I flick on my blinker and turn into the Ocala Stockyard. JT got me in at a cattle auction, saying they could use another auctioneer as backup. After putting out feelers trying to get hired at one, this opportunity fell into my lap. I won’t be the main auctioneer, but I’m getting my foot in the door. Unlike my first day at the car auction, I don’t have any nerves going into this one.
The other night’s disaster can’t even put a damper on my mood. I know I overreacted with James since everyone is entitled to their opinions, but it just confirmed we aren’t compatible. He dropped me off at home and gave me a hug. He tried to convince me it was just a bump we could get through, but I don’t think it’s a hill worth climbing. I’d rather find someone who sweeps me off my feet, a man who will understand my passions and hopefully have similar ones. I had a whole movie to think about it, and I feel good about my decision. Jess was elated when I came inside and told her. I caught her spying on us through the front window.
I pull into a parking space and get out. I dressed in my favorite jeans and brown boots, finishing the look with a black tank top and green flannel button up. My sleeves are rolled right below my elbows since it’s a warmer day. Peering into my side mirror, I make sure there isn’t anything in my teeth. My curls twist around each other as they wind their way down my back.
The Ocala Stockyard is the closest auction to our house. I don’t have to drive all over Florida to go to work, and I freaking love it. I'm one step away from skipping into the office, singing at the top of my lungs. Like that wouldn’t freak them out about the woman they just hired. Instead, I casually walk inside. A blast of cold air hits my face as I walk through the front door, and it feels amazing. I’m still getting used to the Florida heat. The humidity is foreign to me, the way it causes my hair to be extra poofy, not that it ever lacked in that department.
The front desk lady looks at me. “Are you Hunter?”
I nod, smiling at her, and step forward. I open my mouth to say something, but she keeps talking.
“The boss is waiting for you in his office.” She points to a door over her shoulder before going back to typing.
“Thank you,” I say, walking around the large counter. I knock on the open door and peek my head inside, only to find JT, Aaron, a man who I assume is the boss - his name is Thomas - and Myles, in the corner all staring at me. Why is Myles here? He doesn’t work the cattle auctions. Does he?
“Hey there, Hunter,” the man says. “I’m Thomas.” He gets up and shakes my hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you from these guys.” He motions to the other three men in the room. “It’s good to put a face to your name.”
“It’s nice to meet you too.” I reach my hand out to shake his. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you letting me help out. I love cattle auctions and can’t wait to get out there,” I say while also trying to rein in my excitement. I look over his shoulder at the other guys in the room and give them all a smile. But when my eyes find Myles, I pause. He’s meeting my gaze, and he’s giving me a look I’ve never seen before. Butterflies swarm in my stomach, and I quickly look away.
“The guys will show you around. I know you grew up around cattle auctions. So do what you feel comfortable with. JT and Myles usually help wrangle the cattle while pointing out bids. We like to have extra hands, just in case. Aaron is our main auctioneer, but since the auction goes so long, we like to give him extra breaks. Today, I’d like you to shadow Myles since he’s usually the one to give Aaron a break. If that’s alright with you?” Thomas asks, then looks over at Myles.
Before I can reply, Myles speaks up, “Yes, sir. But I was thinking.” He steps toward the boss. “Why don’t we let Hunter give Aaron the breaks today? I’m sure we could learn a thing or two from her.”
I have to keep my jaw locked so it doesn’t hit the floor. To say I’m shocked is an understatement. I might have to look around for some hidden cameras because this must be a prank. Myles wouldn’t even show me around the building on my first day. Now he’s suggesting I take his job? I look over at JT to see if he’ll give me any clue on what is going on, but he only gives me a wink. Alright, I guess I have to figure out what’s going on by myself.
Thomas nods, looking at Myles. “Sounds good. Just be sure to show her everything and who the regular bidders are.”
“Of course,” Myles says. He walks toward the door and motions for me to go first through it.
I walk out of the office, pausing because I don’t know where to go. Myles lightly touches my elbow to tug me in the right direction. The only problem is that his light contact sends a bolt of excitement through my body. Seriously? It’s not like I’ve never been touched by a guy before.
We walk down a hall, and I can’t help but glance over at Myles as he waves at a few employees. Some even ask him how his weekend was. He seems to be in his element, more so than at the car auctions.
“Why are you here?” I stop walking and fold my arms across my chest .
He pauses, looking over his shoulder, and turns to face me. His eyebrows furrow. “I work here.”
