Hawke (Protective Hero: Noble Network #2) Chapter 19 73%
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Chapter 19



H is finger moved through her slick pocket, one finger entered her, teasing at the entrance. He pressed and circled his thumb and with a few strokes, she crested. She sucked in a breath and moved beneath him. There was a deep-seated ache to please. He wanted to give her everything. Thoughts consumed him; she had pulled at a part of himself he hadn’t seen in years. A lighter side, a man of his early days who had excitement over life and his future. A soldier who could take on the world and fight for his country. Help those who were less fortunate. This was not sex, it was a literal peeling away from old wounds, deep scars, and every nightmare after. She filled his well. Cleansed his soul. The woman he’d dreamed of ensnaring from first glance. “You feel so good, Kin. I knew it would be like this.” He wanted to lavish in her.

“Come back to me, Zane.” She pulled him close and clung tight. “Better.” She ran a hand across his cheek. “I feel the same.”

He pushed her thighs apart and cupped her legs, positioning himself above her and nudged her entrance with his cock. He realized he didn’t have protection and pulled away. She grabbed his arms and locked her hands tight. “Where do you think you are going?”

He winced, “I—I—I...”

“I’m on birth control, not like I’ve had the need for it, but…”

“How do you do that?”

“Do what?” She raised a brow. “Read you and be logical?”

“Yeah, something like that.” He gave her a sideways glance.

“I’m a trained professional and I’ve had to learn to prepare for the next move. I’m good on my feet.”

“You’re damn good right here too.” He laid on top of her, bearing most of his weight on his elbows. With his free digits, he swiped a piece of hair away from her eyes. He saw everything in her gaze. “Look at me, see me. I want to understand how I make you feel.” He inched her legs further, never breaking contact. He teased her entrance. “Kin, you’re wet for me.” He entered her slowly, her legs quaking. He could hear a whimper, but her blue eyes bored deep into his soul. He paused, relishing her warmth, waiting for her to accommodate him. Heat pulsed through his body. He teased deep and retreated, and with each motion he claimed her. “I never wanted like this, Kin,” he said in a whisper. She possessed him. He craved her like the air he breathed. Life without her would be unbearable.

She groaned something between ragged breaths. They moved in unison. He wanted to get closer. Had to. “You feel so good.” he said desperately in a deep tormented growl. His cock quivered for release, but it wasn’t long enough. He fought the urge, changing the rhythm. Sweat slicked their bodies and he pumped deeper.

“Yes. Yes!” she said in shattered moans as she climaxed. Waves of her orgasm pulsed as he drove into her. She bucked below, clamping her legs around him. Kinley nipped at his shoulder and clawed his ass, pushing him over the edge.

His senses were frenzied as he thrust to gain a steady tempo, driving deeper into her. The further he did, the more he craved. Each thrust shattered what he thought his future would be, but the only thing that came to mind was— mine. He surrendered.

She licked his burns, lapping and soothing, healing. His cock throbbed, he gritted his teeth and thrust to the hilt as he gave into his release. Hot breaths crackled in his lungs. He nuzzled into her neck, barely able to catch a breath. “Holy hellfire, woman.” He pressed his lips along her butter soft breast and suckled her pebbled crown. He rubbed his face back and forth across her flesh as she squirmed beneath him. “That tickles!” she screamed.

“You’re ticklish?” He pulled back. “This ought to be fun.” He wiggled his fingers at her ribs, then her waist. Kinley twisted and turned to get away from his grasp as he tormented her more. She tried to leap off the bed, but he caged her close and tucked her under his arm, kissing her on the head. She ran her nails over his inked skin. There was something soothing as she touched areas once forbidden. Hawke didn’t flinch as he had previously. He wrapped the blanket around her and shifted her closer. “You fit perfectly.” His heart raced. Tomorrow could change it all and he couldn’t fathom the thought of losing her. He sighed and eased into the euphoria and closed his eyes. Hawke ran his hands over her, reminding himself this was not a dream.

A tingling pressure ebbed and flowed, shooting through her system. Satiated with mind -blowing sex, but it was so much more for her. A single tear trickled down her face; she wiped it away and smiled. Her head rested upon his chest hearing the cadence of his heart, to a soothing sequence of him snoring. Zane had woven a spell over her. She hadn’t seen him sleep much over the past month. He looked so peaceful. You’re not going anywhere, Zane. His features were softer. She ran her fingers across his forehead, then down his cheeks. He groaned. His eyelids lifted and his lashes fluttered over his steely eyes. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach again. He tipped her chin with his fingers and his lips lifted into a smile. He turned and framed her face with his hands, tangling his body around her.

