Hell Bent (Royal Bastards MC, Montreal, Canada #1) Chapter 28 70%
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Chapter 28

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Shadows danced across the bedroom ceiling as Sway lay in bed and Vicious slept soundly next to her. Her mind raced over the list of things she needed to catch up on. They had been spending all their time at her apartment, then like a switch being flipped, things changed. For the last two weeks, she’d spent every free minute at the houseboat with Vicious.

Since the theft of the medical supplies from the warehouse, Vicious was putting in more hours doing security on the chapter’s businesses. It made things easier on him for Sway to stay there instead of him staying at her place. She didn’t mind being on the houseboat. She actually enjoyed having dinner listening to the sound of gentle waves rocking against the back deck. It also allowed her to be away from the auto shop. When she was at the apartment, people tended to take advantage by knocking on the door when they needed help. Some people didn’t have boundaries , she thought .

Glancing out the windows, she watched the light rain that had started to fall. According to the weather girl, it wouldn’t be more than what she was seeing now. There was no snow in the forecast for the next two weeks, and the temps were rising just enough to give the area a reprieve from what had been dumped on it since the beginning of October.

Checking the clock, it read four thirty a.m. If she headed home now, she could get a few things done in her apartment before going into the shop. Rolling over, she kissed his shoulder before climbing out of bed. Picking up her clothes, she quietly walked downstairs to the bathroom.

Once dressed, she jotted a quick note and left it next to the coffee pot for Vicious to find. She was sure he’d have a lot to say about her leaving without waking him. With her coat tucked tightly around her, Sway made her way down the tree-lined sidewalk. Careful not to slip on the wet pavement, she managed to get to her truck without falling on her ass. A sound behind her had Sway spinning around, and her foot slipped, causing her to slam against the door. “Shit.” Rubbing her arm, she spotted a cat clamouring across a trash dumpster making the noise. “Damn cat.”

Opening the truck door, she climbed in and immediately locked herself inside. For a second, she thought maybe she should have waited until the sun came up to head home. Shaking herself, she realized there was no reason to not go home.

Pulling out of the parking lot, the area was devoid of anyone moving around. She passed a few cars as she drove along the main highway. Her normal twenty-five-minute drive took only fifteen. Maybe she should travel at late hours from now on , she thought .

Coming up to the shop, she noticed a light had been left on inside. She’d just run inside and turn it off , she thought, then she shook her head. What was the point if they would be open in a few hours? Turning the truck into the alley that she used as a driveway, she parked in her usual spot. Gathering up her purse, she opened the door and hopped out.

Turning to head upstairs, she was shocked to find three hooded figures rushing for her. When they grabbed her, she fought hard to get free from their grip, but it was no use. She didn’t have the strength to combat them. “Let go of me,” she screamed but got no response as they dragged her back up the narrow alley toward the street.

Swinging wildly, she managed to hit one of her assailants in the face with her fist. Kicking out with her boot, she managed to kick another one of the guys in the shin as he lunged for her.

“Fucking bitch,” he bellowed.

Sway continued battling the assailants, trying to get free from their grip. They’d have to knock her out or kill her if they wanted her to go with them.

Jerome watched as Sway struggled against two of the Scorpions as they hauled her back up the drive. She managed to get a hand free and slapped one of the guys in the face. Jerome had enough of Tesh’s little sister and pulled out his gun. Shoving it in her mouth, he smirked when she stopped struggling.

“Stop, or I’ll kill you right here.” He had to give it to Sway—she was as tough as her big brother. But they’d break her soon enough. When they were done with her ass, they’d drop her body at the Royal Bastards’ front door.

The gun in her mouth made Sway stop struggling. She already knew what these assholes could and would do to her. At least, she knew what they’d done to Tesh. The leers and crude comments they’d already made told her she wasn’t getting out of this unscathed.

She knew it down in her gut. “Where are you taking me?” Sway asked, wiping at her mouth when Jerome removed the gun.

“To our clubhouse. You’ll like it.”

“It’s more like we’re gonna like it.” One of the guys laughed as he shoved her toward a non-descript van.

If they put her in the back of the van, it was over for her. There would be no getting out of it. With one last burst of strength, she kicked out, connecting with one man’s thigh. He dropped his hold on her. Twisting around, she punched out with her free hand, managing a quick jab to the other guy’s eye. When his grip loosened, she yanked free and ran.

Her boots were no match for the icy conditions as she attempted to get around the building and out onto the main street. Screaming for help, she turned the corner and was slammed into the building by Jerome. His body pressed into hers. “I told you I’d kill you, bitch.”

“Do it, asshole.”

She heard the hammer cock. Closing her eyes, she braced herself for what was to come next. The gun came down on the back of her head, and her knees crumpled, sending her to the cold ground .

Stars danced in front of her eyes as she tried to remain conscious. She dug her heels into the broken pavement, hoping to slow her attackers down as they began dragging her to the van parked on the street. When one of them picked her up and tossed her over their shoulder, Sway slapped and punched at the guy’s back until he dropped her inside the van.

Throbbing pain kept Sway awake. Using her heel, she struck one of the kidnappers in the leg before he punched her in the arm. Light burst behind her eyes from the pain. She knew how to fight, and this was a fight for her life. She didn’t know why they wanted her, but regardless, she wouldn’t lay down for them.

Kicking out again, she went high, catching the guy in his upper arm. When he leaned forward to strike her again, she used her leg to kick his head forward, slamming him backwards. Her attacker grabbed her leg and dragged her across the hard, metal floor of the van. She knew he was going to hit her again, so she came up swinging with everything she had. Her fist connected twice before the van came to an abrupt stop.

A second guy grabbed Sway, twisting her hair around his fist and pulling her head back as a gun was shoved in her mouth again. “Bitch, if you want to live another fucking day, you’ll fucking stop.” He didn’t remove the gun from her mouth until she nodded that she understood.

The van took off again, and she rolled to the side when it veered fast to the right. As they went along, she felt the van go over a railroad crossing.

Terrified, Sway tried looking out the back windows, but she couldn’t see anything. Deciding it was up to her to fight for her life, she began listening to the conversation taking place between the attackers. Maybe she could figure out where they were taking her.

The van came to a stop as the sun came up, lighting the skyline in pink hues. She could see old warehouses. She knew the area—it was the older part of the textile area, and most of the buildings had long since been abandoned. Being in the abandoned area, she doubted if anyone would find her. Her only chance was to get herself free. After that, she’d have to find her way to safety without being caught a second time. Sway started planning to fight, until the van door opened and Jerome Michel stood smiling at her.

“Hello again, Sway.”

Sway spat in his face, furious that Jerome had helped kidnap her. His reaction was a slap to her face. Striking fast, she punched him in the face, connecting with his mouth.

He slapped her again until she stopped fighting. Her face hurt like hell, and she could feel the swelling starting to cause her eye to close. She needed to stay focused. “What do you want, Jerome?”

Her head was yanked back. She yelled as the searing pain shot along her scalp and her hair was twisted all the way down to the root. Tears welled up as Jerome slammed her head against the van. For a split second, she thought she’d pass out, and as she was dragged from the van, she sent up a silent prayer that someone would find her.

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