Hawke (Protective Hero: Noble Network #2) Chapter 9 35%
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Chapter 9



H awke and the team were downstairs having a meeting when they heard something from upstairs. The only person up there was Kinley, or was it the television making sounds? He moved to the bottom of the stairs and listened intently. The voice became more panicked, and the horrific screams that came next had him taking the steps three at a time.

He pulled his weapon from his shoulder harness and quickly realized it was Kinley, she was having a nightmare. He tried to wake her gently to no avail, but as her screams became more frenzied so did he. Hawke squeezed her shoulder, but she continued to scream, hoping to wake her, but she was freaking out. He’d never seen her this way. The District Attorney rarely showed little slices of emotion, but this was scared, full-on shitless, and he knew PTSD when he saw it.

A chill ran up his spine. What was she reliving?

Her pain and anguish sent shock waves through his system. Even though all of them were safe and she was having a nightmare, he wanted to bring her back to a haven. This kind of nightmare could do a number on her psyche. Hawke hated seeing her this way, but he was dealing with his own ghosts. Kinley rocketed out of the chair and almost collapsed. She was still in the throes of her nightmare.

He had to talk her off the ledge, slowly, not recognizing his own voice when he was doing it. Hawke was solely focused on one thing: Kinley Lincoln. He held her close, clueless of what she needed, but maybe he needed this a little too. He continued reassuring and calming her down, whispering. Hawke caressed her silky blonde hair, cradling her head to his chest, and suddenly, out of nowhere, like it was instinctual, he kissed the top of her head. Where in the fuck did that come from? he said to his cranium, but his hand continued stroking and he held her close, whispering everything would be okay.

He didn’t realize the guys were behind him. Of course they were. They had his six. Hawke scanned the room and regretted their horrified expressions. He pulled away from the embrace, giving the onlookers the death stare never to speak of what they witnessed. He’s not going soft. Hell no, not in front of his men.

He tried to pry himself away, but the lawyer had him in a sumo grip around his waist. There was something oddly comforting about their embrace. Hawke gave the guys another glare, begging them to assist, and a “pssst…” But they stepped away with some lame ass looks on their faces.

Kinley released her clutch, and he talked her into sitting down. Hawke looked over his shoulder again for one more final plea and a f- you, assholes, waving the guys forward to assist. The idiots finally got the memo, and they better comply.

Hawke stepped back while everyone doted over Kinley. He was reeling from the physicality of their embrace. It was more than he expected, being so close to her.

Hawke rested his chin on his fists. “Talk to me.” He reached for her chin and guided her to look in his direction. “What was that about?”

She wiped her nose. “I was going over your files and I must have fallen asleep. One minute I’m taking notes and the next I’m waking up with this horrible sinking feeling.”

“What was your nightmare about? What scared you? Do you remember any details?”

“I was back at my apartment. That night when someone shot at me. I guess I relived it and it felt so real, I could sense everything down to the smells, sounds, and everything.” She looked around. “Remember when I told you I thought someone was pounding at my door? They called me by my first name and told me to stay low. He was inside my apartment. Then another person entered, and a scuffle ensued. It went on for a few minutes and the first guy chased the second out.”

“So, someone told you to stay down and called you by your name? Your first name?”

Kinley nodded.

“Another person came into your residence and there was a fight?”

“Yes, they called me by my first name. And again, when they were in the apartment, he said Kinley stay under the desk. I couldn’t see from my vantage point. It was dark, but I heard it clear as a bell. I can’t explain it, but it was in his tone—he knew me. Which disturbs me more, because I can count on my hand who calls me by my first name. I’m referred to as Miss Lincoln or D.A. K. Lincoln. I’ve never shared my first name in the public forum or the media.”

Hawke eyeballed the men. “I told you something is off with this case; it may have started with the Triple Ds, but there’s more to this. Another threat and I’m not closing the door on the bike club, but there’s a bigger reach here. It ties into them with Kinley’s and the judges’ case files.”

