The four of us got married underneath the next new moon, along with the trimates, as the Sea and Wild Wolves called a mateship between two males and a she-wolf.
Although, we’d have to expand that definition.
Astrid, Frey, and Priscilla were among the new moon wedding participants. And Priscilla couldn’t have looked happier when she traveled back to Belfast a few months later.
A decision that Eoin hoped would turn out all right.
Aidan was fairly sure that the Scottish Wolves wouldn’t even think to bother Eoin’s and Wild’s sister being that “They couldn’t possibly have any idea she’s related to two of the Irish Kings. The one thing we have going for us is that they have no idea where to look.”
“But how about this source of the Tríbéirríthe’s?” I asked while we helped Sea make his decision. “Is it possible…? ”
“No, their source is Scottish,” Eoin assured me. “Only got in contact with them due to Sadie. If you hadn’t brought your friend with you, the lot of ye might still be in Scotland, making plans to bounce to Ontario after all was said and done.”
I was worried about Sadie, who we still hadn’t managed to get in touch with.
Apparently, she and the Tríbéirríthe were in what Aidan called “the kind of wind only billionaires with access to god tech could afford.”
Speaking of god tech, Aidan was nearly as fascinated by it as me.
Back in November, he took one step inside the secret kingdom’s castle and immediately announced he was quitting his job.
The castle wasn’t guarded by a dragon, but it housed tech beyond our wildest dreams, including programmable walls that bent dimensional space to such an extent that he’d taken to calling it the “castle Tardis.”
And if that wasn’t enough to keep our curious minds occupied for days, the “control room” contained ancient yet somehow highly advanced tech that appeared to run on some manner of quantum fusion.
Aidan and I — much to Wild’s eye-rolling annoyance — agreed on pretty much everything. But we super-duper agreed that there was nothing we’d rather do with the rest of our lifetime than figure out and possibly reverse-engineer the secret kingdom’s god tech.
So, the thought of never having been kidnapped by Eoin and Wild sent a chill down my spine.
Even if it wasn’t quite safe to send anything but the vaguest of letters from an ever-rotating set of rural human mailboxes assuring my sister and parents that we were safe and happy .
And only the fates knew what they’d do in the spring when they discovered that every single one of the kidnapped she-wolves had chosen to stay in Ireland rather than return to Scotland.
Though Fiona had asked me about trying for a wee visit after her twins were born.
I’d love to believe that a huge number of multiples would solve any rift.
Dublin and I were in talks with the Colorado Princess about possibly getting another contingent of she-wolves sent to Scotland.
The pretty, light brown she-wolf with crescent-shaped eyes seemed interested in the idea at first but then asked, “Am I going to be king-blocked there, too?”
She was understanding but not necessarily happy about some random nobody Canadian somehow snagging all three of Ireland’s kings. And she’d been even less enthusiastic about arranging potential brides for Scottish Wolves when I had to let her know that, yes, their king was already married. To my older sister.
In the end, Eoin, with our advisement, let Astrid and Frey return to Belfast and then take a side trip to Spain to visit Astrid’s three parents.
If there was anything that let me know how lucky I was to have been fated to Eoin and Wild, it was watching how much they both cared about their little sister’s long-term happiness despite all the pain her parents had caused them.
However, lifting the ban on their two exiled parents was still a no-go subject.
The one time I’d brought it up, they’d both closed down their mate bonds, and even my ever-diplomatic True King had informed me out loud, “This subject is never up for discussion. ”
“Just promise to come back before all these secret kingdom babies are born,” I said after hugging Astrid goodbye.
“Oh, I promise,” Astrid answered. “Maybe being around a bunch of crying multiples will cure Frey of her baby hunger. She and our new wife have been talking rather seriously about getting Priscilla wolf-mated in Italy, she’s so desperate for one of our own.”
Well, that was a discussion I’m sure would be coming up again.
Other than Astrid’s departure, the only other sad event of the new year was Wild having to leave for two entire weeks to oversee the Imbolc ritual — a sex-laden spring fertility festival that took place at the very beginning of February, for reasons probably lost to the annals of climate change and time.