I roll my eyes. “No shit. Why do you work at a cattle auction? It’s not beneath you?”
“No?” he asks like it was a weird question. “Why would it be?” He takes a step toward me, putting his hands in his pockets. “This auction gave me my first shot. JT, too. It’s not just a job for me here. I’ve worked here for a decade. These people have been my family since I was eighteen.”
My mouth falls open. James thought this other world was beneath him, but Myles makes it sound as if he holds them in higher regard. I guess he doesn’t expect me to respond because after a few seconds, he continues down the hall.
“You’ll notice that there are men who bid on specific cattle, but I’ll point them out to you. You ready for this?” Myles glances at me.
I blink a few times, still processing what he’s saying. I finally nod when he stops walking and eyes me up and down. “Yeah. Definitely.” I lift my chin.
He smirks. “I have no doubt.”
On my first day, he was positive that he would have to bail me out and take over the lane. But now he’s acting confident in my ability and suggested the boss let me take his place. It’s confusing to say the least, but it’s making me more attracted to him.
I see the door to the main room up ahead, and I take in as many details as I can. Cattle auctions are similar wherever you are. So I don’t feel the need to look around, but I don’t think I can continue to stare into his face. I still feel his gaze on me, and it’s unnerving.
“You’re a pro at this, aren’t you?”
I look at his relaxed body. His hands rest in his pockets, and a lazy grin plasters his face. He’s in his element, and it makes me relax too .
“My dad is Conrad Smith. What do you think?” I playfully arch my brow.
He stops walking as soon as we are standing in the large room where the auction is held, and leans over, pressing his body against my side. His breath tickles my ear as he says, “Alright, Hershey. Let’s see what ya got.” Giving me a wink, he pushes the gate open.
What has gotten into him? I’m left speechless while I watch his firm ass walk into the round pen, soon to be flooded with cows. But I try my best to push him out of my head. I want to show Thomas I have what it takes. Female auctioneers at car auctions are rare. Female auctioneers at cattle auctions are unheard of. A lot of the older men who come to the cattle auctions are firm believers that this is a man’s job. I have to make sure I’m not distracted or someone will complain that I don’t know what I’m doing and get me fired. And it wouldn’t be the first time something like that has happened.
A cattle auction differs completely from a car auction. It’s held in a large room and there is a circular pen in the middle on the ground with a gate for the cows to come and go. On one side of the room, there is a stage located above the cows for the auctioneer and block clerk. The majority of the other side of the room is all seating similar to the Coliseum. The seating gets higher the further you are from the pen so everyone can see what is being sold. It’s very informal. The bidders are in casual conversation while the cows are sold. Everyone knows each other, so it’s hard being a new face in the room.
There are a few ways to buy the cows. You can buy one cow or sometimes an entire herd that has several heads sold together.
I love working with JT and Myles. We all mesh well together. We rotate who lets the cows in and who helps Aaron with taking bids. It’s fun, and I don’t remember the last time I laughed so much while at work. Most of the cows do as they’re directed. But when we get a cow that won't, we try to keep our cool while pushing until it budges.
I’m in my head about Myles, though. When JT and I are in the pen together, he keeps a wide berth when we pass each other. But when Myles passes, he always finds a reason to give me the subtlest touch. I can still feel where his hands held onto my hips longer than needed to keep a cow from pushing me over. The marks of his fingers dug into my hip bones. Now they’re permanently tattooed with the heat of his skin.
It’s confusing. He acted as if he was responsible for ensuring I didn’t go out with James. What sucks is that he was starting to win me over. Then he went all caveman on me, and I am not okay with that.
“Hey,” Myles yells, so I can hear him over the loudspeaker.
“What?” I yell back. I can feel the noise radiating through my body, down to my toes.
He motions over his shoulder to Aaron, selling the lot in the ring with us. “You’re up. Remember what I told you. If there are no bidders, sell it to number five-twenty.”
“Got it.” I step around him, but pause when his hand firmly grasps my elbow. His smile reaches his eyes and makes them crinkle.
“Don’t make me look too bad. I kinda like it here.” He winks.
“Well, you should have thought of that before telling the boss to give me your job,” I say before I can stop myself and grin.
His laughter is drowned out by Aaron selling the herd that JT pushed through the gate.
After the sale, we file into Thomas’ office. Myles is right by my side, like he has been all day. I’m exhausted and just want to get some food in my stomach. But I had the best time. Thankfully, the men didn’t haze me much, and I got to sell a good amount.
