Highest Bidder 11. Myles 39%
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11. Myles



My alarm blares, filling my head with agony. I let out a drawn-out groan. Why? Why did the morning have to come so soon? Why did I make that bet with Hunter? I should have known she would win. The odds were stacked against me. Like any damn romance movie, the woman is a pool shark and the guy always loses. She seems to be my kryptonite, but flirting with her has been the best part of my days lately. I love seeing how I affect her. But mostly, I like how it isn’t only me. I see the way her breathing hitches when I’m close. The way she met my challenge and kicked my ass while doing it.

Damn, it’s too early. I press the pillow harder into my head, wishing it would stop the pounding. Blindly reaching for my phone, I drag it under with me. I check the time and nearly jump to my feet. I must have set the wrong alarm. Pulling myself out of bed, the room spins, making bile rise in my throat. Shit, I’m going to be late for work.

Drinking two drinks and three shots last night, I’m amazed I still remember anything. I need to take some Tylenol and head out. I throw on a pair of jeans, a black button-up shirt, and my hat, and rush out the door .

Fuck! I squint. The sun isn’t even fully up yet, and it’s too damn bright. I jump into my truck and pull my hat down low over my eyes. With how late I am, and the fact that the first auction today is an hour and a half away, I don’t have time to go back inside for my sunglasses. “Come on, Gertrude,” I say, patting her dash as if she were a living thing. “Don’t fail me now.” I throw the gear into reverse, back out, and speed away as I chug an old bottle of water I left in here, suffering through the warm plastic taste.

Thankfully, some of the guys we were with at the bar live close by and were able to get both me and my truck home last night. Otherwise, JT would have to haul my ass to work. But those guys weren’t happy when I threw up into a bag on the way home.

Pulling into the auction ninety minutes later, I readjust my hat so the bill rides lower and rush inside. I’m late for the meeting, but thankfully the lanes haven’t started. I walk up as everyone else is clearing out.

“Well, look who actually decided to show up this morning,” JT teases.

I squint from the pain.“Shut up.” I massage my temples to help relieve some of the aches.

“Wow.” A sweet voice floats from behind my shoulder, forcing me to turn around.

Hunter stands there with one hand on her hip, the other holding a coffee. If I weren't a gentleman, I'd trip her for that cup of brown life.

“You look rough,” she says, eyeing me. “Did you have a bad night, Myles?” she adds, on the verge of laughter.

This girl keeps showing up at the wrong time. A warning rumble leaves my throat. I’m in no mood today. I can barely keep my stomach from releasing its contents. I knew better than to bet against someone I’ve never seen play pool. There’s always a chance of it biting you in the ass. I couldn’t help myself. She looked carefree, shooting the balls into the pockets. I didn’t want her to leave. Before I knew what I was doing, I was on my feet and challenging her.

She puts her hands up in surrender, then brings her purse to the front of her, digs around, and pulls out a bottle. “Here.” I reach out tentatively and grab whatever she has. “I came with a peace offering. Here’s some rapid release Tylenol, and I don’t see your sunglasses. So you can borrow mine.” She looks down, a little embarrassed, as if she isn’t sure she did the right thing. “I know they’re a bit more stylish than you’re used to, but they will improve your looks by covering up half your face.” She does her best to hold back her laughter before clearing her throat. “I remember coming to an auction with a hangover. They were a lifesaver for me.”

Hunter’s being nice, and I don’t deserve it. She’s showing me a side of her I’ve only seen her give to others. It hits me like a ton of bricks that I’ve been a total dick and not at all the man my mama raised me to be. I know it was wrong for me to blame her for not getting the promotion. It had nothing to do with her, just showed me I have to work harder and be better. I don’t want the position handed to me. I want to earn it. Every day is a chance for me to get better at my craft. Each time I give an auctioneer a break, I learn just a little bit more.

I look at her, really look. Hunter seems to wear her heart on her sleeve. She’s just been reacting to the hate I’ve thrown her way. It would be hard for someone to uproot their life and start over. There is something to be said about people like her. Her bravery shows when she speaks into that microphone like a pro, even though glares get shot her way. It spoke volumes about her work ethic and determination when all the auctions around the area picked her up. Those whose feathers seemed ruffled by her presence have thawed toward her because she’s friendly to everyone .

My eyes search hers. “Thank you,” I say, holding up the bottle. “Really.”

She gives me a timid smile and nods. “You’re welcome. I hope it helps.”

“These”—I hold up her sunglasses—“are going to look great on me.” I give her a genuine smile while I put them on, and the pressure and anger that I’ve been carrying around starts to dissipate.

