Hers to Claim (Scorching in Sin City #2) 8. Chapter 8 36%
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8. Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Mari hadn’t been in the playroom before, so she took a moment to look around after Cisco led her there, taking in the implements she recognized and especially the ones she didn’t. “This is all new, isn’t it?”

Cisco nodded. “I prioritized getting us some spaces of our own because I didn’t want to use his.”

Getting all of this ready in a few weeks’ time had not been a simple matter. The room was large, comfortable, and well-lit. Warm, dark wood lined the floor and gleamed with magic that she imagined was put there to ease with cleaning. There were three play areas set up, but it seemed the sort of space intended to be changed depending on the need.

A large wooden X sat in the corner farthest away from her, slightly foreboding with heavy chains hanging from the arms. Closer there was a bench that looked strong enough to strap down and hold even someone as strong as Cisco. And finally, the area they stood in had a cozy daybed and several chairs. One long wall held a wide array of implements and tools, some of which she knew the purpose for, but some she did not.

Her magic tickled inside her as she looked them over. “You and Rio don’t play this way, so why did you rush it?”

“I had a feeling that you might want it.” He shrugged. “And Rio and I don’t play like this because of me, not because of him.”

She glanced back at him. “I didn’t know that.”

“He’s willing to experiment with anything, but I’ve been reluctant given everything he’s gone through.” His tone was sad, and more than a bit regretful. “That may change now. I don’t know. We’ll see how this feels.”

The sound of approaching voices had both of them turning toward the door when Rio and Dante entered. Dante’s hair was still wet from a shower, and he’d changed into some loose-fitting pants. His feet and his chest were bare.

When Dante caught Mari eyeing the acres of sculpted muscles he had left on display, he winked. “See something you like?”

Battling the embarrassment that heated her cheeks, she said, “You are exceptionally pretty.”

“And he knows it.” Cisco chuckled. He grabbed a chair and pulled it to the center of the area. “Take a seat.”

“You want me to leave?” Rio asked. His eyes darted around the room, taking in everything with a quick glance.

“Dante, do you mind an audience?”

Dante sat in the chair and tilted his head back to look up at the gargoyle. He crossed his legs at his ankles. “Quite the opposite.”

Cisco smirked. “You’ll fit in well in this house, then.”

Rio took a seat near the door. He didn’t look uncomfortable or worried, which made Mari feel better. On the contrary, he seemed as eager as Mari was to watch Cisco work.

Cisco gestured her closer, and when she stepped up next to him, he said, “One of the first things you should do, when you don’t know your play partner very well, is have a conversation.”

Mari nodded. “That makes sense.”

“Tell me some things you like, Dante.”

Dante flashed his deadly dimples. “Ice cream, spankings, and a good hard fuck.”

“Giving or receiving?”

“Do I have to pick just one?”

“Not in this house.” Cisco showed a bit of fang. “Do you heal quickly?”

“As fast as any shifter.”

“Do you mind claws or teeth?”

Dante shook his head, a blush rising to color his throat.

“Out loud please, so there’s no misunderstandings.”

“No, I like them both.”

“What can harm you?”

Dante’s expression sobered. “Iron, mistletoe, and cruel words.”

“Unpack that last one for me a little bit?”

“I don’t like heavy humiliation or shame. But you can call me a dirty little slut all you like while you’re railing me.” The dimples came out to play again.

Cisco didn’t rise to the bait. “Pain is okay?”

“Yes, though I appreciate a bit of a warmup.”

“Noted. Anal sex?”

“Yes, please.”

“Penetration by things that aren’t body parts?”

Dante raised an eyebrow. “Are you teasing me on purpose?”

Cisco chuckled. “That wasn’t an answer.”

“Yes, you can put anything you want in my butt.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Restraints?”

“Hell yes.”

“Do you need to feel like you can get out of them?”

Dante swallowed. “No.”

“Oh, so you like it tight?” Cisco reached to tilt Dante’s chin up. “How tight?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t we try it and find out?”

Cisco grinned. “You’re such a brat.”

Mirth danced in Dante’s eyes. “Something tells me you like that.”

“I really do. Breath play?”

A shiver passed through Dante as he stared up into Cisco’s face. He seemed to remember he was supposed to answer after a long moment of silence. “Yes,” he croaked.

“Oh, my sweet boy,” Cisco purred. “You’re going to have such a good time choking on my dick.”

“Can we skip right to that?” Dante whispered, his cheeks taking on a lovely pink hue.

