Highest Bidder 22. Hunter 79%
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22. Hunter



“Wow! That one looks amazing.” The sales associate cups her cheeks as she looks at me.

I'm pretty sure she’s only trying to make a sale and get me out of here. Believe me, I want to be gone. But I refuse to show up in a dress that isn’t something I’m confident about. I’ve tried on a simple purple strapless that Jess said made me look like a crayon, an orange knee-high dress with some tulle around the skirt, which she said looked like a loofah. Then a red one that hugged all my curves. All she sent back was a picture of Myles. His eyes looked like they were bulging out of his head. I didn’t realize she’d been sharing the photos with him. The red one I sent to tease Jess. I didn’t want to buy it. It was too tight, and it had a deep plunging neckline. Of course, teasing her would bite me on the butt because she had shown Myles.

The dress I have on though, I actually like. It’s a floor-length, dark olive green strapless dress with a high slit. My favorite part is the little peekaboo cutouts along the bodice. I love the way I look in it. Now that I know Jess is showing Myles, I adjust the dress to show my best angles. I want him to like the one I pick. I send her the picture and go to my clothes back on. I don’t want to try on any more, so I hope Jess sends a thumbs-up. My phone rings.

“Well? Do you like it? I’m over trying these things on, Jess. Please don’t make me try on any more.” I let out a frustrated breath.

“Yessss! That’s the one, Hunter.” She pauses. “Myles absolutely loves it too, but he has a green monster on his back called Mr. Jealousy.” She sings out, and I hear Myles in the background groaning at her and telling her to knock it off.

He’s jealous? But why?

“Jess, what are you talking about? You’re being ridiculous.” She isn’t even listening to me. She’s too busy teasing Myles. I’m glad they’re friends and hearing them bickering over the phone makes me smile. They’ve both told me that they’ve worked together more over this past week. Jess even said that JT has been talking with her a little more often. “Whatever. I’m going to check out. Have a good sale.” I hang up the phone before she can say anything else. I want to get the day over with.

Pulling my black camisole over my head, I shimmy into my jean shorts. I grab Myles’ green sweatshirt and bring it to my nose. I smell his woodsy scent, and it makes me miss him so much more. I pull it over my head, I have to push it up my arms for my hands to be free. It’s almost down to my knees, but the comfort I feel wearing it and having his smell around me is unmatched.

Myles ends up texting me, saying I look beautiful in the dress, and a huge smile stretches across my face. I want to go home and jump into his arms, which only makes me think about his body and tattoos. He told me a little about them and showed me some over Facetime. He has large trees with mountains on one arm. On the other arm, he has a creek with trees and a few animals. I didn’t ask, but I'm almost positive his inspiration was JT’s place, based on what he has told me about it.

I really want to go riding with him when I get back. I told my dad I would leave to go home this weekend. He didn't say much. We actually haven’t talked too much since he pressured me into going to the gala. I think he figured I wouldn’t mind it as much as I used to. Well, he was wrong. There is not a single part of me that wants to go, and I definitely have no desire to see Steve again. I already know both of our mothers are on his side, so it’s going to be hard to avoid him. Just thinking about being stuck at a table with him, my mom, and his parents makes my skin crawl.

I shake the thoughts away. I just have to get through the event, then I’ll head home. I can do this. Suck it up for two more days, and I’ll be home free. I’ll miss my dad, but he’s doing so well. He’s walking more and more every day to get back into better health. I know he still has about two more weeks till he can work again, but he promised not to go back until he’s healthy enough. He should retire, but I think he would have another heart attack if I suggested that.

I walk to the front door Friday night, greeted by my parents. “Wow! Sweetie, you look great.” My dad kisses my cheek.

“Thanks, Dad.” My hair is styled in a loose updo with small pieces framing my face, but there are at least a thousand bobby pins woven into the curls. I went to the hair appointment my mom made, but I told the stylist she had to do what I wanted. The stylist was nervous, not wanting to upset my mom since she’s such a loyal customer. In the end, she said she wanted to touch my wild hair and have fun with it. I was thankful for that.

