Listening to Myles on the auction block, I understand it. He’s good. He knows what he’s doing, and seeing him run that lane probably could have made me weak in the knees if he wasn’t such an ass.
Yes, my dad taught me everything I know, but I still had to fight to get where I am. I’m a lot better than most men, yet more times than not, they get the positions over me. Even with my dad calling around, if I suck, it wouldn’t matter what my last name is. I’m thankful the GM, Griffin, has given me a shot. I need to find him before I head out. The biggest thing I need to do is find a place to live because I don’t want to stay in the hotel for much longer. However, I know better than to buy a house before getting several jobs lined up. I’m hoping I proved myself today, and Griffin will put in a good word for me at other Manheim auctions around the state. Usually, other auctioneers can give you some leads on where to go, but so far, none of them are talking to me. That’s fine, I’ll let my work speak for itself. The auction rep for Toyota said it was their best sale to date. I sold over eighty percent of the cars that ran through my lane. Not too bad, if I do say so myself .
“Hey!” a booming voice behind me carries over the speakers.
Looking over my shoulder, I see a man jogging up to me. I smile. “Hello!” I recognize him from my lane. He bought about a quarter of the cars that ran through. “You’re bidder thirteen-seventy-four, right?” After saying the bidder number so many times, it tends to stick in your brain. Also, since most dealers are middle-age, the younger ones always stand out, especially this guy, with his shaggy blonde hair, brown eyes, and megawatt smile. The fact that he's wearing a white T-shirt that stretches over well-defined biceps and has long tan legs extending from black tailored shorts doesn't hurt either. The guy is damn hot. I definitely didn't mind the sight of him as he bid on and won a good amount of those cars.
Nodding, he grins back at me. “Yeah. I’m James with Carmax.” He puts his hand out as he steps up beside me. “You did amazing today,” he says, raising his voice to be heard over the speakers.
“Thanks,” I say as we head toward the office.
“Seriously,” James continues. “When I heard we had a new auctioneer, I didn't know what to expect. One thing is for sure, I had to stay on my toes the whole time or you’d sell a car before I even got a chance to bid on it. I wasn’t expecting that, but it kind of made the sale more exciting.” Smiling at me over his shoulder, he opens the door to the office for me.
“Oh, you had more than enough time, and you bought plenty. Need to spread around the deals.” I laugh because that isn’t the first time I’ve heard that type of thing from dealers. I don’t like lazy dealers who want to wait till the end to bid. Or who try slowing me down to give them more of a chance to look at their phones or whatever else they are doing. I won’t beg for a bid, and I won’t wait for a dealer either. When we are in the lanes with one make of car, the rep has his numbers in front of us when we need them, so there is no reason to take it slow. I don’t have to wait for the different dealers to get on and off the block then wait for them to show me the number they need. These sales are my favorite. You can fly, and as long as the reps are getting their cars for the right prices, they are happy.
James chuckles. “True. Well, I wanted to introduce myself to the beautiful new auctioneer. I’m usually assigned to the Toyota lane, so I’ll be seeing you again.” He gives me a big smile and runs back out the doors into the lanes. I can't help but watch as he jogs away. It's hard not to notice the way his muscles roll and flex beneath his T-shirt.
Finally prying my eyes away, I turn and head toward the GM’s office. I don’t need to be caught drooling over a dealer on my first day. Plus, dealers have a way of being friendly face to face, but they all have their cliques behind the scenes. So I don’t give anyone special treatment when I’m selling cars.
I take a deep breath because now the nerves are creeping in. You nailed it out there. You got this! He’s going to be happy with the way you handled your lane today and help you get more jobs. After giving myself a little pep talk, I reach for the door that has Griffin’s name on it and knock.
“Come in,” his loud voice booms.
I push open the door, and my eyes land on a desk stacked high with papers. “Hey, Griffin. My lane finished about fifteen minutes ago. I was hoping to talk to you for a few minutes before I leave.”
