C aedmon used his shoulders to push open the door to the house, his hold tightening around Morgan as he scanned the interior for threats. There were only three rooms—a kitchen and dining room combination, a bedroom, and a bathroom.
The dust on the floors and along the surfaces said the owners hadn’t been home for a long time.
When he glanced down at his mate, he found her fast asleep, and his heart softened. He leaned down, lightly resting his cheek against the top of her head, and breathed a sigh of relief that she was still alive.
When he saw Morgan pinned beneath the arachne, he’d thought his world had ended. He’d gone off to battle many times, fought wars, been imprisoned for centuries, but nothing had prepared him for the helpless feeling of nearly losing his mate after he’d just gotten her in his life.
The sight of his mate in danger came close to breaking him.
After being away from Faerie for so long, he should’ve been thrilled to be home. He wanted to show Morgan the wonder of his youth, the magic of this world, but all he saw now were potential dangers .
As he gazed down at the woman in his arms, he realized he had a different home now.
One he wouldn’t trade, even if Faerie welcomed him back with open arms.
He headed toward the bedroom and came to a stop beside the bed, but couldn’t bring himself to set her down.
She was safe in his arms.
He cursed himself for a fool. He should’ve never allowed her to get dragged into his world. He knew the dangers of Faerie better than most, yet he said nothing to prevent her from coming.
When Morgan shifted in his arms, he swallowed hard, then gently lowered her to the bed. The instant her back touched the mattress, her eyes fluttered open, and he found himself inches away from her stunning violet eyes.
Suddenly nervous about being alone with her for the first time since they became mated, he straightened to his full height, glancing around the room for inspiration. “I’ll get you some water.”
As he turned to leave, her husky laughter followed in his wake. “I doubt you will be able to bring me enough to remove this sticky residue. It’s everywhere.”
He chuckled at her wry tone, then nearly swallowed his tongue when he glanced back at her over his shoulder to see that she was on her feet, stripping out her clothing. Against his command, his cock hardened like he was an untrained youth that couldn’t control his body.
He should have turned away and given her some privacy, but his beast craved the sight of her too badly and he was unable to deny himself the view when he didn’t know if he’d ever get the chance again. He justified it by saying he needed to confirm that she wasn’t seriously hurt, but even he didn’t believe the lie.
That was until he saw the nasty burn on her neck that extended down to her shoulder.
The angry red skin looked raw, and his gut clenched at how close she’d come to being seriously hurt. He hated that she was in pain. He should’ve been watching her better, protecting her more, and he failed. “I’ll run you a bath. Leave your clothes out, and I’ll clean them.”
“Ah…thank you.” Morgan fiddled with folding her shirt, standing in only a tank top and pants, fighting a blush.
Despite having six mates, she still retained a youthful innocence that he found enchanting. When she was with her other mates, he saw the hint of a sexy seductress just coming into her power. The combination of both was part of her charm and completely fascinated him.
It took all his resolve to leave and start her bath. He touched the runes on the wall, the magic in the spell heating the water and filling the tub, the ritual of taking care of his mate helping calm him. As soon as the tub was filled, he headed toward the kitchen, looking for ingredients to soothe her burns.
When the door to her room opened, it was all he could do not to turn and catch a peek of her naked glory. It was only when the door to the bathroom closed that he allowed himself a shaky breath. He quickly assembled the salve, then collected her clothing, using a dab of magic to get the material clean.
It wasn’t long before he was standing outside of the bathroom door, her clothes in one hand, the salve in the other. The need to see her, not let her out of his sight, was like a compulsion that was painful to ignore.
So he didn’t.
Taking a bracing breath, he firmed his resolve to keep things respectful, then entered the bathroom. The sight of her resting naked in the tub, her head back, her eyes closed, her neck arched and vulnerable, was a memory he would cherish even on his deathbed.
She was a woman built to be worshiped, and he would spend the rest of his long life ensuring her happiness.
M organ cracked open an eye to see Caedmon watching her from the doorway with such hunger that her body tingled. Without even a single touch. He called to something primitive in her that urged her to lean back and bask under his attention.
A week ago, he would’ve never allowed even a hint of his emotions to show so blatantly.
Now that she had laid claim on him, it was like she’d given him permission and he couldn’t shove those feelings back in the cave where he’d had them buried.
Or he just didn’t give a damn anymore if she saw beneath the thin veneer he wore to keep others out.
