K inley peeked around the corner. This was the first time she had gone downstairs—it was a finished area with a bar, large table, and a huge sectional with a fireplace. She investigated the other area, soaking it in, there was an indoor hot tub near a wall of windows with a sauna and a pool table. Luca and Jett were on the computer and Cade was writing a few things on the huge peel and stick papers on the wall. Hawke was standing behind the bar, conversing with Ryker. Two other guards stood to the side in a deep conversation with Sutton Bishop.
She cleared her throat and waved. “Sorry about my mouth. Sometimes it can get me in trouble. Can you believe I won almost every debate in class?” She rolled her shoulders forward and winced.
“Really? I don’t believe that for a second,” Hawke said, shaking his head.
“I second that,” Ryker said with a chuckle.
“It’s been a while since I had a superb debate that wasn’t in the courtroom.” She smirked and took a couple of steps forward. “I owe Hawke an apology for not discussing this with him before I put myself in the middle of what’s ahead. He’s my handler and I stepped over his command and made a decision that could affect every one of you, him, and myself.” She wrung her hands together. “I was only thinking of myself and ending this instead of putting my emotions to the side and thinking this through. You are all putting yourself in harm’s way for me without knowing who the threat is. I apologize if I have offended any of you and want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for protecting me. I’m in awe of your talent and dedication.” She paused and lifted a finger in the air. “One more thing.”
“Of course there’s more. Why does that not surprise me?” Hawke said under his breath.
She raised her hand. “I, Kinley Lincoln, solemnly swear and vow to listen and educate myself for as long as it takes in this endeavor. I will do everything within my power aiding noble network handlers and the mission. I promise to play nice and respect the team.” Kinley gave everyone an air high five, before grabbing a seat in the corner of the room.
Hawke nodded and slapped his palms together. “Cade and Sutton need to leave soon; we have much to cover before they go. We’ll have as many planning sessions as we need and multiple hands-on weapons trainings for Miss Lincoln as we get closer.” He nodded in her direction again. “Bishop, the floor is yours.”
Three weeks had passed, and Hawke kept his distance steering as clear as he could of one on ones with Kinley. He had to keep his head focused on the mission. She seemed to keep everything surface level when they were around each other, only interjecting niceties of how are you? how’s the weather, are you hungry, yadda yadda yadda . He focused on his tasks and checking on his ammunition.
He’d kept a watchful eye when the guys educated her in weapons training. It didn’t surprise him she had a knack. Hawke needed to keep his distance, being close to her was distracting. He couldn’t avoid her forever. The day was quickly approaching. Hawke hoped this didn’t backfire. His phone rang. The voice on the other end was exactly what he needed. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite person. How the hell are you and CJ doing, G?”
“Did you miss me?”
“You know it.”
“Then come out and see me. I passed the first checkpoint and wanted to keep it a surprise.” Hawke noticed a familiar SUV with the dark tinted windows. The lights flashed the familiar morse code.
Hawke took in the view from the window. “You little shit.” Gunner. “When did you get back? Oh hell. I’m coming out.” Hawke ended the call and went outside to meet his buddy. He slid down the railing and kicked the gravel, waiting for the vehicle to approach. Gunner rolled down the window and a whistle pierced the air. Hawke shook his head, psyched to have him back.
Gunner stood on the runner and saluted. His best friend jumped out of the SUV and took off at a jog towards him and stopped. “See, I’m brand new.” He pounded his chest.
Hawke lunged forward and hugged his mate. “Okay, Tarzan. How the hell are you, really?” He pulled back and looked him up and down. “You’ve improved since the last time I saw you.”
“I’m back to my once exceptional self, except for a few more scars and bullet wounds.”
Hawke shuddered at the memory. “Good, don’t pull that shit again. Where’s CJ?”
Gunner hit the unlock button and turned toward his ride. “Did you think I could leave her? She’d kill me if she couldn’t see everyone.” Gunner elbowed Hawke. “Plus, I kind of like having her by my side.”
CJ opened the door to the backseat and beat feet at a run toward Hawke, squealing, “I missed you, you old lug.”
“Old, yes. The past year has aged me.”
“Aged all of us.” She squeezed him tight and pulled Gunner closer. “My two favorite guys. Isn’t it great being back together?” CJ gave Hawke a suspicious look and snickered.
“What kind of look is that? What are you up to?”
“Didn’t you hear the team’s back together and that means us too?”
“Whoa, wait a minute. Both of you?”
“Yes, both of us. I won’t be in the field, but Galena offered me a position with Noble Network. I couldn’t refuse. I can help our clients in and out of transition and Jeffrey will train me in the mobile unit.” CJ took a breath and continued. “I’m taking a few courses so I can assist anyone coming through to acquire our security services. Isn’t that fire?”
“CJ, you sound like Ryker.”
“I know! This new freedom has me trying to get up to date with the lingo. I still prefer my dated verbiage, but it’s fun. You must fill me in on all the tea.”
