expression made me question whether I was doing the right thing by leaving with them. I looked back to Viper as I asked, “Are you sure we can’t just stay here with you?”
“You know that’ll never work, not for the long haul. Leaving is the best option.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“I know it’s hard, but you’re in good hands with these guys. They’ll keep you safe.”
“He’s right. You can trust us.” The youngest of the three men took a step towards me and gave me a soft smile. “We’ll do everything possible to keep you and your son safe.”
“Thank you.” I looked up at him and said, “I really appreciate your help.”
“Glad to do it.” With that, he turned to his brothers and said, “It’s late. Let’s get these two loaded up and back to the clubhouse.”
Minutes later, Toby and I were in the back of their SUV, and we were headed to Little Rock. I had no idea why these men had agreed to help me and my son. They were going above and beyond to fulfil a favor, but I wasn’t naive enough to think that it wouldn’t come at a price. It would. Not doubt about it.
I just prayed it would be a debt that I could afford to pay.