M y bodyguard?
Julie stared up at the huge man as he put his fist over his heart and bowed in an odd formal gesture.
When he raised his head again, his eyes flicked down over her body and she remembered she was only wearing her bra. Blushing, she reached for the sides of the dress he’d ripped open with such astonishing ease and tried to pull it back together.
“Stop that. Your garment is damp and you will catch a chill.”
“First it’s too hot and now it’s too cold,” she muttered, but he’d already left the room.
He returned a moment later with one of her bath towels. How had he known where to find it? But he was right, it would be better than the clammy cloth. She shrugged off the remnants of her dress and wrapped the towel around herself, then tried again.
“I don’t understand. I don’t need a bodyguard-” She stopped at his skeptical look. “Well, okay, maybe I do need a bodyguard, but where did you come from? Who’s paying for you?”
“I am from… France,” he said calmly after a brief hesitation. “My services were procured through Spartan Security.”
Something about the name rang a faint bell, but she couldn’t place it.
“But who procured those services?”
He frowned, swiping his finger across the large silver device on his wrist. It had to be some type of smart watch but she’d never seen one quite like it.
“A male named Carlson. What is his claim on you?”
“Claim? He doesn’t have any claim on me. He’s-”
She clamped her mouth shut before she said anything else. Although Q’tar had rescued her from Cliff’s man, she only had his word for it that Agent Carlson had sent him.
“What were you told?” she asked cautiously.
“Your name is Julie Williams, and you are a twenty-eight-year-old librarian who moved here one year ago. You have no known family and have not dated since you arrived in town.”
“I haven’t met anyone who interested me,” she said defensively, then blushed.
Why did she care if he thought no one wanted to ask her out? There had been a few, especially when she first moved to town, but she’d refused often enough and firmly enough that no one even tried any more.
“Good.” He sounded distinctly pleased by her answer, but when she gave him a suspicious look, he only shrugged. “That will make it easier for me to assume a role in your life.”
“What role?”
“Your devoted mate. One who accompanies you everywhere.”
Oh, God, no.
She raised her chin and glared at him.
“Absolutely not. I went through that once. I won’t do it again.”
A flicker of sympathy crossed that hard face, and he crouched down in front of her.
“My job is to protect you. I cannot do that if we are apart.”
“But why did Agent Carlson hire you?” Her mouth went dry. “Is… is it true what that man said? Cliff isn’t in jail anymore?”
He studied her face for a moment, then nodded abruptly.
Her lips went numb, and then the world started to spin around her in dizzying circles as panic washed over her. He was free and he was coming for her. She swayed and heard Q’tar curse but the sound was fuzzy, distant, and then she was cradled against that massive chest, his arms surrounding her, strong and protective. She could hear the muffled sound of his heart beating, a steady purring that was oddly reassuring.
How long had it been since anyone held her? How long since she’d wanted to be held? She braced herself for the panic that was sure to follow, but it didn’t come. Even though she knew she’d never be able to escape unless he chose to release her, she didn’t feel afraid. Her eyelids fluttered open and she found him watching her, that faint blue glow in his eyes again.
“Your eyes are blue.”
Her voice sounded odd, distant. An expression flashed across his face too quickly for her to read, and then the glow was gone and his eyes were a normal, human blue. Human? Where had that come from? I must be losing my mind. And there was no time for that now.
Forcing herself to take a deep breath, she sat up. His arms immediately loosened, and she discovered that he was sitting on the floor and she was sitting on his lap. His body was hard and warm beneath her, but not in the least frightening. She blushed again as she realized that she was perched on one massive, muscular thigh, still wrapped in nothing but her towel.
“Can you let me go?”
“If you promise not to faint again,” he said sternly.
He looked almost offended and she bit back a smile.
“I won’t. I should get up.”
He lifted her effortlessly and placed her in her chair, but remained kneeling in front of her.
“There is no need for fear. I swear on Harmand’s Honor that no harm will come to you.”
She could almost believe him, but…
“You’re right no harm will come to me. Because I’m leaving town. Tonight.”
A small, despairing voice inside cried out a protest. She didn’t want to leave this life she’d so carefully constructed for herself. The hours in the quiet library with the tall, old-fashioned windows. The town which had accepted her in spite of her reticence. The cozy cottage that she’d made into her sanctuary.
But it’s no longer my sanctuary. Cliff had found her, even here.
“How did Cliff find me?” she demanded, and he looked away for a brief second.
“The male who hired your protection believes there has been a leak. That is why he approached Spartan.”
A leak in WITSEC? Dammit. That meant she was truly on her own this time.
“I see. Then it’s even more important to leave.”
She stood and he rose with her, towering over her by more than a foot. She fought back an instinctive urge to flinch away from him, but he was watching her face and took a quick step backwards. Allowing her that small amount of space gave her the courage to reach out and pat his chest.
“Thank you for coming, and tell Agent Carlson thank you as well. Have a good trip back.”
“To France. Or wherever it is you’re actually from.”
He folded his arms across that massive chest and frowned at her.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“But I’m going on the run.”
“Then I’m going with you, m’shka.”