Hunter lets out a musical laugh that makes me chuckle along with her, causing those around us to turn their heads.

“At least I’ll have an amusing view while I work,” Hunter says, tucking some hair behind her ear.

I look at her, confused. My brain isn’t exactly firing on all cylinders at the moment.

“You’re on my lane.” She points behind her to the auction block. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but—” Pausing, she nods and says, “try to keep up and don’t break my glasses. They’re my favorite.” She points her finger at me and turns away, sauntering her way down the lanes.

Shaking my head, I watch her hips sway as she walks. “Looking forward to it,” I say under my breath. I take a few steps backward, watching her the whole way.

One thing I quickly remember when the lanes start, is that it’s hard to get rid of a headache amidst the auction noise. My head pounds the entire sale, even with the earplugs I shoved in my ears. Now and then, when a random giggle comes over the microphone, I look up at Hunter, and she quickly composes herself, getting back to selling cars. Without a doubt, I look funny sporting women’s sunglasses, and as queasy as I feel, I’m sure the color of my face isn’t helping either. Or maybe she’s distracted by the CarMax guy who keeps giving her little signals that are unrelated to buying anything and more for getting her attention. I keep thinking he’s making a bid, but every time I look, he’s just waving to get her attention. Nothing is more annoying than a fake bid.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I see the last car coming through the lane. I need to get some food and take some more Tylenol before the next sale in St. Pete.

“Alright, everyone.” Hunter leans over the auction block counter to look at all the dealers. “This is the last car. Let’s sell this Toyota Camry. Twelve thousand dollar bid, twelve thousand, ten thousand dollar bid, ten thousand, two, four, six, six-dollar bid, six, five-dollar bid, six-dollar bid, ten thousand six hundred dollar bid.” I signal to the last guy who bid, but he shakes his head no.

“Sold,” Hunter says. “Ten thousand five hundred dollars to bidder eleven-thirty-four. Thanks, James.” I look up and see Hunter looking at the CarMax guy, giving him a not-so-subtle wink.

What the fuck was that? Of course she’s friendly with the worst guy here. I watch as he makes his way over to her. She turns and quickly says something to Blake, her block clerk, before going down to James.

I know I need to return her sunglasses. She was right. They helped, especially when the sun was streaming into the lanes and searing my eyes. I hurry over to the barista cart and point out Hunter to see if they knew her chocolatey order. Thankfully, they do, and in no time, I’m walking back to Hunter, who’s still talking with James. I try to make my way a little closer without being too obvious. I want to hear what they’re talking about before completely interrupting.

“I wanted to see if you were doing anything Saturday night?” James asks. “I have tickets to go see a movie. I expected my sister to be off work, but now she’s telling me she has to study for a big exam.” James shakes his head.

I don’t believe him. His date either bailed on him, or he just got the tickets .

“Oh, that sounds like fun!” She touches him on his arm and smiles.

“I’ll pick you up,” James offers.

“Okay.” Hunter smiles and reaches into her back pocket, pulling out her phone. “Give me your number, and I’ll text you so you have mine.”

I watch as she unlocks her screen and opens her contacts before handing it to James. He quickly types his number, then hands it back to her.

A grin splits his stupid face.“Text me. I can’t wait.”

I can’t believe she’s going on a date with the CarMax guy. What the hell? Hunter goes to open her mouth but turns and looks at me. Arching her brow, she gives me a look that says, Do you have a problem? I get it. I’m standing here with a chocolate whipped cream-covered cup and women’s eyewear on my face. No one else is around me. There’s no way to pretend I’m not looking at her, so I walk closer.

“I wanted to give you something as a thank you for letting me use your glasses.” I remove them from my eyes, handing them and the coffee concoction over. “You were right, they were definitely a lifesaver.”

She looks intently at the cup before trailing her eyes back to mine. The intensity of them bores into my soul. There’s so much emotion held inside that it’s hard to hold her gaze.

“Thank you. This is so sweet.” She leans in to hug me, and I stand like a limp noodle with my arms hanging at my sides because I wasn’t expecting it. When I finally bring my arms around her, she nestles into my chest, dropping a wave of surprise into my stomach. It’s the most awkward hug of my life, but at the same time, I feel an immense relief. Almost like this is what my body has been craving. Someone clears their throat, and we jump apart.

I look at James, forgetting he was standing there for our exchange. “Hey, CarMax. Seems like you bought plenty of good cars today.” I notice Hunter is stiff as a board standing next to me, not saying a word.

