Her Gargoyle Protector (Beastly Falls) 5. Amber 25%
Library Sign in

5. Amber

Chapter 5


I don’t know why I thought the night-shift would be quiet. Either Beastly Falls had a surprising number of nocturnal patrons or something else was going on because I was kept hopping at the front desk after I found Xavier his book. Xavier had settled in the easy chair in the front of the library, in a cozy chair that looked made for him, with cutouts for his wings, and began to read. Honestly, I had expected him to be patronizing me, saying he was going to read Pride and Prejudice then set it aside as soon as my back was turned, but every time my gaze strayed towards him, which was often, he appeared engrossed in the story, though he often met my gaze with a wicked grin.

It had been a long time since I had found a male attractive. I hadn’t even considered another male, so worried I was about Kevin and how he would react, even after we’d broken up. But I suspected if Kevin somehow showed up in Beastly Falls, Xavier could handle himself just fine. His muscles that seemed carved from granite were clearly defined under the charcoal t-shirt, and the thick thighs that strained the seams of his denim showed that he could hold his own against a bully like my ex easily. Despite his size, easily towering over me, I didn’t feel afraid, even when we were in the narrow aisles of the bookshelves. I felt safe, protected. Maybe it was because he saved me from the troll, or maybe because he showed he cared for how I felt. Either way, I sensed Xavier was different, and my gaze kept stealing to him as I checked out patrons and answered their questions as best I could.

Though some questions were a little more challenging. A tall, willowy male with pointed ears glided in at one point, his voice sounding almost musical as he asked me my name. He then invited me to dinner, and I had an irresistible urge to go, while something inside screamed no!

A low rumble from the easy chair and a rustle of wings broke the spell, and the male cast an alarmed glance over. “My apologies,” he said, bowing slightly. “I did not understand.”

And he left with alacrity. That was weird. But the whole evening was weird, so who was I to judge?

Several more patrons came in with at least two more offers of coffee or tea, if that was more thing. All the requests were quickly retracted after a furtive look at Xavier, who did nothing more than shift in his seat and glare. I may not have wanted to accept the offers, but he wasn’t my social director.

I probably should have felt more threatened. Kevin used to do the same, only he would have stood right next to the desk and bullied his way against people, and I would have felt his wrath later.

A shadow fell across the desk and I looked up to see a male in a button-down shirt, khaki pants, and a bouquet of gorgeous flowers. Another admirer. In another time, maybe even before Xavier, I would have been flattered. He had a nicely trimmed stubble, shoulder-length dark hair, gold eyes, and a lean body that, sadly, did nothing for my feminine parts.

“Welcome to Beastly Falls, milady. I wondered if I could escort you to your resting place after your shift?” He gave a slight bow and handed me the flowers.

I smiled, charmed by his formal speech and courtly ways, even if they were out of place in the modern era, though in Beastly Falls, maybe it was commonplace. And yet, I knew I would say no. My attention was drawn elsewhere. Xavier growled, and the male paled, glancing over at Xavier who had closed the book, his eyes flashing red. “I didn’t realize you were taken. I apologize for any offense. Good evening.”

He gave a low bow to Xavier, his eyes fixed on the ground. I think he would have peed if he stayed longer, then he bolted for the door. This had gone on long enough. I stalked around the circulation desk and over to Xavier. Since he was sitting, I at least felt like I had some measure of power over him.

I poked my finger in his chest. “Listen here, Xavier. You don’t get to growl at people for talking to me. You don’t get to decide who I talk to. Only I can do that. Understand? If you make that mistake again, we’re going to have a problem.”

A choked laugh came from the other chair in the corner. The tall vampire male covered his mouth and stood. “I think you have this well in hand, Amber. Good day.”

I ignored him and glared at Xavier who had a soft smile on his lips. “I think you have plenty of bravery like your favorite character, Elizabeth Bennet, just as she confronted Mr. Darcy at the ball. I will endeavor to be more circumspect.”

Somewhat satisfied, but thrown off balance that he had read that much of my favorite book, I went back to the desk and sat on my stool. Only after I was seated did I realize I had just yelled at a much stronger male and didn’t worry about his reaction or if he would hurt me. Maybe I was becoming brave.

M y shift ended with no further excitement or requests for dates. I was oddly disappointed, even if I would never accept. Xavier had left a couple of hours previously, saying that he needed to get something to eat, and his friend Rook had returned. I felt like Xavier was handing off guard duty to his friend and, while I didn’t want it, I was reassured to have a friendly face in the library. Rook was a pleasant male and had delicious tea that he brought, along with regaling me with tales of his mate, Jenny. I couldn’t wait to meet her.

The time came to hand over my duties to the shy older woman from the day shift. Evelyn Hart was a short woman, maybe in her mid-forties, gently rounded in all places, with laugh lines and a kind smile. Her soft brown hair was cut in short curls around her face, and she reminded me of someone I could relax with and not have to be worried about impressing.

We chatted for a few minutes about the evening’s patrons and any outstanding requests, then I gathered my things to leave. It felt weird leaving my job in the morning and not locking up. Evelyn eyed me with a knowing smile .

