“Sea, lie horizontal in the bed, will ye?” I instructed the True King while massaging our Flower’s breasts. They were pure perfect. Just enough to fill both hands.
And I could sense how much she appreciated my attention over our mate bond. Fuck. Just like that, I was hard again.
But this wasn’t about me —
“We’ll want to make sure Dublin has a perfect view of your claiming.” Resentment burned inside of me, feral as my unsanctioned King title. But I kept my voice pleasant. “Can’t send him home without a good show, now can we?”
A show. That was what Wild called it.
But it was a punishment.
And everyone in the room knew it.
Sea got into position as instructed, his heavily veined cock straining in anticipation. I noticed that it was both longer and thicker than mine or Wild’s. Maybe the largest I’d ever seen outside of a paid actor in a human porn.
It had been hard enough to hear Wild claim her earlier. I couldn’t — I couldn’t watch Sea do the same.
I strained against the ropes, using all of my wolf strength this time to break the two lengths of extension cords binding my wrists to the gaming chair’s armrests.
“He’s really upset,” I told Wild over our newly formed mate bond.
“Good,” Wild answered, kissing his way up my neck. “Serves that amadán right for making this harder than it need be, even though he’ll be the one who wins in the end.”
Amadán — idiot . The mate bond translated that word for me. It also let me feel Wild’s anger toward Aidan — seething and oddly resentful.
“Why do you — ” I started to ask.
But Wild’s fingers found my sex before I could finish the question.
It was no use fighting. I was bound in a way that made it impossible to break free, even with shifter strength. Probably some Wild Wolf specialty hitch. Feck my life.
I had no choice but to watch as one of Wild’s hands moved from Naomi’s breast to the space between her legs. Her head fell back against Wild’s shoulder, her mouth falling open into a long moan as he rubbed circles over her mound. She was so drenched I could hear the wet sound of his hand movements.
It felt so good, but… “Not enough,” I whimpered through the bond, my voice raw and broken. “Please, Wild, don’t torture me again. I can’t bear it. I can’t…”
I wasn’t being dramatic. The composure I’d somehow mustered to convince Sea to return to his human form had crumbled. The world had shrunk, everything — time, space, existence itself — dissolving into the singular, burning agony of my heat. It wasn’t just a need. It was life or death. I would die if I wasn’t mated. “Now. Wild. Please!”
“Ssh! I’m not torturing ye, Flower. Not this time, I swear,” Wild murmured, his voice gentle and soothing. In stark contrast to the dark hunger swirling inside me — and the knowing hand rubbing at my core. “I’m only giving you a small orgasm — just enough relief to help you regain your head and give Sea your pledge the same as me and Dublin.”
Dublin… I dimly realized that must be Aidan's name… that he was the one who had called in the middle of my fight outside the tower with Wild.
But that new realization disappeared when I came with a hitched breath, courtesy of Wild’s fingers.
The orgasm was tiny. Nothing compared to the ones Wild had given me when he finally came inside of me. But as promised, it was just enough to clear my head.
“Look at Sea,” Wild instructed out loud, with a baiting tone I suspected was directed toward the wolf he’d called Dublin. “Give him yer pledge. Tell him that ye’re his. Forever.”
Eyes glazed with lust, Naomi turned her head to spout the same Gaelic she had outside the door of the downstairs toilet.
Was that what she had been saying? Doing? Pledging herself to me? My heart stopped with emotions I didn’t dare to name.
Each word of her pledge shot through me like lightning. My standing cock pulsed with need, and I fisted my hands in the bed sheets to keep my wolf from springing forth. It wanted nothing more than to rip her out of Wild’s arms and mount her.
“Good, good, Flower,” Wild crooned in the distance when she was done. “See how happy ye’ve made him?”
“Really?” I heard our Mairinua answer. She sounded worried, “It feels like I’m torturing him now.”
