I’m so fucking exhausted. That early morning fuck session with Sonny and Willow took a lot out of me. That man and his monster cock can really tire a girl out. After what seemed like the tenth orgasm of the morning, we got out of bed to join Niccolo and Dario for some lunch.
That’s when Sonny and Willow dropped the bomb, and that they wanted to go to their apartment for some case files and extra clothes. I can now see why they wanted to get me in the mood so I could say yes to taking them, even with this lockdown we initiated after Niccolo’s narrow escape from death.
Isabella was out at the crack of dawn at the stables, taking out my horse for a ride. She’s been one with nature for the past two days. I feel like I’m seeing a new Isabella and I love it. She’s smiling more. The darkness that was once in the depths of her soul is now lessened and I’m just so glad that the act of spilling blood has brought her peace.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see her this morning or before I left, but I sent her a text letting her know that I’d see her soon and that I loved her. Hopefully, we’ll be back in time so I can take her some late lunch and make a little date out of it.
“So, um. Alejandro. Catalina doesn’t know this. I only found out myself and I just told Willow this morning. I found out that, um…” Sonny mumbles. I turn around in the passenger seat to see a nervous Sonny. Okay. This is not like him at all. Not even when he was freaked out with Dario and Niccolo. Something’s up.
“Spit it out, baby, he won’t bite. What news did you just find out?” I ask him. Sonny breathes in and out, swallows, and opens his mouth.
“I just found out that you’re my older brother,” he blurts out. Okay. I can admit that was not what I thought he was going to say.
The car is silent for what seems like one excruciating hour, but it’s only been a minute. I try to face Alejandro and he nods, tapping the steering wheel and trying to catch his breath. I know the big guy’s tells; I mean, I should know as his best friend, but I have no clue why he’s acting weird.
“From your father?” Alejandro mutters.
“Yes. My mom called me this morning to tell me she found documentation she’d never seen before. When she saw who it was, she looked into it and recognized that it was you. Since I started dating these guys and you work with them, she wanted to tell me. She said I needed to know, in case I wanted a relationship with you,” Sonny spills. Willow clutches onto his arm, offering a sense of support, and leans her head on his shoulder. I swear she’s the sweetest and strongest human ever.
When Dario and Niccolo quickly told me what happened to her brother and his girlfriend, I was sure she’d break into a million pieces. But here she is, comforting Sonny in his time of need.
“And do you? Want a relationship with me?” Alejandro whispers, hesitant to hear Sonny’s answer.
“Yes, I do. I want to know you and your beautiful wife. And I want to be there for your twins. I want you as my brother. I’ve never had one before,” Sonny admits. Jesus. Can this get any cuter?
“I do, too. But calm it with the wife. You got your own boyfriends and girlfriends, bro .” Alejandro chuckles, looking through the rearview mirror.
“Okay, okay. Off-limits for now, hermano ,” Sonny says, smiling from ear to ear.
Alejandro shakes his head and we arrive at Sonny and Willow’s apartment, but the sweet man who’s always there is nowhere to be seen. Willow checks the time and looks confused as to why her favorite little old man isn’t there.
“That’s weird. He should be there. He’s always there. Let me get out real quick and check the kiosk,” she says, opening the door and sliding out of the SUV.
“Wait. You can’t go by yourself. You two wait here. Be on high alert, hermano ,” I shout to Alejandro as I catch up with Willow.
One minute, Willow and I are approaching the kiosk, and the next, a bullet pierces the glass in front of us, causing it to shatter everywhere.
“Mr. Martinez! Oh my God, Catalina. He’s dead,” Willow cries as we see the poor old man lying in the kiosk with a bullet to the head.
“C’mon, we gotta go,” I yell, grabbing Willow’s arm and pulling her back toward the SUV.
Bullets fly all around us and I push Willow before me, securing her behind the SUV to take cover. I take out the pistol from the wedge behind my back and aim and shoot when I see a couple of fuckheads coming my way. I shoot two in the face and they go down easily. Inching closer to the SUV, a bullet whizzes past me, but another one pierces my shoulder, causing me to go down.
Fuck. This hurts like hell. I hear doors opening and Alejandro comes to my rescue.
“You’re okay, hermana . Hang in there!” he shouts as my eyes open and close, fighting to stay open.
Willow comes running toward me, checking my bullet wound. She tears off a piece of my shirt and wraps it around my shoulder, securing it tightly. Fucking hell. Now that hurts like a bitch.
“Hang in there, diosa . I need you to stay awake. Alejandro already left a voicemail for Dario to bring back up. They’re on their way,” Willow reassures me, pushing my bullet wound deeper.
“Go back. Go back to the car. Hurry, you and Sonny. Alejandro can take you, please,” I beg. Sonny sits beside Willow, taking my hand in his and squeezing it firmly.
“It’s going to be okay. We’re staying right he—”
“Behind you!” I yell as two gunmen approach the rear, aiming their guns at Willow and Sonny.
Alejandro steps in, shooting both in the head. I breathed a sigh of relief, but it was futile. Because the next thing I know, Alejandro is staring at the end of a gun.
“Watch them for me, hermana . I hope to get to know you in the next lifetime, hermano . Take care of my wife and children.” I nod, close my eyes, and breathe out. The sound of a gunshot is the only thing that plays in my head before everything goes black.