That evening, we all walked out to the lake. Sea beside me, with Wild and Aidan following behind.
They’d told me nothing and had muted their mate bonds.
But I could feel the solemnity of the moment crackling in the air.
“Is this the place?” Sea asked Aidan when we reached the mountain after about thirty minutes of walking.
Aidan nodded, his face just as grave as Sea’s and Wild’s, despite his many claims that he was a proud City Wolf who didn’t believe in any of that prophecy and scroll bullshite. “This is where I found her, right over there.”
Wild glanced around with an approving nod. “And this is a good place for it. We can all see the moon overhead.”
Sea turned to Aidan. “You may go first since this is technically your territory as the predecessor of Belfast.”
Aidan nodded and took a deep breath before turning to me .
“Okay, hopefully, I’m not messing this up. I’m not a great memorizer of things, I’ll admit. Couldn’t even be taught to sight-read music. Ah, my heart is beating so fast, but here goes…”
Tears pooled in my eyes when he began the Irish Gaelic vow he’d refused to say to me two weeks ago, right after I went into heat. As Aidan spoke, I couldn’t help but think back to when I met him. So much had changed since then — my understanding of intimacy, loyalty, and what it truly meant to be bound to someone. By the time he was done stuttering his way through it, tears flowed down my cheeks.
“I wish I had declared that to you two weeks ago. I will always regret not saying yes to you from the moment we met. These two weeks have been…” He took another deep, audible breath. “They’ve been everything to me — even if I’ve had a hell of a time remembering not to call you by your true name. Speaking of which, my true name is Aidan. Aidan, King of the Norman Wolves and Ruler over the kingdoms of Belfast and Dublin. Will you take this light and blow it out, trusting that I will always lead you through the darkness?”
He extended the candle to me, and I took it. But before I blew it out, I had to tell him something, “I resisted and resisted, but I think the moment I met you, I knew everything Wild and Sea had told me was correct. It was love at first sight. I couldn’t say it — couldn’t admit it then. But I loved you from the start. I hope that’s okay to tell you.”
Now, Aidan’s eyes were glistening with tears. “More than okay, babes. And I love you, too, Dublin Queen.”
The moment ticked between us until he grimaced to remind me, “But you still have to blow the candle out. You know, for ritual’s sake. ”
“Oh!” With a little laugh, I blew it out without reservation. Then I asked with a hesitant tone, “Am I supposed to tell you my name, too?”
“Not yet,” Sea answered for him. “Wild, you’re up next.”
Aidan took back the candle, and Wild stepped forward, though with a far less eager look on his face. “I’m shite at this sort of stuff, to be honest.” He scraped a hand over the back of his head. “I’m a devout bastard, but usually, I’m in wolf form for all the rituals, ye know.”
I dipped my head, fully understanding. “I’m excited to know your name, though.”
His shoulders slumped. “Ye already know it. Conall, King of the Wild Wolves and Ruler of all the natural kingdom. Same as me da. But don’t call me that, please. Ever.”
He looked everywhere but at me. “And if our babe’s a boy, name him something else, alright? Even one of those boring Canadian names’ll do.”
“Okay,” I agreed softly, my eyes once again pooling with tears, my heart twisting for him. “And Wild?”
“Yeah?” he asked, glancing at me with a mix of sorrow and uncertainty over the candle.
“I love you, too,” I whispered. “More and more every day, I get to know the real you.”
Wild swallowed hard, and a surge of emotion crashed over his side of the mate bond — only to be yanked back before it fully reached me. But my skin prickled with the intensity of what he’d almost let me feel.
“All right, enough of that,” he muttered, looking away as he held out the candle. “Blow it out, will ye, so we can get on to Sea’s turn?”
No “I love ye back.” But his white-knuckle grip on the candle and the near collapse of his muted bond told me everything I needed to know.
I bit back a smile and blew out his candle.
Wild all but snatched his candle back and shuffled away without being told.
Then came Sea.
I expected another big speech, but he just said, “My name is Owen, True King of the Irish Wolves and Ruler of the Secret Kingdom.”
“Owen,” I repeated. Later, I’d find out that his version of the name was actually spelled Eoin. But that night, I told him, “That’s the perfect name for you.”
He grinned and began to hold up his candle — only to suddenly stop and say, “It was always you missing from my life. Always you meant to tame my mate-starved wolf. I’ve known you — I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you. Thank you for having me.”
“Thank you for being patient with me,” I answered, my voice shaking with emotion. Then I leaned in to confess, “You know, I only ran because I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold on until the spring. Even then, I was falling in love with you.”
