Natalie rose to her elbow in the motor home’s queen-sized bed and stared down at Landon’s sleeping face. He always looked so young when he slept, with an innocence that tugged at her heart. She placed a soft kiss on his cheek, careful not to wake him, and stealthily got out of bed. He’d insisted on doing all the driving yesterday, and they’d made it into Yellowstone after dark. She wanted him to rest.
Gently closing the door behind her, she went into the kitchen, made larger by the slide-out, with the table and benches on either side. Her mouth watered as she made her cup of Taste of San Antonio coffee with its cinnamon chocolaty flavor, then sat down at the table.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The air was thinner here at eight thousand feet. Used to an elevation of just under five hundred feet in Austin, she wondered if hiking the trails into the mountains of the park would be difficult for her.
They’d made a couple of sightseeing stops on the way to Yellowstone. First, they’d stopped at the National Ranching Heritage Center in Lubbock. There’d been so much to see and learn, and Landon had been especially interested in the exhibits on frontier life.
Then, they’d stopped several days in the Denver area to do some rock climbing at Clear Creek Canyon and North Table Canyon. Their short, quick climbs and sightseeing jaunts were made easier by the fact that they’d parked the motor home close by and had towed Natalie’s Jeep behind it. The elevation in Denver had made breathing a bit of a problem as they’d climbed, so hopefully it had prepared them somewhat for their Yellowstone adventures.
The sound of the bedroom door opening made her look up.
Landon walked in and yawned, then smiled at her.
“I hope I didn’t wake you,” she said, frowning.
“Nah, I rolled over and you weren’t there. I figured I’d get up and have coffee with you.” He walked over and gave her a kiss on the top of her head, then nuzzled her neck playfully.
She giggled and ran her hand up his arm. “I’m glad you’re awake. I love having coffee with you in the morning.” She kissed his bicep. “Just think, we can do this every morning for the rest of our lives.”
He knelt beside her and looked into her eyes. “I can’t think of anything I’d love more, honey.”
That warm, fuzzy feeling she got whenever he used that tone swept through her. She took his face in her hands, “I love you, Landon.” Then she kissed him tenderly, taking her time.
When she drew back, he gave her a lazy smile. “Maybe I don’t want to go hiking today after all. Maybe I just want to stay here in bed with you.”
She chuckled and leaned back in the seat. “You say that now, but I know you. You’ll be climbing the walls inside three hours.”
He grinned and rose to his feet. “You’re probably right.”
As he made his coffee, she took in the sight of his body clad only in a pair of formfitting black boxers. Her heartbeat grew faster. God, he was sexy. Maybe she should encourage him to stay home.
He turned, holding his steaming mug and running his other hand through his hair. Then he yawned again as he settled onto the bench opposite her. “That was a long drive yesterday, but I’m glad we went ahead and pushed through until we got here.”
“This is a nice park. With the paved roads and campsites, and the way you’re able to back up this big thing, settling in was a breeze.”
He nodded. “The hookups are great. Easy to use. Setup wasn’t a problem at all.” His eyes twinkled. “You sure look gorgeous this morning.”
She grinned. “I think you just want to get lucky.”
He threw back his head and laughed. “There’s that, too, but you really do look amazing. There’s a pretty blush on your cheeks, and your eyes are even more beautiful than normal. They’re soft and warm, like dark chocolate.”
She reached across and took his hand. “I’m sorry I didn’t take you seriously, sweetheart. You say the most wonderful things to me, and I love you for it.”
He took a sip of his coffee. “Man, this stuff’s good. How did I ever get along without it?”
“It’s addicting, all right.” After another swallow of hers, she said, “I’m really looking forward to hiking the Purple Mountain Trail today. I think you’re right—it’s a good one to start with. The inclines look pretty gentle until we get almost to the top, so I think I’ll be OK, even with the altitude.”
“If we go slow and take our time, we should still hike it in three and a half hours. The weather’s supposed to be pretty good today. But the reviews said that thunderstorms are frequent there, so I’ll check again just before we head out.”
After a quick breakfast, they were ready to go. Each of them carried a backpack with emergency necessities and a lightweight rain poncho. They also had a large can of bear spray each.