“Now what?”

She laughed and kicked her head back. “Not a clue. Finally, I’m speechless. You need to mark the calendar—it rarely happens.”

Kinley blinked at the ceiling for a silent moment. “I regret nothing and have zero expectations of you.” A stab of remorse struck her. Thinking this could all end, so soon after it had begun. I don’t want my time with you to end.

“I only have one regret, and that’s we should have done this a hell of a lot sooner.” He leaned close and bit her bottom lip. “Expectations is another thing all together, Kin. I ask you this. What if I have expectations of you?”

She raised her shoulders. “Wouldn’t be the worst thing. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. She placed soft kisses on his cheek and brushed her nose to his. “Thank you for giving me all of you.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”

He ran a finger from her neck to between her breasts. Goosebumps dotted her skin. Hawke swooped her up on top of him and nudged into her core.

“Kin, I could stay like this for the rest of my life and die a happy man.” He stroked slow as she took him.

Her arms braced against his chest. His fingertips smoothed across her back. Bodies tangled like a vine, slick with sweat, as she laid exhausted on top of him.

He shifted and eased her to his side. She was finally sleeping peacefully. He ribboned a tendril of her blonde hair around his forefinger. A smile curled his lips. Hawke eased off the bed and slipped into his jeans. He checked his phone and inspected the text message from Gunner: Got intel.

Hawke replied: On my way. Kinley was bundled like a burrito beneath the covers. He inched forward and slipped on his boots, gathering his T-shirt from the wastebasket, and unlocked the door. He took another glance over his shoulder and quietly exited the room.

“Whatcha got, partner,” Hawke asked Gunner.

Gunner hitched a thumb outside. “I just talked to Cade, and he said his partner was at the hospital interviewing the biker. He fessed up with an ample push. He’s scared shitless, said he needed more protection.”

Hawke took a nearby seat and plunked his elbows on his knees. “He should be scared.”

“He admitted he and his buddies in the Triple D bike club were disbanding and letting sleeping dogs lie until someone offered a shit ton of cash to take the attorney out.” Gunner knocked Hawke on the arm. “Get this. Has nothing to do with the case. The cash would change everything for the bike club stragglers and thought of it as one last ride. Go out with a bang.”

Hawke leaped out of his chair. “What the fuck! Why?”

“Here’s the kicker. It’s someone out of New York area.”

“You’re shitting me! I fucking knew it.” Hawke stomped across the patio; his footfalls thunderous.

“We followed your hunch—the Escalade is registered to the Lincoln/Crown estates. As you suspected.”

“You mean…”

“Yeah, Kinley was right. It was her dad’s logo. Haven’t heard anything about the other, but it makes sense. It’s her uncle’s fleet.”

“You’re telling me that Kinley’s father hired someone to pick off his own daughter and tried to throw us off by using Denver Devils Delinquents bike club?” Hawke grabbed his head and fisted his hair. “That’s whacked. I’d hoped I was wrong.” He shook his head. “She said she didn’t get along with him, but this is beyond hate. A father trying to exterminate his own flesh and blood?”

“Remember, there was another vehicle, too, with almost the same branding at her apartment. Her uncle?”

“The goon who was there might have been trying to flush her out instead of save her as she thought.” He slammed his fist into the palm of his hand. “Dammit, she’s in worse danger than I thought. If a father has the balls to kill his own blood...” Hawke shook his head. “Nah, I’m not buying it. It’s not her father, it can’t be. It’s the uncle. He’s more dangerous because Kinley is in the way of his fortune. That would make more sense since the guy at her apartment was protecting her. Her father maybe hired him.” Hawke clenched his back molars.

“Okay, I see where you’re coming from. I don’t get it. We’ve seen some damn shitty things over the years, nothing surprises me anymore.”

Hawke pointed and his voice raised an octave “I’ll be damned if I ever let anyone hurt the woman I love.”

Gunner raised his hands and shot out of his chair. “Whoa, whoa, whoa…what did you say?”

“You heard me.” He swiped a hand over his forehead. “I’m as confused as you are right now. She sucker-punched me big time. Damn, I fucking love her and feel helpless as shit right now. I’m whipped.”