“There’s something else, I remembered.”

Hawke nodded. “Go on.”

“I must have blacked out and when I came to, I was being carried. It was the guy in the elevator. He said he was taking me to a secure place until help arrived.”

Luca rummaged through the files. “They followed a trail of blood and found you in a stairwell tucked into a corner. One of our team was called and the police located you there.”

“He saved me.” Kinley gasped and clamped her hand over her mouth.

Hawke looked around. “Not one of us, but he’s not after you. He’s trying to protect you.” Hawke scratched his chin. “Any idea who that could be?”

“No, I don’t.” She bit at her thumbnail. “It’s only me and my mom. I haven’t talked to my father or the rest of the family in years. There’s been zero contact on his behalf. Thank goodness.”

Hawke shot up out of his chair and treaded the space. “We need a deeper dive in any record, file, or information on this ASAP.”

“I read a few things in the Noble Network files I wanted to ask you about, but my biggest concern is for Judge Judith Downs. She presided over three trials and a sentence hearing for the motorcycle club, Barry Ryder, and several of his crew.” She tore at the tissue in her hands. “Is she safe?”

“Yes, we have the judge and her family in a safe house. Everything has been quiet since she’s been there. It’s only been you threatened, which leads me to believe you are their primary focus.”

“I’ve heard high profile lawyers having issues, but never in my wildest dreams I’d think a small-town district attorney would create such a stir, now this.”

Hawke straddled his seat again and anchored an arm on the back of the chair. “They had a billion-dollar business selling narcotics on the streets. Burglarized pharmacies for drugs, kidnapped a teen. Their drugs killed innocent people and they’re responsible for several murders dating back thirteen years ago. I think we need to call in reinforcements. Cade Winslow, with the DEA and his team, can answer questions we need. He has a personal stake in this because his parents were two of the victims. He’s been here every step of the way. Richards has an insight into it too. His sister was married to James Devland, Jerry’s right-hand man, and he tried to kill her years back.”

“I know about all of this. I’ve lived it for the past ten years, but I swear this is the gift that keeps giving. I’m sick of it. Innocent people have died because of their greed, innocent children.” She stood and wrapped her arms around her mid-section. “If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll make certain they won’t ever hurt anyone else. I will slap them with a lawsuit of my own, too. Even if Barry Ryder is in prison, I will make sure he can’t hurt anyone else.”

“I’ll talk to Richards, and we can pull Winslow in, but I’m looking for the people behind the Escalade. There are too many unanswered variables.” Hawke shot up out of his seat. “First, our priority is you, Kinley. We have eyes all over and no one will get to you. Every person who works for Noble Network has military training—we have Seals, pilots. We may be off the grid, but we have people in high places at our fingertips. We must have transparency between us. You need to have complete faith we won’t lapse in your security.

She moved forward. “I do. I trust you with my life. Thank you for risking your safety for mine. I’ll help wherever I can. I have a lot of tricks myself.”

“I’m sure you do.” Hawke winked. “All right guys, back to work.”

“What can I do?” Kinley asked.

“Show me what you found in our files; we may not have seen what you have. With your knowledge, you’re an asset.”

Ryker hung several sheets of white paper on the walls. Jett and Axel loaded up a stack of boxes around the kitchen and great room. Luca got onto the computer. Hawke paced and made a few calls. Kinley filled another thermos of coffee and started another pot.

Hawke looked at his watch. “Richards will be here soon. Cade and his boss Sutton Bishop are expected in the morning. You know you don’t have to stay up with us. We’re used to not sleeping much, but you’ve had a rough, few days.”

“I can survive on little sleep; the bar exam was brutal and all the late night preparing for cases. I’ve learned to sleep hard when I can. Power naps are amazing.”

Hawke leaned in and ran a finger along her arm. “I’m sorry you had such a horrible nightmare. If I could take that night away from your memory, I would in a heartbeat.”

