Her Saviors (Tattered and Torn MC #4) Chapter Twenty-Nine 97%
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Chapter Twenty-Nine


Six months later

OVER THE LAST six months, our life has settled even more into a routine.

Kind of.

Our days are still chaotic with everything going on, but we get through each one by depending on one another and by ensuring the kids know we’re there for them no matter what.

Even when Brooklyn went into labor, the kids were in our home with Nanny, Cricket, Goliath, and their kids.

In fact, they didn’t even know until they woke up that we weren’t in the house because our twins decided they wanted to come in the middle of the night.

They made their grand entrance into the world approximately four hours after Brooklyn’s water broke at home.

Jayce and I were at her side and the kids were brought up first thing in the morning to meet the newest additions to our family.

Dax Landon and Adoline Della were born just before four in the morning the first day it snowed.

Talk about a crazy as hell trip to the hospital.

We spent more time sliding around in the truck than actually driving a straight line.

Anguish had to drive us because Jayce and I lost our shit.

We actually left the compound without Brooklyn and had all of her bags in the bed of the truck.

One of them almost flew out as Hulk caught up to us in his truck and made us go back to the house.

Brooklyn was loaded up in Anguish’s truck by the time we got there and we grabbed everything from the bed of our truck and put it in the backseat with us.

Brooklyn was laughing so hard at us, I was honestly scared she’d have the twins in the truck as Anguish raced through the snow and managed to keep his truck on the road.

Bear is also a new addition to our family.

He’s a Golden Retriever that we got from the breeder Gavin found and he’s absolutely amazing.

We’ve had him with us for almost two months now.

His people are definitely Brooklyn and Kyler.

When Kyler’s at school during the day, Bear is right next to our wife and follows her around the house so she doesn’t get lost.

When Kyler’s home, Bear follows him around and stays right at his side.

He even sleeps with Kyler every single night.

Mia still isn’t too sure what to think of him and that’s okay.

We’re letting her warm up to him in her own time.

The older Mia gets, the more cautious she becomes.

She sits back and observes everything before making a decision as to join in the fun or not.

Mia loves Nanny and spends as much time as possible with her.

She loves going into the coop and chasing the chickens all over which makes Nanny cackle until she almost falls over.

Those two are trouble when they’re together but we can’t keep them apart.

If we ever can’t find our little girl, all we have to do is walk over to Nanny’s cabin and that’s where we find Mia.

Brooklyn is the only one who ever knows where she is because the first time Nanny took her, she didn’t tell Brooklyn and it scared the hell out of her.

Brooklyn raced all over the compound at seven months pregnant and almost fell on her face so many times.

Nanny felt horrible and promised she’d tell our wife when she was kidnapping her little buddy.

Goliath has been roped into getting his wife even more farm animals over the last six months.

They now own a miniature Highland cow.

I’m not sure if it’s cute or something that fills my nightmares.

I tend not to go to their place too much because there are animals everywhere you look and most of them wander free like Nanny’s chickens.

Especially the goats.

Those are about the only things I can stand because they’re so funny when they faint out of nowhere and just lay there like a lump on the ground.

Kyler was scared the first time he saw it happen and we had to explain that’s what they do when they get scared.

After that he started laughing every time one of the goats fainted in front of him.

Our boy has a sick sense of humor some days.

He’s now taking martial arts and has expressed an interest in playing football as soon as he’s old enough to join one of the teams in town.

We’ve asked him about T-ball, but Kyler has no interest in it.

He did see someone playing lacrosse and was kind of interested in that.

I have a feeling our boy is gonna want to play full contact sports where he gets to hit people.

Brooklyn is gonna lose her damn mind watching him play those two sports.

But, I also predict she’ll be cheering him on louder than anyone else as she does now when he learns a new move in martial arts.

I’m just glad he hasn’t witnessed anyone playing hockey yet.

I have a feeling that’s another sport he’d express interest in.

Of course, he’s still riding his bike all over the place and has informed us he wants to learn how to do wheelies.

He seems to be trying to become the next Evel Knievel.

“Can I say something?”

Kyler asks as he helps set the table while we help Brooklyn finish up the food.

“What do you wanna talk about, Little Man?” I ask.

“We see the judge tomorrow, right?”

he questions. At my nod, he continues. “I think we need to dress up so we don’t make the judge mad. I want him to let us all stay together. Can you wear a suit? Brooky and the girls can all wear dresses.”

“We can do that, Kyler,”

Brooklyn says, bringing over his glass of milk along with Mia’s sippy cup. The babies are in their swings, content for the time being as they were just fed. Even though they’re still too young to eat what we do, we bring them into the kitchen for family time.

