Guardians of the Assassins (Academy of Assassins #5) Chapter Eighteen 53%
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Chapter Eighteen



M organ shivered at the deep yearning in his raspy voice. A kaleidoscope of emotions twisted through her, swiping away the last of her reservations. Logically, she could think of a dozen reasons why this would be a disaster, but none of that mattered.

She wanted the life he’d described, her stomach fluttering at the idea of being romanced. A tiny part of her was worried about being able to live up to his expectations. He’d waited over a millennium for a mate. What if she wasn’t enough?

Her chest tightened, and she glanced down at the sword lying between them, noting the ancient design absently. “What if I’m not good enough? You’ve been waiting so long for the perfect woman, but I’m far from tha?—”

A chime went through the house, and her mouth snapped shut. She was so on edge, she shot to her feet, her jewelry melting down to blades. Heart thundering against her ribs, she whirled to face the door, worried that they were being attacked.


“Morgan!” Mistress McKay and MacGregor stepped in front of her, the witch shooting her a look of apology. “That would be Ward and Shade arriving from the Academy. The chime is like a doorbell. The house was just alerting us to open the mirror.”

There was a flurry of motion outside the door, loud thumps and thuds, then Loki launched to his feet from where he’d been spying from the hallway. His feet scrambled, almost like he was running in place, his ears swiveling forward as he slowly gained traction, his claws digging into the floor. He didn’t spare them a glance as he scrambled down the stairs in a streak, his red eyes sparkling in anticipation.

“No maiming or death!” Draven shouted after the pup. He shot her a sheepish smile and shrugged. “I said if he stayed out of sight during the meeting with the fae, that Shade would come and play with him.”

Morgan’s lips twitched, and it took her a moment to lower her blades. She relaxed her grip slowly, still caught between her flight-or-fight instincts, her brain struggling to switch modes.

But there was no delaying the inevitable.

While she wanted to claim Caedmon, a case of nerves made her hesitate.

Once the decision was made, there was no going back.

She wanted to do the right thing

He deserved nothing less.

MacGregor grasped her by the shoulders, the tight grip grounding her. His faded blue eyes softened when he noticed her turmoil. “Your instincts have been honed over the years. It’s kept you alive when most people would’ve succumbed. Trust that instinct now. What is it telling you to do concerning Caedmon?”

Not giving herself a moment to overthink it, she said the first thing that came to her mind. “That he’s a good guy. He would give his life to protect me. And the thought of anything happening to him makes me sick to my stomach.”

“You would start a war to protect him.” MacGregor’s voice was gravelly. “While your brain is still processing all the revelations of the day, deep down, you’ve already claimed him.”

A strange calm swept over her at his simple logic. Her necklace warmed and twisted around her neck. Magic left in a rush, and she glanced down to see two wolves were twisted around each other in a circle, much like a yin and yang symbol, one silver and the other black.

Tears pricked her eyes at the gorgeous symbol.

It felt like her mother was giving her approval from beyond the grave.

She felt suddenly foolish for panicking. She leaned forward and kissed MacGregor on the cheek. “Thank you so much for your support over the years. I know that I’m not your daughter, but you?—”

“You are in every way that matters.” His low voice was gruff, and he cleared his throat, blinking a sheen of tears away from his eyes. He curled his arm around Mistress McKay and pulled her close. “We’ll be here if you ever need anything.”

They swept out the door before she could respond to the old softy.

Which left her alone in the room with her mates.


A jolt of excitement went through her for the first time at the thought of being allowed to claim Caedmon for her own.

She spun to face her mates…and pulled up short when she spotted Thanatos leaning casually against the wall. She narrowed her eyes, then gave him a sharp smile. “Why don’t you take the wolves for a walk?”

Without a command from her, the metal wolves camping around the room leapt to their feet and headed toward the door.

Thanatos lifted an amused brow, and she lifted her chin, refusing to be cowed at ordering about a fucking god. Surprisingly, he didn’t protest and ambled after the wolves.

Which, finally, left her alone with her mates.

Kincade strode toward her with a smile, not stopping until he was right in her space. He lifted her chin, giving her a kiss that sent her head spinning. When he pulled away, she swayed on her feet, every thought gone from her head.

She leaned against his chest and peered up at him. “What was that for? ”

“Punishment.” He smirked down at her, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

“Punishment?” Her brows lifted, and amusement curled through her as she smiled up at him. “I don’t think you understand what the word means.”

The smile on his face vanished, and he leaned down and captured her chin. “You are perfect to us. The next time you doubt it, you will come to one of us and we’ll show you that you’re wrong.”

Her heart melted at his serious expression.

The rest of her mates gathered around her, each touching her in some way.

Ryder grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. “We’ll leave you alone with Caedmon.”

She tightened her hold on him when he went to pull away, and she slowly shook her head. “No, I would like you to stay.”