She cupped his cheek. “That means so much to me. How did I get so lucky to have met you?”

“You weren’t saying that a few days ago.”

“I’m turning over a new chapter. I’m trying to let the inner bitch in me go.”

“I do like this new chapter. This has great potential of getting whoever is doing this, far away in jail somewhere.”

She bit at her nail.

He pulled it away from her mouth. “What’s wrong?”

“Something feels weirdly familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.”

“How so?”

“When I figure that out, you will be the first to know.”

Hawke got a call on his phone. He picked it up on the first ring. “Hey, Richards. Are you heading this way?”

“Almost there. We just got intel there’s a cream Escalade matching the description around Solemn Creed. Seen in multiple areas. Their last stop was Ruby’s Diner. But you know Cade and his team are on it. Whoever it was asked about Kinley Lincoln and if anyone knows where she is. They asked specifically about the vehicle make and model she was in before they picked off the Triple Ds. I have some unfortunate news—that one biker didn’t make it. The other is in the hospital. I’m pulling up. Call your guys off.”

“No shit!” Hawke bolted out the door and down the exterior stairs. He jogged across the gravel drive and stopped. Richards pulled in at a slow roll in his hideous old school Winnebago. “Richards, you don’t think we saw you coming in that. Have you ever thought about a paint job? It’s hurting my eyes.” Hawke said into the phone.

Three of the guys followed Hawke to the ugly camper on wheels. When it stopped a few hundred feet from the house, a couple of guys with Richards opened the door. They all stood shoulder to shoulder in the space.

Hawke looked around. “Okay, I’m a little afraid this tinker toy is going to flip on its side. I’d feel a lot better if we got out of here. Let’s gather up what we need, park out back, and we can set up shop outside by the fire pit.” Hawke gave Richards a fist pump. “Great to see you. But you still have your Guido caterpillar on your face.”

Richards rocked from heel to toe and played with his manstache. “You’re just jealous. Don’t even get me started or I’ll wreak havoc on your tats.”

“You wouldn’t.” Hawke pointed in his direction.

“Nope. I wouldn’t.”

“Good, I kind of like having you around. Wouldn’t want to have to kill ya.”

Richards saluted him and revved up the engine, leaving most of them inhaling the exhaust.

“He did that on purpose, didn’t he?” Hawke asked Ryker.

“Afraid so.” Ryker clapped Hawke on the back. “I’ll get the pit started and grab a few brews. Do you need anything to eat? I have the munchies.”

“We just ate a little while ago.”

“I’m a bottomless pit. You should know that by now.”

“Get out of here and make it happen.” Hawke shook his head and chuckled. It was great having all the crew together, but he missed Gunner and CJ. They were his family and he seemed out of sorts with them gone. He hoped they were having a great time. They deserved the best. He leaned over the railing and scanned the open space.

Kinley walked out and bumped him with her hip. “It’s beautiful here, isn’t it? Appears I’ll be outnumbered by even more?”

“I reckon so. You don’t need to hang out, you can get some rest. The mouth on us can get ugly. We lost our filters years back.”

“Oh no you don’t. I am not missing this reunion. It will be fun.”

“Yeah, a blast.” He rolled his eyes. “I’m warning you, some of the shit that comes out of our traps can be vile.”

“I’ve heard it all before.” She sashayed away and went inside. “I’ll get a jacket, it’s getting cooler.” She turned back. “Thank you, Hawke, for earlier.”

“For what?”

“For not making a big deal about my meltdown. I never lose control of my emotions like that.”

“You were reliving a nightmare that would have most people in the fetal position sucking their thumbs. It’s all good. You’re entitled.”

“It’s embarrassing. I never do that.”

“Maybe you should. No judgement here. If you bottle things inside, it will eat at you.”

“It makes me look weak.”

“We all have cracks in our foundation. You are not weak, Kinley. I’ve seen a lot of soul crushing stuff in my lifetime, things most of us can’t unsee. You’re exactly the opposite—you are brave.”

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