Guardians of the Assassins (Academy of Assassins #5) Chapter Thirty-one 91%
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Chapter Thirty-one



L oki guided them toward the back of the castle. They coasted downward, the ground fast approaching, and Morgan had to give a lot more props to the gardog for even attempting to fly. She tightened her hold on Caedmon, nearly strangling the poor guy, but he didn’t complain, his grip holding firm.

Atlas wrapped his arms around both of them, their touch the only thing that kept her from freaking the fuck out.

To her great surprise, they landed smoothly, the hippogriff taking a few galloping steps before slowing to a short trot, gently coming to a stop near the back wall of the castle.

Morgan was torn between throwing herself off the horse and just staying wrapped up in their arms. Both of the guys ran soothing hands over her, but it was the sight of the rest of her mates stepping out of the shadows of the castle that kicked her into action.

She barely got herself untangled from the others before Ryder grabbed her around the waist and plucked her off the creature. She wrapped herself around him, taking a few shuddering breaths of his wild, fresh green scent.

Draven didn’t even wait for the wolf to put her down, just pressed against her back, kissing the nape of her neck, running his hands over every inch of her body as if to reassure himself that she was okay.

Ryder gradually lowered her to the ground but didn’t let her go far. Ascher didn’t care, stepping right up to her and kissing her like he hadn’t seen her for a year, dipping her over his arm as he plundered her mouth.

Only when she clutched at his shoulders and groaned into his mouth did he relent, bringing her upright and cuddling her against his chest. When she saw Kincade over his shoulder, she reached for him, and Ascher let her go reluctantly, keeping her hand in his grip.

“You okay?” Kincade tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, then cupped the back of her neck, and pulled her close, scanning her from head to toe.

It was such a masculine, possessive thing to do, her body warmed in approval. She was so glad to see him that she placed a hand on his chest, needing to make sure he was real. “I’m fine. We’re good. What are you guys doing here?”

He yanked her closer, giving her a bruising, punishing kiss that lasted only seconds before he growled and pulled back with a snarl, his chest heaving. “Where else would we be?”

Draven chuckled at her when her brain refused to function. “Thanatos came through for us. While he’s not able to interfere directly, he brought us here as your backup, then went a step further and informed the light fae that you were in Faerie.”

Morgan laughed. “The sneaky bastard. He’s using them as a diversion of sorts. Everyone is so focused on them, we’ll be able to get inside without being stopped.”

A ferocious scowl darkened his face, and Draven stormed toward her until they were nose to nose. “Hell no! We’re getting the fuck out of Faerie before either side knows we’re here.”

He was so angry, the air practically vibrated with it, and her stomach churned at the thought of disappointing him. “I can’t.”


“She literally can’t leave yet,” Atlas interrupted, not looking any happier at the prospect. “She passed all the trials, but she needs to go before the queens to be judged. If she doesn’t, everything will be for nothing and the fae will never leave her alone. They’ll keep coming after her until she’s dead.”

A few of the wolves growled, and it was only then that she saw dozens of them milling around the castle wall. Louis and a few of his wolves were present, along with three of the metal wolves, while the rest were from her pack…until she saw a group of ferals standing off to the side, playing with Loki.

“What the hell?” She glanced at Ryder in confusion. “What are they doing here?”

Ryder lifted his chin, every inch the alpha as he glanced over at the ferals. “The ferals are drawn to the void magic. Something about being at the coven calmed the beasts. They can’t change back yet, but I think the human part of them is returning slowly. The wolves believe that they’ll eventually be able to turn back if you remain near. They’ve been growing anxious with you gone. Thanatos insisted that they accompany us. He called them the guardians of the assassins.”

Morgan shook her head and pulled away from the others. “I don’t like the idea of the ferals being used this way. We brought them to the coven to help them. They didn’t sign up for this.”

One of the wolves gave a sharp bark, and the rest of the ferals stood to attention.

“Looks to me like they understand and want to help,” Draven drawled, a slight smirk on his face.

She took a threatening step toward him, ready to smack him, when Ascher stepped in her path. “They associate you with being whole again. They want to protect you. They know you can heal them. Without you, they will revert back to ferals.”

As much as she wanted to protect the ferals, it wasn’t her place to keep them locked up if they were no longer a threat. And she couldn’t blame them for wanting to protect their only hope for their future. She would do the same thing.

And if it meant more protection for her mates, then she would take it .

“Aargh, fine! We don’t have time to argue. We need to find a way into the castle before the guards discover us.” She headed toward the fortress, not liking that they were so exposed.

When she neared the outer bailey, a shadow detached from the walls. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, not unless you want to alert the guards to your location.”

The guys got all growly and tense, but Morgan just crossed her arms. “Cashure? Why are you sulking around like a creep?”