“Whatever that means.” Hawke scratched his head.
“I’m cleared for work, too.”
“I missed you. I could use your help, to be honest.”
“Told ya you were worthless without me.”
Hawke snickered and shrugged his shoulders “Yeah, something like that.” Hawke noticed Kinley, Jett, and Ryker walking toward them from the shooting range.
“Time to meet the ward, though you know Miss Lincoln already.”
“We heard.” CJ looked at Hawke, then to the district attorney. “Remember, we talked? Is there trouble in paradise?”
“Nah, nothing I can’t handle. But, I swear, sometimes she reminds me of you.” He gave her a nudge. “You know, your stubborn streak that came out now and then. Hers is in your face, or my face, to be exact. Come. I’ll reintroduce you.” He swung his arms over the shoulders of the two people who were like family.
“Why does that not surprise me? I can’t wait to see the both of you in action. What a sight! My only problem is who do I root for? I like you both,” CJ said with a giggle.
“Counselor, no introductions are necessary. You know CJ, and her better half, Gunner, you’ve met before.” Hawke shifted nervously; he didn’t know why. Who was he kidding? He knew why. Gunner could read him like a book and Gunner was already eye gawking.
He shook off the attention to his pal and focused on Kinley. She leaped forward and hugged CJ. Noticing the mutual admiration and respect both had toward one another. CJ had grown so much since the early days, and he saw Gunner and how deep their relationship had evolved since she was first with them. That was almost eleven years ago. Where did the time go?
Gunner cleared his throat. “You want to go for a walk?”
Hawke looked to Kinley. “I could use one. Ladies, back in a flash.”
The way Gunner winked at CJ drew Hawke’s attention, and she still blushed. He had mad respect for the woman whom he believed had kept Gunner alive.
“Great seeing you, man. I missed your mug. Things will smooth out with you here. I hate to say it’s been an adjustment since you furloughed. The guys stepped up. I’m impressed with Ryker, Jett, Luca, and Axel taking the lead.” Hawke slapped his pal on the back.
“Good. Enough of the small talk. What’s with you?”
“What do you mean?” Shit, here it comes. “ I don’t know how much you know, but it’s complicated. We think there’s more interest in Kinley, I mean Miss Lincoln.”
“Complicated, my ass. I’m not referring to the case; I’ve been briefed. Who do you think has been watching your ass the last week?”
“Back in the saddle, really?”
“Tia asked me to come back. She wanted everyone on duty and said you needed me.” Gunner pressed a hand over his heart. “You love me, don’t you?”
Hawke picked up a stick and chucked it. “Shut up already.” Then he socked him on the shoulder. “I do. You probably needed more time off.”
“Wow, things have changed. She said you needed me. You’ve been there for me for as long as I can remember, so it’s my turn.”
“Yeah, I didn’t realize how much almost losing you fucked with my head. Been long enough. You look happier than I ever seen you.”
“Wish I could say the same. Spill it.”
“Not sure what there’s to talk about.” Hawke walked ahead, then stopped and turned around. “You know that woman chafes my skin like you wouldn’t believe. She has a smart mouth and will end up getting herself killed.” Hawke’s voice echoed louder than he expected.
“So…” Gunner cocked his head and gave him an acquisitive brow. “You’re butting heads?”
“That’s an understatement,” Hawke said with a growl and ran his hand through his hair. “One minute we talk and everything’s okay, then the next she’s in my grill, cross-examining me. I’m fighting for control, and she is too.”
Gunner shifted from side to side. “Tsk. Tsk. Sounds like ya can’t live with ‘em or without ‘em.”
Hawke sighed aloud.
“Weren’t you drooling over her at the courthouse? She’s pretty, don’t you think?”
He snapped his jaws shut. “Damn, she lights my goddamn fire. Yeah, she’s fucking gorgeous.” Hawke clenched his fists.
“Well, there you go. Whatcha gonna do about it?” Gunner leaned against a tree and scratched his chin patch.
“Nothing. I’m doing my job. Last I checked, it isn’t suggested. You could get killed.”
Gunner popped off the tree and stood in front of Hawke. “Don’t use our scenario as a road map of what not to do, your situation is not ours. Terrible things happened, but I have zero regrets.” Gunner lifted his hand in a big fat zero. “Zilch.”
Hawke stretched his neck from the left, then to the right. “I don’t know shit right now other than we have this big crap shoot ahead and she’s right in the line of fire.”
“Have you told her any of this?”
“Some of it. She made a move on me, and I pushed her away. She’s already under my skin. I hate this!”
“Do you?” Gunner cocked a brow.
“You know it. She’s my responsibility and I can’t fail her.”
“You won’t. Simple as that. I plan on being by your side to make sure that doesn’t happen. I remember a time not too long ago the roles were reversed.” Gunner gave him a nod.
“Thanks. I’m glad you’re back, brother.” Hawke gave Gunner a hug.