Guarded By an Alien Assassin (Back Away From My Girl) Chapter 8 62%
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Chapter 8


A smile kept tugging at Julie’s lips as she slipped out of bed and padded to the bathroom, the wooden floor cool beneath her feet. When she looked in the mirror, she barely recognized herself. Her cheeks glowed with a happiness she hadn’t felt in years, maybe ever. The haunted look that had shadowed her eyes was gone, replaced by something bright and alive. She touched her reflection, wondering at the transformation.

It was just an orgasm , she told herself, but she knew it was more than that. When he touched her it hadn’t been degrading or humiliating or painful. She’d felt beautiful.

After washing and dressing, she emerged to find Q’tar standing in the kitchen area. Morning light highlighted the powerful lines of his body, his blue skin almost luminescent. Her breath caught again at the sight of him, and for the first time since entering witness protection, she felt truly at peace. Not just protected, but cherished. Whole. The broken pieces of herself that she’d been trying to hold together had somehow knit back into something stronger.

She went to join him, brushing teasingly against him as she reached for a pan. He sliced bread, handling the knife with expert precision, while she cracked eggs into a bowl.

“I hope you like your eggs scrambled.” She bumped his hip with hers.

“I enjoy anything you prepare.” His deep voice rolled through her, warming places she hadn’t known were cold.

“Flatterer.” She grinned up at him. “Pass the salt?”

Their fingers touched as he handed her the shaker, sending sparks racing up her arm. His eyes met hers, that strange beautiful blue glow intensifying. Heat bloomed in her cheeks and she turned back to the stove.

They moved around each other in the small kitchen space, bodies brushing, hands touching. His presence filled the room, making her aware of every inch between them. When the food was ready, they settled at the small table, knees touching beneath it.

“This is nice,” she said, watching him take a bite. “Normal. I’d forgotten what normal felt like.”

His smile transformed his hard features, but something lurked behind his eyes - a shadow of worry that made her stomach twist. She reached across the table, laying her hand over his.

“What’s wrong?”

He threaded his fingers through hers, his thumb stroking across her knuckles.

“I’m afraid I will have to leave you. Only for a very short time,” he added hastily. “I have to go further up the mountain so I can get a signal.

He tapped his wrist device as she dropped her fork, fighting back the urge to panic.

“Why do you need a signal?”

“So I can contact my employer.”

He rose and pulled a weapons belt out of his pack, strapping it around his waist. She bit her lip as she followed him to the door, wanting to demand that he stay with her. How much time would they have together? How long before he had to leave permanently?

Her heart ached as she shoved the questions away, determined not to spoil however much time they did have. He paused in the open doorway, the morning sun highlighting his alien beauty, and she reached for his arm, tracing the firm muscles.

“Be careful up there.”

“Always. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

His large hand cupped her face, his thumb stroking her cheek, and the tender gesture made her heart skip. Then he was gone, disappearing into the tree line with silent grace.

She cleaned the dishes, then wandered aimlessly around the cabin before grabbing an old paperback from the shelf - some western romance with a cracked spine and yellowed pages - and taking it out to the porch. The wooden porch chair creaked as she settled in, pulling her legs up. A gentle breeze carried the scent of pine and wildflowers, birds called from the branches above.

She opened the book, but the words blurred together. Her mind kept drifting to Q’tar - to his incredible strength and unexpected gentleness, to the way he made her feel safe and desired. To the secrets still lurking behind his glowing eyes.

What kind of future could they possibly have? An alien and a woman in witness protection. It sounded impossible, unbelievable. And yet being with him felt more real than anything she’d ever experienced. As if they belonged together.

She was so busy trying to come up with a way for them to be together that she didn’t notice at first that the birds had fallen silent. Unease crept up her spine as the woods grew quieter. Everything looked the same, but something felt off, something she couldn’t pinpoint. She abandoned the paperback and walked to the edge of the clearing where Q’tar had disappeared into the trees but there was no sign of him.

As she turned back towards the cabin, two figures emerged from the tree line on the opposite side of the clearing and her heart seized. They wore camouflage hunting gear like many of the hunters in these parts, but their movements were too deliberate, too predatory. They didn’t quite fit, just like her assailant from a few nights ago didn’t fit.

“What are you doing here? This is private property.”

Despite her best efforts, her voice trembled as she backed slowly towards the cabin.

Ignoring the question, one of the men stalked towards her, his thin lips curling into a cruel smile.

“Cliff sent us to bring you back. Seems the last man he sent couldn’t handle the job.”

Oh, God, no.

She darted towards the cabin door, but they were already running towards her. She screamed as one of the men grabbed her, his arm closing around her waist hard enough to force the air from her lungs as he jerked her back against his body. His hand closed over her mouth as the other man approached. He pulled out a knife and she fought harder, kicking and trying to scratch at her captor but he controlled her easily.

The second man brushed his thumb casually across the tip of the knife.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You can come quietly and no one gets hurt. If you’re stupid enough to fight us, you’ll still come with us but you won’t like how it happens.” He grinned. “Cliff told us not to damage you - much - but there’s still plenty we could do. I’m kinda hoping you choose the hard way.”

He stepped forward and pressed his thumb against her cheek, leaving a smear of blood. She shuddered and stopped fighting. She’d rather walk to her death than let them touch her. Q’tar, she thought desperately as the men laughed and started dragging her back towards the woods.

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