“Not just yet, but soon.” He smoothed his thumb over Dante’s parted lips. “Mariana, what did he say could harm him?”

“Iron, mistletoe, and cruel words,” she answered with no hesitation. She hadn’t been able to tear herself away from the interplay between them for a moment. If he needed her to, she could repeat the entire conversation word-for-word.

“All the metal in this room is titanium or platinum. I know because I picked it all out myself. The only time there might be mistletoe in this house is at Christmas, but while he’s here we’re going to make sure Giselle doesn’t put any up. And I don’t think we need to worry about humiliation?” He turned to her with one eyebrow raised for confirmation.

“Not from me, and you don’t like it either.”

Cisco nodded, and then returned his attention to Dante. “What’s your safeword?”


He stared into Dante’s eyes for a moment that lingered. “That word is a promise between us. I’m not afraid of that word. The only thing I’m afraid of is that I might do something that hurts you in a way you don’t like. So, please, use that word if you feel uncomfortable or afraid or even if you need a minute to collect yourself.”

Dante blinked up at him. “Fuck, you’re hot.”

A slow smile curled Cisco’s full lips. “Tell me something that’s a no.”

“Pony play,” Dante offered immediately.

“Good boy.” He squeezed Dante’s shoulder and then glanced at Mari again. “I ask that so they have to tell me something that’s off limits. Everyone should have boundaries, but unless you ask for specifics some submissives pretend they like everything because they think it’s what you want to hear.” He waited for Mari to nod before he continued, “It also gives you a chance to do a vibe check. He’s very clear on what he likes and he's not afraid to talk about what he doesn’t, both of which are good.”

He returned his attention to Dante once more. “Any other limits I need to know about before we start?”

“No spurs.” He shot a wink at Mari, which set off a fit of giggles.

Cisco laughed. “Holy shit, people are fucking weird.”

“Seriously though, I’m pretty easy.” Dante grinned, light and carefree. “I’ve been doing this a long time and have seen almost everything. I’ll tell you if I’m not into something, but there is really not a lot.”

Cisco ran his fingers through Dante’s hair with a fond smile. “Part of what we’re here to do is learn what Mari likes. None of us has any idea how deep and dark that well goes. So especially where her magic is concerned, I want you to be extra vocal about things that make you feel unsafe.”

“I understand.” Dante’s eyelids fluttered as he enjoyed the contact. A soft whicker trilled from his throat. “What should I call you?”

The tips of Cisco’s fangs showed briefly with his smile. He leaned closer, the subtle change in his body language making every hair on Mari’s arms stand on end. She recognized at once that the tenor of the exchange had shifted. Cisco radiated calm control. “Whatever you want, sweet boy. Sir. Daddy. Papi. Oh Lord, please don’t stop.”

Mari registered that Dante’s posture had altered at the same moment into something softer and more open.

Dante grabbed Cisco’s wrist and tilted his face up demurely. “Papi,” he said the word slowly, as if he was trying it on. “Can I please suck your cock now?”

“Is that what you want?” Cisco’s voice was a warm, rich purr; pure seduction distilled into a sound. Dante nodded in slow motion. “Tell me.”

Cisco was using every drop of his substantial charisma, and the effect wasn’t lost on Mari who had to clench her fingers in order to not move closer to bask in what he was projecting. Arousal curled in her stomach, warm and tight, and magic suffused her body in a slow unfurling.

Dante ducked his head to rub his cheek on Cisco’s hand and then brushed his palm with a soft kiss. “I want to wrap my lips around your delicious cock more than anything.”

“Get on your knees for me, beautiful boy.” Cisco stepped back, and Dante followed as if in a trance. He dropped fluidly to his knees and looked up, the perfect picture of submission and desire.

When Cisco nodded slightly, Dante reached for his belt. Cisco curled his fingers in Dante’s hair, his claws raking lightly along Dante’s scalp. “I like it rough. Use your teeth.”

Dante let out an appreciative murmur when he drew Cisco’s cock out. He took a moment to stroke the entire length lovingly, his thumb teasing over the thick ridges at the base until Cisco groaned. He passed his tongue along the underside and then swirled around the thick head.

Cisco yanked Dante’s head back. “Don’t be a brat.” With a growl, he drove into Dante’s mouth. His lips parted eagerly for Cisco at the first touch.

Dante relaxed in his grip, his body arching with supple grace to accept every bit of Cisco’s control as the gargoyle worked him forward and back a few times.