Wild invited me along, as it would be especially important this year with so many pregnant she-wolves. “I promise to ensure my Wild Queen enjoys every single second of the festivities,” he promised with a heated look when he told us he’d have to depart fairly soon over breakfast in late January.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to take the spotlight from Amanda,” I answered, rubbing a hand over my rounded belly.
And pretending that Aidan and Eoin hadn’t shut down their links to Wild to warn me against going. I was only three months pregnant, but with triplets — I was already heavily swollen with the royals who would arrive before the summer solstice — which Wild had already told his wolves he’d have to skip.
Because of his Irish Queen’s curse, of course.
Speaking of… “Come right back. Don’t make me come tackle you again,” I said, kissing Wild goodbye the morning after we spent the night in the tent he’d set up just outside the castle.
Aidan and Eoin hated that we’d made a new tradition of spending the night outside without them whenever Wild had to leave to oversee a fating stones ritual or festival as the Wild King.
But they loved having nearly two weeks of what Eoin called “nice, standard trimate copulation.”
“Without your unhinged third husband in our heads,” Aidan added with a grumble.
The Dublin King had never been happier. But it would probably take us all years to get used to the insane sex thralls Wild still occasionally threw us into — like when he returned to the secret kingdom right before Valentine’s Day, and we lost an entire week and a couple of kilos to the celebration that followed.
We might still be there if the castle hadn’t suddenly alerted us while my most unhinged King was patiently talking me through taking Sea’s giant, thick, and heavily lube length up my —
“Incoming communication! Incoming communication! From…” The near-sentient computer — of which the castle itself seemed to be made — piped in a familiar voice. “Naomi’s friend Sadie.”
On the insanely large hexagon bed Eoin had built as a Christmas present, I let Dublin’s erection fall out of my mouth to say, “Sadie?”
“Yes,” the castle answered. “Would you like me to reroute the call to your bedroom?”
“No!” Wild, who was beneath me, and Sea, who was partially lodged in my back hole, shouted at the same time.
But we got dressed in record time and rushed to Eoin’s office to take the call on a wall that wouldn’t give my best friend a view of our… ah, fun bedroom, which featured a swing, a saddle, and a few other toys we weren’t ready to share with the world .
I was afraid a mistake had been made. But sure enough, my sweet friend’s face filled the screen.
“Nay! Is that you?”
“Oh my God, Sadie. We’ve been trying to get in touch with you. Did you finally get our messages?”
“No,” she answered, her face falling. “We’ve been — like, a lot has happened.”
“Who you telling!” I answered with a laugh. “Are you alright? Is it true what my husbands told me about —”
“I wish I could talk, but you all don’t have much time.”
My heart stopped. Something in her eyes and the way she said “you all” sent a shiver through me. I suddenly realized this wasn’t a catch-up call.
“What do you mean?” Eoin asked, speaking for all of us.
“I mean, the Scottish Wolves found us,” she answered. “And I’m pretty sure they’ve found you, too. They’re planning to attack you!”
“What?” Wild, Dublin and I said at the same time while Eoin, the True King, iced over his mate bond to ask, “When?”
Sadie opened her mouth to answer, but the castle wall suddenly blinked out, cutting her off.
“What the…?” Aidan asked beside me.
As if in answer, a screeching alarm — which I hadn’t even known the castle had — went off above us.
The sudden cacophony sent a jolt of fear down my spine. Eoin stiffened beside me, his jaw clenched, while Wild’s face darkened with realization. The air in the room suddenly felt too thick to breathe.
And five words, written in three languages, replaced Sadie’s face on the wall screen.
The first was written in the gods’ tongue, which I was studying but still couldn’t read.
The second was written in Gaelic, which I couldn’t read.
And the third dropped my heart down to my feet.
Our True King had asked my best friend, “When?”
At the same time, we all realized the answer to the True King’s question.
Now .
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for reading
I can’t wait for you to read Sadies story.