She glanced to where Caedmon stood to the side, watching them with an indecipherable expression on his face. “This is about more than me gaining another mate. This is about us accepting him into our family.'“

Caedmon couldn’t disguise the yearning that flared in his yellow eyes, the need to belong after being alone for so long. She slipped between her mates and came to stand in front of him. “Last chance to change your mind? My life will never be easy. I’ll never be the girl who will sit back and do nothing.” She gave him a wry smile and fluffed up the skirt of her dress. “Despite the way I look, I’m not the kind of girl who wears dresses. I don’t know how to cook. I suck at cleaning. Don’t even ask me to dust or sweep. Seriously, I’m allergic.”

She stepped closer until only a small space separated them, and her gaze caressed his face. “But if you need someone killed, I’m your girl. I’ll even help you get rid of the body. I’ll patch you up after a fight. With a houseful of people and trouble always around the corner, you’ll never be alone or bored again. While I might not be the most feminine woman, I will do my best to make a place for you in my life. ”

She bit her lip in a sudden case of nerves. “Are you sure this is really what you want?”

Before she had a chance to take another breath, he crushed her to his chest, a slight purr rumbling under her ear. His grip was tight, like he never intended to let her go, a slight tremble to his body that made her snuggle closer. His body was surprisingly warm…and hard. Sleek muscles shifted under her fingertips as if seeking her touch, and she gave a hum of appreciation, a tiny spark of lust brushing along her body.

The scent of a wood burning stove on a cold winter morning wrapped around her, and she could taste the hint of plums in the air.

It felt like coming home.

Then he released her much sooner than she was ready. She bit her lip to keep a whimper from escaping and demand that he return.

And she lost her breath when he sat back on the bench, tugging her forward until she stood between his splayed thighs. He glanced up at her with an earnest expression, his hands trembling as he brushed his fingertips lightly against her skirt. “With all my soul. I’m yours in this life and beyond. It’s a privilege to be one of your mates, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.”

Like dorks, the rest of her mates hooted and hollered as they cheered.

A burst of laughter escaped her at their enthusiasm, and Caedmon actually cracked a smile, pure happiness shining from his face, his arms coming to slide around her hips to pull her close.

Then he tilted his head to the side, offering his neck, the long strands of his silky black hair sliding to the side. Something about the strong cords of his neck made her want to lean over and lick him. She nibbled on her bottom lip, then ran her tongue over her very blunt teeth. “Um…how does this work? I don’t exactly have any fangs. ”

Caedmon jerked his head toward her, scanning her face, as if trying to judge if she’d changed her mind.

Not a chance.

She gave him a reassuring smile and rested her hands on his arms.

Tension eased out of his shoulders, a tiny curl to his lips. “While you might not be able to change into a wolf or a loup garou , you did gain certain characteristics from both when you became queen. If you focus hard enough, your senses will sharpen—hearing, sight, smell, and taste. Your endurance has already increased—you’re stronger and faster.”

He captured her hand, playing with her fingers like he was nervous, and a hint of unease prickled along her spine. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Because if she suddenly developed the urge to sniff people’s asses, she was out.

“If you feel threatened, you might develop fangs and claws.” He lightly traced his fingers across the center of her palm, back and forth in such a way that she struggled to stay focused. “With enough focus, you should be able to make the transition naturally. It will eventually become second nature. For now, if you set your teeth against my skin, your fangs should form automatically.”

Morgan blew out a silent breath.

Fangs and claws were totally doable!

Curiosity got the best of her, and Morgan probed her gums with her tongue, almost disappointed when she didn’t sense anything different.

Amusement lurked in his yellow eyes, then he lifted her off her feet and tucked her on his lap. She gave an embarrassing squeak and clutched at his shoulders, the dress billowing out around them. His hands were firm, keeping her steady. Then with one hand, he reached up and undid the top buttons of his shirt, bearing more of his neck and chest.

He cupped the back of her head, guiding her forward with a light touch, but she didn’t need any more urging. When her lips lightly brushed along his neck, he shivered, his hands tightening around her reflexively so she wouldn’t get away, and his breathing became stuttered.

Despite the layers between them, his impressive erection was pressed against her stomach. Desire pooled between her legs, her breasts ached, and it was all she could do to resist squirming in his lap. As her lips brushed against his once more, a ragged groan tore from him before he could muffle it.

Her nipples tightened at the sound, and her mouth tingled, pressure pushing against her gums. The urge to bite him and claim him for her own took over. She opened her mouth, her teeth settling where his neck met his shoulders.

At the feel of her teeth, he bucked against her, and she couldn’t help but rub against him. A flash of pleasure and pain echoed through her as her fangs lengthened, puncturing his flesh. Instead of tasting blood, his power flooded her, rich and tangy, like swallowing pure sunlight.

It felt like the best orgasm ever.

He grabbed her hips, thrusting up against her without restraint, a shudder going through him. He cupped her jaw and pressed down until her fangs unlatched. Atlas caught her close when she slumped, her muscles no longer seeming to hold her own weight, and she snuggled gratefully against his chest with a contented hum.

F ucking hell.