The makeup artist was not as easy to convince. I had to keep a close eye on her and request a mirror to watch as she applied everything. She almost painted on bright red lips, but I quickly took a different color she had on her tray and applied it myself. She glared at me for that, but I wanted nude lips that match my heels and clutch. I rarely wear jewelry, so I threw on simple hoop earrings. My mom’s eyes zero in on my ears, like she wants to rip them out. Everything’s as close to my style as I could get, but still fancy enough for the gala.

“I see Michelle and Abigail didn’t give you what I asked for. What are those large silver things in your ears?” she asks.

I have a sinking feeling she’s going to fire Michelle and Abigail, but I'm pretty sure they will eventually be grateful to me for that.

“You ready to get this over with, Mother?” I ask, ignoring her dig about my earrings. I turn when I hear a knock at the door, and my mother’s face tips up into a smile. Not a warm smile, but one that makes you want to run and hide because it means she's up to no good.

“Hello, Elizabeth! It’s so good to see you! Conrad, you look great,” Steve says, stepping inside, kissing my mom on the cheek and shaking my dad’s hand.

I watch as Steve plays the part in front of my family. My heart races and a ringing rumbles in my ears. I have to clasp my hands together, so I don’t bolt from the room. I knew I would see him, but I didn’t think he would show up at the house. Of course, my mom would pull a stunt like this. She looks at him with her shoulders back and a smile forming on the corners of her mouth. My dad levels a hard look at Steve and crosses his arms. I swear I hear a growl rumble from his throat.

“Hunny!” Steve says, his nickname for me, making my skin crawl. He tries to wrap me in a hug.

I finally snap out of my shock in time to back away from his grasp. I quickly walk around him, putting my dad’s body between us. I turn and glare at my mother, who still hasn’t lost her prideful look, then turn toward Steve. The look he gives me for denying him almost makes my knees buckle. But I take a deep breath and stare right into his hateful eyes .

“It’s Hunter.” I correct, and he feigns indifference. “Mother, what the hell?” I bite out. She looks at me with wide eyes. But her expression turns hard as her eyebrows pull together, and she glares at me.

“Watch yourself. This is my event, and I will invite anyone I please.” She gives me a pointed look.

I want to scream. How the fuck did I get myself roped into this?

“Steve was sweet enough to accompany us to the gala. He came here to be your date.”

I glare at her. Like hell, he’s my date. I turn when there’s another knock at the door.

“Let me guess, another ex-boyfriend?” I snap at her sarcastically, but her eyebrows raise as she looks to the door. She opens the door, and the breath gets knocked out of my chest. Myles stands in the doorway looking devastating in a tuxedo. His hat is nowhere to be found. I feel the irresistible urge to run my fingers through his perfectly tousled hair. He looks around, but when his eyes land on me, his body relaxes. His face breaks into the most handsome smile I have ever seen. Before anyone can say anything, I rush toward him and launch myself into his arms. He drops the bag I didn’t even see he was carrying and holds me tight, nuzzling his face into my neck.

“Um. Excuse me? Who are you?”

I barely hear my mom trying to get our attention. I don’t care. I want him to whisk me away. I can’t believe he’s here! He loosens his hold on me, which only makes me tighten my grip on him. His rumbling laughter vibrates through my body, igniting something deep inside me. I have never wanted someone as much as I want him right now.

“I’m not going anywhere, Hershey. You can let go,” he whispers. I reluctantly unwind my clenched arms from around his neck, but tuck myself into his side as I face my mother.

“Mom and Dad, this is Myles Johnson. Myles, these are my parents, Beth and Conrad.” I point to each of them, smiling at my dad. Myles moves forward to shake their hands. Without hesitation, my dad shakes it, but my mom only stares at it as if she’s repulsed by him, then sets her glare back on his face.

“Why are you here?” Her eyes look him over for a flaw that she won’t find. “Hunter, did you invite this man to a closed event? I’m sorry you came all this way, but the event is full.”