“I'm aware,” he assured me with a gentle smile.
With those heartfelt statements out of the way, he held up his candle. “Will you blow out this light and trust me to guide your way?”
I blew out the candle before he was even done .
And somehow, I knew exactly what to say next. “My name is Naomi Hamilton of the Canadian W?lfennites. Will you three kings have me as your queen?”
“Absolutely yes,” Aidan assured me while Wild and Eoin said something in Gaelic that my mate bond with Sea translated as “Most certainly on my life yes.”
I was beginning to understand why my mother always comprehended what my Ghanaian father said, even when he spoke to her in his native Ga language.
Standing there under the full moon, I realized I wasn’t an outsider anymore. The rituals, the vows, the names — all of it had drawn me deeper into their world. Into our world. And I knew that I was ready to take my place as their queen.
We walked back to the house in full moonlit silence, and Sea took my hand to lead me up the stairs.
I thought Wild had been joking when he said I needed a week more of practice before I’d be able to take all three of them, but that night, I came to understand that there had been a plan in place all along.
Wild shed his tunic first and beckoned me forward.
But when I tried to disrobe, Eoin said, “No, Naomi, leave it on. This is a replication of the bridal dress of Mairi. What the every Irish Wolf queen has worn on the night of the true name ritual since her sons took over the three Irish sire lines.”
Okay… I soon learned why my dress hadn’t been belted with agolden braid like their three outfits when I lifted the loose fabric to settle myself down on Wild’s already straining length.
His side of the mate bond was still turned off, but Aidan’s and Eoin’s desire was enough to ensure I was fully wet when I sank down, my sex easily swallowing his length.
“Good job, beauty.” Wild cupped a hand behind my neck and pulled me forward for a passionate kiss as Aidan lubed me up from behind.
I moaned against Wild’s lips as the Dublin King pushed into my tightest space, and soon he was inside of me, too.
Last came Eoin. He pulled me out of my kiss with Wild, about as lovingly as one could, while putting a huge dong in your face.
But I opened my jaw as wide as possible to take him in my mouth. Then, Aidan and Wild began to move on both sides of me.
It was like nothing — nothing in life I’d ever experienced before. Giving Eoin pleasure while Aidan and Wild stroked into me with singular intent.
Soon, I discovered an easier way to open your mouth even further when dealing with what Aidan insisted on referring to as “Sea’s proper monster cock.”
A new, dangerous orgasm began to build inside of me.
Until everything inside of me imploded: my nerves, my hearing, my entire mind.
My jaw unhinged further, and I drew Eoin even deeper into my throat as I screamed into my climax.
They had only been waiting for me, I found out in the next moment when all three kings came at the same time. Filling all three holes with even more spend than Eoin had imagined the first day of our heat moon.
Wrong thought.
Another orgasm began contracting everything inside of me. And both holes strangled around Wild and Aidan’s erections, sending them into another round of shooting spurts while Sea unloaded again into my mouth.
I couldn’t… I couldn’t swallow fast enough.
Another wrong thought.
“Holy Christ,” Aidan, the least religious of us all, cursed behind me as a third orgasm rocked over our mate bond.
I couldn’t answer. Couldn’t apologize.
I shot into the stars, then floated down on a glowing cloud…
… to discover both Eoin and Aidan had pulled out before I could have any more wrong thoughts to further trigger them.
My kings weren’t just ridiculously attractive; they were also wise.
“Three Wise Kings. Ha!” Sea said, picking up on my thoughts. “Good one.”
I collapsed next to Wild on the bed, laughing and leaking from all my holes.
Talk about going to bed dirty. A druggy black pulled my eyes closed as I wondered if I’d ever know the sensation of feeling clean before bedtime again.
I fell asleep between Wild and Aidan.
But woke up between Eoin and Aidan, with a terrible, hollow feeling in my chest.
There was something wrong …
The house was too quiet. The kind of silence that sank into your bones and made you feel cold from the inside out.
Where is Wild?
The question appeared in my head, and I scrambled out of bed.
As usual, all sorts of aches and pains greeted my morning movements.
Where is Wild?
But I didn’t care. I searched the other room. The bed was empty.
Where is Wild?
I ran from place to place in the house: the front room, both bathrooms, the kitchen…
But they were all emptylike the feeling in my chest.
Where is Wild? Where is Wild? Where is Wild?
I ran back to the stairs with a plan to return to our shared bedroom and ask Eoin and Aidan the same thing.
But stopped when I found them waiting on the landing with grave looks on their faces.
“Where is Wild?” I asked, this time out loud, my voice breaking.
Already knowing I wouldn’t like the answer.