“Hey. You all did great today,” Thomas says. “The sale ran smoothly, and I’ll see you next week, right?” Thomas looks right at me like his question was only for me .
I nod. “I’d love to come back.”
His shoulders visibility relax. “Great. I appreciate it. You make a sound addition to the team.” He reaches out and shakes my hand, and then speaks to the entire team. “Have a great week, everyone.”
The sale ended right after two p.m., and none of us had anything to eat except the few snacks we brought. So my stomach plays a gurgling tune as I shield my eyes from the sun. Beads of sweat break out across my body, trickling down my curves. This heat is brutal.
My body goes on high alert when I sense Myles walk by me. “Will you go to lunch with me?” Myles asks. I stop, and JT almost runs into me.
“Woah, Fun-Size. You need to lay on the horn or something before slamming on the breaks. I can’t see you stopping from down there.” He winks, and I fight the urge to roll my eyes.
“Ha. Ha. You’re so funny.” I shake my head in disbelief.
“I know. How about we ditch this one,”—he nods at Myles, who glares back at him—“and I’ll take you to have some real fun?”
I laugh. “Actually, how about you join us? I have a huge craving for Mexican food.” I look between the guys.
Rubbing his hands together, he licks his lips. “Oh, that does sound good.” I catch his eyes flicker to Myles for a second before they land on me again. “I was just messing with Myles. I need to get home. You two have fun.” He tips his imaginary hat and spins around.
Deep blues eyes meet my gaze. “Look, I’ve been an ass to you. If you’d give me the chance, I’d like to make it up to you. Let me buy you lunch and apologize.” Myles presses his lips together and forces a crooked smile onto his face, making it easier to envision the little boy who worked hard but never got recognition for his efforts .
Why did I have to be raised with manners? It’s making it hard for me to turn him down and walk away.
I look at my Bronco, wondering if I should leave, then look back at him. My rejection gets stuck in my throat. He’s still watching me, waiting for an answer, apparently in no rush to go home. My stomach growls again. Okay, one lunch won’t hurt, especially since there’s free food involved. My shoulders drop as I give in and sigh, “Okay, but one asshole remark”—I poke him in the chest—“and I’m gone.” I lift my thumb over my shoulder and gesture toward the road so he knows I’m serious.
“Yes, ma’am.” He smiles, and I see a dimple I’ve never noticed before, peeking out from beneath some scruff that seems to have gotten longer over the weekend.
Did he just call me ma’am?
My shoulders slump as I sigh. “Jess will be disappointed she missed out on a chance to give you the third degree.”
Myles opens the door for me to the restaurant, that grin still teasing his lips as he watches me pass, his eyes never leaving mine as I walk inside. It all feels weird, date-like even. Like both of us are feeling on edge with unfamiliarity and uncertainty about how this will pan out. Will I make it hard for him? Will he continue to be an ass? Should we both just call it quits? The hostess shows us to our table, dropping off a basket of chips and salsa. I’m freaking obsessed with chips and salsa, but my nerves have me breaking the chips into tiny pieces too small to dip, and by the time I’ve broken them up and popped a few in my mouth, I realize they aren’t good without the salsa. This feels different. I knew I should have gone home.
Why do I put myself in these situations? First, James and now Myles. Jess was right when she insinuated I didn’t want to be with him. I don’t want to be with Myles, either. Except, the big difference between James and Myles is I didn’t feel anything when James touched me. But the smallest touch from Myles sends burning sensations throughout my body, making me want more. I’ve already imagined what it would be like to have his muscular arms wrapped around me, which is ridiculous. Except all I can think about is that they were on full display and glistening with sweat at the park.
Myles clears his throat. “I’m sorry.”
I stop breaking the chips and look up. Narrowing my eyes at him, I say, “That’s it?”
He sighs. “I stepped out of line. It wasn’t my place to talk about whatever you have with James. I’m really sorry. It won’t happen again.”
I shift my legs over the leather booth, scanning over all the colorful Hispanic decor around the room, unsure where to look. He’s watching me intently and seems to have no problem sitting in awkward silence, waiting for me to answer. I pause, taking in everything he said.
“You’re right. It wasn’t your place.” I cross my arms and lean back into the booth. “I thought we were getting to a better place, and then you went and did that.”
His shoulders drop as he looks down, folding his hands on the table. He looks sad, and it makes me regret how harsh my words were. “I know, Hunter. I’m sorry.” He rubs the back of his neck and looks at me with the most sincere expression, and for whatever reason, I want to believe him.