Griffin looks up from his computer screen. “Hunter, yes, come in. The Toyota rep already called me, and they were pleased with how many you sold.”
Thank god! My shoulders immediately relax.
“I have to say,” he adds. “I was pleasantly surprised. I looked at past sales and lane eighteen has never sold so many. You also had a good amount of online sales. Good job today. I know it’s not going to be easy for you, but we would love to keep you around.”
Giving him a huge smile, I open my mouth to speak, but he puts his hand up to stop me .
“Also, I took the liberty of calling around to other Manheim auctions. I know you didn’t ask me to, but I figured you would want to get a few more sales.”
“Oh, my god! Thank you.” I beam at him. My face might freeze this way. “That’s why I was coming to talk to you. I would love to keep coming back, and I really appreciate you putting in a good word for me at other auctions.” I can’t believe I didn’t even have to ask. He’s already made calls for me. I must be dreaming.
“There’s another sale today if you want to head over there. It’s in Orlando, at Manheim Central. They said they may be able to get you a lane but aren’t completely sure. They also lost Dave as an auctioneer when he retired last week. It might be good for you to show your face so they know you’re interested. Not guaranteeing anything,” he says with a shrug. “I’ll have the other auctions give you a call if they’re interested, too. But you blew me away today. I figured being taught by your dad would give you an advantage, but I didn’t expect what you did out there,” he praises. “I even came out and watched a little of your lane. I’m very happy we were able to add you to the team. I know it’s not easy, but I’m on your side. So let me know if anyone is giving you a hard time.”
He gives me a warm smile, and it’s then I realize he reminds me a little of my dad. They both have a commanding presence but also will do what they can to make sure those who need help are taken care of.
“I know how hard it is to get started at new locations. My son got some help from your dad years ago. I don’t think your dad knows it was my son, but if I can repay the favor, I’m going to.”
“Thank you so much, Griffin!” I reach over and shake his hand. “It means a lot to me. I’ll see you next week. I’m going to run over to the other auction now.” When he nods, I smile and wave goodbye, shutting his door behind me. Hopefully, I’ll be able to make a life here after all .
I’m loving everything so far. I wasn’t sure how much I’d like Florida. Everyone says it’s so flat, but compared to Oklahoma, it’s a nice change of pace. It is humid, so I know my already wild hair is even bigger than normal. I’ve always embraced my unmanageable hair, and it makes me stand out. I have never wanted to blend in, so I let my hair do its thing, much to my mother’s dismay. I walk outside toward my one true love, my 1968 blacked-out Ford Bronco. I named him Westley from The Princess Bride. It’s my favorite movie, and he always wears black. I got it completely refurbished, and now he’s the most important thing in my life. He has always been reliable and takes me to all my different sales. Yeah, the gas is expensive, but it’s worth it. I climb in and crank the engine to hear “Somebody That I Used to Know” by Gotye, blasting through the speakers. Singing loud and proud all the way to the next sale and picking up Chipotle on the way, I find out the sale doesn’t start until three at the earliest.
It’s only two when I pull up. I know I need to at least show my face and make a good impression. Marcella’s the GM here, so now I need to track her down and see if she will give me a shot. I walk through the double doors to the office and begin looking around. I don't completely know where to go, but I’m sure someone will point me in the right direction.
“Hunter!” I turn and see Jess standing behind the counter.
Wow, I didn’t realize how anxious I was until I saw her. I give her a huge smile. “Jess! Thank god, a friendly face!” I had fun with her on my lane, and we meshed well together. We also kept talking for a bit after the lane.
“I didn’t know I’d be seeing you here. Guess I shouldn’t be shocked, though.” Jess smiles, and it’s a warm smile that lets me know she’s genuinely happy to see me.
“Do you know where I could find the GM, Marcella? Griffin told me to head over here, and she might be able to fit me in.”
“That’s awesome! Yeah, her office is around the corner on the right. It’s before the cafeteria.” She points me in the right direction.