When they arrived at the base of the trail, they parked in the tiny parking area, beside another Jeep. Natalie stood for a moment at the edge of the trail. It was eighty-one degrees on this mid-September morning, and the air carried the scent of pine trees. She tipped her head back and inhaled deeply, breaking out in a smile. This was what she’d come for.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Landon slid his arm around her waist.
She leaned back against his chest. “It’s heaven. I can’t believe we have seven whole days to roam the park. A week to hike and explore.”
He kissed the top of her head. “I wish climbing was better here. There’s just so much unstable rock it’s not desirable in most places. But our Denver climbs were great.”
“We could travel outside of Yellowstone if we really want to climb. I know we decided against leaving the park, but we could always change our minds,” she said.
“Nah, I’m good. I haven’t done much hiking in years, and Yellowstone is so beautiful this time of year. I’m looking forward to seeing as much as we can of it.”
As they entered the trail, he took point. It narrowed moments later, so Natalie couldn’t have walked beside him anyway. Tall pines lined the trail, and faded brown needles littered the ground beneath the trunks. Green ferns added sporadic color alongside the trail. Despite saying that they were going to take it easy, Landon had set quite a pace, and she felt slightly out of breath. “Hey speedy, I thought we were going to take our time.”
He immediately slowed and looked back at her. “Oh, man. I wasn’t thinking. Is the pace affecting your breathing?”
She nodded. “Starting to.”
He stopped and put his arms around her. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just used to hurrying everywhere I go. Why don’t you take point and set a pace that’s comfortable for you?”
He was such a wonderful man. “Okay, I will. And thanks, honey.”
She set off at a slower, more sustainable pace. After a while, a big blue jay flitted from one tree to the next off to her left. Farther up the trail, she saw a red squirrel scamper up a tree. It stopped on a high limb and looked down at her, chittering and scolding. She grinned and continued on.
“How’re you doing, honey?” Landon asked from close behind her.
“I’m fine so far. Isn’t this area beautiful? And the smell. I love this air. I can’t get enough of the fresh piney scent.”
“There’s nothing like it.” Then he said, “Love you, honey.”
Warmth swept through her. “Aw, I love you too.” Smiling, she looked ahead as the trail started a more distinct rise.
After the first hour, they stopped to rest. “This elevation is kicking my butt.” She grinned at Landon. “I think it’s even getting to you, tough guy.”
He sat down beside her at the edge of the trail under the shade of several pine trees. “Oh, it is, believe me.” He took out his bottle of water and, after several long swallows, sighed in satisfaction. “I’m glad the reviews suggested taking extra water with us. I’m almost through this bottle, and I’ll probably start on the next one before we get underway again.”
She’d just chugged the last of her first bottle and nodded. “I hear you. Is it the elevation that makes us so thirsty or just the exertion of hiking this incline?”
Landon shrugged. “Beats me, but I’m sure glad we’re prepared.” He leaned back against the nearest tree, and she moved close to him, settling back against his chest. He put his arms around her, and she smiled.
She said, “This is nice. I’m so glad we chose Yellowstone instead of the more traditional honeymoon destinations.”
He leaned his cheek against hers. “Me too. A beach or Europe is okay, but this is way more my style.”
She nodded. “It’s perfect.”
When they’d rested and were breathing normally again, they returned to the trail. Soon, they began to encounter switchbacks as the incline increased. Half an hour later, as they approached the summit, she was really feeling the elevation and the effects of her exertion in the thin air. She was breathing deeply, feeling like she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs. Landon gave her pushes from behind in the difficult parts near the summit. When they finally reached it, they moved about a hundred yards away to find the exquisite views Purple Mountain was known for.
She put her hands on her hips, sucking in air.
Landon put his hand on her back. “Hang in there, honey. We’re here—and we’re not starting back until we’re rested and ready.” He was also breathing heavily from the climb and the elevation.
She nodded, unable to speak yet.
Finally, she really looked around. Reaching for Landon’s hand, she said, “Oh, sweetheart, it was all worth it. This is gorgeous. Just fantastic.”
He slipped his arm around her shoulders and held her close. “It sure is. How far do you think that blue-gray horizon is? Fifty miles? More? And there’re no houses, no people. It’s just pristine wilderness. I love it.”
She leaned her head against him and sighed. “Me too.”