My heart sinks because I was so happy to have him here, and now she’s not going to let him come. I look up at Myles, who doesn’t look worried at all. He glances down at me and gives me a wink. I can’t help but look at him in confusion.

“Well, you see, darling.” My dad’s voice makes us all look at him. “I called Mr. Johnson and told him our little girl would like him here as backup since I couldn’t go. Seeing as how I can’t use my ticket, I gave him mine.” My dad gives me a wink. I drop my hands from Myles and give my dad a big hug.

“Thank you, Dad,” I whisper and squeeze tight. I can’t believe my dad did this for me. I was so upset with him, and this feels like his way of apologizing for not having my back. I have so many questions about how he even knows about Myles, but that isn’t important right now.

“Anytime, baby girl,” he whispers back.

“Well, that’s a great idea and all, but Hunter is using your ticket.” My mom purses her lips.

She doesn’t want him to go, but if she won’t let him go, then I won’t go either.

“You and I both know you bought her a ticket as soon as she arrived. Now I’m tired, and this young man came all the way here. You guys are going to be late. So quit arguing and go have fun at your event.” With his arm still around me, Dad levels her with a look, warning her he isn’t backing down.

I let go after another squeeze and tuck back into Myles’ side. My mom keeps opening and closing her mouth like a fish. My dad rarely puts his foot down with her, so she’s not sure how to handle this.

“Um.” Steve clears his throat. “Hunny, your mom was planning for you to ride with me in the limo. I’m sorry, your friend won’t be able to join.”

I forgot Steve was still here. My mom’s face brightens by this turn of events. She’s still hoping she can turn this around in her favor by forcing me to spend time with Steve.

“It’s Hunter, Steven,” my dad bites out, which only makes me want to hug him again. “Here, Myles.” He pulls out a set of keys from his pocket and tosses them to Myles. “Drive my Mustang. It’s in the garage. Hunter will show you.” He gives me a smile. “Go have fun tonight. I would like to get to know this fella in the morning.” He turns toward Myles.

“Thank you, sir,” Myles says, keys in hand. “You ready?” Myles looks at me with those big blue eyes. I thread my hand in his and give him a big smile.

“Now that you’re here, I’m definitely ready.” Turning, I say over my shoulder, “See you there, Mom.”

My fingers intertwined with his ground me as I lead us out the door to the garage. I’m completely shocked to see Myles. When he said he would come, I thought it was a crazy idea. But now that he’s here, I realize I was hoping he would show up the whole time. Before I open the garage, Myles tugs me back and pulls me into his arms. Now that we aren’t in front of my parents, his hand goes to the back of my neck and his other on my lower back pressing me into him. I couldn’t be happier than I am in his arms. My whole body feels extra sensitive, finally having his hands on me again. He gently pulls away to look into my eyes.

“Is it okay I came? Your dad called, and I jumped at the chance to see you.”

He looks a little nervous as he messes with the sleeves on his wrists before putting his hands in his pockets, and it makes me smile. I put my hands around his neck and pull him down to kiss him. He hesitates for a second, but gives in. His lips press into mine softly, but I wasn’t searching for a small peck. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about our kiss at the airport. My tongue slips against his lips, and he opens his mouth, his tongue playing with mine. I moan into his mouth, and his grip tightens. I don’t ever want this to end. The way he’s holding me, with his thumb tracing along the curves of my jaw, makes me feel like I’m all he wants in this world. I snake a hand into his hair, which elicits a moan in return. His erection against me only makes the heat between my legs grow. Reluctantly, we slow it down, as he sweetly brushes his lips across mine. Wanting to get just a few more kisses, Myles presses his lips to my forehead, each cheek, and my chin before placing one more lingering one on my mouth and stepping away. He couldn’t be more perfect.

“I guess you don’t mind that I came.” He smiles, rubbing his nose against mine.

“I love that you’re here,” I admit. “Now, I would love to stand here and keep kissing you. But I haven’t ridden in my dad’s mustang in so long. Let’s go!” I bat my eyelashes at him.