“I heard you had some excitement last night. Beastly Falls has a unique welcoming committee.”

I laughed. “They certainly do, though I didn’t expect all the requests for dates. It will take some getting used to.”

Evelyn laid a comforting hand on my arm, and I swore I felt a soothing energy fill my soul. “You’ve barely been here a day, dear. It’s only natural for you to still be finding your footing. Beastly Falls is a unique town, but a wonderful one, filled with good people who will embrace you as one of their own if you let them.”

I sighed. “I can’t stay for long. There’s too much in my past. I can’t risk it.”

Evelyn only studied me with wise eyes, as if she knew what, and who, was chasing me. “You might be surprised what can happen when you stop running. Sometimes we need to face our past to have the future we deserve.”

I stared at her and resisted the urge to retort that she didn’t know the struggle and I was only protecting her and the people of Beastly Falls. Instead, I bid her good night, or good morning, or whatever it was, and headed out the front door, only to see Xavier leaning against the stone pillar by the steps, his arms folded in front of him. For a moment, I thought he was part of the stone, his skin grayish in tone with an almost rough quality to it, but then he pushed off the pillar and straightened, his arms dropping to his side, wings flaring out slightly, then tucking back against his back. I was dying to ask him what species he was, but I sensed that might be rude, so I refrained.

“May I escort you to your lodgings?” he asked, his deep voice and oddly formal words giving me a sensation of fizzy bubbles in my chest.

I nodded wordlessly, unsure why this strong, muscular male, who I should find intimidating, instead made me feel safe and roused all kinds of feelings that I thought had been killed by my ex. Of course, if Xavier hadn’t reacted badly when I confronted him, I think I was safe with him. Careful to keep a separation between us, since I was still cautious, we walked through the moonlit streets. Xavier pointed out various shops and introduced me to the nocturnal residents we passed.

I noticed that few of the residents had cell phones or tablets or any modern technology that I was accustomed to. Whereas in Baltimore, everyone was always on their phones, barely looking around or talking to anyone else. It was odd. Though, maybe they had the same issue that I had when my cell phone went haywire, and I couldn’t get a signal. Maybe they don’t have towers or were in a dead zone. But that seemed unlikely in this modern age.

“Xavier, it feels like I stepped back in time here in Beastly Falls. There are no cell phones, no computers. It’s odd, isn’t it?”

Granted, it may only have been a couple of decades. It wasn’t like we were going back to the 1800s, but it was significant enough. My cell phone didn’t work and my GPS went haywire as soon as I drove into town. Working in the library, it was strange not having interlibrary loan or the internet to look up requests or do research for the patrons. And no one seemed to care. They accepted it in stride, even Evelyn and Anya.

He sighed, his expression growing somber. “It's the curse,” he explained.

“Curse?” I stumbled over my feet, and Xavier gently caught me from falling. A curse? What was that all about? And what had I gotten myself into?

“Years ago, two young lovers, a human and a monster, from families in town were forbidden to be together. They were driven apart and died because of the feud. No one realized how deeply it affected the town until everything shut down. We can’t leave and no one can come in until we prove love is real.”

I gasped, my heart aching for him and the town's inhabitants. “That's terrible! How can you prove that?”

“We don’t know. It’s been about two decades. It doesn’t seem that long, but when you’re living in it, stuck in limbo, it feels like forever. It’s been so long, many have lost hope,” Xavier replied, his voice filled with sadness.

We walked in silence as the sky lightened with the sun beginning to rise. Pinks and reds streaked the darkness and Xavier’s pace picked up, as if he was running out of time. I stepped up my pace to keep up with his longer legs.

“Do you have somewhere to be?” I teased, wanting to add a quip about the sun turning him to stone or something, wondering if he truly was a gargoyle, as I suspected. I knew from legends that gargoyles were stone during the day and he resembled the one on top of the library, so I was pretty sure my hunch was accurate.

As we stopped in front of Red’s Bed and Breakfast, he turned a somber gaze to me. “Something like that. I wish I could have taken you to breakfast, but time runs short for me. Esme will have breakfast ready for you, though. You’re safe here, Amber. I’ll make sure of it. Save dinner for me?”

Feeling oddly touched by his words, I nodded, tears pricking my eyes. “Thank you, Xavier. I look forward to tonight.”

I didn’t want to add that it had been so long since I had felt safe, had been among people who were kind to me.

Xavier paused at the door and stroked a finger down my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. "Sleep well," he said softly, his eyes searching mine .

“Thank you. For everything,” I replied, suddenly reluctant to say goodnight.

He studied me intently for a long moment, then turned and flew off into the sky towards the library, settling into place on the roof. My hunch was confirmed. He was the gargoyle that had so entranced me when I stood at the entrance to the library. I watched as he slowly shifted position until he faced my direction, not straight towards the front of the library, as was his typical position. He settled into place just as the sun peeked over the horizon, the rays shining behind him.

A warmth spread through my chest at the realization. He wasn’t just protecting the library. He was protecting me. For the first time since fleeing my ex, I felt safe. As Xavier's form slowly turned to stone in the growing light, I whispered a quiet “thank you” before heading inside.

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