Going downhill on the way back wasn’t so bad, thank goodness, although the thin air still affected her. Later, when they returned to the motor home, though, she was limp with fatigue.
“You can shower first,” Landon told her. “I’ll make us some sandwiches. Those energy bars we ate on the trail gave up the ghost a long time ago.”
“Thanks, honey. I’ll hurry. I know you want one too.”
In minutes, she was in the small tub with the shower head pointed at her. It didn’t quite reach her shoulders, so she held it in her hand and let the water play over her back from side to side. Mindful of the limited amount of hot water available, she quickly washed, then scrubbed and rinsed her hair. Hasty showers were the only real downside she’d found to Class A motor home living.
As she dried off in the bedroom, she called out, “It’s your turn, handsome.”
He walked in a few seconds later. “Mm, don’t you look delectable. Maybe we should eat those sandwiches later.”
She laughed as he wrapped his arms around her naked body and nuzzled her neck, giving her goose bumps. “We could do that.” Then she took an audible sniff. “Maybe after your shower, though.”
He laughed. “I can take a hint.”
She turned in his arms and clasped his face. Her kiss was deeply passionate.
He smiled when she drew back. “Is that a promise?”
“You better believe it, buster.”
He threw his fist in the air. “Yes!”
Grinning, she put on a pretty red teddy and matching thong panties as he entered the small shower. Then she went into the kitchen. Her mouth watered at the sight of the thick sandwich of deli meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomato on wholegrain bread. She opened a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon that Robert, the wine expert at her Central Market, had helped her pick out. She’d wanted to try something new, and this particular brand had just come in.
She’d brought lots of wine along with them—something different for every evening. But she’d been saving this one for a special time, and this afternoon looked to be one of those.
She opened the bottle and brought the cork to her nose. “Hm, nice.” After pouring some into her glass, she swirled it around and then let the aroma seep into her sinuses. Taking a small sip, she rolled it around in her mouth, savoring the taste. It was delicious. Earthy and somewhat dry, with notes of blackberries, black cherries, vanilla, and black pepper. Robert had been right. The full-bodied flavor was perfect.
Smiling, she poured more into her glass and put their plates on the table before she sat down. She took another sip, imagining Landon’s naked body in the shower. Grinning, she looked down at her teddy. He loved her in red.
The bathroom door opened, and she imagined his body as he dried off, the towel hiding and then revealing his perfect physique.
Her body responded to her thoughts, her heart beating faster, her mouth dry. She took another sip of wine.
Landon came walking into the room wearing only a pair of form-fitting gray boxers. He grinned when he noticed her glancing in that direction.
She smiled and shrugged, then poured wine into his glass. He’d enjoyed their wine tastings every evening since they’d left home. “I think you’ll like this one,” she said. “It’s a Cabernet Sauvignon with a wonderful flavor.”
He took a sip as soon as he sat down. “Oh, that is good. I like that it’s dry, but I enjoy the fruitiness on my tongue.”
She grinned. “Wow, we may have a wine connoisseur on our hands.”
He smiled back. “Hardly, but I think I’ve learned a lot about what I like and don’t like on this trip. It’s been fun.”
“Good.” She picked up her sandwich and took a bite. It was as delicious as it looked.
When they had finished, Landon pulled her against his chest, his eyes full of mischief. “Are you ready to pay up on that promise?”
She caressed his bottom lip with her thumb. “Buster, when am I not ready?”
He chuckled and picked her up, whirling her in a circle. “You got that right, woman.”
In the bedroom, he pulled back the covers and laid her in the middle of the bed. Instead of getting in beside her, he stood for a moment, looking down at her. “You’re so beautiful and so incredibly sweet, sometimes I still can’t believe you’re mine forever. That you love me and will be with me until we die.”
She reached out her arms. “Of course I will. Come here, honey. Let me show you.”
He slid in beside her and wrapped his arms around her.
She laid her head on his chest, holding him tight. When he was in this mood where he felt his love so intensely that he feared to lose her, he wanted her to hold him close, to reassure him that she was his, that only death could part them.
She heard his heartbeat gradually slow as they lay in each other’s arms. At last, she rose and straddled him. He grinned, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. She could feel how hard he was underneath her. She rested her hands on his shoulders and smiled.
Looking into his eyes, she said, “I love you, Landon. I’ll never give you reason to doubt that.” Then she kissed him, brushing his lips softly with hers.