The dark fae stepped out of the shadows. Dressed in his full military garb, he made an impressive sight. He tipped his head toward her, a slight bow of respect. “You passed the trials. You must finish the assessment.”

That didn’t sound ominous at all.

The guys must have felt the same, because they all gathered around her like protective hulks.

“If you don’t meet with the queens, you will be considered in breach and they will issue a warrant for your arrest. You will become a possession of Faerie, and the queens will decide your fate.” Memories haunted his lavender eyes—horrors that he’d endured.

She suspected he suffered from being a ward of Faerie.

A prisoner for all time to be used by the whim of the queens.

“Is that what happened to you?”

His eyes shuddered, every ounce of emotion vanishing from his expression. “Come…we must go.”

He didn’t wait for anyone to respond, just turned on his heel and strode away. Morgan hesitated a moment longer, then hurried after him. He might be the only way they were able to gain access to the castle without being discovered. The farther they walked, the more the sounds of battle could be heard, and her insides clenched in dread.

They needed to hurry before war broke out.

The wolves followed at a distance, easily able to disappear in the shadows. Anytime a patrol got too close, they managed to lure them away. They rounded a corner, entering a garden of sorts. Everything was orderly, the blooms beyond exquisite, but she wasn’t allowed to linger when Atlas latched onto her arm and hustled her after the others.

Cashure plunged into a wall of bushes. Loki wiggled his butt like it was a big game and plowed after him. Draven hesitated, waiting for the man to return. When he didn’t, the siren shrugged and dove after the fae. One by one, everyone followed, leaving Ryder and the wolves the last to enter. Morgan placed a hand on Ryder’s chest and shook her head. “The wolves should remain here. They will be discovered in the castle. This way, they can protect our exit.”

Ryder pursed his lips, then reluctantly nodded.

Louis stepped forward before he could speak. “I’ll stay behind with them and keep them safe.”

The guys shared a moment of silent communication.

Though the wolves weren’t happy, they obeyed.

Then Ryder caught her hand and forced his way through the bushes, hauling her behind him, using his bulk to keep the branches from touching her. But instead of hitting a wall, they came upon a tunnel that slowly descended into the ground. The air became damp, the stones giving off an unwelcoming chill, until it felt like they were walking into the bowels of the earth.

When they rounded the corner, she came to a stop to find Cashure and her mates waiting for them in front of a massive wooden door that looked centuries old. The ornate design looked like it had been created by a master craftsman and must have taken years to carve. The room looked old, the stone walls crumbling, the corners thick with dirt. Cobwebs quivered on a dank breeze, like a monster waited beyond the door to swallow them whole, daring them to enter without permission.

Loki barked, then spun and pranced in a tight circle, his tail lashing in excitement. Instead of opening the door, Cashure stood with his arms crossed and his legs spread. “Only you are allowed to enter.”

“ N o fucking way.” Ascher growled as his beast rose, steam rising from his clothes, and he barely resisted the urge to shift and rip the asshole to shreds. The rest of the guys agreed, spitting into two groups—one to protect Morgan and another to take out the threat.

Even Loki looked solemn, his lips peeled back from his teeth in a fierce snarl.

Life had been torture since Morgan had vanished through the portal.

He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep.

It felt like he was losing his mind, worry for her consuming him every second she’d been gone. What if she were hurt and he wasn’t there to protect her? The few times he did manage to close his eyes, it was only to wake a couple minutes later to realize his nightmares were real.

He couldn’t do it.

He couldn’t leave her again.

He was barely able to keep control over his hellhound. If she left again, he very much feared he would burn the world down to get her back.

“Maybe he’s right.” Morgan could barely meet his gaze, her violet eyes tortured. “The last thing I want is to put you guys in any more danger. Taking you to meet the fae queens smacks as the height of stupidity.”

When he felt her retreating, the pressure in his chest became unbearable, like she was slipping through his fingers, despite standing only inches away.

It was unacceptable.

He cupped her face, worried that if he couldn’t get through to her, they would never see her again. “We’re always going to be in danger. The way we get through it is together—it’s the only way we survive. We have been partners since the beginning. Don’t push me away now. Don’t push us away just because you’re afraid. ”

Indecision wavered on her face, and he pushed home his point. “If you leave, we poor, helpless males will be all alone and defenseless. Wouldn’t you rather have us in your sights, where you can protect us?”

A hint of a smile tugged at her lips, and he felt like he’d won a major battle.

“Besides, if it’s a trap, I don’t want you walking into this place alone.” Then he pressed home his point. “Because if you don’t come out, then you leave us no choice but to go in after you.”

S neaky little bastard!

