F or the next week, I kept waiting for Zeppelin to spiral like he normally did after his therapy appointments. But when he had another appointment with no aggressive fucking, no extreme gym workouts, and no shouting or holing himself up in our room, I began relaxing. Maybe he’d finally had a break through or maybe seeing Dr. Clarke more than twice a month was helping him.
I didn’t know which it was, but I was happy some kind of progress was being made.
I let myself into Jaxon’s house using the key he’d given me a few days ago, taking immediate notice of how quiet it was. Ash was curled up on the top of her cat tower asleep, and only the sound of the television playing a rerun of Naked and Afraid could be heard. Zeppelin had another appointment with Dr. Clarke today, so I’d expected some kind of noise from the two of them by the time I got here. Maybe he and Jaxon talking about mundane things to keep Zep’s mind out of the dark pit he had a habit of getting dragged into. Jaxon was damn good at keeping Zep distracted.
I set the takeout bag on the kitchen counter before heading into the living room, a small smile tilting my lips when I saw my men. They were on the couch, Zeppelin on his back, one leg thrown over the back of the couch, the other hanging off, his foot resting on the floor, soft snores leaving his slightly parted lips. Jaxon was on his stomach between Zeppelin’s thighs, his head resting on Zeppelin’s chest with Zeppelin’s arms wrapped around him. Both of them were asleep, and they looked so fucking perfect together.
This—this right here was everything I’d ever wanted when I told Zeppelin I wanted to add a third man to our marriage. I wanted someone for Zeppelin, too. Someone who could quiet the darkness in his mind in a way I couldn’t.
Pulling my phone out of my scrub pockets, I quickly took a picture of them, setting it as my phone background before setting my phone on the coffee table. Grabbing the blanket draped over the back of the recliner, I unfolded it and gently draped it over them, pressing a kiss to Jaxon’s hair before I slipped out of the living room, heading to Jaxon’s room, which was slowly becoming ours, to shower and dress in something a little more comfortable and get the smell of animals off of me.
When I emerged into the kitchen, Jaxon was awake, the microwave was on, and he was lifting a mug of coffee to his lips. “Hey,” he rasped, reaching out to grip the band of my sweats to tug me closer. I easily went, slipping into the curve of his arm when he wrapped it around me. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to my mouth. “How was work?”
“Tiring,” I admitted. “Had a dog come in for emergency surgery. It was… graphic,” I admitted. Nothing quite like a dog eating something he shouldn’t. “But the dog is on the mend and will be just fine.”
Jaxon grimaced. “How graphic?”
I winced, shrugging a shoulder. “You probably don’t want to know.”
The microwave beeped, so I stepped away from him, pulling the food out and checking to make sure it was all warmed up. Jaxon passed me three plates, and I dished the food onto it. Zeppelin stepped into the kitchen, his shirt missing and his jeans riding low on his hips to reveal the V of his hips. His eyes were still coated with sleep.
“I smelled food,” he grumbled. I snorted. Gripping my chin, Zep pressed a kiss to my lips, deepening it for a moment because he just couldn’t resist. Then, he dropped his hand and grabbed a plate without a word, heading straight for the dining room table. I shook my head at his one-track mind and grabbed my own plate and a bottle of water, following him. I saw Ash stand up and eye us before deciding we weren’t worth her time and laid back down, curling back up again.
“Work was okay?” Zeppelin asked me as he dug into the Chinese food I’d brought home.
“Stressful, but yeah. Saved a dog’s life today. Had some internal bleeding from something he swallowed.”
Zeppelin grimaced much as Jaxon had. Leaning back in his chair, he looked at Ash. “Ash,” he called, making her peek one eye open at him, “don’t go around swallowing shit you don’t have any business swallowing, yeah?”
Jaxon snickered into his coffee. I rolled my eyes at him. Ash just stood up, turned, and laid back down, giving us her back. I snorted. She was such a grumpy cutie. I adored that cat.
And I adored Jaxon even more for rescuing her and taking her in instead of dropping her at a shelter, where she more than likely wouldn’t be adopted and would eventually be euthanized.
“Eat your food,” I told him. “Leave Ash alone. She’s not amused by you.” I forked a piece of shrimp from my shrimp fried rice and chewed it before looking back at my husband, who was busy slurping Lo Mein noodles into his mouth noisily. “How’d therapy go?”
He shrugged. “Tiring. She keeps bringing random things in to see if we can uncover more of my past.”
“Did you?” I asked him, noticing that Jaxon was quiet—focused on eating his food. No doubt, he’d already coaxed all of this out of Zeppelin. I didn’t like making Zeppelin talk about it twice, but talking about it was healthier than him keeping it all bottled up inside.
He nodded. “It was a small memory. Nothing super traumatic. It was from the night of when Mom sold me. I’d been thrown into a room with other guys—all around my age. I’d forgotten about that. Or, well, my mind suppressed it, I guess.”
My heart hurt for him. When he’d been rescued, the ring had been torn down, and Zep had known there were other boys that had suffered. But I still ached for all of them. None of them had deserved the hell they’d gone through.
Reaching across the table, I covered his hand with mine. He looked up at me, his dark eyes swirling with barely suppressed pain. “I’m proud of you,” I quietly told him. He swallowed thickly, his eyes softening at my words, some of the pain leaving them. “You have no fucking clue how proud I am of how far you’ve come, Zep.”
He flipped his hand over to clasp mine before digging back into his food. He didn’t need to say anything. I just needed him to know how proud I was of him. He’d gone through hell and back and had come out on the other side. And instead of letting his trauma rule his life, he was determined to mold himself around it—to become one with it.
He was determined to heal from it. And that took so much strength.