“Thanks, Jess! Wish me luck.”
“You don’t need luck. You’re a rockstar. They’d be stupid not to give you a shot.” Her eyes widen as she looks around. Lowering her voice, she says, “Just don’t tell anyone I said that. I mean, I kinda need this job.”
I laugh. It feels like auctions here aren’t much different from the ones back home. One day you’re in, but if you say the wrong thing, you’ll be out so fast your head might spin.
“Don’t worry, I got you.” Winking at her, I take the route she pointed out. When I turn the corner, I get knocked on my ass. “What the fuck! That’s the second time today.” I grumble and start to get up when a pair of large muscular hands grab mine and yank me up so fast I smack right into a solid body. I know I’m petite, but damn, that made me feel like a rag doll. I slowly look up and get lost in deep blue eyes that are staring down at me.
“Didn’t think I’d be running into you here.” His familiar voice sends chills down my arms. He’s got me tight in his grip, but then shakes his head and steps back. His body was so warm I still feel the faint memory of it against mine. It makes me want to be pressed up against him again, but then I remember who it is standing in front of me. No way in hell . Keep this one away from me.
“Myles. I figured I’d see you, but I didn’t expect you to try to take me out.” I glare up at him and cross my arms over my chest. His body is still too close for me to think clearly.
He smirks. “You know, I just had to get my hands on the new girl.”
His eyes rake down my body before meeting my eyes again. It sends my blood boiling. I don’t know what it is about this guy, but he’s so frustrating. Especially that stupid little smirk. Crap, don’t look at his lips. I quickly flick my eyes up to meet his, and his deep blues draw me in. Forcing myself to look down, my eyes zero in on his lips when his tongue slips out to wet them, and I can’t seem to pry them away.
Remember. Him: asshole. Me: not interested.
I leer up at him. “You couldn’t handle this new girl even if you tried.”
He encroaches toward me, making us less than an inch apart. He leans down so we are sharing the same air. “Just let me know when, sweetheart .” Is he flirting with me? It feels like his eyes are drawing me in, but it ends too quickly when Myles straightens and clears his throat. Making me question whether it happened at all. He steps back. “So you’re here to steal my job again?” I give him a puzzling look. “Do you think the great Conrad Smith will be able to continue getting you jobs?”
Unfolding my arms and clenching my fists at my sides, my mouth falls open, “Excuse me?” I swear steam is going to come out of my ears.
“When someone like myself has been working hard, proving themselves for years for a position only to have it ripped out from beneath them after one phone call from Daddy? Yeah, I have a hard time respecting what wasn’t earned,” he says, towering over me.
Wow, low blow.
Standing at his full height, he continues, “Now, I don’t want you calling dear old dad, trying to get me fired, so”—he sticks his hand out—“since it looks like we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other, why don’t we play nice and get along?”
As he takes his hand back, the scowl he was wearing slowly melts from his face, and a fake-ass smile takes its place. “Fake it ‘til we make it, right? Have a great day.” He tips his hat, then swings his arms toward the lanes, dismissing me.
This guy is unbelievable. I roll my eyes, but before I can make it past him, he steps back in front of me and lowers his lips until they’re hovering above my face. My eyes go wide. What the hell?
He pauses and moves his mouth to the side of my head. When his lips brush the shell of my ear, I stop breathing as my eyes flutter shut.
“Good luck out there, sweetheart .”
When his condescending tone rumbles through my ear, my elbow is moving before I can stop it, landing directly in his stomach.
“Umph.” He lets out a few coughs.
Jerk .
“Oh, sorry. I tripped,” I say, giving him a smirk as I walk on by. Should I have elbowed him? No, but man, he irks me. Now I gotta get into the right headspace to talk to the GM. Ugh, that man. How can someone annoy me so much, but draw me in so fast? I don’t even want to think about how hard his stomach was when I elbowed him. Focus, Hunter.