A small, content smile curled Kincade’s lips as he listened to Morgan chat with her old mentor. Ryder stood next to him at the stove, his wolf giving a pleased rumble as he dumped the cake mix into the pan. Draven and Ascher chatted with the trio as they set the table, while Caedmon and Atlas played butler and host, serving snacks and drinks and keeping Loki, Stanley, and Séamus from arguing, which was a fulltime job in itself.
MacGregor sipped his whisky, regaling the group with tales of Morgan’s youth, while the men listened with rapt attention and lots of laughter at her exploits. “And she came home dripping wet, covered in slime, and a stink that lingered for a full month.”
She gave him a playful shove. “Give me some credit. I was fourteen. How was I supposed to know there was a nest of baby hydras? The whole area was infested.” She pursed her lips and scowled. “Those little buggers had sharp teeth. Thankfully, it was a stroke of luck that they were young enough that as soon as one of them was injured, they weren’t able to control the bloodlust and started eating each other instead of going after me.”
“You went alone?” Kincade’s humor drained, and he turned away from the stove, absolutely furious, even though the incident had taken place years ago.
The rest of the group fell silent at his scolding, glancing back and forth between them with avid curiosity, not the least bit repentant for eavesdropping.
But he didn’t give a fuck.
Instead of being pissed at him, like she would have earlier in their relationship, Morgan’s face softened and she rose to her feet. She walked toward him and didn’t stop until she was in his arms. He tucked her tight against him, loving the feel of her curves, then he inhaled the heated scent of home he associated with her, and the tightness in his chest loosened a smidge.
“I’m going to be okay,” she murmured, brushing her face against his chest. “Ryder and Caedmon won’t let me out of their sight for even a second. Nothing bad is going to happen to any of us.”
He released a slow breath, the tension in his shoulders relaxing only a fraction, then he leaned down and buried his face in her hair. “I wish you’d let us all go.”
Letting her leave tomorrow was akin to ripping out his own heart.
He wasn’t able to do it.
He couldn’t watch her walk away.
“We need to go. You know why.” She cupped his face, leaning back only enough to stare up at him with her beguiling eyes, and he couldn’t help the way his arms tightened around her. He wasn’t ready to let her go yet. “And I don’t trust the gods not to take advantage and set a trap while we’re away. I’m trusting you and the others to hold the coven while I’m gone. Keep yourself and everyone else safe.”
Kincade gave in to the impulse to kiss her, struggling not to take things further to try and change her mind. Unfortunately, she was so stubborn, he knew that nothing he did would ever alter her from her course, not when she thought it would keep them safe.
He reluctantly pulled back when the buzzer on the stove rang, giving a grateful nod to Ryder when he turned it off. Breathing raggedly, Kincade pressed his forehead against hers, nothing else in the world existing for him in that moment. “If you so much as get even a scratch, nothing will stop me from coming after you.”
It was both a promise and a threat.
Instead of being cowed or angry, she beamed up at him, her smile stealing his breath. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
She brushed her lips against his once more, then whirled away before he could deepen it, the little minx tossing a smile over her shoulder as she resumed her seat. Ascher held out the chair for her, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head even as he tucked the chair in close.
Kincade’s resolve firmed—no matter what came after her, he would do whatever was needed to keep her safe.
She was his life.
His everything.
There was no way in hell he was allowing any wolf or god to take her away from them.
M organ stripped as she got ready for bed, hearing the guys in the other room discussing who was going to sleep next to her. She pulled on her shorts and tank top just as the talking died down. She cracked open the door and flipped out the lights.
Draven and Ascher were the only ones to enter the room, and she frowned when she got into bed. “The others not joining us?”
Ascher slipped into bed, gathering her close, tucking her up against him and murmuring in her ear, “Kincade and Atlas are brainstorming with MacGregor.”
When she tried to sit up, Draven jumped on the bottom of the bed and crawled up her body, his arms on either side of her, forcing her to lie back down as he caged her in. She huffed and pouted up at him, caught between the need to stay and wanting to be a part of the decisions. “I should go?—”
He kissed her before she could finish her sentence, the sugary scent of chocolate brownie goodness begging her to forget about everything but him. She groaned, struggling not to melt and demand more.
He pulled back, and she blinked up at him, trying to catch her breath. “I have to?—”
He kissed her again, his tongue sweeping into her mouth. Ascher leaned forward, dragging his lips up the side of her neck, his hands slowly skimming up her waist, and her breath nearly halted in her lungs.