Cisco grabbed Dante’s hand and wrapped it around the back of his left thigh. “Dig in if you need a break,” he said, and then launched into a deep thrust without waiting for an acknowledgement.

Cisco tugged the unicorn forward onto his cock. Dante’s mouth stretched as Cisco sank in all the way to his ridges. He held Dante there and passed his thumb over one taut lip. “Fuck, your mouth is sinful.”

Cisco enjoyed testing the edges of Dante’s limits for a few minutes with careful, patient strokes. “Mariana, the wall to my right has an assortment of flogging toys. Go pick one.”

Dante moaned around Cisco’s next thrust.

Mari moved to the wall he’d indicated and looked over the group of floggers Cisco had collected. She picked one with strips of black leather that had knots at the ends.

When she returned to them, Cisco had both hands around Dante’s head, urging the unicorn to take him in long, slow thrusts. “That one is about repetition more than force. Start gently and work your way harder, passing from his shoulders to down to the bottom of his ribs and back.”

Mari began doing as he said, tentatively at first. At the same time, Cisco changed the angle of his grip and forced Dante’s head back. He pushed deep and Dante froze. A few seconds later, Dante spluttered for breath, his whole body shuddering as Mari continued to move the flogger over his back slowly.

Cisco rumbled with approval. “You have such impeccable dick sucking manners, but I like it a little messier than that.” He made another long thrust that made Dante gag and then withdrew. “There’s a good boy.”

Dante moaned, long and low. He arched his back, flexing into her strikes a bit as if to encourage her.

“I think he’s ready for more.” Cisco gripped his head and plunged deep, cutting off Dante’s air. “Harder.”

She redoubled her efforts, noticing that she was getting warm, both from the exertion and from the arousal that tumbled inside her. Seeing Dante stretched out in front of her this way sparked her magic so that it prickled along her nerves.

Dante took in a deep and shuddering breath when Cisco released him. His back was turning red and she felt his desire pulsing under his skin as surely as his blood was. She had the urge to run her hands over his skin to see if he would writhe at her touch.

“Look at how relaxed he is,” Cisco murmured. “How trusting. You never want to violate that trust, Mariana. That’s the magic.” He pet Dante’s head fondly. “I’m going to let you breathe a little, sweet boy, while she continues to have her way with you.” He backed all the way out.

Dante whimpered softly, but stopped when Cisco pressed his hip closer, letting Dante nuzzle into him.

Mari increased the intensity of her strikes again and picked up the pace. The movement became an extension of her and her desire. She felt her power shiver inside her in the same relentless rhythm.

Dante shook as a rough moan broke from his throat.

“There we are,” Cisco purred. “That’s perfect. Keep right there for a bit.” He angled Dante’s head again and drove deep, cursing creatively in Spanish when he felt the edge of Dante’s teeth.

Something inside her resisted Cisco’s attempt to restrain her, bristling. She wanted to see the man under her bleed. To hear him scream. To know that every pain-wracked wail was hers to claim and conquer.

She felt whatever it was inside her claw for the surface, and her panic surged as she thought she might lose control of it. But she understood somehow exactly what it wanted. She drank in the erotic sounds of Dante’s mingled pain and pleasure and let the magic spread inside her. The delicious touch of it soothed the dark thing that waited inside her and wanted .

“You’re so fucking beautiful right now. Every inch a queen.” The awe that shook Cisco’s voice was the balm that settled the monster back into her skin once and for all. He alone could call her back from that edge. She couldn’t risk playing this way without him present, at least for now. The temptation was too strong and there was something lurking inside her, just waiting for an opportunity to burst forth.

When Dante teetered as if he might lose his balance, she stopped and moved closer to grab him around the waist, holding him up. Dante quivered at her touch, a groan shaking through him.

“Good,” Cisco said as he passed a heated glance over her. “Very good,” he murmured to the unicorn. He ran his fingers through Dante’s hair and settled him back so that he knelt unsteadily between them. They both ran their hands over him until his breathing returned to normal.

Cisco tilted Dante’s head back. “Look in his eyes. He’s still engaged with me. He’s still present. A little soft around the edges, so he’s almost to the point of dropping off into that fuzzy space where subs go.” Cisco ran his thumbs over both of Dante’s cheeks. “I have a feeling this one likes to go very deep.”

Dante nodded and made an eager nicker.

“But we’re not going there today.”

The whimper of disappointment that rose from Dante’s throat made Mari swallow. She wanted to give him that. Craved it somewhere deep that she didn’t recognize.

