J ulie’s legs burned as she followed Q’tar along the winding mountain trail. Pine needles crunched beneath her feet, releasing their sharp scent into the cool morning air. She stifled a groan when the trail began climbing again, but he didn’t even seem to notice, keeping the same steady pace regardless of the terrain - a pace she suspected would have been considerably faster without her. He moved with remarkable grace and silence for such a big man, even though he’d insisted on carrying both her pack and his own much larger one.
Maybe I should get him to carry me as well , she thought, and immediately blushed.
She hadn’t expected to fall asleep the night before, but the knowledge that he was watching over her was reassuring enough that she’d slept surprisingly well until he’d woken her at daybreak. Well, but not dreamlessly. Her dreams had been filled with erotic images of Q’tar doing things to her that she’d only read about in books. The type of dreams she hadn’t had in years. While it was good to know that her terrible marriage hadn’t completely destroyed her interest in sex, the timing couldn’t have been worse.
He’s just my bodyguard , she reminded herself. A bodyguard who’d kissed her so thoroughly that even the memory of that kiss made her nipples tighten and sent a low pulse of desire rushing through her body.
That lingering desire made it hard not to notice the way his muscles rippled as he moved. Or the way the thin t-shirt did nothing to conceal the taut lines of his back. Or the way his muscular ass flexed beneath his pants. He looked back at her and she quickly dropped her gaze, her cheeks coloring.
“Break time,” he announced.
“I can keep going,” she panted, and the corner of his mouth twisted as he shook his head.
“Rest.” He guided her down onto a fallen log and pressed a water bottle into her hands. “Now drink.”
“Bossy,” she muttered, then grinned up at him and took several long swallows.
“Good girl.”
His praise gave her a warm rush of pleasure, and she relaxed against the log. The forest stretched endlessly around them, seeming a million miles away from the events of the previous night. A jay called from somewhere above, its cry echoing through the canopy. Q’tar leaned against a nearby tree, his shoulders relaxed even though his eyes were alert, and she gave him a curious look.
“You seem at home here.”
“I enjoy the wilderness. Nature doesn’t lie or pretend. Unlike civilization.”
The wind rustled through the leaves, carrying the earthy scent of decaying leaves and fresh soil. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, letting the peace of her surroundings seep into her body. For the first time since the confrontation at her house, she felt at peace. When she opened her eyes, Q’tar was watching her, an unreadable expression on his face.
He extended his hand and she grasped it, letting him pull her to her feet. The contact sent a shiver through her that had nothing to do with the cool mountain air and her nipples tightened again. His hand lingered on hers a moment longer than necessary before he released her.
As they continued up the trail he remained next to her, matching his long strides to her shorter ones. A deer bounded away through the underbrush, startling her, and his hand immediately went to her back, steadying her.
“Just wildlife.” His palm radiated warmth through her jacket. “You’re safe with me.”
The simple statement shouldn’t have affected her, but unexpected tears pricked at her eyes. She blinked them away and kept walking, even as she realized just how much she longed to be able to trust in his promise. She snuck a quick look up at him from under her lashes, thinking about the kiss again.
Why had she kissed him? And why had she responded so eagerly when he kissed her back? Her cheeks heated as she remembered how urgently she’d rubbed against his massive erection before the startling strength of her desire made her pull back.
Was her response to him only because she’d been so terrified and he’d rescued her? Because she felt safe with him? She’d never felt safe with Cliff, but she’d been too naive to understand why and too desperate for a home to pay attention.
I’m not that person anymore , she told herself firmly, and he doesn’t just make me feel safe. He makes me feel… alive.
She looked up again to find him looking down at her, the corner of his mouth quirked up again.
“Thinking deep thoughts, m’shka?”
“Very deep,” she agreed, then saved her breath for the climb.
He insisted they stop twice more before they finally reached the cabin, its weathered logs and crooked stone chimney nestled in a sunlit clearing. A brook tumbled over rocks nearby, its melody mixing with birdsong, and her aching muscles gave a sigh of relief as she followed him up onto the porch.
Inside, dust motes danced in the sunbeams streaming through unwashed windows. The cabin was essentially one large room with a tiny bathroom alcove and a row of ancient appliances along one wall. Mismatched furniture - an orange plaid couch, a small pine table, two wooden chairs, a bed with a heavy log frame - created a hodgepodge that somehow worked. Cobwebs draped the corners like lace.
“Why don’t you rest?” he asked, but she shook her head.
“I need to keep busy.”
She couldn’t sit still, not with her thoughts threatening to overwhelm her, so she rooted out some cleaning supplies from under the sink and set to work.
To her surprise, he grabbed a broom and started sweeping. The broom looked ridiculously small next to his massive frame but he handled it with his usual grace. She scrubbed every available surface, and then they tackled the windows, working methodically until the glass sparkled. The two of them stripped the bed, carrying the quilt and sheets outside to air in the sunlight.
She very carefully avoided thinking about the fact that there was only one bed, but as she gathered the pillows she looked up to find him watching her. She could have sworn his eyes flashed blue again before he turned away with somewhat less than his usual grace to attack the cobwebs.
Once the cabin was clean, he pulled a handful of tiny devices out of his belt.
“What are those?”
“Monitors,” he said after a brief hesitation. “So I will know if anyone approaches.”
The reminder that Cliff was still after her made her shiver.
