Highest Bidder 20. Hunter 71%
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20. Hunter



The universe decided I didn’t need a calmer day. I’m staring at my dad while sitting on a brown scratchy fabric couch. The doctors give him the rundown of how he needs to take better care of himself, starting with his diet. He isn’t too happy about all the foods they tell him to cut out, but it’s a necessity for his health. My mom half listens while her eyes flicker from my frizzy hair down to my worn-down shoes. Her glare saying, “How dare you wear those clothes out of the house.”

She, on the other hand, is dressed to perfection. Her hair is pulled into a low-style bun, not a single hair out of place. Her blue dress is completely free of lint, hair, and wrinkles, and nude heels with no scuff marks. She always wears some type of jewelry. Today, she has on pearl stud earrings and a gold necklace with a single pearl at the bottom. Always classy. I thought I could enjoy alone time with dad, but I guess not. There’s always my mom, doctors, or nurses coming and going, no actual moment of peace. So as I sit here trying to stay out of everyone’s way, I allow my mind to wander to the phone call with Myles last night.

I can’t believe how blunt he is sometimes. I’m thankful I know what he is feeling, but I am scared he may be lying. Or that he will grow bored after a while, and I don’t want to get hurt. Even though I ended things with Steve, it wasn’t an easy breakup. He knows my parents, and his parents are in the same club as mine. He convinced his parents to talk my mom, so she pressures me to be with him. Believe me, they didn’t need to pressure her. She was already doing it herself.

“Honey, are you even listening to me?” I look up, startled, as my mom snaps her fingers near my face to get my attention. Her stare is just short of a glare, her lips pursed.

“Um. No, sorry. What were you saying?”

“Ugh. I swear. Your head is always in the clouds. I don’t understand why”—

My dad clears his throat. “Why don’t you repeat what you said, Beth? She was thinking of other things, and honestly, I’m not sure what you were talking about either,” he says.

I wish he wasn’t hooked to so many tubes and wires so I could lean over and give him a big hug. He always tries to take the smoke out of the fire she spits out. It never works, though.

“Fine,” she bites out.

Mom also hates when he does that. She’s always thought of it as him and me versus her. In reality, he’s always trying to get us all on the same team.

“I was saying there is a gala next Friday. I want Hunter to go with us.”

I blink. I must be in another reality. How is my mother expecting dad to attend a gala, which means wearing a tux, in his current state? Also, he doesn’t like to show it, but the heart attack took a lot out of him. He’s sleeping more and doesn’t have the energy to walk around much. Sometimes I wonder how on earth I’m related to this woman. I focus my attention on Dad, and he takes a deep breath.

“Mom, you can’t be serious right now.”

She only gives me a confused look.

“Dad’s not even out of the hospital, and you expect him to go to a gala with you? How’s that realistic in any way, shape, or form?” I fold my arms across my chest and give her a disgusted look.

“What do you mean?” She looks at him with a look of fake shock. “He’s getting out in about 36 hours now. The gala is more than a week away. Why wouldn’t your father go? We have had this on the schedule for months. We have our tickets. The only thing we need to figure out is how to get you one. But since I’m on the board of the foundation hosting the gala, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

I stare at her with my mouth open.

“Honestly, Hunter, close your mouth. It’s not ladylike to gape at someone in such a way.” She looks down and plucks an imaginary hair off of her skirt.

I snap my mouth closed and blink a few times. She’s actually serious. I look over at my dad, but he isn’t saying a word. He’s looking down, trying the best he can to stay out of it. He doesn’t want to rile her up before he needs to. Of course, he’s used to her being like this. I’m sure it didn’t shock him in the slightest.

“Well, if Dad is well enough to attend a gala, I’ll go home. I’m only here to make sure he gets better and has the care he deserves.” It felt good to stand up for myself. Referencing Florida as my home slipped out, but it gave me peace. I’m happy to call it home. OKC has never felt much like where I belong. I miss the home I’ve made for myself. I want to get back to it, but I’m not pushing Dad, unlike my mother.

“Honestly, you can stay another week. There’s no reason to leave so soon. Everyone will love to see you again. Especially a certain person who you left so high and dry.”

She continues spitting out evil. I don’t even want to listen to her anymore. She always makes me feel awful about myself. Of course, I did something wrong to one of her friends, and she’s holding it against me. New day, same manipulation.

“What are you talking about, Mother?” I sigh .

“Steven. The poor boy has been heartbroken since you left him. He doesn’t understand what he could have done to make you leave him the way you did. It wasn’t right. He misses you,” she says.

I have to hold myself back from gagging. He didn’t miss me when he was jumping into bed with someone else right after the breakup. He must have conveniently left that part out.

“Mother, we have been over this. He wasn’t with me for the right reasons, and he started getting abusive. I will not be with someone like that,” I state, looking her directly. She can see how serious I am, but I don’t think she cares.

“Oh, please. Girls these days are so dramatic.” She waves her hand to dismiss what I’ve said. “He loves you, so you should see him. In the meantime, I will get you a ticket, and I want you to find a dress. It should be exquisite. I expect nothing less.”

She continues acting like my opinions don’t matter. I can’t stand being around her when she’s like this. Aren’t mothers supposed to be nurturing and loving toward their kids? Mine must have missed that memo.

“Okay, we can talk about all this later. I want a nap,” my dad cuts in.

I let out a sigh of relief. Maybe she will finally leave me alone for a little bit too if she has to be quiet.

“Fine. I have to get going anyway, darling. Have a good nap,” she says and kisses my dad on the forehead. Her eyes flick back to me. “I can make you a hair appointment before the gala, honey.” Turning, she leaves the room.

