Natalie sat on her balcony with a glass of wine, the chilly, mid-October breeze ruffling the faux fur on the hood of her coat. She had thirty minutes before Landon was due to arrive for their dinner and dancing date. She’d also asked him to spend the night.
She drew her phone from her pocket and touched her best friend’s contact.
It rang a couple of times, and Rachel picked up. “Natalie, I haven’t heard from you all week. How are you? Better yet, how’s that handsome cowboy of yours doing?”
Natalie laughed. “He’s awesome, and I’m fine. We’re going out to eat tonight, and then we’re heading to The Broken Spoke. I haven’t been there in a long time, and I just know Landon’s going to be a great dancer.”
“Awesome! Who’s playing tonight?”
“The Derailers, and their music’s great to dance to.” She took a quick sip of wine as her excitement grew.
“Right! I’ve been there when they’ve been playing.”
“Why don’t you come tonight? Since you’re not seeing anyone right now, maybe Jordan would like to go too,” she said.
“Hm, does he even country dance? I’ve never asked him.”
“Well, girl, you can do that right now. Let’s hang up so you can call him. Won’t it be fun if we’re all there?”
Rachel chuckled. “It will. And the worst thing that can happen is he’ll say no.”
“Yes! Text me and tell me what he says.”
She finished up her wine in one big gulp, realizing that she was chilled. This was shaping up to be the coldest night of the season so far.
After a quick look in the bathroom mirror and a lipstick touch-up, she returned to the living room, on pins and needles as she waited for Landon to arrive.
The doorbell rang before she could sit down. He was early, thank goodness. She answered the door and, before he could say anything, she slid her arms around his neck and kissed him. She took her time, and when she drew back, his eyes were filled with excitement.
“Miss me much?” He grinned and stepped through the door. “If you greet me like that every time, woman, I may never leave.”
“I’d like that, buster,” she said. “Guess what? Rachel and Jordan might meet us at The Broken Spoke.”
“Really? That’ll be great.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’m glad we’ll be seeing them again. I’ve been thinking about a great climb I’d like us all to do in Mexico.”
Surprised, she asked, “Have you been there before?”
“No, but I’ve always wanted to go. I think the four of us would have a blast. We’d be gone four or five days. It’s several hours from the border at Laredo.”
She’d never been on a climbing adventure like that. “It sounds amazing. I’d like to hear more about it.”
“Maybe we can all get together and go over what it’ll take to do it,” he said.
“Let’s talk about it with them tonight. See if they’re even interested. If not, we can go by ourselves, right?”
He kissed her forehead. “Of course we can.”
After a wonderful dinner at El Naranjo, Landon drove them toward The Broken Spoke. She’d eaten more than she intended, something that always seemed to happen when she went to that restaurant. It was known for its Mexican cuisine with authentic traditional flavors, and she’d found that it was the only place in Austin where they served foods that tasted similar to dishes of her Cherokee heritage.
Parking was scarce when they arrived at the dance hall, so they had a block to walk to get to the door. Saturday nights were big there, not only for the dance hall, but for the in-house restaurant as well.
She figured that they wouldn’t get a table since they were arriving after eight on a Saturday night, but Landon had a surprise for her. When they walked in, he peered around and then waved off to his right. She glanced in that direction and saw a guy with his hand raised.
“That’s Brandon, a friend of mine. I asked him to come early and get us a table.”
She grinned as they headed in that direction. “Awesome!”
Brandon stood up as they arrived at the table and Landon shook his hand. “Thanks, bro. I owe you one. I just wish you could stay.” He pulled some bills out of his pocket and handed them to Brandon. “That’s for your cover charge.”
Brandon nodded his thanks. “I’d love to stay but work calls.” His gaze slid to her.
Landon put his arm around her shoulders. “This is Natalie Walker.”
Brandon held out his hand. “Nice to meet you. Gotta say, you’re as pretty as Landon said you were.”
She laughed. “Thank you. It’s great to meet you, too, and thanks so much for coming through for us.”
It was obvious by Brandon’s attire that he was also a cowboy, and he tipped his hat to her. “Gotta go.”
“Thanks again, Brandon. Let’s catch up soon,” Landon said as he held her chair for her.
The band was already on stage and tuning up.
As Landon moved his chair next to hers, she leaned close to him. “I hope the others can make it.”
“It’ll be fun if they do.”
“Is Brandon a rancher too?” she asked.
“Yeah, but his family is having a hard time meeting the bottom line right now, so he’s taken a job here in town. He’s rooming with a friend who’s letting him sleep on his couch. The money he makes he sends back to his dad for ranch expenses. It’s really been a big help to his parents.”
She could hear the sadness in his voice. “Is there a reason that they’re having such a hard time of it?”
“They’ve just had a run of bad luck over the past ten years or so. They made some iffy decisions that didn’t pay off, and this Texas drought is killing all of us.” He shook his head. “We’re feeling it, too, just not as much. The three of us boys went to college, learned to plan well, how to do some things better than the old ways, and so far, we’re doing okay.”
She clasped his hand. “I’m glad. Your family should be proud.”
He smiled. “Oh, we are. The Winchesters are an old ranching family, and we plan to keep going strong.”