That’s honestly one of my favorite parts of the day.

Kyler fills us in on all the antics going on at school while he finishes up any work he brought home, there’s usually music softly playing in the background, and our wife has no problem dancing with us when the mood strikes.

Our home, the one that was simply wood, windows, and walls, has become our sanctuary.

The ol’ ladies are constantly visiting since it’s easier for them to come to us right now, and Nanny is an absolute godsend as far as we’re concerned.

Somehow, she always knows when she’s needed and shows up, which was a definite blessing when all four kids picked up a stomach bug that Kyler brought home.

Thankfully, that didn’t go through the compound, because of her quick thinking.

Although being totally honest, the mountain of laundry that was created still gives me nightmares.

As Brooklyn says, at least we cleared out the clothes that were getting too small.

We’re putting them aside for the twins as they grow up.

They’ll still get new stuff, of course, but Brooklyn didn’t want them to go to waste.

I look at our wife and realize she’s come so far since that long-ago night at Cricket’s when she approached us for help.

She’s a warrior, a phoenix; a woman who was ground down to almost nothing, that has overcome her past to stand tall and proud as a mother and wife.

I love that she’s building solid friendships with the other ol’ ladies, especially Robynn, which is probably because she and Anguish have multiples in their house as well.

“Do we have suits?”

I ask. My usual uniform of jeans, a tee-shirt, and my cut is what I was planning to wear, but it’s important to Kyler, so we’ll do it.

“Up in the closet,”

Brooklyn replies. “Remember? All of us ol’ ladies made sure y’all had them in case they were ever needed.”

“Who would think like that?”

I ask. The rest of the guys are like me, although we occasionally might wear sweats or shorts around the house.

“Cricket, of course,”

Brooklyn teases.


Kyler asks. “Do you have a dress? What about Mia and Addy?”

Brooklyn does what she can to hide her giggle, so she sounds like she’s strangling, but with a small smile on her face, she crouches by Kyler, who has the napkins in his hand and cups his face. “Sweetheart, all of us girls have a pretty dress for tomorrow. We’re very excited to make it official for you and Mia.”

He lets out a big sigh before wrapping his arms around her neck. I see her eyes well up as she hugs him close, Jayce right behind her to give her some stability since she’s crouching. “I’ll never forget my first Mommy and Daddy.”

“We won’t let you,”

I promise. “In fact, we’ve got the pictures from the house and plan to add all of them to the walls in the family room.”

“Can we put one out by the tree we planted?”

he asks, turning toward me.

True to his word, Director Oswald got us the living tree that has our parents’ ashes and we got it planted. Fetch made a beautiful bench and then Nanny planted bulbs so there are flowers growing year round.

“I think there’s a way we can preserve a picture so I’m going to say yes,”

Brooklyn says. “Kyler, I’ll research it and we’ll get it done, okay? We won’t let you forget them, I promise.”

This morning was hectic as hell. Kyler woke up at the crack of dawn and wanted to have another shower so he didn’t stink before he went and saw the judge. We were already up with Dax and Adoline feeding them when he came strolling into our room. Jayce got up when we realized Kyler wasn’t going to go back to sleep and gave him a shower while I helped our wife with the twins. Mia woke up just after we got Dax and Addy back in their cribs. Her little whimpers sounded just as I climbed back into bed with Brooklyn.

“I’ll get her,”

I tell Brooklyn as I turn and head back to the nursery.

Grabbing Mia, I bring her into our room after changing her diaper. Setting her in bed, she climbs over to Brooklyn and starts pulling on her long hair.


Mia says, smiling down at Brooklyn as she tries to get Mia’s finger untangled from her hair.

“Sweet Girl, it’s not playtime. Too early,”

Brooklyn grumbles, not losing her smile at all as Jayce and Kyler re-enter the room and jump on the end of the bed.

Kyler is dressed in a tee-shirt and pair of sweatpants so he doesn’t get his suit dirty from breakfast, his words. Jayce lets us know that we might as well get up because our little boy won’t be going back to sleep. He’s too excited for the day and wants to get to court early so we’re not late. Anything he can think of that will upset the judge has crossed Kyler’s mind and he’s voiced his opinion on the matter. One more way he’s grown over the last six months. Theresa has been working wonders with him and Kyler is no longer afraid to express his feelings or opinion on anything. Especially at school. We’ve been called down there more than a few times because he’s been standing up for one of the other kids getting bullied in fucking kindergarten.