Atlas gazed down at the slightly dazed expression on Morgan’s face and barely resisted the urge to take her mouth and ravage her. Drops of blood stained her lips, and he could see tiny fangs peeking out.

It was the sexiest fucking thing he’d ever seen.

Ryder and Draven were helping Caedmon stand, since the man was completely out of it, barely able to remain on his own two feet as he swayed. Atlas had to admire the man. If it had been him, he didn’t think he would have been able to resist the need to fuck her raw.

As Kincade approached, he couldn’t stop the way his arms tightened around their mate. He wasn’t ready to let her go yet. Instead of trying to take her, he just leaned over and brushed a kiss to her forehead. “Ascher and I will check on the guests downstairs while you help her get changed.”

It was only after Morgan was safe in his arms and they were heading up the stairs that the tightness in his chest loosened. He’d nearly lost her today, and it would’ve been his fault.

Despite what they said, his family would come for her again and again, and he didn’t know how to stop it.

“I’m sorry,” Morgan said, rubbing her cheek against his chest so much like a snuggly cat that he expected to feel the edges of her claws against his chest, and it was all he could do not to purr.

“For what?” She sounded so forlorn that Atlas brushed his cheek over the top of her head, inhaling the smell of sunshine that made him want to bask in the glow of her controlled madness.

“I didn’t realize how much you gave up to be with me.” Her tiny fangs bit her bottom lip, distracting him so much, he almost missed what she said.

Then he scowled down at her as he shoved his way into her room. “And what did I give up?”

Big, wounded eyes lifted. “You’re royalty. You could’ve?—”

A squeal escaped her when he tossed her on the bed. He placed his hands on his hips and glared down at her, suddenly furious. “You don’t want to finish that sentence.”


“Are you not a queen?” He grabbed her ankle and dragged her to the edge of the bed, carefully unlacing her boots before slipping them off her dainty feet. Unable to resist, he stroked the bottom of her foot, smiling when it arched in his hold.

He fucking loved that she was always so responsive to his touch .

Morgan flopped back on the bed with a dramatic sigh, pouting as she gazed up at the ceiling. Crossing her arms, she muttered under her breath, “That’s different.”

Grabbing her other leg, he placed her foot on his chest, his grip tightening when her skirt slid up the curve of her legs, giving him a glorious view of her curves. He slipped off the other boot, gently set her foot back on the bed, then trailed his hands up her leg, loving the way she shivered. Placing his knee on the mattress, he purposely pinned her skirt, trapping her underneath him as he crawled up her body. He caged her with his arms, her body cradling him in a way that made him bite back a groan as he settled between her legs.

“You’re right—it’s totally different.” He couldn’t keep the huskiness out of his tone, not with her so near. “With you, I gained a family I’ve never dreamed possible. I’m loved by a woman so beautiful that my breath still hitches when I catch sight of her. I have fellow mates who treat me like a brother. I feel cherished when you smile at me or brush your fingers lovingly over our mating mark. I’ve never been so happy. You took nothing away from me. You gave me a reason to live.

“Aoibh has always been more of a monster than a mother. I was a mistake, a taint to the bloodlines, an accident she was forced to bring to term. If she could’ve terminated me in the womb, she would’ve done it in a heartbeat. Instead, I was an embarrassment, a half-breed with her name and blood, and she never let me forget it. The instant I ceased being useful, I was banished.”

His gut clenched as he waited for disgust to fill her face when she realized that even his own mother hadn’t wanted him. He hadn’t purposely kept his past from her, he’d left that life long ago.

He had no intention of going back.

His future was with the woman in his arms.

Nothing else mattered.

Now his past was threatening her life, and he cursed that he hadn’t curbed Aoibh’s mad obsession with power when he’d had the chance. He brushed his lips against hers, loving that he could touch her without restraint and she would always welcome him. “I gave up nothing. While I might miss Faerie, the high court is nothing but a pit of harpies. Being your mate is more than I ever dreamed, and I wouldn’t trade my place at your side for anything.”

He pressed closer, until every part of them touched, and he rested his forehead against hers. “She won’t stop coming after you now that she knows you’re the key to Tartarus. Having you running around free is too much of a risk.”

“Not going to happen. While I’m all for keeping me alive, I’m not so keen on being a prisoner.” Morgan slipped her arms around his neck, wrapping her legs around his waist, then shot him a devilish grin. “Aoibh is used to dealing with easier prey of humans and fae. I say we have some fun and fuck up her plans.”

A snort of laughter escaped him at her mischievous look, and a grin stretched his face. He adored this amazing woman, who had changed his gray, bleak world into a place of hope and wonder. He should be worried, Aoibh would go to any extreme to get what she wanted, but if anyone could take down that fae monster, it was the lovely assassin in his arms. “I’m game. What do you have in mind?”

A loud crash boomed from the first floor, muffled curses blistering the air, and they both leapt from the bed. The dress tightened and wrapped around her curves, changing to her normal hunter garb even as they barreled through the door. Just as they hit the stairs, a shout reached them.

“Loki! Get that fucking menace away from me!”

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