James’s eyes search her face before leveling me with a glare. “Yeah. Seems like it.”

Now that the noise of the auction has subsided, my headache has lessened, but I readjust my hat, hoping to get a little more relief. “Okay. Well, I’ll see you two in St. Pete,” I say, giving Hunter one last look before walking away. She is never that quiet, and since I haven’t known her long enough to know what her silences mean, I’m not sure if I should be worried. Was that hug just as eye-opening for her as it was for me? Will she still go out on a date with CarMax? My body goes rigid as I peer over my shoulder. I can see she's still talking to him, but her body language isn't as free and bubbly as it was before. I refrain from giving myself a mental high-five.

It would be nice to get to know her, but I don’t think I’ve earned it. One thing is for damn sure though, CarMax definitely hasn’t earned it either. There are different types of dealers, and he has to be one of the worst. He hides behind his clean-cut exterior, but he’s not above cutting as many corners as he can just to make a few extra bucks. Doesn’t matter if he’s screwing over the auction or an auctioneer. Everyone knows he’s a liar, and I have no doubt it’s the reason he pushed to be on Hunter’s lane. She doesn’t know him, so he can con her just like he has every other person he comes in contact with.

I walk through the office and JT is talking to one of the front desk girls, so I keep going. I’m almost to the front door when I hear him yell my name. I stop and look over to see him jogging toward me.

“Dude, I saw that.” He folds his arms across his chest.

“Saw what?” I hope he’s not talking about me wearing women’s sunglasses.

He lets out a breath and shakes his head. “You weren’t a total jerk to Hunter for once.” He gives me a little nudge to walk out the doors.

I’m thankful because I don’t want others to hear anything he says. He’s always teased me, but I don’t know what I’m feeling right now.

“Dude, you like her.” He shoves my shoulder.

I stop dead in my tracks, looking at him with what I know is pure shock. “What?” I take my hat off, but the sun’s rays cut through my eyes like a knife, so I quickly put it back on. “We just came to an understanding. That’s all.” There’s no way he could jump to that conclusion.

“Right.” He scoffs.

He always does this. He won’t let it go, but if I mention the girl who broke his heart and made him into a player, he shuts down. He never wants to talk about her. He wants to dive into my personal life, and force me to spill all my secrets. That’s the way he’s always been.

JT rolls the sleeves of his button-up shirt, making me want to do the same. But I don’t because I try to hide the tattoos on my arms while I work. The sun is blazing today though, so I undo the top few buttons of my shirt for some relief.

“She’s going out with James.”

The hard look on JT’s face is everything I’ve been feeling. “You need to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“How am I going to do that?” I look around the parking lot before looking back at my best friend.

“I don’t know, man. Maybe talk to Jess?”

I nod. That’s not a bad idea. I know James isn’t her favorite person either. I don’t know if Jess told Hunter, but he humiliated her. I heard all about how he acted like the nicest guy in the world only to screw her over for information on a car he wanted to buy. It was years ago, but I’ve always seen the look of disgust written across her face when he’s around.

Throwing on a pair of gym shorts as soon as my eyes open, I grab my earphones and run out the door. My feet hit the pavement as Emery blasts through my ears. Running on the weekends always helps me stay in shape. By the time I get home during the week, I’m spent and a run is the last thing on my mind. But I always get up first thing on a Saturday and get a few miles in.

I tossed and turned all night thinking of Hunter going out with CarMax. I can’t help but hope Jess will talk some sense into her. I don’t want to step in, but she cannot be with that guy. My legs instinctively pound against the asphalt faster at the thought. It’s like my world has been knocked upside down since getting my ass handed to me in pool. Images of her relaxing into my arms after I gave her the chocolate monstrosity flood my mind and make me want that feeling again.

“Walls” by Emery starts playing, and I can’t fight the urge to nod my head along to the rhythmic song. I’m passing the dog park when golden fur darts in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. The fur ball sits at my feet, panting with his tongue dangling out the side of his mouth.

“Well, hello to you, too.” I pet his soft hair, and he scoots his butt closer. I pick up his leash, so he doesn’t bolt again. I’m sure his owner is looking for him. Pulling out my earphones, I hear a woman yell.

“Nickelback!” Her breathing is heavy. “I swear to god. I won’t give you a spoon of peanut butter when we get home if you don’t get your ass over here right now!”

There’s something familiar about her voice. My hands pause, locked in this fur ball’s hair. Hunter comes into view, and I watch her gaze all around the area. She’s wearing green leggings, a black sports bra, and black tennis shoes. Her hair is haphazardly thrown into a bun on top of her head. With how much hair she has, it’s amazing she can get most of it into a ponytail. She stops her search as she narrows her eyes on the dog in front of me.