Brooklyn and I agree with Jayce as he leaves the room with Kyler to make breakfast for us. Mia remains in her pajamas when we head downstairs a few minutes later. I put her in the high chair as Brooklyn sets the baby monitor on the table so we can see it in case the twins wake up again. Kyler is setting the table as normal when he’s home as the front door opens to show Nanny walking in with Cricket and Robynn on her heels.


Nanny greets us as Mia starts squealing in her high chair.


Kyler yells out, running over to her and hugging her while Cricket and Robynn make sure he doesn’t accidentally knock her over. “You’re wearing a pretty dress.”

“I am, Kyler. You want us all dressed up, so we’re gonna be dressed up. I’m gonna have breakfast with you this morning. Would it be okay with you?”

she asks him, a large smile on her face as she looks down at him.

“It’s okay, Nanny. You can sit by Mia, your best friend,”

he answers her, melting our hearts as we all watch him carefully help Nanny to the table then pulls out her chair next to Mia.

“Thank you, Kyler. Such a gentleman,”

she tells him, leaning forward and pressing a kiss against his cheek.

“Are you tryin’ to steal my Nanny?”

Goliath asks, walking in with his kids in his arms and a teasing smile on his face.

“No. She’s our Nanny, silly man,”

Kyler states, turning to finish working on setting the table. “Nanny loves us all and takes care of us like she did you and Uncle Hulk.”

“That she does, Kyler. You’re a smart man,”

Goliath says, praising him as we’ve all done since the day we brought him home with us.

“I know. My Brooky tells me that every day,”

Kyler states as we all start laughing because this boy already has an ego the size of the Grand Canyon and I’m okay with it because he’s sweet as fuck and protects everyone around him.

We manage to finish breakfast so we can shower and get ready to go to the courthouse when Anguish and Hulk make their way in the house with Robynn, Fetch, and the kids. Jethro rushes to find Bear and the two of them follow Kyler upstairs with Hulk so he can get in his suit. He made sure to tell everyone he didn’t stink because he took a shower but needs his hair done and some of my smelly stuff so he smells good. I lose my shit because my brother is making all of us bend to his will so we’re all prepared to face the judge. He also reminds Anguish, Hulk, and Fetch they need to have suits on or they can’t go in the courtroom with us.

“Who the fuck is the President of this chaos?”

Anguish whispers to me. “Seems that’s on my patch, Brother.”

He may be glaring at me, but I see the twinkle in his eye. All of my brothers have stepped in to help Kyler adjust to his circumstances.

“Kyler is. Today is all about him and we’re gonna let him have his say,”

I respond to him with a smile on my face before I go upstairs to get a shower, leaving our family in the kitchen with Mia and the baby monitor.

Pulling into the courthouse in town, Jayce parks as close to the door as he can. Spring is almost here and there’s still snow on the ground. With Brooklyn and the other ol’ ladies wearing heels, we don’t want them walking too far and slipping. Not that they won’t be holding on to their man on the way inside. Every single man and woman is dressed in dresses with heels or a suit. We’re all wearing our cuts under our suit jackets and the women have their rags on over their dresses. Including Brooklyn. Just before she went into labor, her rag finally came in and we gave it to her in front of our kids and the club. It was actually at the baby shower the club threw for us.

We make it through security as Mrs. Deville, Doc, Darren, and Dr. Matthews show up in support of us. Maude and Miriam also show up for our big day. Kyler has told everyone he comes into contact with about his adoption day and I’m not surprised when we get to the room we’ll go in to see his teacher and the principal sitting there waiting for us. Theresa strolls in behind us with a file in hand in case the judge wants to talk to her. I can’t hold back my emotion as I walk into one of the small, private rooms so I can get myself together.

“Son, are you okay?”

Nanny asks me, walking in behind me and closing the door behind us.

“I am. So many people showed up for him, Nanny. All of them are wearing dresses and suits because it’s what he feels needs to be done so the judge doesn’t take him from us. How did we get so fuckin’ lucky to have Kyler in our lives?”

I ask her, a few tears sliding down my face.

“You’re not lucky to have him, Gavin. Kyler is lucky to have the three of you in his life. You’ve all shown him how to love without exception, have given him unwavering support, and are nurturing his need to have ways to get out his feelings when he can’t express himself. You’ve had him in counseling to help him through the grief of losing his parents and brought that boy out of his shell. He no longer feels the need to watch over his baby sister because he’s the ‘man of the house’. That’s because of you and Jayce. Every single person out there loves Kyler because of the boy you’re raising with Brooklyn and Jayce. Not because of the boy he was before coming here,”

Nanny says, pulling me into her arms and holding me as I finish pulling myself together.