Morgan placed her hands on her hips as she paced, drumming her fingers with each step. She didn’t want to admit that she was relieved they would be accompanying her. While she desperately wanted to keep them safe, she feared what would happen to them if she wasn’t around to protect them.

Which was stupid.

They were trained assassins.

They handled monsters on a regular basis.

They could take care of themselves.

But she wanted to be the one to take care of them and watch their backs. As their mate, it felt like her job. And no matter how dangerous, she wouldn’t trade them for the world.

“Fine.” She tipped back her head and blew out her breath. “We do this together.”

Loki gave a joyous yip, and the guys’ expressions varied between cocky and smug.

Cashure wasn’t impressed. He opened his mouth to protest, and she held up her hand. “We go together. Either we go through you or around you. Your choice.”

He scanned them with calculating eyes, possibly judging his chances, then shrugged and conceded defeat. “Very well. ”

His acceptance was too easy, and the hair lifted on the back of her neck when he turned to open the door. “What aren’t you telling us?”

Magic flared in the tiny space as Cashure touched the door, a grimace twisting his features as the magic took a bite out of him as it checked his bloodline. When the lock snapped open and the door creaked wide, he gazed at her from over his shoulder. “If you go in together, you will be judged together—live or die, your fate will be tied to one another.”

The guys didn’t even hesitate to step through the door, and she was humbled at their belief in her. Loki sprang through the doorway like it was a race, his claws scrambling as he raced to catch up to the others. Morgan hesitated at the entrance, turning to look at Cashure. “If you ever decide to leave, come to the coven. We’ll grant you sanctuary.”

A muscle ticked in his jaw, his eyes turning stormy. “Not everyone deserves forgiveness.”

“Sometimes, it is those who don’t think they can be redeemed that are the ones who deserve it the most.” Then she stepped through the door. She expected him to follow, so she was surprised when the door thudded shut behind them.

The guys were waiting only a few feet away, each of them touching her as she passed, as if to reassure themselves that she was with them and unharmed. Once satisfied, they pushed farther under the castle until they came upon another door, this one more ominous and deadlier—a cell door.

Kincade pushed it open, and the metal creaked like it hadn’t been used in years. Rust flaked to the floor, the smell of despair and fear tainting the air. The men entered first, Draven nearly body checking her in his rush, shooting her an apologetic glance over his shoulder…and missing Ryder reaching out to smack him on the back of the head.

The small gesture made her smile.

As soon as she stepped over the threshold, the door clanked shut behind them with an ominous clank. She whirled and pushed at the metal. When it wouldn’t budge, her heart sank .

It was a fucking trap.

She felt stupid for willingly walking into a dungeon.

“What the hell?!” Ryder came to a stop in front of one of the cells, the door opened wide.

When she followed, she saw what had freaked him out.

The cell was full of statues.

She wandered farther down the hall, passing cell after cell. One after the other, she saw they were all filled with more and more statues. Some looked startled, some confused, while others had an expression of fear etched on their faces.

It was unnerving.

She lost count of the stone statues after the fifth cell. Loki stuck close to her side, refusing to venture far. He slunk low to the ground, as if the statues blank stares unnerved him too.

“I don’t understand.” Draven stood in the middle of the hall, his hands on his hips, scanning the tunnels with a frown. “If this is a prison, then where are all the prisoners?”

The guys glanced around the dingy space, then turned toward Atlas and Caedmon as if they would know the answers, but both men wore baffled expressions, just as clueless.

A dry, rustling sound caught Morgan’s attention, a subtle hiss like air being let out of tires. “Do you hear that?”

The guys went into action, forming a protective circle. Draven, Caedmon, Atlas, and Kincade pulled their weapons, while Ryder and Ascher beefed up, shifting shapes until they sported fangs and claws. They peered into the darkness, seconds away from springing into action.

Loki gave a menacing growl, slinking backwards to crouch at her side.

Silence descended, the splotch of water dripping echoed in the quiet. She couldn’t even pick up telltale signs of rats scurrying, which only set her further on edge.

It was like every sign of life had been eradicated.

The rattle and hiss of something moving toward them made her flight-or-fight instincts kick into overdrive. Her blades melted down without her calling them, and the necklace she wore twisted and spun so fast that it burned her neck.

A quick glance showed the silver gleam of a coiled snake.

Kincade caught sight of the necklace at the same time, and his eyes widened. “Gorgon! Eyes closed.”

Morgan didn’t hesitate to obey, and not a second too soon.

Soft footsteps echoed around them, and the hairs on her arm lifted when the gorgon passed too close. The thought of the woman touching her men sent rage flooding her veins, and she tightened her hold on her weapons.