This time, when Draven pulled away, she barely had enough brain cells to do anything but cling to him. Ascher ran his hands up and down her sides in what should’ve been a soothing caress…but it failed miserably. Her skin was so sensitive that she shivered, craving more.
When she looked up and caught Draven’s naughty smile, Morgan relaxed against the mattress, giving him a flirtatious grin. “I see what you two are doing…but I think you’ve miscalculated a little.” She wiggled back against Ascher, her smile widening when he groaned against her neck, his grip turning possessive as he dragged her harder against him. “Neither you nor Ascher are a distraction…when either of you are near, nothing else matters. I would never trade a second of our time together.”
Draven’s stormy blue eyes darkened, raw need shining back.
Ascher cupped her jaw, drawing her attention, his blue eyes glowing as his beast rose. Then he kissed her as if he would die without being able to taste her one last time. She knew leaving tomorrow was going to be hard on the men, not to mention herself, and she gave herself to them without reservation.
She refused to feel shy, wanting them to know just how much they meant to her. Ascher ran his hands down her back, the heat of his palms making her groan, her clothing disintegrating under his touch .
Only to shiver when Draven sent a trail of cool water down her spine, the liquid sizzling on contact and making her arch against them. Draven shared a look with Ascher, a devilish smile curling his lips, and they proceeded to take turns driving her insane.
With Ascher at her back and Draven at her front, she could do nothing but feel. Ascher ran his heated hands over her body again and again, never allowing her release, until she thought she would explode. When she was ready to pummel the fucker, Draven used his control over water to caress her clit, the dual sensations nearly making her eyes roll back into her head.
They’d barely let her come down from her orgasm before Draven entered her, the coolness of him making her groan…then she sucked in a sharp breath when Ascher cupped her breasts, the heat of his flames lashing lightly against her ass in a way that made her clench and Draven curse.
After her third orgasm, she whimpered, and they both ran their hot and cold hands over her sore muscles, like they were trying to imprint themselves on her, their touch lulling her into a light sleep. Only when the rest of the guys joined them did she allow herself to succumb fully to slumber.
And woke with a groan when she felt Atlas slip his hands between her legs and stroked her into another orgasm. When she was finally able to catch her breath, she opened her eyes, humming as she stretched, and gave him an impish smile. “I can get used to waking like that.”
He lifted a conceited brow, a smug smile playing about his lips. “Noted.”
She turned toward him in order to return the favor, but he caught her hands, pinning them to the bed and kissing her senseless.
Then he was gone.
Before she could grab him, he was across the room, and she could only stare at his naked form, her fingers itching to touch him. “Atlas…come back to bed. ”
She tried to be seductive, trailing a hand down her hip, but she must have done something wrong because he didn’t move.
That was until she saw the tense way he held himself, and a pleased smile curled her lips. He actually fucking growled at her, only his iron will keeping him from pouncing.
“Naughty girl, trying to tempt me.” The green in his umber eyes shimmered, and he pulled up his pants, ignoring his straining erection and her invitation. “I want you to remember what you have waiting for you when you leave. We’ll finish this when you get back.”
He fastened his pants, nodding toward the bathroom. “Go get ready.”
Without another word, he turned and walked out the door.
She lay there stunned for another second, then cursed and stomped toward the bathroom. She wanted to complain and bitch and moan, but she couldn’t resist smiling at his antics.
He was trying to give her an incentive to come home…like he alone wouldn’t be enough.
Foolish man.
When she walked into the bathroom, she drew up short to find Kincade waiting for her. She didn’t have time to do anything but gawk when he opened the shower door, grabbed her arm, and pulled her inside with him.
He didn’t ravish her like she expected, but took his time washing her hair and soaping her body. He caressed her only long enough to tease her but never enough to push her over the edge. Every time he wound her up, he would slowly bring her down with soft caresses.
Then he knelt, picking up her feet one at a time, leaving not an inch of her unexplored. Just when she thought he would leave, he slipped one of her legs over his shoulder, leaned forward, and licked and sucked and stroked her into an orgasm so intense that her legs gave out.
He caught her easily, turned off the water, and proceeded to pat her dry, his touch once more impersonal. She caught his hand, and he flashed her a serene smile, licking his lips as a naughty look twinkled in his green eyes. “No way was I letting you leave without the taste of you.”
Heat crawled up her neck at his boldness, but it had nothing to do with shyness.
She leaned forward and kissed him, tasting herself on his lips, and he gave a tortured groan, clutching at her like a desperate man. Then he resolutely pushed her away, pressing his forehead against hers, breathing hard. “You will come back to me.”