“Thank you, Nanny. I don’t know what we’d do without you in our lives,”

I tell her honestly when I pull back from her.

“You’d all be bored to death,”

she returns before heading back out to the hall to wait with everyone.

By the time I walk back out to the hall to join my family, we’re being called in to see the judge. Kyler takes Brooklyn’s hand in his and leads her inside like a full grown man instead of the little boy he is. Goliath and Hulk carry in the car seats holding Dax and Adoline as Jayce has Mia in his arms. We’re shown to the table in front as our family sits down behind us with everyone else who is here for us today. Doc, Mrs. Deville, Theresa, and Kyler’s teacher all sit in the front row across the aisle from our family in case they’re called up to speak to the judge on Kyler’s behalf.

“All rise,”

the bailiff says as a door opens behind where the judge sits while he’s in court.

Kyler is the first one up and he motions for everyone else to hurry up and follow his lead. I can see his little body trembling with the nerves that he’s been trying so hard to hide from us all. That’s why he wants us all dressed up and looking our best so no one can take him from us. The man in front of us taking his seat has the power to remove him and I think Kyler understands that.

“You may sit,”

the judge says, looking up at the filled room with wide eyes. “My goodness, we have a lot of people in here today. Who is Kyler Calhoun?”

“I am, Sir,”

Kyler answers, remaining in his seat while sitting taller as the judge focuses on him.

“Young man, are you responsible for all these people being in here this morning?”

the judge asks, a smile on his face as he speaks to Kyler.

“I think so, Sir. They my support system,”

he says, his words reverting a little bit in his nervousness. I watch him stand since the judge is talking to him and wonder if he’s doing the right thing. When the judge doesn’t tell him to sit back down, I focus on him to make sure he’s alright. His little body is trembling and I wish I could take his fear away, but that’s going to be up to the judge as he’s gotta make the decision of whether or not Kyler and Mia will become our children.

“You have quite the support system. Kyler, are you happy living with Mr. Sord, Mr. Calhoun, and Mrs. Sord-Calhoun?”

“Yes, Sir. But you forgot baby Dax and Baby Addy. They’re the twins and my brother and sister in a way. Not like Mia is though,”

Kyler responds, his voice loud and strong as he speaks with the judge.

“I’m so sorry, Kyler. I wasn’t aware the twins were born yet. How are you all adjusting to them being in the house?”

“They cry a lot. And they stink. Not today though. I made sure we all smell good and are dressed up so you don’t get mad at us,”

Kyler responds with complete honesty as several people behind us try to hold in their laughter at his response.

“I see. I think babies are all like that. If you could choose anywhere in the world to live, where would it be?”

the judge asks with a smile on his face as he waits for Kyler’s response and I know he’s already made his decision but is loving the interaction with our Little Man.

“With my Brooky, Jayce, and Gavin. They love us and take me to all my things. I do martial arts, ride a motorcycle, and they come to all my school things. Brooky won’t let me do wheelies though. She says even when I’m a man I can’t do wheelies. I think when I’m an adult I can do them though,”

Kyler responds, his voice full of censure as he looks at Brooklyn instead of the judge.

This time there is no holding anyone back from laughing out loud. Including the judge. Even Mia joins in and she has no clue what’s so funny.

“Young man, you are a joy to have in my courtroom. I want to tell you that I have received reports from everyone you’ve talked with and see in school. Everyone agrees that Mia and you are thriving in the care of Jayce, Gavin, and Brooky. I am going to grant this petition for your adoption. Kyler and Mia, you are now permanently the children of Mr. Sord, Mrs. Sord-Calhoun, and Mr. Calhoun. I hope you love living with them and continue to grow and thrive as they guide you into adulthood so you can finally do your wheelies,”

the judge says with a smile on his face as he hits the gavel on the stand in front of him.

“We really get to stay with them, Sir?”

Kyler asks, shock and happiness filling his face as tears fill his eyes.

“You do, Son. I’m signing the paperwork to make it official right now. Would you like to come up here and use the gavel when I’m done?”

the judge asks him.


he responds excitedly as the bailiff walks over to get him while the judge signs the necessary papers in front of him.

I sit with Brooklyn’s hand in mine as the bailiff helps Kyler up where he needs to be. When the judge nods at him, Kyler picks the gavel up and hits it against the stand before looking at the judge.

“That was fun. I see why you like your job, Sir.”

“I love my job on days like today, Kyler. I think we need a picture of everyone to celebrate today. What do you think?”