“Do you think that’s necessary? Even here?”
Another tiny hesitation before he nodded.
“I hope not, but it is always best to be prepared.”
She bit her lip then nodded, watching through the window as he circled the clearing, then disappeared deeper into the woods. Taking refuge in more physical activity, she went through the supplies he’d brought and pulled out pasta, sauce, and vegetables. She chopped and sautéed, the familiar routine of cooking soothing her nerves, and soon the rich smell of garlic and herbs filled the air.
He sniffed appreciatively when he returned with an armful of wood and started a fire in the big stone fireplace.
“That smells delicious.”
“Let’s hope it tastes the same way.”
She ladled the pasta into two bowls and carried them to the table. He came to join her, his massive frame dwarfing the small wooden chair. When he took a bite of pasta and closed his eyes in pleasure, a warm glow spread over her.
“This is exceptional.”
“I enjoy cooking.” Especially when there was no one around to criticize or tell her to eat less. She smiled at him and dug into her own meal.
After they ate, he waved away her attempts to help clean up. “You cooked. I’ll handle this.”
Too tired to argue, she curled up on the worn sofa, staring sleepily into the fire. Night had fallen while he cleaned up and when he came to join her, the firelight casting dancing shadows across his face, turning it dark and mysterious. The cushions shifted as he sat down next to her, tilting her towards him, and her head found a natural place on his hard shoulder. He hesitated, then put an arm around her.
“Tell me about the male who is after you,” he said softly.
Her muscles immediately tensed but he stroked a comforting hand down her arm as he waited patiently for her response.
“My first job after college was in the research department of a pharmaceutical company. He was one of the executives, and he was… charming at first. Like a dream come true. Flowers, surprise dates, little gifts.”
And she’d been so lonely. The aunt who’d raised her had died and she was adrift in a big city where she didn’t know anyone. Looking back she’d realized that her lack of connections had made her a perfect target for Cliff.
“We were married three months after we met. That’s when everything changed.”
The fire popped, making her jump. His arm tightened around her but he remained silent, waiting.
“He started small - questioning where I went, who I talked to. Then came the accusations, the anger.” Her voice caught. “At first he’d apologize, promise to change. Until the next time. Eventually he stopped even pretending.”
He made an odd growling sound, but when he spoke his voice was low and controlled.
“How long were you married?”
“Two years.”
“How did you get away?”
She had to blink back sudden, grateful tears, and she realized she’d been braced for disapproval, for a demand to know why she hadn’t left sooner. But he seemed to understand how difficult it had been, how alone and trapped she’d felt.
“I overheard him talking and caught enough of the conversation to realize that he was involved in something shady, so I started looking for more information.” She shuddered as she remembered sneaking into his office to search, terrified that he’d find out. “I found a lot more than I expected - records of illegal weapons sales, money laundering, drugs.”
“What did you do?” he asked gently.
“I gathered evidence for weeks. When he left for one of his so-called business trips, I managed to bribe one of my guards and sneak out of the house. I took everything to the FBI. It turned out that they’d been watching him too. They got me into witness protection before he even knew I was gone.” She wrapped her arms around herself defensively. “But I guess that wasn’t enough.”
“I won’t let him hurt you, m’shka.”
His voice was deep and reassuring as he tucked her closer against his side. Warmed both by his big body and his promise of protection, her eyelids started to drift shut.
“Time for bed,” he said firmly. “I’ll sleep here and you can have the bed.”
She wanted to argue but exhaustion won out. She stumbled to the small bathroom, barely managing to wash and change into her nightgown before collapsing onto the soft mattress. The cabin’s peaceful quiet wrapped around her like a blanket, and the last thing she saw before drifting off was Q’tar keeping guard.
In her dreams, Cliff’s face twisted with rage. His hands reached for her throat. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t escape. The walls closed in…
“Julie.” A deep voice cut through her terror. “It’s just a dream. You’re safe.”
Her eyes flew open to find Q’tar cradling her against his chest, one big hand stroking her hair, his presence anchoring her to the present.
“Q’tar?” Her voice shook.
“Yes, m’shka.”
He lifted his hand from her hair, and she saw the flash of blue in his eyes, the same blue she had seen before.
“Is it really just a trick of the light?” she whispered, putting her hand on his face.
He stiffened, but then he leaned into her touch.
“You’re safe,” he repeated.
Her body relaxed with a tired sigh. She’d been running for so long. But she was safe now. Safe with him. When he shifted to leave, she gripped his arm.
“Stay. Please.”
He hesitated, then carefully settled beside her on the bed. His arms encircled her, and she curled into his warmth, surprised by how natural it felt. The steady purr of his heartbeat lulled her back to sleep.
She woke to the sound of running water and sunlight filtering through the windows. Still groggy, she automatically headed towards the bathroom. Steam leaked from behind the shower curtain as the water shut off, and then Q’tar stepped out.
A completely naked Q’tar, his wet skin gleaming a deep, mesmerizing blue. His features were basically the same, just sharper and more defined, but his eyes glowed with an otherworldly azure light. The broad shoulders and massive chest were the same as well beneath that gleaming blue skin. Before she could help herself, her eyes dropped lower. The thick, heavily ridged cock that had been so hard against her the night before was most definitely not human. She stared, frozen, until she finally dragged her gaze back to his face.
“You’re an alien,” she whispered.