“I need to put some salve on the wound to keep it from getting infected.” When she lifted her arm from the water and held out her hand for the jar, he turned and set down her clothing, pretending he didn’t see it. Then he walked toward her with determined steps and knelt at her side. “Allow me.”
Her insides heated at his husky tone, and she lowered her arm, gripping the side of the tub before she did something stupid…like grab him and drag him in with her. He methodically spread the salve over her skin. Despite his light touch, the cooling salve burned like a bitch. Thankfully, after a moment, her shoulder went blessedly numb.
When the salve was gone, he didn’t pull away, slowly working out the knots in her shoulders until her head dropped forward and she groaned as hands worked their magic. His hand ghosted down her chest until he was cupping her breast, and her breath hitched in her lungs.
“Tell me to leave.” Yet even as he gave the order, his thumb crested over her nipple.
She shivered at his guttural command, her insides squirming at the raspy tone, and her thighs rubbed together as she shifted restlessly. She glanced up at him from under her lashes and bit her bottom lip. “And if I want you to stay? ”
She gave a surprised squeak when he leaned over the tub, slipped his arms under her, and lifted her clear out of the water in a display of strength that stole her breath. He swooped down, slamming his mouth over hers, devouring her, even as she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.
Not caring that she was getting his clothing wet, he ran his hands down her curves, cupping her ass possessively as he walked them toward the bedroom. Instead of laying her down across the bed, he sat with her straddling his lap, and she groaned when his cock rubbed against her intimately.
Only when she began to tug at his clothing did he reluctantly lift his head and capture her wrists. “No…this time is just for you. We only have a few hours until sunrise, and I need more time to explore you properly for our first time.”
Morgan lifted her brows at his arrogance. “Do you think you’re the only one who gets to make demands? You don’t think I want time to explore you and stake my claim? Would you really deny me?”
His yellow eyes flashed, a growl rumbling from him as he pulled her closer, the action making her rub against his erection. A spark of pleasure made her breath catch, and his hands came to settle on her hips, urging her to ride him.
In an embarrassingly short amount of time, an orgasm crashed over her. She buried her face against his neck and groaned. She reluctantly lifted her head as the pleasure faded, and she blushed at the awed, satisfied expression on Caedmon’s face.
Like he’d conquered the world by bringing her to completion.
Morgan was surprised by her own reaction to him. Her craving for him was more than just lust, and it was nowhere near satisfied. The little tease just whetted her appetite. Her need for him was built in her soul and demanded that she claim him. They were meant for each other, and she wouldn’t feel complete until they were truly mated.
When she whimpered, Caedmon grabbed her hips and spun them until she lay sprawled out across the bed beneath him. He gave a tortured groan and gazed down at her with such need, her core clenched.
“I need…” He gritted his teeth, his fangs flashing. “I’m sorry, I can’t wait.”
“Yes, please. Now.” They both reached for his pants at the same time, and it only took a few seconds for him to be naked.
She nearly swallowed her tongue at the sight of him, all sleek muscles and hot skin. Even the scars on his body fascinated her. His erection was thick and long, and her mouth watered for a taste.
“You’re beautiful.” She ached to touch him, but when she reached for him, he caught her wrists and pinned her to the bed. “Caedmon?—”
She was so ready for him, he entered her in one swift thrust, seating himself to the hilt and stealing her breath. She arched at the invasion, hovering on the verge of another orgasm. Then he growled, the vibration launching her over the edge again without him even moving.
Only when she opened her eyes did she find him staring down at her, pure worship in his expression.
“Beautiful,” he said in a husky whisper. “Again.”
He tightened his grip and began to thrust deep and hard, keeping his pace slow and measured, no matter how much she tried to rush him. His control drove her insane. She lost count of how many times she came before he finally joined her.
His fangs latched onto her shoulder, as if to prevent her from escaping.
Silly man.
A flash of pain streaked through her nerve endings, and her vision darkened, her magic rising to curl around him before settling into the bright yellow moon etched along his back.
The mating mark on her arm burned, the heat searing, and she felt his loup garou in her mind. The beast threw back his head and roared in victory as the link between them snapped into place and flared to life .
Caedmon gathered her in his arms with a possessive growl, and she fell asleep surrounded by both man and beast.
Sometime later, the bed dipped, and Morgan rolled over with a groan, not ready to get up. Cracking open her eyes, she startled at seeing Atlas sitting next to her.