“Let’s get out of here.” He lets go for only a moment before pulling me back into his chest. He lowers his face down and brushes his lips against my ear, causing goosebumps to rise and making me shudder. “I haven’t gotten the chance to say this yet, but you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” He delicately presses his lips right below my ear, making my heart flutter. He lets go of me, so I can open the garage on the keypad, keeping his hand on my lower back. My fingers hover over the keys, my brain fuzzy trying to remember the code as I focus on every place Myles touches me. The numbers come to me by some miracle, and I punch them in.

We drive to the gala, and I smile more during the thirty minute drive than the entire week I’ve been here. I still can’t believe he’s here! I glance at my phone, realizing Jess was in on the surprise, as she asks for pictures of us. I can see how happy Myles is, too. We pull up to the valet, and I swear Myles must have been to one of these events before. He’s so at ease and casual while he walks around to escort me inside. I don’t know how he got a tux at the last minute, especially since this one looks tailored to his body. He doesn’t seem to be bothered by the tie either. I know even my dad, who goes to these events a lot, complains about the ties. Myles doesn’t fidget with anything, and it puts me more at ease. I didn’t want to come to this event, but having him by my side is the absolute best thing that could have happened. We walk toward the gala, only to be bombarded by photographers trying to take our photo. We pose for a few, but Myles’s eyes never waiver from me, even when each photographer tries to get his attention.

I’m not sure what kind of charity or organization this gala is for, but they didn’t spare any expense. The entire clubhouse is decorated to perfection with silk white streamers, swooping across the ceiling and down the walls. The focal point is the massive crystal chandelier in the middle. The main event is in the ballroom. Exquisitely decorated dinner tables fill the room, adorned with silk white tablecloths, crystal glasses, and fine china. Each table dons a massive bouquet of white roses and greenery. An open bar is off to the side, while servers walk around with trays of food and drinks. A large dance floor is in front of a stage where the band plays.

These events have always made me anxious. But being next to Myles with his hand on my lower back, I feel like I might actually enjoy myself. He leans toward me, and my whole body ignites in anticipation. His lips tenderly press below my ear. It’s now my favorite spot for him to kiss. I melt into him, forgetting we are in a room with over a hundred people.

“Incoming,” he whispers. My eyes flash open and look around.

I find my mother walking toward me with a scowl on her face, and Steve and his parents close behind. Oh, for the love of god .

“Darling, I hardly think you are being appropriate at a charity gala.”

Steve sneers at Myles, which makes me grip Myles’ arm as if I dare not let go. He laces his fingers with mine and squeezes, and I slightly relax.

“Hunter, your seat is over at table four, but Mitch, you are at table twelve.”

She looks at us, convinced her little scheme will keep us apart. I can’t believe she is still bent on separating us. I know she’s going to push to get what she wants. I am her daughter, after all, and I guess that’s where I get my stubborn trait from.

“Come, Hunny, I’ll walk you to our table,” Steve pipes in, thinking I won’t dare question my mother again.

He’s always tried to control and ridicule me when I wanted to do something he didn’t. He made me feel less than. All the horrible memories of losing myself slowly when I was with him come flashing back to the forefront of my mind. I look up at Myles, and he gives me the slightest nod, letting me know he will support me no matter what I decide to do.

“Oh. Well, if there’s no room at our table, I guess I’ll sit in Myles’ lap.” I glare at my mother for choosing to say the wrong name. I look up at the handsome man holding my hand, and he kisses my cheek. I hate that this is how he’s meeting my mother, and I’m ashamed that she’s treating him this way.

“Sounds good to me. I have no plans to let you out of my sight,” Myles says, loud enough for everyone to hear as he gazes sweetly down at me.

“Hunter!” Steve’s mother calls over to me. “This is hardly the place to pitch a fit. Now you had your little break in Florida. Stevie has been miserable without you. It’s sad you’ve been breaking his heart this way.” She rubs her son’s back like he’s a toddler that needs consoling.