Just then, the bass player stepped up to the microphone. “Hi there. We’re The Derailers, and welcome to The Broken Spoke.”
Applause rang out, and the first song started. Dancers moved to the floor, and soon it was crowded with couples doing the Texas two-step to the quick beat of the music.
Landon grinned at her. “The first dance is always a rodeo, and I don’t want you to get elbowed. We’ll get the next one.”
She chuckled. “Sounds good.”
The song ended, and the second one, which had a rapid beat, began. Landon rose and grinned, offering her his hand. “You ready to get rowdy?”
She laughed. “Lead on, cowboy.”
Landon was a great dancer, moving quickly to the beat of the music, spinning her around and deftly leading her between the other couples on the densely packed dance floor.
She was out of breath when the song ended, and he kissed her on the temple.
“That was fun,” he whispered before leading her back to the table.
As they sat down, he snagged a passing waitress and ordered their drinks.
Natalie’s heart was still pounding, and her hand shook as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. Part of it was from the exertion of the dance, and part was from her intense attraction to the handsome cowboy who had his arm around her shoulders so possessively. She loved the feel of his strong body against hers. God, she loved everything about him.
Their drinks arrived and he thanked the waitress, leaving a generous tip. The corner of her mouth lifted at this evidence of his kindness. He was a good man. She moved her hand to his thigh.
He kissed the top of her head, his arm tightening around her.
She spotted Rachel near the door, with Jordan right behind her. “They’re here!” She raised her arm in the air and waved it around until Rachel waved back and headed toward their table.
As they arrived, Landon stood up and shook hands with each of them.
Rachel sat as Jordan held her chair. “It’s great that you all got a table.”
“Landon’s friend Brandon snagged it for us, but he had to leave. I’m so glad you all could come!” Natalie glanced across the table. “Jordan, I’m happy you’re here.”
“There’s no saying ‘no’ to this one.” He gestured at Rachel and grinned. “But I was ready for a night out. This is great.”
“And he knows how to dance,” Rachel said.
“Awesome!” Natalie smiled at Jordan. “Rachel loves to dance, so expect her to wear you out.”
Jordan rolled his eyes. “She’s already prepared me, don’t worry.”
Jordan flagged down a waitress and ordered their drinks.
A great dancing song started up, and Landon rose. “Ready?”
She grinned and got to her feet. “You bet!”
Rachel took Jordan by the hand. “Let’s go, mister.”
Jordan laughed. “Yes, ma’am.”
Natalie kept an eye on her friends as she and Landon moved around the floor. Jordan was a good dancer, and Rachel appeared to be having a wonderful time.
Natalie looked up at Landon as the song ended. His eyes gleamed. He kissed her, quickly but gently, too, and put his arm around her waist as he walked her back to the table.
Jordan and Rachel stayed on the floor and danced to the next song. When they returned to the table, Rachel said, “I must be in bad shape. Two fast songs and I’m winded.”
“You’re in great shape, silly,” Jordan said.
“I told Natalie earlier that I’d like to do a climb in Mexico soon. It’s about three hours from the border at Laredo. Would you all be interested in going? We’d probably be gone five days or so,” Landon said.
Jordan’s eyes instantly lit up. “That sounds awesome! Where is it?”
“It’s El Potrero Chico in Nuevo Leon,” he said. “Have you ever heard of it?”
Jordan leaned forward. “Yeah, I have. It’s supposed to be great. There’re some tough climbs there.”
“I’ve been studying up on it. How do you feel about going, Rachel?” Landon asked.
“I’m game if Jordan is,” she said and smiled at Jordan.
Natalie raised an eyebrow. Something was different between those two. Were they dating now? She needed to talk to Rachel. What wonderful news if they were.
“Let’s meet up next week, then.” Landon turned to Natalie. “Can you help figure out a time that works for everyone?”
She nodded. “No problem.”
After the music was over for the evening, they stayed and chatted.
Finally, Jordan said, “I think I’m ready to call it a night.”
Rachel glanced at him and rose. “Me too.”
Landon met Natalie’s gaze, and she nodded and stood up. As she gave her friend a hug goodbye, she said, “Call me.”
Rachel grinned. “I will.”
Rachel clasped Jordan’s hand as they walked toward the door, and Natalie was sure she was right about their new relationship.
Landon slid his arm around her shoulders and walked her outside. A cold wind slapped her in the face, and she ducked her head.
Landon pulled her closer to him. “Would you like to head back inside while I go get the truck? You’ll be warmer that way.”
She shook her head. “Let’s just hurry.”
He picked up the pace but made sure that she could easily keep up. By the time they got to the truck, her face felt frozen. He opened the door and half-lifted her into the seat.
Before pulling into the street, he turned the heat on high. “It’ll warm up fast. This thing has a good heater.”
She shivered. “Damn, it’s cold out there.”
He grinned. “It’ll be back in the eighties tomorrow, what’ll you bet?”
She smiled. “This is Texas. I’m sure you’re right.”
He clasped her hand, and her thoughts turned to what would happen next. As her pulse picked up speed, she smiled. The best part of the night was still to come.