“No, he’s only just fighting to control his mate-starved wolf,” Wild assured her. “He saved himself for ye. All these years. Just like ye saved yerself for us, yer kings.”
“He did?” Mairinua’s voice softened with wonder .
And just like that, it was all worth it — the years of wrestling with my wolf every time I’d lost my head due to pent-up sexual frustration.
A quiet pride swelled in my chest, knowing every struggle had led me here.
The beast inside me stilled, and I was finally able to lift my hand from the sheet, holding it out to her. “Mairinua, come. Let’s finish the claim. This is what I’ve waited for. My entire life.”
This is what I’d run from my entire life, being claimed by any wolf — much less the two who had kidnapped me.
But my heart melted at Sea’s words.
Until Wild informed me out loud, “Afraid ye’re going to have to be in control of this first time with Sea barely hanging on to his wolf.”
My blood ran cold, agony slicing through me.
This was torture. Pure torture.
Maybe Wild truly was genuinely concerned about Sea losing control, but his words cut like a blade, aimed straight at me. Another level to my punishment.
It wasn’t enough that I had to overhear Naomi and Wild mating. Now, I’d have to sit by as Naomi willingly claimed a second male who wasn’t me.
She would climb onto his visibly pulsing cock, and I’d be forced to witness every single moment of her fucking him .
“I’m not sure if I can.”
A doubtful look crossed Naomi’s face, and for one desperate second, I hoped.
But then Wild coaxed, “Ye can; I assure ye. Here, let me talk ye through it, beauty.”
Wild took her by the hand, helping her balance as she walked on her knees toward Sea’s straining cock.
If not for their destination and state of undress, Wild would have looked like a gentleman, helping his lady maintain her balance.
“There ye go…” Wild climbed up on the bed with her and moved his hold down to her hips, keeping her steady as he lowered her toward Sea’s pulsing cock.
“Unhhh, he’s so big.”
Naomi’s voice strained as Sea’s thick cock parted her folds.
“So tight!” Sea fisted the sheets as Wild slowly impaled Naomi on his raging erection.
Fucking hell… my stomach twisted with jealous rage.
And I tried to shut my eyes against seeing them coming together.
But I couldn’t. For some reason, my wolf wouldn’t let me.
It was a Sophie’s choice for me then, wasn’t it?
I had to choose between keeping an eye on our Flower as I helped her swallow Sea’s massive cock in her watering cunt and seeing that city amadán Dublin suffer.
In the end, I chose my audience participation award of watching Sea fulfill his part of the prophecy.
The two made all sorts of noises, hesitant and scared. But they both cried out with what sounded to me like relief when I got our Flower fully seated.
Wild removed his hands and climbed back off the bed. A torturer/teacher whose job was done.
But Sea just lay there, doing nothing.
I no longer had to choose between watching Sea mate our Flower while Dublin sat by in what could be nothing less than pure sexual torture.
But I began to fear the True King’s mind had been blown out. He just lay there. Staring up at his queen with the dopiest smile.
Wild was right .
He was right about hand shandies not being enough.
The wet, tight grip of her around my large shaft… Nothing had ever felt better.
Nothing could ever replace this sensation again now that I knew it.
Suddenly my wolf went quiet. No shame. No embarrassment. Just calm in a way I’d never felt.
I’d been sick, mate-starved to the point of delirium .
But this was it.
The medicine my wolf had been begging me for.
Then she began to move.
His new standing position meant that the merciless Feral King could gleefully switch between watching me and enjoying a full frontal view of the newly joined couple. Meanwhile, I stayed wretchedly transfixed by a back view of Naomi as she began moving on top of Sea.
At first, tentatively, then with bolder and bolder thrusts of her hips.
I couldn’t view Sea past Naomi, but I could tell he was beginning to lose it when his hands went from fisting to white-knuckling the sheets as she bounced on his rod.
“Steady,” Wild warned with a laughing glance toward me. “Steady.”
