Five Years Later
“Evan! Theo! Don’t throw the sand!” Levi shouts. Our two boys immediately stopped their antics and abandoned the sandbox in favor of the climbing frame. My husband chuckles, sitting back down beside me on the bench.
“Pretty sure Evan’s eaten more sand than actual food,” I comment jokingly, gesturing to the remains of our lunch on the table behind us. We’ve been at the zoo all day and have just paused for lunch and a break at the kids’ play area by the restaurant. I’m happy to rest my feet for a bit, groaning at the way my soles ache from all the walking.
“Those boys would be right at home with the animals here,” Levi says, love in his teasing words. He’s the best dad ever, and it melts my heart. Our kids love him, and he loves them endlessly. It’s the best.
I can’t stop the grin on my face as I watch our two kids clamber and run and squeal, playing and enjoying themselves. My hand wanders to my stomach, not rounded yet, but then again I’m only a few weeks along. I glance sideways at Levi, unable to keep the news to myself a second longer when I see the utter adoration in his eyes as he watches our sons play.
“Well, as much as they’d probably love to live with the monkeys, they love snacks too much to survive on vegetables and leaves all the time.” I laugh, loving the way my husband’s green eyes crinkle when he smiles. “But we are going to have to sort out a bigger car for our little pack of wild animals.”
Levi’s gaze turns to me, a furrow between his brows. “Why? Both of their car seats fit fine in our current car.”
I grin so widely that my cheeks hurt, unable to contain my sheer excitement. “Yeah, but the third won’t.”
Shock slackens his face, and seconds later, his eyes light up with happiness. “The third?” he repeats, that happiness seeping into the words.
I nod, eyes shining with tears, and he grabs me, pulling me close and holding me tight. His hand goes to my stomach, palm flattening there protectively.
“I’m so fucking excited, baby,” he says softly, still holding me tight.
“Me too,” I agree, turning my face to kiss his cheek. “You ready for even more chaos? We’re gonna be outnumbered in nine months.”
We pull away from the hug as Theo shouts out, “Mommy! Daddy!” He and his brother run back over to us, throwing themselves into our arms.
Theo climbs into my lap, and Levi grabs Evan, pulling him into his.
My husband grins at me over the top of our sons’ heads.
“More than ready, baby.”
Every time I think I can’t possibly be happier than I already am, I get proven wrong. Even covered in sand thanks to our sons, and the pain in my feet from chasing them around all day, I’ve never been more full of love and utter contentment than I am right now.
No matter how rough the road was to get to Levi, it was so worth it. It brought me to my love and to our children. It brought me to a life so beautiful I could never have imagined it.
I can’t wait for our family, and our love, to grow even more.
The End.Thanks for reading!