Heathen (Cerberus MC Las Vegas Chapter #1) Chapter 35 90%
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Chapter 35


I swear I never imagined three yahoos with limited experience in the falling-in-love department would get this right, but somehow taking their advice worked.

I know better than to think that everything is fixed, but Kaylee is in my arms, swaying to the music with me. The only thing that would make this night better is if I would've shown up in a tuxedo rather than dressing like a fucking eggplant, but the costume shop was out of everything else that would fit except this and one of those goddamned blowup dinosaur costumes. Since I was a complete asshole for letting her walk away, the purple eggplant seemed like a better choice.

I owe Rooster a lifetime supply of fucking microwavable pizza for his help.

I press my nose into her hair, still a little shocked that she's in my arms. I saw this going all wrong and had to wonder just how close I was to being escorted out by security. Somehow the god or goddess of love is on my side tonight.

I lift my eyes when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"May I cut in?"

I glare at the masked man, my eyes drifting down the front of his dapper suit.

"A dance with the bride?" he continues, when all I can do is stare at the idiot.

"She's my wife," I growl.

I narrow my eyes when a wide smile spreads across his face as he holds up his hands near his ears in mock surrender before disappearing into the crowd of dancing people.

"Very caveman-like of you," she mutters.

"You'll have to get used to it," I say, pulling her tighter against my chest.

We get a few more minutes of peace simply existing in each other's arms before a spotlight lands on us.

I fully expect it to move on, but when it doesn't, Kaylee takes a step back

"She's usually better at reading social cues," she mutters before turning around.

I watch as a pretty woman who looks remarkably like the actual Cruella de Vil from the most recent rendition of the movie approaches.

"Is this your dick," she says, eyes working over my costume, "of a husband?"

"Morgan, this is Ellis. Ellis, meet my ex -best friend."

"Nice to meet you," I say, holding out my hand.

She takes it and shakes it, but her attention is everywhere but on me.

"Are you here to win her over or break her heart more?" she asks.

"Win her over," I answer easily.

"You're a good guy in my book," she says. "Take good care of her."

Without another word, she walks away, that damned spotlight following her.

"She seems nice," I mutter as I pull Kaylee back into my chest.

"She's distracted."

"The party seems great. She should be proud."

"I heard her having an argument with someone on the front porch last night," she says, somehow just now remembering it. “I blame my own distractions and the wine for not remembering it sooner,” she says. "I think she's nervous he might show up and make a scene."

I straighten. "Someone I should worry about?"

She shakes her head. "I don't think so. She claimed it was just some guy she went on a blind date with. He liked her more than she liked him."

"Would you recognize him if you saw him?"

She shakes her head again. "I never saw him. They stayed on the front porch, and I had too much wine last night."

I smile down at her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I don't want to talk about Morgan and how all the men she's ever met fall at her feet."

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"Us," she whispers. "What does this mean, you showing up here?"

"I'm hoping it means that I don't have to leave alone," I confess, wondering not for the first time if I'm speaking out of turn and will only leave empty-handed.

"There's no chance you'll leave here alone," she assures me.

I lower my mouth to hers, pressing my lips exactly where I'm now certain they were always meant to be.

"How are you so perfect?" I whisper when I pull back long enough to catch my breath.

Her fingers grip the front of this stupid costume.

"I'm far from perfect, Ellis, and I'm afraid if you think I am, you're only going to be disappointed."

"How are you so perfect for me?" I clarify, loving the way her face lights up. "Better?"

"Perfect," she answers, leaning in for another kiss.

I have no idea how long we sway to the music, our lips brushing, hands roaming, and, not for the first time, I hate this fucking oversized costume.

"Want to feel your body against mine," I grumble against her lips.

"I have some confessions to make."

I take a step back at the seriousness of her tone. I could easily get lost in this woman for the rest of my life, but she seems like she has some things she needs to say. I can't let my straining erection control the situation right now. I don't want her to think that I don't value her perspectives.

"What's wrong?" I ask, hating the way she's gnawing on her bottom lip, as if the secret she's about to share is going to change everything.

I reach up and pull her lip free from her teeth before she causes damage.

"I lost my job at the grocery store."

"Okay," I say, still waiting for the bad news.

"I'm unemployed."

"Okay," I repeat, wondering what I should've said instead when she narrows her eyes at me as if she's irritated.

"I'm unemployed," she repeats, giving me a second chance to respond how she wants me to.

"You don't have to work unless you want to." When her eyes narrow further, I realize this might not be what she's looking for. "I'm sure you'll find another job. You're unemployed not unemployable. There's a big difference."

"I won't be able to afford rent on a bigger place," she continues.

I open my mouth to say okay, but history tells me that isn't going to fly with her.

"I think maybe you should follow your dreams."

"I'd never make it through vet school," she mutters, but I think she might be wrong.

"Did you want to be a vet or did you want to be around animals?"

She takes a moment to really consider my question. "I just love animals."

"Then maybe get a job at a clinic."

"It doesn't pay much."

I pull her back into my chest, curling a finger under her chin until she's looking right up at me. "I'll take care of you. Money isn't something I want you to worry about."

"That's not an easy thing to do," she mutters, and I feel the pressure on my finger as she tries to look away from me.

"We don't have to discuss this right now," I say.

"I never pictured myself being taken care of. I've always had to take care of myself."

"Now you have someone looking out for you," I assure her.

"Speaking of perfect," she whispers with a gentle smile, and I can't resist pressing my lips to hers.

I want her happy. I want her to wake up every day and spend the hours exactly how she wants to. I don't want her to have to worry about money or bills or anything that might bring a frown to her gorgeous face. Smiles from now on and that's it.

"You remember you said that the next time you get upset with me," I tell her when the kiss breaks. "How much longer do we have to stay down here?"

Kaylee pulls back, her eyes roaming the room until they find the spotlight and Morgan under it, chatting with a small group of people.

"Long enough for me to run upstairs and grab my things," she says, her eyes full of mischief.

I turn to follow her toward the staircase, but she presses a hand to my chest.

"If you go up there with me, we probably won't leave until tomorrow," she says.

"I like where your head is at," I say, my body already getting ready in anticipation of the things we can do with each other after confessing our true feelings.

"Not so fast, Romeo," she says, her hand firm against my chest. "I'll be right back. Five minutes."

I'm itching to follow her up the stairs, but with what I have in mind for her later, I really need to stay on her good side right now.

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