Wild was laughing, and I was losing my mind. The way our Mairinua rode me, her cunt flexing as her breasts bounced. My wolf stayed down, its tongue lolling to the side as she undulated on top of me. But the sight of her! I was burning alive, struggling not to bust before she found her release.
“Don’t come until she does,” Wild warned somewhere in the distance. “Else, ye’ll have a massive problem throwing yer knot.”
Some primal part of me sensed the truth of his warning. Knew that there was a certain natural shifter order to these things. But …
“I can’t… I can’t hang on…” I clenched my teeth, my head thrashing from side to side.
“Stay with me, Sea,” Mairinua begged on top of me. “Please.”
I could deny her nothing. I would deny her nothing .
A new determination rose inside of me.
Sea suddenly surged into a seated position, wrapping his arms around Naomi.
I could have called it a hug, but it struck me more as a desperate gripping. A male anchoring himself to a buoy in a crashing sea of lust. He dug his face into her neck as Naomi undulated her hips — the only part of herself she could still move in his mental institution straight jacket version of a hold.
But I held on.
The True King held on until Naomi suddenly came with a broken “Sea!”
Her body quaked, and her head fell back as she found her release in his lap.
No further instruction was needed from me after that point .
Before I even had the chance to come down, Sea surged forward again, this time flipping the both of us into a horizontal position with me on my back.
“Look at ye, Flower. Painting such a pretty picture for the Dublin King,” Wild's voice slithered over our mate bond like a snake. “Show him. Show him the prophecy.”
Dublin King? Prophecy? Deductive thought tried to surface, only to get dragged back down as a new tidal wave of pleasure crashed over me — like a runaway carriage.
Control vanished after that. No more wondering about Wild’s strange words.
Some dark switch flipped in both Sea’s mind and mine.
Wild hadn’t said anything aloud. But, like actors in an adult film, Sea and Naomi got into another position to give me an even more excruciating view of their mating.
But then, Naomi began to come again, and suddenly, they morphed from two humans on a mission to fulfill the prophecy into two animals on the bed, fucking each other stupid.
There was no more strategic display. No more showing me what I missed.
I watched them wrestle and crawl over each other until Sea trapped her writhing body underneath his, pinning her to the bed to make his final claim.
This wasn’t the kind of sex one had for pleasure, more like a primal taking over. Sea rocked her entire body as he shoved into her with heavy grunts, his eyes frantic and unseeing. Meanwhile, Naomi submitted to his claim with needy whimpers as he rutted her like a wild animal.
The only she-wolf I’d ever told my name…
Another was taking her.
Right in front of me.
The scene should have filled me with disgust and even more sadness for what I’d lost — I mean, what Naomi had lost when she refused to follow my instructions to go to the town and ask to be sedated.
Yet, watching the scene did something to me. The flesh between my legs came alive, and bolts of lust shot up my shaft, swelling it to the point of pain.
I knew that if I glanced down at it, I’d find it standing like Sea’s had earlier, straining and pulsing with base need.
But I couldn’t look down.
Couldn’t look away from the scene on the bed, even though it felt like I would explode.
“Aaaahhh!” With a great yell, Sea shoved his hips into Naomi’s one last time, and his entire body locked as he released inside her.
Jets upon jets of seed flooded into me. Sea’s release seemed to go on forever.
So long that his seed began to spill out of the places where their hips were locked.
So long that Naomi’s body began to quake again as he emptied into her, letting me know that she’d been overcome by yet another orgasm.
The look on her face was blissful as if she’d gone to another plane of existence.
I’d gone to another plane of existence.
A heaven that enfolded me in pleasure and melted all of my cares away.
Until a sudden swelling abruptly knocked me off my cloud.
Naomi’s eyes bulged, and suddenly, she gasped, “Sea! Sea! Too big. Too big…”
The blood iced over inside my body. He was hurting her.
“I’m sorry!” Sea said. “Once I started knotting, I can’t unlock from you.”
