When we entered the room, I blocked out the commotion of the chaos in front of me; all I could focus on were the two beautiful souls dressed in black and white attire. The woman caught my eye first with her purple money-piece streak and dark, black, shoulder-length hair. The skin-tight slip dress clings to her delicious curves, fitting her like a glove and showcasing the many tattoos scattered all over her body. Damn, she’s so fucking hot. A huge scorpion peeked through the slit in the dress on her right thigh, making her look dangerous. As a detailed snake weaves around her left leg from her ankle to her upper left thigh, and she looks dynamite. Her arms are filled with scattered script pieces and butterflies, solidifying her as a beautiful piece of art.
She caught me staring and smiled shyly as her gaze cascaded down my body. She looked familiar, and when her mask was off, it finally clicked and I remembered who she was. John Hayden’s daughter and the Las Vegas Rebels’ star quarterback Nash Hayden’s younger sister, Willow. The way Sonny clung to her as she comforted him over his piece of shit father sparked something inside me that I wasn’t expecting. An unexplainable charge was powerful in the air and I learned to listen to them when interacting with people. After everything was all said and done and Dario asked to speak with Sonny, I walked straight to her. I was enchanted—nothing would stop me from talking to her.
“Hi, I’m Willow,” she said shyly.
“Oh, I know your name, love. I’m Isabella. Are you okay?” She smiled and nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I don’t usually do this, but something about your aura called to me. I needed to know if you were okay. I know this isn’t what you see daily as an ER doctor,” I said. Her eyes widened at my statement.
“The club sends the details of every patron and their personal lives. My girlfriend briefed me, Catalina,” I reassured, pointing towards my diavola. She tilted her head to the side and smiled curiously.
“Why the special interest in little old me?” she asked. I moved closer, crowding her as I traced my finger along her shoulder to her collarbone. Shivering from my touch and unwavering gazes, I smirked while she giggled. Capturing this decadent woman’s attention is something I wanted to keep doing, and it was so fucking crazy that I wanted to. I knew Catalina wouldn’t mind my interest; she knew I loved her, but I might’ve been playing with fire with the thought of all of us being together.
I come out of my daze as we make it to Dario’s big-ass ranch. The level of security this man has is something out of this world. I know Maeve and Niccolo have the same thing, but sheesh. When I first saw it, even I, who was used to this mafia life, was shocked by it; I can only imagine what it’s like for Willow and Sonny seeing it. Catalina comes to a screeching halt, the loose gravel making us slide a little. I seriously don’t know who in their right mind would give her a license or let her drive, but there’s not much you can say to my diavola because she always gets her way. Sonny slides out first from the backseat, extending his hand for Willow to take. He helps her out, their masks forgotten on the SUV’s floor. I collect mine and toss it to Catalina’s passenger seat; the guards will bring everything inside later. Dario and Niccolo are standing near their SUV, waiting for us to reach them.
“Do you really have to drive so recklessly, Catalina?” Dario scolds. “Of course, Boss Daddy . You know I get wet from the danger,” she teases. Rolling my eyes, I shake my head as she comes to stand beside me.
“Dario, let it go. Cat and Isa, show our guests the house while Alejandro gets Frank situated in the bunker,” Niccolo interrupts immediately, getting down to business. We look to Dario and he nods. While we don’t question Niccolo’s orders, this is Dario’s house. So out of respect, he’s the boss here.
“Follow me,” Catalina instructs as they step in line behind her, walking to Dario’s front door. I stay back, wanting to talk to the guys for a moment.
“I’ll be there in a second, baby. I need to talk to the guys about something!” I yell. Putting my head down, I’m stuck on where to begin. Fuck it.
“What’s up, Isa?” Dario asks curiously.
“I don’t know where to start. I know this isn’t the time to say this, considering what’s about to happen soon, but, um…I felt something from them when we entered that room, and I know you both felt it, too,” I vocalize. Looking up, I see it written all over their faces as they carefully construct what to say. They do feel the same way I do.
“Okay, and what do you want to happen, farfallina ?” Niccolo asks. What do I want? I know I don’t want to explore anything with them yet until Niccolo, Dario, Catalina, and I take our relationship to the next level, first. Maybe I just needed to hear them admit they feel the same way.
“I don’t know. I guess I just wanted to see if you both were feeling the same way as I do?”
“I know I can speak for the both of us when I say that we feel the same. We both felt the instant pull to Sonny and Willow’s aura. It’s crazy because we’ve known their fathers for years, but never interacted with their children. They were there all this time. Anyway, we’re right there with you, baby,” Dario answers. I smile at his answer as Dario leans in closer, giving me a kiss on the forehead. Niccolo grabs my hand and kisses the top of it, and I smile slightly. They’re both so gentle with me, but that’s not what I want. I crave pain. I need it . They see me as a fragile woman, but I’m not the shy, quiet girl I once was. That darkness still festers deep inside of me, waiting to come out, but the pain Catalina inflicts on my body keeps it at bay. Soon, they’ll learn just what I need. But I don’t know if they’ll look at me the same way, and whether that’s a good or bad thing.
“Okay, well, I better join Catalina and rescue our guests before she freaks them out. Are we still on for tonight?” I ask.
“Yes, come to my room after we get done with Frank. Preferably wearing nothing.” Dario winks. Shaking my head with a smile, I turn and walk up the lighted path to Dario’s front door. After a quick glance back, I see they’re both watching me. I throw Dario a kiss and wave before turning the doorknob to enter.
I hear laughter and Catalina is going a mile a minute, showing Willow and Sonny all the features inside Dario’s home. The look on their faces is priceless. It’s the same look I wore when I first entered his house, one filled with awestruck wonder at how someone in the Mexican cartel could be so cowboy and dangerous at the same time.
“ Princesa , come here. I was just showing Willow and Sonny the new features Dario recently installed. This tablet contains all the lights, window shades, appliances, and more. He turned it into his personal smart house; his parents hate it so much,” Catalina trails off, laughing.
“Why don’t we show them your room, baby ? ” I suggest. They turn towards her in shock.
“You live here, too? Like with Dario? I thought you were together?” Sonny questions, pointing between Catalina and me.
“We are together, but she lives here with Dario and I live in Shreveport. She’s his second-in-command and I own a casino in Louisiana. But we’re also dating the guys, as well,” I answer. As if their faces couldn’t get any more amazed, they remain speechless with their mouths open.
“I think you might’ve given them too much information, princesa .” Catalina laughs, extending her hand for me to come closer. I tuck myself under her arm, looking up at her as she leans down to give me a chaste kiss.
“Alright, well, let me show you the guest rooms, just in case you stay over,” Catalina says, winking at them. Clearing his throat, Sonny’s eyes widen with shock. I shake my head at her antics. She can be so fucking forward sometimes. I swear, she’s going to scare them off before they give us a chance. But, I mean, if they can’t handle her crazy, then they might not be the right fit for us.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how the night goes.