Heartless Mercy (The Sinful Alliance #1) Play With Fire by Sam Tinnesz ft. Yacht Money 78%
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Play With Fire by Sam Tinnesz ft. Yacht Money

When I saw Niccolo go down on the tarmac, my whole world came crashing down for just a moment. But I quickly shook my head and focused on subduing the man who shot him before he took a shot at Dario. I looked into my scope and shot him twice, once in the shoulder and once in his leg, to ensure that the motherfucker would be in so much agony he wouldn’t want to get up. And he didn’t. We all took care of our business and killed Vadim, Akim, and Andrei’s backup team, but we still lost a few guys in the process. While we’ll heavily compensate their families, their loss still hurts.

Alejandro and I grabbed Ilya’s bitchass and brought him home for my little darkness to finally get her revenge. It was a long hour’s ride home, waiting on pins and needles to hear whether Niccolo was alive or not. My anxiety was through the roof and I couldn’t stop shaking my leg up and down—which just annoyed the fuck out of Ilya, and that made me less anxious and more happy.

But when we received word from October that Willow was going to operate on Niccolo, it calmed my nerves because if anyone could save my pretty boy, it’s my hermosa . When we arrived, the first thing I noticed was Isabella. She was jumping for an answer about Ilya’s whereabouts, and when Alessio asked why she was so into being the one to kill Ilya, I was sure she was going to break down. But my little darkness was strong and willing to share as much as she could, and everyone shared her need for revenge. Our family was there for her. I think she needed to see that others cared about her so much enough to want to kill for her.

Isabella and I proceed to the carnage room. The quiet trek creates an eerie feeling, making my spine shiver in anticipation. Before we reach the door, I stop Isabella from entering and whisper, “Are you sure you want to do this? I can do this for you. You won’t ever have to get your hands dirty, princesa . Tell me now. Because once you’re in there, he will try to get into your head and you might break. You can’t let him see you like that.”

Isabella tenses, clenching her jaw. I know she feels like I doubt her, but it’s quite the opposite. I know she can do it, but when you’re dealing with someone you hate for so long and finally getting revenge, many emotions can trump your need for vengeance. “So what, you think I can’t do it? I can hurt him, torture him, and make him regret he ever touched me.”

I smirk, clutching her face with my hand, and kiss her lips lightly. Isabella visibly relaxes and rests her hand on mine, closing her eyes to center herself.

“I’m not doubting you, princesa . I know you can do all of that. I just know emotions can stumble even the best of killers, so I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to,” I reassure her and place a light kiss on her nose.

“I’m ready, baby. I need to do this and finally let that hatred go. And the faster I do it, the quicker we can come back and find out how Niccolo is doing,” she declares, typing the code onto the padlock on the door.

“Well, it’s about time. I’ve been waiting. Just kill me already,” Ilya states. Alejandro and I stripped him earlier, revealing his little dick, and hung him on one of the lower barring beams on the ceiling. His legs are stretched and tied to two surgical tables, filled with all the useful instruments for my princesa to bring him pain.

“Hello, Ilya. It’s good to see you again. I say it’s good because I’ve come to kill you, but maybe it’s not such a good thing to see me, huh?” she teases, smiling sinisterly.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t my solnishko . You’re looking extra hot in that sexy, all-black, leather one-piece suit. Did you dress up all for me?” He chuckles, trying to get a rise out of Isabella.

“Your ‘little sun’ ? I don’t think so, fuckface. She’s mine. Besides, I don’t think anybody would want that pathetic little dick. But then again, you don’t ask for permission, isn’t that right?” I add, sliding gloves to secure my hands from touching his nasty, pathetic ass. Inching forward, I grab his little pee shooter and squeeze tightly, acting as a vice.

“Well, I would now, baby. Because this creeper loves to drug girls and take what’s not his. Isn’t that right, bitch boy?” Isabella states, grabbing him by the neck and squeezing just enough for Ilya to squirm against the chains, the rattling of the chains resounding around the room.

Isabella’s bright, brown eyes darken with a need I recognize—one of blood lust and readiness to feast on your prey. This is going to be so fun to see what my girl is capable of. She loosens her hold on his throat and Ilya gasps for breath, causing her to laugh loudly. I smile and shake my head—this guy has no clue what he’s in for. He messed with the wrong one.

“You’re a pathetic piece of shit that’s not worth the time I’ll take with you. So since you’re already halfway towards death’s door, I’ll make it easy for you,” Isabella announces, moving toward one of the tables and picking up the medieval flail weapon that I know is going to make this little piggy scream.

She twirls it in her hands, getting used to its weight and movement, and then walks behind Ilya. I remove my hand from his cock and nod my head for her to get the party started.

“I’m going to enjoy this so much, Ilya. Just let it happen; you know you want it,” she says, throwing the words he said to her that night back at him. I pause for a moment, remembering that harrowing night, but shake out of my daze and see my girl is ready to unleash all that anger. Isabella pulls back her arm and unleashes unbearable pain on Ilya’s pack as the flail spikes poke deep holes into his back.

Blood splatters onto her face as she continues her assault on his back, causing him to thrash around. He screams louder and louder, and eventually, Isabella stops, throwing the weapon on the floor. She then walks over to the other table of knives, brass knuckles, machetes, etc., but she picks up one of my favorites—something that lets you get up close and personal—the sharp claw with brass knuckles. She slides one onto her left hand and grabs a compact machete in her right.

Jesus, fuck. She’s making me so fucking wet. She’ll for sure be rewarded after all this is over. She lightly inserts one of the claws into the shoulder wound I gave him and he groans loudly from the pain, causing him to tire himself out. Unconscious for a moment, I laugh and she then takes the machete to slap his cheek and wake him up.

“There’s no rest for you, fucker. Wake your ass up. You can sleep when you’re dead!” she shouts.

“Well then, kill me already, you fucking bit—” he starts before she pushes deeper into his wound. Fuck, this is so hot. She knows just how to turn me on.

“Damn, baby. Who knew you torturing someone would make me all fucking hot and bothered? I don’t mean to rush you, but how about we fuck after you’re done?” I blurt out, licking my lips and ready for her to make this bitch bleed even more.

“Mmm, I love the sound of that. C’mere, baby, gimme a kiss,” she orders. I do exactly as she says, kissing her lips while she keeps the claw inside Ilya’s bullet wound with blood spewing out profusely. I moan when she bites my lower lip and it sends a tingling feeling to my pussy. I’m so ready to fuck her as soon as possible. Breaking our kiss, I gasp for breath and slap her ass on my way back to my spot near the wall.

“Go back to work, baby. Continue torturing the fuck outta him,” I add, leaning against the wall.

I watch in awe as this beautiful woman who was once scared, scarred, and traumatized during the first year of her assault turn into one who didn’t let the sadness fester. Instead, she turned that into vengeance. And now she gets to release all she was into the man who took something she couldn’t get back. It won’t relieve the pain or change the fact that she’s different, but she can finally lay her revenge to rest, knowing she took the life of the man who took hers.

This will be the night of rebirth, and Isabella will be forever changed—only this time, of her own volition.

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