He traced her lips with his tongue, the sensation giving her a tiny shiver. Then he deepened the kiss, the pressure of his mouth touching off fire in her core, her desire swirling inside her.
She kissed him back hard, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, stroking him and taking his tongue captive. He moaned and crushed her body to him. Heart pounding, she drew back and met his gaze. His eyes were wild with excitement, and he rolled her onto her back. After helping her take her teddy off, he hooked his thumbs into her thong and slid it down and off in one quick move.
As he reached for his boxers, she grabbed them at his hips and yanked them down to his thighs. He chuckled and rid himself of them. She ran her gaze over his beautiful body, glad that sunlight filtered through the shades. He slid his knee between her thighs as she ran her hands over the sculpted muscles of his chest.
“Your body’s so beautiful, honey.” She brushed her hand across his cheek. “I know the correct word is ‘handsome’, but when I see you without clothes the only word that seems right is ‘beautiful’.”
He smiled and kissed her forehead. “Thank you. Nobody’s ever told me that before. It’s nice.”
He bent and kissed first one nipple and then the other. “I love the way you look in red. The contrast with your dark hair and eyes is striking.” He rose up and kissed her sweetly. “I loved that teddy you had on. When I see you in red, I always get aroused.”
He kissed her again. “Every time.”
She thought back to the times she’d worn red for him and grinned. “Wow. Kind of puts a new twist on my memories.”
He gave her that mischievous grin that she loved and then brushed her hair back from her face. “Honey, every day I realize how lucky I am to have a brilliant, gorgeous wife who loves me with her whole heart.”
She raised her head and shoulders and kissed him softly. “You just keep remembering that, sweetheart.”
He eased her back onto the pillow and nuzzled her neck, sending tingles racing across her shoulders. Then he cupped her breast in his hand. She drew in a breath in anticipation as he lowered his mouth to her nipple. As he stroked it with his tongue, she moaned softly. The sensation sent warm, sensual pleasure swirling through her.
He moved lower, kissing her belly, his lips soft, the tip of his tongue flicking her occasionally. The movement was subtle, yet stimulating, and she smiled, running her fingers through his hair.
His mouth slid to the cleft between her thighs, and he kissed her.
As he moved his body between her legs, she tingled in anticipation. This was what she enjoyed most about his loving.
He spread her and slid his tongue from bottom to top, circling her sensitive spot and then taking it into his mouth, sucking gently.
She gasped as electricity shot through her. Eyes squeezed shut, he became the center of her world, the pleasure he gave her blazing in her mind. White-hot colors danced in her head as his mouth worked its magic on her. His tongue stroked her again and again, then he flicked her sensitive spot side to side. Closing his mouth over it, he sucked gently on it once again.
She moaned, tossing her head, riding the pleasure building in her body, its rampant waves rising higher and higher. She clasped his head and cried out, “Landon!” as her body began to spasm.
He rose to his knees and pulled her against him, settling her calves over his shoulders as he entered her with a gentle thrust. His strong hands clasped her hips as he thrust again.
“Deeper!” she said, panting her need. She clutched him with her calves, her hands reaching for his forearms.
He thrust hard, going deep, and moaned his pleasure.
“Yes!” As he entered her, he hit her G-spot, sending shooting stars of ecstasy flashing through her. Her head spun as he touched it again and again with each thrust. She moaned and clenched her fists. “Landon,” she whispered, lost in the world of sensations overwhelming her.
Suddenly he cried, “Natalie!” and she opened her eyes. His chest muscles bunched and his arms bulged as he pulsed inside her. His eyes were squeezed shut, the expression of intense pleasure on his face going straight to her heart.
She closed her eyes again as her own pleasure continued to pulse inside her. Locked together with him, she lost herself in time.
When he finally moved, she looked at him and smiled. He lowered her legs and raised her to his chest, cuddling her gently. He whispered, “Sweetheart, I’ll never get enough of you. Never.”
She looked into his eyes and smiled. “Honey, we’re still going to be making love in our nineties. Count on it.” When he grinned, she said, “I mean it. I’ll never stop loving you like this.”
He kissed her and held her tight. “I’m going to hold you to that, sweetheart.”
And she hoped like hell he would.