“We’ll get you there soon enough, sweet boy. Today was just day one. And I want you to have enough sense left to fuck Mariana as thoroughly as she deserves right now.”

Dante turned his gaze toward her and the look of naked want he gave her just about set her aflame. He stood with Cisco’s help and lifted up onto his toes to kiss Cisco’s cheek. “Thank you, Papi.”

“Gods, why is that so fucking hot?” He chuckled as he turned Dante into Mari’s arms. “Take him and use him as hard as you like. I need to find a quiet room to stick my aching dick into the gorgeous puma right over there.”

Mari had only a moment to appreciate the absolutely scorching look Cisco sent Rio’s way, before Dante was all over her and claiming her full attention as he lifted her by the thighs to wrap around him.

She was on her back on a padded bench before she took another breath.

He dove in to claim her mouth, but stopped short. “Is this okay?”

“Yeah, very okay.” She tugged him closer. Her magic wrapped around him, eager and delighted.

“Fuck, that’s delicious.” Dante gave her a slow, teasing kiss that made her want to whimper. “I have a lot of practice controlling myself, but for some reason with you it’s very difficult. I crave you.”

Her power sang inside her at his acknowledgement. She ran her fingers through his hair and drew his mouth down to hers. He opened without hesitation when she ran her tongue over his lips. Though he was leaning over her, she knew she was in control of the encounter. He moved with her at the slightest pressure. She reached to grab his ass and his hips came forward, pressing eagerly between her thighs. She resisted the pressure, just to feel the decadent release when she allowed him in.

He ground against her and moaned into her mouth as her power twisted around him greedily. He reached between her legs and pulled her panties aside to check to be sure she was ready for him. She murmured against his lips when his fingers slipped through her wetness. He pulled his cock from his low-slung pants and drove into her. She broke their kiss on a satisfied moan that shook the walls as he filled her perfectly.

Mari reached to grab hold of his shoulders. He groaned as her fingers curled into his surging muscles and oversensitive skin. Her magic soaked into him.

The last time they had been together, her power had still been leashed. She’d been stunted and restrained. He’d never felt her like this, in control of her own desire. He stared down at her with a look of wonder that kindled something deep inside her.

She stretched the magic outwards from herself, as if it were wings, letting her lips part on a wanton moan as she tugged on the arousal filling her body. It passed through him and then back around to her. It tasted like candy, sweet and thick. “My magic really likes you.”

“Creatures of great power find unicorns irresistible.” He grinned and began to fuck her with long thrusts that curled her toes.

She felt heavy with the magic roaring through her, as if something was building just outside her awareness. Clutching his back, she groaned, “Don’t you dare fucking stop.”

He breathed his assurance out against her throat as he continued to work her cunt with hard strokes.

Mari arched her back, accepting every bit of pleasure he pumped into her. It vibrated through her like the strumming of low strings. For some reason, it reminded her of Dohal.

And the moment she thought about him she could feel him coiling around her, like a snake looking for an opportunity to strike. Time slowed down around her. Each thrust seemed to take an age. The dark shadows rose from all around her, eventually becoming the smoke-rimmed body of Dohal, looming over them.

“Oh, he is delectable.” His quick gaze appraised Dante in a moment. “This one could sate it for a while. The beast that sleeps in your skin. And he would enjoy every quivering moment of torturous pleasure.” He ran one flowing shadow hand over Dante’s chest. “She would make him sing for days.”

Images of what that might look like came unbidden in a pornographic slideshow; Dante’s body contorted with all manner of pleasure and pain at her hands. She would conduct him like a filthy symphony. She could almost taste his anguish breaking over her tongue like copper and candy.

Dohal grinned wickedly, his pointed teeth glistening. “I approve.” The last word was a purr that faded slowly.

Dante seemed to flinch, but that had to be a trick of the light. No one had ever sensed anything while she was caught in whatever nowhere this was.

But she was quickly flung from the vision and back into real time where her body was primed to go off like a bomb. She held it back for an agonizing minute as Dante continued to plow into her before releasing that grip with a relieved cry.

Pleasure wracked her body, cascading through her like a flood. She couldn’t breathe, it was so good. There was nothing but the clench of her body around him and the way it made everything inside her flutter with magic. She rang at that one perfect note until she gasped for her next breath with no idea how much time had passed.

“Holy fucking shit,” Dante panted into her neck. “What was that thing?”

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