His eyes are full of shame and remorse, and looking into them for too long feels like looking at the sun. It’s too much, and I pinch the bridge of my nose, not prepared to have this conversation today. “Why? Why did you get weird about me going out with James, and why do you now want to be friends?” I ask because I can’t sweep it under the rug with a single apology. I need to know his reasoning.
He takes his hat off and rakes his fingers through his hair before putting his hat on backward. “Look, I’m not proud of what I did. I got jealous, which fucked with my head because you took my job.” Shaking his head, he revises, “They gave you the job I thought was supposed to be mine.” He inhales through his nose and readjusts himself to sit up straighter. I open my mouth, but he puts his finger up. I look at his chiseled jaw flex a few times, looking like he’s holding something in, or debating if he should let it out. “I know it wasn’t your fault, but I still blamed you for it.” Sighing, he rubs his hand up and down his face a few times before repositioning his hat. “It was always something. If I wasn’t pissed at you for the job, I was pissed at you for making me hard every time I’m around you.”
A chip falls from my hand on the way to my mouth. I can’t do anything but stare at him. Did I just dream it or did those words just come out of his filthy and suddenly sexy mouth that now I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from his full lips? They turn into a smirk, and I know I’ve been caught staring. My eyes flick up to meet his, and I furrow my eyebrows.
“What? You’re hot, Hunter. Don’t act like you don’t know it.” I continue to stare at him, unable to come up with a reply, and he holds up his hands. “I know, I was wrong.”
I blink at him. What? I'm pretty sure I misunderstood or missed something. The waitress shows up in perfect timing, and the spell he had me under feels like it’s broken, but my mind is still confused. Did he say what I think he said?
He just said he’s attracted to me. A memory of him leaning into me and his lips ghosting against my ear flashes through my head.
“Hello, what can I get you both to drink?” our waitress asks. Myles hasn’t taken his eyes off of me, and I squirm in my seat.
“Um”—I stutter and rub my forehead. “I’ll um, I’ll take”—I look around, not sure what to get, and I can’t seem to focus enough to decide while he’s staring at me. Crap. “Water.” I blurt. I still feel his eyes on me while I’m acting like a flailing fish. Why does this man make me nervous? I don’t know what to do when he’s nice to me. I’m not prepared for it. I look up and see a hint of a cocky smirk at the corner of his mouth, like he knows exactly what is going on in my head.
“Same,” Myles says after what feels like several minutes of silence.
“Alright, I’ll get those for you. Would you like a few more minutes to look over the menu?” she asks.
“Yes,” he says, calm and collected.
The waitress turns her body toward him and flicks her hair across her shoulder before smiling at him. But his eyes never leave mine, as if he’s afraid I’ll bolt if he takes them off me. I don’t know why though, I’m pretty much stuck here since he drove me.
“What would you like?” His voice sounds a little husky as he rubs the scruff on his chin.
I can hear the sound the friction makes, wanting nothing more than to feel it against my own hands and other places. My eyebrows shoot up, and I press my thighs together to help relieve some of the throbbing.
“Um, from you?” I couldn’t be more confused right now. He just said he’s attracted to me. Does that mean he wants to mend past wrongs and be friends, or maybe something more? My mind shouts to stay in the friend zone because this guy can turn on a dime, but my body screams in favor of the latter.
A playful smile crosses his lips. “To eat, Hershey.”
His deep voice pierces me to the core. I have a hard time not melting. I could kick myself for looking like a fool in front of him. Fucking hell.
“Oh, right.” Clearing my throat, I look down at my menu again. “Um. I’m not sure yet. Do you know what you want?” Is this menu in English? I can’t seem to focus long enough to read one word. The Spanish names of each food aren’t helping. I’m surprised he can’t hear my heart pounding in my chest from across the table. I glance up at him, and he’s still looking right at me. His hands folded on the table, a picture of ease. I bite my lower lip. His eyes track the movement before they slowly raise to meet my eyes. He rubs his jaw like he’s thinking about what he wants to say.
“Yeah. I know what I want.” Myles’ eyes seem to darken, making my mouth go dry.
A hand reaches in front of me, holding water. I jump back, not noticing that the waitress had walked up. Thank god. I quickly send her a smile before I gulp down my drink. Water drips out of the corner of my mouth and runs down my neck. I pat myself dry with my napkin, and he chuffs out a laugh. The waitress has the best timing so far.
“Have you decided on your order?” she asks, taking out her pad of paper and pen.