“Too big! I won’t…” She slapped at his chest, pushing against him, the heels of her feet, knocking into his buttocks. “I won’t survive this! Please! ”
“I’m sorry!” I could feel her distress as if it were my own as I knotted inside of her. And I never wanted to hurt her, but when I pulled back on my hips, we remained locked together as shifter nature designed it. “I’m so sorry.”
There suddenly came an odd banging sound.
The plastic wheels of the gaming chair banged into the wood as I tried to break free of my restraints.
She wasn’t mine. I knew that. But I couldn’t bear to see her in pain.
“So you do have some fidelity after all.” On the other side of the bed, Wild shot me a disparaging look before stepping back into his coaching role.
“Relax, Flower. Yeah, Sea’s got a wanker to match his True King title. But I promise ye can handle it.”
He reached out and gently pulled on one of her bent knees. “Open your legs wider to receive your king’s knot.”
“Trust that yer body was made for this, Flower.” Wild’s dark voice washed over me, calming my mind. Then he teased, “There’s no need to pass out on us this time.”
With hitched breaths, I followed his instructions. Widening my legs in lewd sacrifice to accommodate Sea’s insanely huge knot.
And to my shock, it soon began to feel better. Much, much better. He was locked into my core, touching something impossibly deep inside me.
I stopped trying to break free when Naomiwent from pushing Sea away to moving underneath him.
“Yes, take his knot, beauty,” Wild encouraged while throwing me an evil smirk. “Take his knot and fulfill the prophecy.”
“Mmm… mmm… mmm.” She made plaintive noises, her legs mindlessly thrashing on either side of her second king’s waist. Until…
Sea shifted his hips with a deep arch of his back, burying himself so deep inside her that her legs shot out straight.
“Unh!” Naomi made a strange, grunting sound and then froze, her face going completely slack. Like someone hit by lightning.
Her head lolled to the side, and she stared straight at me. Unseeing.
That was when I realized she was coming so hard that her body had seized up, and her mind had temporarily collapsed.
It wasn’t me on that bed.
I hadn’t touched her or myself since Wild rolled me into this room. But without warning, my cock kicked with the shooting sensation of my own release, and what felt like a rope of semen rushed up my shaft.
Only to suddenly fizzle out with a painful jerk.
This time I did look down… to find nothing but a sad little pearl of cum eject fr om my willy.
Meanwhile, on the bed, Sea collapsed onto Naomi.
“Well, that was completely mind-blowing.” A snarky voice said out of nowhere. “If not for Wild coaching me, I probably would have passed out on you, too.”
My head shot up to look down at the she-wolf I had just claimed. “Mairinua, is that you?”
Sea’s head shot up, and the happiest grin spread across his face.
Naomi stared up at him, her eyes soft and smiling.
They were talking… I realized. Talking for the first time over their mate bond.
My parents had been wolf-mated, and after my eighteenth birthday, Mother moved to a small town in England while my father stayed in Dublin to continue overseeing the business. After a few monthly visits that eventually turned into yearly lunches if my mother was up to it, I realized they’d undergone a genteel divorce without the bother of paperwork.
However, before his retirement, my father had deigned to mutter a couple of paragraphs about the differences between heat mating and wolf matings, which included a completely immersive form of telepathy. “Sounds like a bloody nightmare if you ask me,” he’d quipped.
It didn't look like a bloody nightmare, though.
On the bed, Sea and Naomi stared at each other in mutual awe.
I’d never seen my proper parents smile at each other like that. Or share a look that relayed how happy they were without them having to utter a single word.
Then Wild leaned in and silently said something that made Sea and Naomi break out into laughter as Naomi continued to milk Sea below.
They looked like the happiest of threesomes as they silently chatted, using their newfound gifts.
Jealousy like none I’d ever known crashed over me in waves, threatening to dismantle my mind.
But at least the punishment — the torture was over, I told myself, scrabbling to get a grip.
Little did I know, it had only just begun.