She bolted upright, barely catching the blanket in time to keep from flashing him. A blush heated her cheeks as memories of last night flashed through her mind. As she scanned the room, she frowned, and her heart clutched in panic. “Where’s Caedmon?”
“Easy.” Atlas ran a calming hand down her arm, pulling her against his chest. “He’s just outside, helping the villagers get rid of the remaining spiders.
A pang went through her at waking up without him at her side, and she instantly felt foolish for reacting like a needy girlfriend. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m so clingy. I?—”
“It’s normal to want your mate near right after you bond.” He threaded his fingers in her hair and kissed her forehead, then he sighed and pushed to his feet. He picked up the folded stack of her clothing and set them at the bottom of her bed. “Seeing him will help.”
Morgan didn’t even wait for him to leave before she jumped out of bed, kicking free of the covers, more than ready to leave this place. When she opened the door, she found Atlas waiting on the stoop.
But what gave her pause was it still remained dark outside. “Did I sleep all day?”
Atlas blinked at her, then his eyes widened. “Of course no one has told you. Light and dark fae live on opposite sides of the realm. The light lives in near perpetual sun, while the dark lives in the gloom. The sun rarely touches the land but once or twice a year.”
Morgan could only gape at him, not sure she’d heard him correctly, but a glance at the sky said he spoke the truth. They were stuck in the gloaming hour.
A large bonfire roared in the distance, black smoke pluming in the air. Through the flames, hundreds of spiders crackled as they burned, their legs curling up, their bodies popping as they roasted. The stench was atrocious. She couldn’t wait to leave and put a much needed distance between her and those spiders.
Only a few villagers ventured out, each bowing low like she was royalty or something.
It made her even more uncomfortable.
She didn’t deserve it when all she’d done was her job.
They walked toward the edge of the village, and Morgan nearly sagged in relief to find Caedmon waiting. His face softened when he caught sight of her, and a bubble of joy filled her chest.
He ran the back of his fingers along her jaw, concern darkening his eyes. “You look ready to jump out of your skin.”
“Yeah, I’m more than ready to leave this place.” He gave her a soft smile, but he looked troubled, a shadow crossing over his face, and her stomach churned at the thought that he regretted what had happened between them.
She’d never wanted another mate, but Caedmon was different from other men.
He’d been hers the moment she saw him, it just took her a while to recognize the connection. There was no angst between them, no drama, just his silent, unwavering support. It was addicting.
He couldn’t take that back now, not when she’d come to trust and rely on him.
If he decided what they’d done last night was a mistake, she feared her heart would shatter and she’d never find all the pieces again. She’d be damned if she let him go without a fight. “What’s wrong?”
He nodded in the distance, his frown darkening. “The castle to the dark fae is that way.”
“And that’s where we’re heading?” She glanced in that direction but could only see miles and miles of trees.
“Yes,” he muttered, clearly not happy .
When he didn’t say more, she peered back at him over her shoulder. “Why is that a problem?”
“The villagers say that the forest is cursed.” He crossed his arms, his frown turning into a scowl. “It will add three days to go around?—”
“No.” Morgan shook her head and held up her hand to stop him. “I refuse to be away from my mates or the coven for any longer than necessary. I?—”
“I agree with Caedmon.” Atlas cut her off before she could finish, and she knew exactly why he did it—he thought he could change her mind. “Curses are a different thing in Faerie. They’re very real and very deadly. Rumors that the forest is haunted have been around since I was young.”
“Rumors only?” Morgan admitted to being a tiny bit curious, but that wasn’t the real reason why she was asking. “Because if they’re only rumors, I want to take the quickest path. The faster we leave Faerie, the better. The longer we remain, the more danger there is for the both of you. If anything happened to either of you, I would be here all alone.”
Atlas sighed, and Morgan knew she’d won her point. Caedmon wasn’t so easily swayed. He narrowed his eyes like he was trying to see inside her head and figure out her motives.
Smart man.
She kept her face impassive, not giving him an inch.
She was right, and he knew it.
When he didn’t get the answers he wanted, he turned toward the forest as if calculating the best course of action. “Very well, but you will stick close to us. At the first sign of danger, you run, understand?”
“I understand.” She bit back a smirk.
Understanding didn’t mean agreeing.