“Stop right there.” Gunner shook his pointer in his direction. “I will not let you diminish your feelings or say you are weaker than you are. I wouldn’t be here right now, nor would CJ or half of our team if it wasn’t for you being a tough son-of -a bitch.” Gunner stomped over and shook Hawke. “Stop it, or I’ll slap you silly.” Gunner gave him some weird quivering eye shit that he does for a laugh.

“Whatever you are doing, brother, it’s distracting. But do not ever look at me like that again.” Hawke bit at his bottom lip to prevent from laughing.

Gunner cupped Hawke’s hand. “You, me, the best of the best, have never gone weak-kneed. I promise you I won’t let you down when it comes to your boo.” Gunner tried to keep a straight face and failed.

Hawke raised a brow. “My boo?”

Gunner winked. “Balls to the walls. The fuckers won’t know what hit them.” He gave him a fist bump. “Not much time. Go whisper sweet nothings in her ear and get your ass back down here so we can get this ended.”

“Boo? Come on.” Hawke chuckled under his breath. “I don’t do that whispering sweet nothing bull.”

“You will. Trust me. You will.” Gunner gave him a mischievous snicker. “Mark my words.”

Hawke walked off and into the house. He couldn’t tell her. Even if she didn’t speak to her father, it would cut deep. Her family had it in for her. Sounds more like the greedy uncle. Just the thought of what it would do made his chest ache. No way would he hurt her with this intel. He’d protect her and when this was over, he’d gently break the news.

Zane didn’t make eye contact when he walked into the loft. His energy was amped up. His movements were swift as she’d seen when he was deep in thought or ready for battle. “I missed you.”

He tromped across the room and sat on the edge of bed. His head was bowed, and he was staring into his hands.

“What happened?” Kinley tugged at his arm.

“I was talking to Gunner and time’s close. We’re getting the itch to end this thing.”

“You sure that’s all there is?” She knelt and made eye contact.

“Uh huh.”

“You’d tell me if there was something else, right?”

“Yeah.” He paused as if he was about to say something, then changed direction. He cupped her cheek. “Worried about you, that’s all. We’re all speculating on who’s doing this. We need to eliminate the threat and be done.”

“Don’t be worried, I’m in the best of hands. You’ve said time and time again to trust you, so I’m trusting you with my life.”

He held her close and didn’t say anything. She sensed something else and altogether on a different level than before, scaring her. Kinley felt a pang in her chest.

Hawke lifted her into his lap. Pushing her hair aside he whispered something she thought she’d never hear from his lips. His voice was slightly pained, but the words were clear, and she wanted to weep. “I love you.”

Kinley jolted. Soaking in his sincere dark gaze she said the words back. “I love you too, Zane. Make love to me. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I need to know we have each other.”

He pulled her hands to his heart. A softness flickered in his eyes, warming his face. He was strength and power. An insatiable hunger consumed her. How could she crave him more, after they spent hours in the throes of fulfilling each other’s needs? She clawed at his waistband, and he freed himself from his pants and she arched. He slid her panties off and entered her slow, but somehow his movements were pleading with an edge of desperation, almost primal. She nipped and scored her teeth along his collarbone, losing herself as the pace teetered on frenzied and he came inside of her. He shifted and deepened to the hilt. He filled her and all her senses buzzed. Her body quaked with the anticipation of another climax. She blinked back the tears and basked in the desire of the union, swiveling her hips, each thrust claiming her as his forever. He convulsed and a deep roar sounded from his throat. He tightened his grip, squeezing her. This experience with Hawke and the three words he’d whispered were enough to render her speechless. Hawke gave more of himself with each union, giving his control over. She witnessed him granting her access into his soul and what made him tick. He was a beautiful beast, and he was hers.

She held him against her breasts, and he caressed her. There was something soothing about his movements. Kinley heard his phone buzz. He stilled.

“Are you going to get that?” She kissed the top of his head and ran a finger around the shell of his ear.

“Nah, they can wait.”

She cupped his head and looked him over. “You sure about that?”

“I know I need to, but I really don’t want to. I’d rather stay here.”

He reached into his pants pocket and looked at his phone, then showed her. SHOW TIME .

She attempted to move.


“Let me clean you up. No time to shower.”

“Really?” She gave him the look, then covered her face. “I knew I should have taken a bath.”

Hawke wiggled his brows. “Personally, I like smelling you on me. Good motivation.”

She slapped him on the shoulder. “That’s just wrong.” She got up and wrapped a sheet around her.

Hawke pulled up his jeans and shoved his phone back into his pocket. He threw Kinley over his shoulder and took her into the bathroom.

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