I look over at my dad. I’m having a hard time not blowing up.

“I know.” He puts his hand up and nods. “You don't need to say anything. I know. Now get some lunch, so I can sleep.” He reclines his bed to get more comfortable.

“Fine. But call if you need me.” I stand and walk toward him to kiss his cheek.

I leave with my purse, but I can’t seem to focus enough to find somewhere to go. I’m nothing like her. I used to think I was born with my unruly hair only to piss her off. Growing up, she was always trying to tame it, but once I was old enough to do it myself, she started her passive-aggressive remarks to shame me. Despite her comments, I never stopped wearing my hair as natural as possible. It was one way I could control how I looked.

After aimlessly wandering down different halls, I finally find the cafeteria. My stomach lets out a monstrous growl. It’s after 1 p.m. People in blue scrubs buzz around on lunch break. Exhausted, somber families gather around small portions of food. Most are not alone, and it makes me wish I had someone here with me. I bet Myles is done with his lane by now. I miss him. Yes, he puts on this rough exterior, but I’ve come to know the man beneath that. That man is kind, caring, considerate, thoughtful, giving, and I don’t want to even think about his body. My hormones might get carried away.


Hey there. I’m thinking about you.


All naughty things, I hope.

I laugh. Of course that’s his response.


Can’t wait to come home.


Me too. I have a saddle with your name on it.

The days go by in a blur, and we are able to get Dad home and comfortable. Mom insists on hiring a nurse to help twenty-four-seven because she doesn’t want to do anything herself, but she’s covering her true intentions by saying it’s because she wants him to get the best care he needs. He’s allowed to do short walks each day. So I take that on as my duty. We start on small walks around the house, then we venture down to the mailbox. Now he’s able to go around the farm, which has made him the most excited. He misses his animals and wants to be around them as much as possible.

Before I know it, a week has passed. Dad is doing so much better. He’s able to go on a decent walk now and doesn’t take as many naps throughout the day. I know he wants to get back to work, but the doctor said he needs to take off at least a month. He isn’t happy about it, but it’s important for him to get stronger before returning to work.

Each day, I make it a point to call or text Myles. We haven’t talked as much as I was hoping, but when we do talk, it’s the highlight of my day. I cannot wait to get back to see him. He promised to pick me up at the airport. I’m thankful to have him in my corner right now. I’ve also talked with Jess each day, but those talks are filled with giving her all the details about me and Myles. She’s obsessed. She wants to know everything, and I love having someone to talk to about him. I haven’t been able to tell my parents about him, because I know my mom would only give me a harder time. My dad would be happy that I’ve found someone, but my mother isn’t over my breakup with Steve. I’m going to miss my dad when I leave, and I wish I could talk to him about Myles in person. I know he would love him. They could probably talk for hours about the auction world.

“You’re doing great, Dad.” I look over at him as we take our daily lap around the farm. His complexion is less pale, and the dark circles under his eyes are gone. He even has a little pep to his step. I know he wants to check the training progress on a few of his horses.

“I know. You can stop hovering now. I love having you here, but sweetie, I’m okay.” He looks at me with sincerity.

I know he’s physically okay, but it’s been a tough week. It was extremely scary seeing him vulnerable in the hospital bed, connected to so many wires. I will never forget seeing him look helpless in the hospital bed, and I never want to see it again. He looked so fragile that I was afraid to touch him. He needs to get as healthy as possible before I leave.

“I know you’re okay, Dad.” I take a breath. “It was hard seeing you like that, but I’m glad you’re doing better. I want you to keep doing the things you need to get strong. No stress for you.” I level him with a stare. He laughs, but he knows I’m serious.

“Okay, but I need one favor, sweetie.” He looks down with a little uncertainty in his eyes.

It piques my curiosity because he rarely asks me for anything.

“Of course. Anything for you.” We stop walking to face each other.

“Go with your mother to the gala tomorrow.”

I shake my head, ready to tell him absolutely not, but he holds his hand up stopping me.

“Just hear me out. This is selfish of me, but I don’t think I’m ready to be around the club members right now. I want to relax a little longer before diving back into her world.”

I cannot believe this is even a topic of conversation. There’s no bone in my body that wants to go anywhere close to that gala. I also can’t believe that he feels pressure to go. He’s doing better, and I will do anything to make sure he doesn’t risk his progress.

“You definitely shouldn’t go. There is no question about that at all, Dad. You need your rest. Mom will have to go by herself. She’ll be fine.” He’s crazy if he thinks I’m going to a gala with her. We’d be at each other’s throats.

“I know it will be hard for you, especially considering how difficult your relationship is, but she hates going alone. Let me break it down for you like this.” He hesitates and gives a strained face. It’s like he’s physically pained by the words that are about to come out of his mouth. “If you don’t go for me, then I will have to go.”

My blood boils. I don't like when people force me into situations. Mom always tried to back me into a corner in some way or another to go to these functions. It was one of the main sources of contention between us. Now I feel like my dad is, and it doesn’t sit right with me.

I finally look him in the eye after giving myself a few moments to calm down. “Fine. I’ll see you at the house,” I say, turning and walking away. He knows what he’s asking of me is wrong. He knows he gives her anything she wants, and now it feels like he’s stabbed me in the back.

“Okay, sweetie,” he says softly after I’m already far away from him.

Now I have to get a fucking dress to wear to a stupid event I will hate. I want to go home and cuddle up on our comfy couch with Jess and watch a Hallmark movie. I also wouldn’t mind if Myles came over and brought me some Reese’s. Now that Dad’s better, it’s time for me to start planning my trip home.

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