I look at her with my eyebrows raised and mouth parted. I’m not sure what to get, and I’m the most basic food person there is. I get the same sort of thing whenever I go to a Mexican restaurant. Just don’t ask me what that is right now because I don’t have the slightest clue. This isn’t like me. I don’t lose my mind when I talk to people. What makes Myles so different? Is it that he just makes me nervous?
What’s going on in his head? He has been looking at me with a stormy look in his eyes all day. I can tell there’s something more he’s holding back, but he just sits there completely unphased.
“Um.” My eyes quickly scan the menu for anything remotely familiar. “I’ll take a burrito. Just chicken, rice, beans, and cheese please,” I say, looking up and relaxing a little when Myles finally looks at his menu.
“Okay, and for you?” She looks over at him, popping her hip.
“I’ll take the al pastor tacos. Thanks.” Instead of looking at her, his eyes immediately pin me to the spot as he passes his menu over to her.
“Okay. I’ll get that all in for you.” The waitress turns, walking away with our menus.
“So”—Myles starts,—“what do you like to do in your spare time?”
I blink in confusion. I thought he would continue pushing me with more uncomfortable topics. What surprises me is how upset I am that he isn’t continuing the conversation.
“Really? You’re going to change the subject?” Was I comfortable with the last one? No. But that doesn’t mean I want to switch topics, exactly. I’m curious why he wants to change the subject. Does he regret what he said?
He nods. “Oh, okay. I was only trying to be nice and make lighter conversation.” His shoulders shrug. “I don’t want you to go out with James. I want you to go out with me.”
My jaw drops, and I feel my eyes widen to the size of golf balls. “You what?”
“You heard me.” Myles’ eyebrow ticks, and he leans forward to put his elbows on the table. “Are you with James?”
“That’s beside the point,” I huff and wrap my hands around my hair to put it in a bun on top of my head.
“Is it?” His head tilts to the side.
“Yes.” I grab a chip and dunk it into the salsa before shoving it into my mouth.
“I don’t think it is.”
He’s holding back a smile that is begging to come out. His dimple gives him away. “Myles,” I groan.
“Hershey,” he says, giving me a stoic facade. He leans forward a little more. “I want to take you out, but I can’t do that if you’re going out with another”—he hesitates—“ guy .” He growls out the last word.
My eyes dart back and forth between his blue ones while I debate what to say. He’s still wearing that old hat, backward of course, causing a thick piece of hair to tumble across his forehead in a way that makes me want to reach across this table and wisp it to the side. Sliding my eyes downward, I feel an ache between my thighs as they settle on how good Myles’ broad shoulders look in that white button-up shirt. The sleeves are rolled past his forearms where his tattoos are exposed.
Taking a big breath, I meet his eyes again. “I like to horseback ride and play beach volleyball in my spare time.” Yes, I chicken out and go for the easier question. Shoot me.
He smirks. “Interesting.” Putting one finger on his chin, he says, “I go to JT’s to ride.” Leaning back in the booth, his broad chest pulls at his shirt threads.
I move the straw in my cup in circles, and the ice clinks as it follows. “I miss it. I haven’t found a place to ride since moving here. I have a horse back home, but I had to leave her at the family farm when I moved here.” I blurt. Why is he easy to open up to?
He messes with his rolled sleeve. “You can come to JT’s and ride with me. He has a few extra horses.” I swear hope blooms in his eyes.
“Oh, no.” I wave him off. “I couldn’t do that.” I turn my head and look at the other customers eating around us. I didn’t mean for him to invite me over to JT’s house. That would be awkward. Kind of like the elephant in the room right now.
“JT wouldn’t mind. He’d love to have you over. His horses need to be ridden,” he says.
“Maybe.” I look at my hands fidgeting in my lap before peering up at him through my lashes.
His cheeks raise as the corners of his mouth follow. “I’ll take it.”
I reach for a broken chip, but his hand grabs hold of mine before I can. I can feel calluses from obvious hard work. His thumb lazily strokes across my knuckles. We both look down at our hands. My small hand looks dainty in his. Jerking my hand away, I tuck a few stray hairs behind my ear.
Leaning forward on the table, he says, huskily, “I gotta know.”
My body is on pins and needles, wondering what he’s going to say. Clenching my thighs together, I take a breath and look at him.
“Are you with James?”
Gone is the playful smirk he had just moments ago. All I see is the seriousness in his face. His jaw is tight, and his gaze is firm. Like this information is what his life depends on. Like he’s holding back until he figures out this little snippet. That thought alone sends excitement through my body.