One moment, I was running for my life, and the next, I was falling forward underneath the weight of the beast who'd chased and (easily) caught me.
And would probably tear out my throat as soon as I hit the ground.
Even worse, the fast-rising earth beneath me wasn’t a uniform soft mat of green like in the secret kingdom but a patched-together crazy quilt of rocks with just a few tufts of grass to cushion my fall.
I uttered one more ‘crap’ and braced myself for what would surely be a bone-breaking crash landing before I met my grisly end between the beast's teeth…
… only to gasp when a pair of strong arms suddenly wrapped around me and twisted me away from the rocky patch of ground.
Instead of sharp, jagged rocks, I landed on top of Wild in his human form .
His completely naked human form, which he managed to aim toward a rock-free bank of grass.
Had he shifted in mid-air? Did he truly have that much control of his wolf that he could…?
Wild rolled me beneath him before I could finish asking myself that question.
“Was this what ye were desiring, Flower? A wee game of chase through Ireland proper to get yer heat engine started?”
I didn’t realize the skirt I’d been given had flipped up during my fall, arc, and tumble. Not until something hard pressed into the space between my legs.
That was when I remembered the task I'd started last night but hadn't finished. I'd been washing the strangely tight cotton briefs I’d been given to wear in place of my usual bloomers in the sink when Amanda had gone into yet another heat cycle. It was an understandable reason for not completing the small task, but it meant I wasn’t wearing anything underneath my skirts.
At all.
And Wild had shifted out of his clothes.
There were no barriers between our most private parts. Nothing to keep me from feeling the thing between his legs pressing into my most intimate space. Lodging against my folds. Pulsing…
Just like that, the tingling returned, a pool of molten disgust pooling in my belly. My breath caught, and my heartbeat moved up to my ears, drowning out all other noise so that I could barely hear myself answer Wild's insulting accusation. “It wasn’t a game. I was obviously trying to get away.”
"Trying to get away. "
Wild was no longer a beast, but his mouth felt like a maw of hot breath and sharp teeth against my neck.
“Then consider this yer first and last proper warning, Flower.”
I could barely hear myself speak, but somehow, Wild’s voice cut through the noise in my head like a blade through butter.
“There's no getting away from a Wild Wolf. If ye run, we give chase and put e beneath us. Like this…”
He shifted his hips again, and my stomach didn't just pool with disgust this time, it flipped, turning all the way over. My vision swam with the terrible feeling, and I had to close my eyes with a gasp as my body involuntarily shuddered, clenching and unclenching around the thing wedged against my folds. I'd never in my life felt disgust like this.
“It’s not disgust,” Wild answered my thoughts as if I'd spoken out loud. His voice was no longer at my neck but somewhere above me. “Let me show ye, Flower…”
The pressure between my legs eased.
Thank the wolf… I began to think — right before the hard thing was replaced by another kind of insistent pressure. Hot. And wet.
My eyes popped back open.
Wild's head was between my legs, his shoulders pressing into the soft flesh of my inner thighs, holding them apart as he flexed his tongue inside my folds, kissing me in the same lewd way my sister's mate did after they were pronounced wolf and wife.
But down below!
Wild was… I panted out the realization. Wild was doing to me what Priscilla had done to Amanda. To give her relief .
That was the only coherent thought I managed to have before my entire world exploded into the kind of stars that couldn't be blocked by closing your eyes.
And one central truth emerged from the brain-melting chaos.
Wild was right.
It wasn’t disgust.
Thick, languorous bolts of pleasure, unlike anything I’d ever known, coursed through me as if they’d been waiting inside of me all this time for someone to come along and unleash them.
Someone like Wild.
He continued to kiss me down below, circling the tip of his tongue around one distinct point inside my folds. A point so piercing that an unintended cry of pleasure ripped out of me, broken and confused.
No, Wild hadn't torn out my throat, but he was killing me. I was dying. This wasn't… I was certain of it… this wasn't something I could survive.
I moved my hands down to Wild’s hair to make him stop whatever special thing he was doing before he unalived me.
But instead of pushing him away, I somehow ended up tugging on his hair, pulling his mouth even deeper into my most intimate space.
All my thoughts about my imminent death scattered as Wild devoured me. Tried to reform — only to collapse underneath another crest of soaring pleasure.
"Oh, oh!" My eyes closed again, and my head fell back against the patchy grass as the intense sensations thrashed through me.
“Alright, that’s enough!” a harsh voice growled above us.
Suddenly, the space between my legs emptied, and I opened my eyes to find Sea standing above Wild, who now lay sprawled on his back several meters away from me as if he'd fallen. Or been flung.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Sea snarled down at Wild.
“I thought ye said she had to learn ?” Wild sat up with a feral grin and something glistening around his bearded mouth.
My essence, I realized with an icy gut punch of shame.
He wiped it off with the back of his hand before bragging to Sea, “I’d say our Flower has been thoroughly educated about the difference between disgust and arousal, wouldn’t ye?”
Sea’s furious gaze snapped to me. Then lowered.
That was when I realized my most intimate part was fully exposed, on wet, naked display.
I quickly pushed the skirt down, and a scum-covered pond of dirty, grey ice replaced the hot pleasure that had boiled inside my stomach when Wild kissed me below.
“I was… I was just trying to get away,” I insisted lamely. “Save myself and all the other she-wolves you have trapped in that glass dome.”
“Save them from what ?” Wild asked with a cracking laugh. “The good time we could give the lot of ye if ye just stopped fighting us at every turn?”
Hot shame crawled up my neck. But still, I vowed, “I will never stop fighting you.”
As was becoming usual, when Wild became too much to bear, I looked to Sea .
But the kind, diplomatic gaze he regarded me with when he tried to validate and reason with me in the secret kingdom field was gone.
Replaced by a glowing, angry, gold gaze.