“Hmmm…what a sexy bunch. I can’t wait to add you to my collection.” Husky laughter whirled around the claustrophobic room, grating against Morgan’s nerves, and she gritted her teeth. “After I’ve had time to play with you each first. It’s not like you can keep your eyes closed forever. You’ll mess up eventually, and I have all the time in the world.”

Morgan concentrated on the sound of the woman’s voice, then launched to the right and lashed out with her blade. Air whirled in front of her, just out of reach, and her blade hit stone.

Taunting laughter faded from the room, the caustic atmosphere fading as the gorgon slithered back to her den.

“It’s only a matter of time before she returns.” Ignoring the risks, Morgan cracked open her eyes, almost afraid to discover if one of her mates had been turned. “She’s right—sooner or later, we’re going to slip up. Not to mention that we don’t have time to waste, what with an army waiting at the gate. We need a plan.”

She scanned the room, trepidation making her stomach churn. When she caught sight of her men still in the flesh, she sagged in relief, placing her hands on her knees to keep from dropping to the floor.

They stood with their eyes closed, their heads tipped to catch the slightest noise.

Even Loki had his eyes scrunched adorably, his snout curled sweetly as he sniffed the air, one ear perked up, the other flopped over. When Kincade suddenly opened his eyes, she stared at him for a heartbeat, then glared at the asshole. “Why the hell are your eyes open?”

He crossed his arms and arched a brow at her. “I could ask you the same.”

“You can’t?—”

“I’m a gargoyle.” Even as he spoke, his skin hardened, his pale green eyes darkening. “I’m already created from stone. Loki and I should be immune to the gorgon’s charms.”

“ Should be isn’t good enough.” She glared at him, matching his pose, crossing her own arms. “What if she turns you into stone? I won’t risk not being able to get you back. Tell me I’m wrong. Is there a way to break the curse?”

When he didn’t answer, she glanced at the other guys.

No one responded.

She turned to face Kincade, only to find him standing directly in front of her. He cupped her face, just when she would’ve jerked away, and he held her steady. “Trust me?”

Damn him!

She felt herself caving and wanted to kick her own ass. It was completely stupid, but she did trust him. She reached up, clutching his wrists as she leaned into him, hating the desperation that threatened to crush her chest. “You better be right, or I’m going to find a way to bring you back so I can kick your ass myself.”

His husky chuckle tightened her gut, then he gave her a quick kiss before he pulled back. “Loki and I will draw the gorgon away and kill her if we can, while the rest of you find a way out.”

Before she had a chance to protest the idea of them splitting up, the raspy sound of snakes moving caught her ear. “Down!”

The guys didn’t even hesitate as they dropped to the ground. Morgan was already in action, her arm swinging forward. The blade sang in the air just as the gorgon slithered into view. The knife landed in the center of her forehead with a thump, the gorgon’s mouth opened in a silent scream. Dozens of snakes thrashed around her head, snapping and hissing, tying themselves in knots in an attempt to escape.

The skin around the blade began to crack and fade…turning to stone.

The transformation spilled down her body, the air crackling like water being poured over ice, forever freezing the gorgon in time. The snakes stilled their frantic movements, the green skin fading as the last breath of life vanished. The guys rose to their feet, none of them even ruffled, and she narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

Atlas strode toward the gorgon without hesitation and yanked out the knife. He turned and presented it to her, and she accepted it gratefully.

Only he didn’t release his hold.

“You took a foolish risk.” A muscle ticked near his eye as he leaned down and got into her face, his voice deadly. “If you do that again, we will withhold orgasms from you until you learn your lesson.”

Morgan gasped in surprise, part of her flabbergasted by the threat, the other part of her outraged that they would even dare joke about taking her orgasms away.

“You can’t do that,” she sputtered.

She’d become addicted to them since meeting her mates.

Taking them away went against the mating code, right?

It was like a crime or something.

And if it wasn’t, it should be!

Atlas raised an imperious brow, and she suddenly wasn’t so sure.

Morgan narrowed her eyes, then hissed, “You wouldn’t dare.”

“We can and we will.” Atlas released her blade and nodded toward the others.

Morgan gazed at her mates, her eyes widening when each man nodded, their expressions grim…even Draven, though he wore a pained expression .

Morgan gulped and didn’t know if she was pissed or turned on by the challenge.

Then she tipped her head to the side and smiled sweetly at the guys. “Fine, but don’t think I didn’t notice you using yourself as bait to catch the gorgon. You heard her sneaking up on us probably sooner than I did, yet you didn’t say a word. No more being dickheads and going behind my back, or we’ll see how long you guys last without orgasms.”

She felt more than a little smug when the guys shifted uncomfortably, Draven and Ryder appearing genuinely pained and slightly panicked at the threat.

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