Morgan didn’t quibble with their rules, she was just grateful that they both ultimately agreed. The fae bragged that Faerie was supposed to be beautiful beyond a person’s wildest dreams, but it felt more like the Grimms’ fairy tale version than the happily ever after kind .
The longer they stayed, the more she feared one of them wouldn’t come out alive.
Both guys clearly didn’t believe her innocent act, but they allowed her to get away with it. Atlas went to gather a few supplies, leaving her alone with Caedmon, and she was struck by a case of nerves.
He was different from her other mates.
Old beyond her comprehension.
There was nothing that he hadn’t already done.
She just didn’t understand what he saw in her. Instead of fretting over it, she gathered her courage and just asked. “Do you regret our night together?”
“Never,” he vowed, grabbing her arm and pulling her against his chest. “It happened so fast that I was worried you would have doubts. I wanted to give you time to adjust to being mated. I didn’t want to overwhelm you.”
His nearness eased the itch that lived under her skin when one of her mates wasn’t near. Peering up at him, she ran her fingers over his chest, growing more confident when a growl rumbled beneath her hand and his eyes dilated. “And if I don’t want distance? I made my decision last night. Have you?”
He leaned down, kissing the just healed mark he’d placed on her shoulder. The bite was like a direct link to her clit, and she shivered, her knees weakening at even the lightest brush of his lips.
“Humans give rings for commitment, where they can take it off whenever they want. Wolves are different. There is no hesitation, no doubt, no going back for us when we find our mate.” He lowered his head until his lips hovered just above her own. “I made my decision the first time I laid eyes on you. Each day is a miracle when you’re by my side. The more I get to know you, the more I fall in love with you. Fate couldn’t have chosen anyone more perfect.”
Morgan could only gape at his confession, joy bubbling up in her chest. “I don’t know if I want to smack you or kiss you. Why the hell didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“You weren’t ready.” That was all he said. Like his feelings didn’t matter. “And if you want my opinion, I vote for the kiss.”
He flashed her a charming wink. It was so unexpected that Morgan snorted, and the tension between them vanished. “No more secrets next time. It hurts you to be near me and not claim me, and it makes me sad that you went through that alone.”
“Not alone.” He leaned down and brushed the tip of his nose against her own. “Being near you helped. And your mates did everything they could to make me feel welcome. It’s much more than most would get. Many females put their males through their paces before they commit.”
Morgan scrunched up her nose, remembering her first days at the Academy. “You mean torture them.”
A casual shrug was all she received in response. “Just remember that fae can take decades before they select their mate. I would’ve waited for you forever.”
Her heart just melted, and she leaned up, kissing him hard and fast. “Then I guess it’s lucky you got such a generous mate.”
Any humor in his expression vanished, and he became the imposing fae warrior she’d first met once more. “I thank the ancestors for it every day since I met you.”
His romantic words sent her heart fluttering. Despite having six mates, she wasn’t used to the flattery yet, and she didn’t think she ever would.
Much to her disappointment, he pulled away and cleared his throat. “We need to get going. We don’t want to get caught in the woods after dark.”
“Agreed.” Atlas spoke from behind her, and she whirled, not having heard him approach. “The villagers gave me directions on what routes would be best to take.”
Morgan lifted her brows. “Are you sure we can trust them?”
“Yes.” He lifted the strap on his shoulder, indicating the bag he held. “Whether you know it or not, you saved the lives of everyone in the village today. They wanted to repay you. Fae don’t do anything for free, and they especially don’t like owing anyone. So they gave us their best supplies and a route through the forest in payment.”
Even before he finished speaking, he began to walk, nudging her until she fell into step next to him. The trip into the forest went quickly, the guys keeping the pace fast. But the farther they traveled into the woods, the more things around them began to deteriorate. The trees began to droop, the branches more like skeletons waiting to snatch up the unwary.
Thick black vines nearly choked out any kind of life, sharp thorns tearing into anything they touched. If she stared too long, she’d swear that the vines moved, slithering through the forest, following them.
Making her feel like prey.
She couldn’t repress a shiver, unable to get over the sensation of eyes watching them. A murky fog thickened along the floor, and if she concentrated hard enough, she’d swear she heard something scurrying in it, waiting to pounce. The animals had stopped making noise hours ago, and now even the insects fell silent. She very much feared what they would find if they continued.
All she wanted to do was keep her mates safe.
Now she feared that she’d placed two of them in even more danger.