Jaxon looked up when I stepped into the living room. Tonight was my night for kitchen duty, so while Zeppelin had gone to get a shower and Jaxon had escaped into the living room, I’d quickly loaded the dishwasher, cleaned the counters and the table, and prepped Jaxon’s coffee pot to brew in the morning before we all got up.
Jaxon leaned forward and gripped my hips, pulling me down to straddle his lap. I rested my hands on his shoulders, my breath catching in my throat when his thick, hard length pressed between my ass cheeks. Tugging me closer with his hands pressed into my shoulder blades, he kissed me, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I moaned into the kiss, my fingers sliding up his neck to dive into his hair.
A throaty groan crawled up his throat, vibrating into my mouth, and he thrust up beneath me. I sucked in a sharp breath of air before sliding my palms down his broad chest to grip the hem of his shirt. Without a word, he raised his arms above his head, allowing me to tug the offending fabric off his body. Kissing him again, I allowed my hands to roam, sliding through the hair on his chest, my nails scraping over his flat stomach.
“Get your fucking sweats off,” he growled into my mouth.
Yes, sir .
I stood from the couch and dropped my sweats to the floor. He unsnapped his jeans and shoved them down his thighs just enough to free his thick, hard cock. My mouth salivated, but I knew what he wanted. And fuck, I wanted it, too. So damn bad.
I grabbed the lube out of the coffee table drawer before settling over his lap again. I squeezed some out over his cock and smeared it around before pressing the crown of his shaft to my hole. We both moaned as he slowly sank inside of me. My slippery hands gripped his neck, pressing our mouths together again as he slowly fucked up into me, allowing his cock to stretch me out. It burned, but fuck , it burned so damn good .
“Jesus Christ ,” Zeppelin rasped. I looked up at him right before Jaxon hit my prostate, making my eyes roll back in my head. Zep reached out to curl his fingers around my throat, but I managed to bat his hand away, making our man scowl at me. I hadn’t forgotten about punishing him for teasing me last week. I’d just been putting it off, letting him get comfortable with thinking I forgot about it.
“Sit down and watch me ride his cock,” I rasped before kissing Jaxon again.
Jaxon made a soft whining sound in the back of his throat before he gripped my hips, thrusting up into me every time I rolled my hips, slowly fucking myself on his cock. Zeppelin settled on the couch, leaning against the armrest to watch us. He didn’t touch himself, though I could see his cock straining in his sweats. His eyes were dark—so dark they were almost black—and his cheeks were flushed.
“Fuck, Jaxon,” I groaned, panting into his mouth when he kissed me again. His cock was brushing that sweet spot inside of me with every single thrust. My mind was blitzing. Malfunctioning. I whined and whimpered, clinging to him as my balls drew up tight. “Jax, fuck, baby. I’m gonna—I need?—”
He wrapped his fist around my length, and that was it. Just his hand touching me sent me over the edge, and I cried out, my back arching as I spilled into his fist. Jaxon moaned my name before kissing me again, both of us starved for air but not caring. He followed me over the edge, filling me up with his cum.
Zeppelin leaned forward and gripped Jaxon’s hair and the back of my neck, licking into our mouths without me and Jaxon separating. My lungs stuttered, and Jaxon made the neediest fucking sound I’d ever heard from him, his fingertips pressing into my skin so hard, I knew I’d have bruises there later.
“If that was supposed to be my punishment,” Zeppelin rasped, flicking his tongue out to taste us again, still not letting us move, “it wasn’t one. That was one of the hottest things I’ve fucking seen from you two.”
He kissed us again, and I felt Jaxon hardening again inside of me. I gasped, my fingers tightening on Jaxon’s neck. “That’s it,” Zeppelin murmured, moving to nibble at the skin of my neck, then lick a stripe up Jaxon’s Adam’s apple. Jaxon whined . “Fuck our man, Jax baby. I’m not done watching yet.”
I groaned when Jaxon began obediently moving his hips again, slowly fucking up into me. Zeppelin pressed his body against my back, resting his chin on my shoulder. “Seeing you two together like this, so lost in each other and so fucking beautiful it takes my breath away, will never be a punishment, even if I can’t touch you. Remember that, baby.”
Jesus Christ .
He turned his head and began sucking at my neck, no doubt leaving a hickey. When he was satisfied, he cupped Jaxon’s cheek and leaned forward, pressing their mouths together in a dirty, hot as fuck kiss. My cock began weeping at the sight, still held in Jaxon’s wet, cum-soaked fist.
“Turn him sloppy, Jax baby,” Zeppelin murmured before pulling back and taking a seat again.
Jaxon pulled me closer, kissing me soft and slow in a way that made me want to fucking weep. I clung to him, my chest tightening with so much love for him, it hurt . “I love you,” he growled. “So fucking much, Eros.”
I cupped his face in my hands, pressing kisses all over his face as I rocked my hips in time with his slow, upward thrusts. “I love you, too,” I breathed. “So much. Probably too much.” A tear ran down my cheek, and Zeppelin leaned forward to wipe it away, bringing his thumb to his mouth afterward to suck the salty teardrop off.
“P-please,” I croaked, looking at my husband.
Without a word, Zeppelin stood and moved behind me, wrapping his arms around us both, crushing me between them. Jaxon sighed, resting his cheek beside mine as he softly moaned and came again. Zeppelin reached between us and covered Jaxon’s fist with his, slowly moving it up and down my weeping length until I was coming in their fists.
“I could watch you two all fucking night,” Zeppelin promised, his voice raspy.
I shook my head. “No more,” I croaked. “But I want a shower and cuddles.”
Jaxon hummed and rubbed his stubble-covered jaw along my cheek. “That sounds great,” he agreed. Then, he kissed my throat before lifting his mouth to Zeppelin’s for a soft, tender kiss.
I wasn’t even the one being kissed, and it still wreaked havoc on my heart.