Why is this girl getting under my skin? Sure, it’s fun messing with her, but I can’t let her distract me. I want the GMs to hire me, and they won’t if I’m not on top of my game. Watching her hips move in those jeans has been torture. Marcella needs to put me on a different lane. I could use a little space to get some clarity.
Marcella clears her throat, getting everyone's attention for the meeting. “I’m sure most of you saw Hunter Smith at the sales yesterday. She will be on lane five with JT.” Marcella turns to Hunter, shooting her a megawatt smile.
“Alright, Fun-Size!” JT cheers. “Let’s do this.” He reaches over to give Hunter a high five.
My head whips around when Hunter gives a boisterous laugh. Her face lights up with amusement, and I suddenly want to hear that beautiful sound again. She radiates happiness.
“This is going to be fun!” Hunter exclaims.
JT looks at me and winks. He says something to make her laugh again, and she puts her hand on his forearm, making me want nothing more than to be on the lane with her and get her away from that incessant flirt. This is ridiculous. Why does she make me feel like I’m losing my mind? I want nothing to do with her, but then I want to be around her all the time. She’s fun, sassy, beautiful, and doesn’t put up with my shit.
Fuck, I need some air.
As luck would have it, the schedule says I’m on lane four, which is the one directly facing JT and Hunter. So I get to watch them the entire sale. Perfect .
I walk behind them, and her giggles ring through me like a cowbell. What is he saying that is so funny? I don’t think he’s that funny.
“Hey, JT.”
He mumbles something to Hunter before walking over to me and nods. “What’s up?”
“Are you still going out with the guys after this evening's sale?” We go to another auction in Lakeland after this one and usually several of the guys go out to a bar close by after work.
“Heck, yeah.” JT smacks me on the back. “I’m always trying to get you to come out with us. You always say no.” Raising his eyebrows for emphasis. “I'm pretty sure there’s already five of us going.” He rubs his hands together. He loves going out and shooting pool after work. “What makes you want to go tonight?”
“Can’t I just want to have a good time?”
“Well, considering you never like to go out—no.” JT smirks, glancing in Hunter’s direction. She’s standing on the auction block, doing a sound check. “It seems like a certain someone is getting under your skin, Johnson.”
Shaking my head, I shove his shoulder. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, rolling my eyes and walking away. If I encourage him, he will be impossible to be around. He’s like a dog with a bone. Once he gets an idea, he runs with it. I don’t need someone else bringing up Hunter. I think of her too much as it is.
I wish I spent the sale focused on my lane and not looking across to the one opposite me. But, of course, a certain female auctioneer invaded my thoughts. The woman who commanded the attention of everyone had most of my focus too. Hunter and JT worked well together, and they seemed to even have fun. I would look over and see them constantly laughing over who knows what. Aaron, my auctioneer, got irritated with me because I was distracted. After the sale, I saw a CarMax dealer talking to her. What’s that guy's name? Jake? Jeremy? No. I don’t know or care, but why did she look happy talking to him?
Readjusting my hat, I yell over to JT before he walks off. “Hey, JT! You ready?”
Jogging over to me, JT nods. “Yeah. Did you want to get some lunch before? I’m thinking of going to Chick-fil-A.”
“Yup, sounds good to me. I’ll meet you there.” I need to get out of here. I can’t watch Hunter talk to what’s his name, for another minute.
After getting some food, we drive over to Manheim Lakeland. The sale starts at 3 p.m., and it’s almost 2:30 p.m. “We better get inside. Don’t want them thinking we aren’t going to show up and give our jobs away,” I say with a little attitude.
“Dude, why are you such a grouch?” He stops walking to level me with a look. “Since Hunter got here, you’ve been extra moody. You’ve always acted like you wanted to be there and you’ve always been professional. What is your deal? Seriously, man.” He shakes his head. “Nothing has changed other than the GMs bringing on a new auctioneer without offering you the promotion.”
He says it sarcastically like it isn’t some huge thing, but it is.
“I’m sorry, man.” I take my hat off and run my fingers through my hair. “I guess it’s gotten to my head a little more than it should. I didn’t think they would bring in someone from outside. I always thought if they had an opening, they’d give it to you or me. Keep it in-house.” Putting my hat back on, I shake my head. “But then they bring in a girl from Oklahoma. I don’t like it,” I admit.
“I get it. It sucks, but we’ll get our shot.” JT slugs my arm and gives me a slanted smile. “Keep your head down, and work hard. I know how important it is to you. No one knows better than me how hard you’ve worked. Don’t fuck it up and lose the chance of getting your dream job.”
What am I doing? I could be jeopardizing my job. “You’re right,” I admit. “Damn, you got deep on me, man.” I laugh. “Since when did you get all this wisdom?”
He smirks. “Yeah, don’t get used to it.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets as we walk. “So I heard Jess and Hunter are living together. Did you know they have a pool? Bro, you know what that means?” He looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows.
“Dude, shut up.” I push him, shaking my head. “You’re not helping.” I don't need the distraction of thinking about that girl in a bikini.
Walking into the auction, I glance over JT’s shoulder to find that damn Bronco. Of fucking course. I shouldn’t be shocked that this auction also hired her.
“Fun-Size! You’re here!” JT yells across the office, and then he glances at me and snickers.
What an asshole. He’s doing this on purpose.
Hunter spins around and beams. “Hey, JT. I hope I’m with you for this one!” I roll my eyes, and Hunter turns her attention to me. She looks like she wants to say something but glares at me instead and walks away.
“Wow. You’re cold, Fun-Size.” JT yells loud enough to be heard over the busy office chatter. “Why did you just snub my guy? ”
He always has my back.
Hunter scoffs.
I walk over to her, forcing her eyes to meet mine. Leaning down, I’m inches from her face. I swear her breath hitches. Unable to control myself, I lower my mouth to her ear. I want to be as close as I can to her, surrounded by her lavender and vanilla scent.
“Hey there, Hershey . ” I lean back and look her right in the eyes. Her mouth is slightly agape, and I’m entranced by the rise and fall of her chest. That’s when I see it. I affect her as much as she does me. Before I can say anything else, she spins around, and her wild brown hair whips me in the face as she storms away.
JT walks over and slaps me on the back. “Well, that was fun.”
I pry my eyes away from her to shoot him a look, and a guffaw bursts from his mouth.