“Yes. Please, Brooky. You run our home and it’s up to you,”

Kyler says and I lose it once again because I don’t know where the kid comes up with this shit.

“Before your picture, Kyler, we have somethin’ for you,”

Anguish says, standing from his seat after receiving a nod from the judge.

I turn and watch as he pulls out a small leather cut from a gift bag. Turning it around, I see they’ve gotten him a ‘Future Prospect’ cut. I had no idea they were doing this as I look over every single one of my brothers while they smile at us.

“That’s for me? Are you serious?”

Kyler asks, walking as fast as his little legs will carry him back toward everyone in our family.

“We’re serious, Kyler. You’re family and I know one day, you’ll be ready to take over with the rest of the kids in our family,”

Anguish says as Kyler stops in front of him and he turns while our President slides the cut on over his suit jacket.

“You look handsome, Kyler,”

Brooklyn tells him as we all stand and move to stand with the judge.

“Thank you, Brooky.”

We all stand with the judge as our family members take photos of us. The judge even holds Mia when she reaches for him. Today is one of the best days in my life and Kyler has made it even better. We’ll have the pictures to remind us of the day as everyone soon joins us for a large group picture. Everyone in the room, including the bailiff, are in the picture because Kyler asks everyone to join us. By the time we’re done, I’m ready to go home and get out of the suit I’m wearing. But, I’m not sure what Kyler wants to do from here.

“Let’s get out of here. I think we have somethin’ goin’ on at the clubhouse,”

Anguish says without adding any context so we know what we’re dealing with.

“Somethin’ wrong, Anguish?”

I ask him as we all head out of the room with a copy of the signed papers in hand.

“I won’t know until we get there. Let’s load up,”

he states with a smile on his face and I know nothing bad is going on. Our family members have done something for today and I’m not sure what it is yet.

We all head out to our vehicles and load up to head home.

Anguish takes the lead this time as we follow him back to the compound.

Everyone pulls into the parking lot and we park as close to the door as we can.

The ol’ ladies, with the exception of Brooklyn, rush inside and most of their men follow them as Fetch and Hulk help us get all the kids out of the SUV we’re in.

In order to go anywhere as a family, we can no longer take the trucks.

They’re too small to hold us all.

Looks like we’re going to be car shopping because there’s no way I wanna split us up.

Even if we’re on our bikes, Brooklyn needs something big enough to haul around four kids and whatever’s needed for the babies.

When we walk inside, everyone shouts “Surprise”

as Kyler starts laughing at all the balloons, streamers, and everything else used to decorate the clubhouse in a way he’s never seen before. A large banner hangs saying, ‘Welcome to the family, Kyler and Mia’. Kyler locks on that immediately.

“That’s our names, Mia,”

he says, reading the words with a smile on his face.

“It certainly is, Little Man. You’re family and today is all about you. We’ve got food prepared and waiting, Fetch set up games, he just went up to get Bear too, and later there’s a large cake for us to eat. We can have bonfires out back if you want to toast marshmallows and I’m sure Nanny will need help with the chickens later on today. You think you’re up for helpin’ her?”

Anguish says, looking down at Kyler wearing his cut proudly on his back as Jayce and I head for our rooms here to change into regular clothes with most of the other guys.

“Do we have ice cream?” he asks.

“Of course we do! You can’t have cake without ice cream,”

Nanny exclaims, leaning down to hug Kyler. “Let me take my love bug while you guys get changed,”

she says, reaching for Mia.

I grin because both of the kids love Nanny, and she treats all of them the same, but she and Mia have a special connection. “Come on, Little Man, go with Anguish so you can see what you can help with. We’ll be back down in a few minutes.”

The rest of the day is spent with our family.

We laugh, talk, watch Kyler have the time of his life, and just relax.

For the first time since I got that call, I can breathe freely because no one can take Mia and Kyler from us, we’re getting settled into a new routine with Dax and Addy, and our family is complete.

I think.

Who knows if we’ll have any more kids at some point? We did find out that Dax is Jayce’s son while Addy is my daughter.

We both managed to get her pregnant on the same night and it was a shock to all of us.

No one can believe it and Nanny thought it was the greatest thing ever.

She laughed at us for days because this shit doesn’t happen every day.

For now, I’m happy with my life.

Our kids are all thriving and Kyler is becoming an amazing little boy.

He’s freer than I’ve ever seen him and I’m thankful our journey led us here.

It wasn’t a nice path by any means and some days are still a struggle for us, but we get through each of them with our family by our side and a full support system.

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