Her eyes harden. “Nickelback, what the hell?” She storms over and kneels in front of us, grabbing the face of the dog and bringing it toward hers so their foreheads touch. “You can’t run off like that.” Placing a kiss on his head, she pets him before looking up at me. The sun blazes into her face, and she squints, having to look away. “I’m sorry about this guy. He has a mind of his own when he sees a squirrel.”

“It’s not a problem.” I don’t miss her fingers grasping the fur.

She gets to her feet, brushing off the leaves stuck to her legs. “Myles?” she asks like she was so concerned about the dog that she just realized who was in front of her.

“I’m guessing this guy belongs to Jess?” I hold my hand out with the leash. “Or do you also have a golden retriever with the same name?” I chuckle.

She shakes her head and reaches over, taking it from my hand. Her eyes meet mine as our fingers graze. “No, he’s Jess’ dog, but I wish he were mine.” She scratches his ear. “What are you doing here?” Her head tilts slightly.

“I run here every weekend.” I flex my hand, still feeling where it touched hers.

Her eyes lower and widen slightly. It looks as if she just realized I’m standing before her in nothing but shorts with sweat running down my chest. I can’t help but love watching as she takes me in. Clearing my throat, her gaze jumps to meet mine, and she flushes as she looks away.

“Does he run away often?”

Shaking her head, she says, “No. He loves squirrels, and I let him chase them in the dog park area. I guess he forgot we were no longer in the fenced area.” She raises her eyebrow at the dog who’s looking up at her, wagging his tail. She pets his head again. “ Well, I’m sorry he stopped you. Don’t let us keep you from your run.”

“I don’t mind. Want to run together?” I point over my shoulder to the trail.

Hunter’s eyebrows furrow. “What?”

“You aren’t running?” I take a small step closer.

“Well, yes.” She runs the leash through her hands.

“We can run together if you want.” I can’t help but hold my breath hoping she’ll let me be with her for a little while longer. This feels like such a simple interaction, but neither of us has been an asshole. I don’t want it to end.

“No, no. It’s fine.” She waves me off.

My shoulders slump with the rejection, but I won’t go down that easy. “Next time, then.” I don’t ask, and the way she looks at me tells me that she noticed it.


I smirk, stepping back toward the trail. “One day soon.” I turn before she can say anything and bring my run back to normal speed, popping my earbuds back in. My run is a little easier now that I have a sexy visual to focus on.

After my shower, I lounge on the couch, watching a movie when my phone rings. “Mama” flashes across the screen. I expected it to be another text from JT since I told him about my run-in with Hunter. Underneath his playboy exterior, he is a true romantic. The girl that broke his heart changed him, but I know the real him. He tries hard to shove that part of himself down.

“Hey, Mama. What’s up?”

“Well, I haven’t heard much from you.” Her warm and comforting voice comes through the phone. “I know you’re still grumpy about me and Gus, but how long did you think I’d stay single?”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. I hate talking about my mama’s dating life. Doesn’t help that mine is nonexistent while a beautiful brunette tortures me. I only want what is best for her, but this is a topic I’d rather avoid.

“Mama, I don’t care that you’re dating someone. I'm just worried about you, but I do want you to be happy. If Gus does that for you, just promise me you’ll be careful.”

“Oh, Miney, you worry too much.” She sighs. “Gus is a great guy, and you would like him if you gave him a chance. Thanksgiving is coming up, and I want the two men in my life to get along.”

Swinging my legs off the couch, I stand and pace my living room. “Mama, it’s only the middle of September. We have a while before we need to worry about Turkey Day.” I shake my head. This lady is going to make me gray before my time.

“Miney, I’m serious. Keep an open mind for me, please?” Her voice changes from a sweet to a more serious tone. “I want you to remember I spent twenty-five hours bringing you into this world. Myles Alexander Johnson, you owe me.”

I let out a long sigh. Bringing up her long labor is her favorite ammo. “You do realize I can’t owe you for the rest of my life, right?”

“Oh, no? Don’t test me, son.” I can picture her putting her small hand on her hip, just like she used to do when I was a child. I would do something she didn’t like, and she would take her balled-up fist stance and stare me down.

“Fuck! Fine, I’ll give Gus a chance.”

“Hey! Mind your language! And thank you. I’ll see you tonight at seven for dinner,” she says a little too sweetly before hanging up.

I pull the phone away from my ear. What the fuck? How did I get roped into dinner without agreeing?

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