I roll my eyes.

“Oh, please. Steve, how long did it take for you to jump into bed with Brenda?” I question him. “Less than twelve hours? Do your parents know I ended things with you for getting too drunk and putting your hands on me? Now, if you’ll all excuse us.” I turn toward Myles, dismissing everyone else. “Would you like to dance with me?”

Myles’ smile lights up his face. “After you.” He motions toward the dance floor but turns to the others. “If you will excuse me, my girlfriend and I have a slow dance calling our name.”

He gives them all a big smile, and now I feel like I’ve stopped breathing altogether. Did he say girlfriend? Myles presses his palm against my lower back, and escorts me to the dance floor. He surprises me by grabbing my hand to twirl me out and back to him, making me laugh. I softly land back into his arms, and he tucks me into his chest. He slides his hand down my lower back, skimming my ass as he rests it where I can feel his long fingers grip my hip. Some may think it inappropriate for an event as fancy as this, but I have no complaints. I lay my head on his firm chest, letting a sigh escape when he rests his cheek on top of it. Myles holds me close and the room, along with everyone in it, melts away. Nothing else matters right now. It’s just him and me swaying to “Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars and for the first time in a long time, I feel completely safe.

We’re so lost in each other that we only realize three songs have gone by when the announcement for dinner is made and we have to take our seats. I reluctantly pull myself out of his arms. But Myles tenderly grabs my chin, tipping it up so he can press the softest, most perfect kiss against my lips. He leans back, grins and gives me another quick peck. Leading me off the dance floor, he keeps his hand on the small of my back. The added strength is appreciated when I see my mother storming toward us.

“Okay. I was able to seat him at our table. Now would you come sit down before you make a scene and embarrass me further?” She hisses, but plasters on a fake smile for anyone watching to save face. My cheeks heat in embarrassment. I don’t want Myles to see this side of her, but unfortunately, she doesn’t have many other sides. When he begins rubbing slow circles on my back, the tension in my shoulders lessens, helping me take a deep breath and follow her.

Dinner goes by as smoothly as it can. My mother attempts to seat me by Steve. But Myles is two steps ahead, pulling his seat out for me and placing himself in the chair between Steve and me. He spends the entire dinner with one hand on my thigh, his fingers dragging lightly across my leg where it’s exposed by the slit in my dress. At first, he rubs little circles, but then his hand slowly roams higher and higher. With every inch, my body tingles. Steadying my breath, I try to focus on the conversation at our table and not the rough, muscular hand inching its way up my leg. His fingers leave a path of fire behind them as they stroke and tease their way closer to the warmth gathering between my thighs. The ache he’s creating has my hips begging to buck forward to help him reach the target. Glancing over at Myles I expect to see him giving me a mischievous grin, but the man is talking stocks with the couple across the table. Or is it horses? Fuck, I can't think straight. When his pinky grazes over my lace thong an unexpected squeak falls from my mouth. The table goes quiet as everyone looks my way. I cover my mouth and try replicating the squeak, before forcing a smile and saying, “Hiccups.”

My mother arches her brow before turning back to the lady next to her. I relax and Myles takes advantage of my lapse of awareness, pressing his pinky against my center.

“Oh god!” I squeal, leaping from my chair.

“Hunter, what is wrong with you?” my mother demands.

“Sorry. I suddenly have to use the little girl's room.”

My mother rolls her eyes. “Thank you for announcing it to the entire room.” The bite in her voice tells me I'm going to hear about this later.

I ignore her and grab the jacket collar of Myles’ tux while I lean over to whisper into his ear. “Meet me in the hall in two minutes.” He smirks, and I rush away from the table. The hall is almost empty. Since I spent so much time at the club when I was younger, I know exactly where I want to go. I wait for Myles and as soon as he comes through the door looking for me. I grab his hand and almost start running to a side door.

“In a hurry?” he asks with a laugh.

Once he’s through it, I spin around and jump into his arms. He catches me and looks around.

“Are we having a rematch?” He laughs, his eyes landing on the pool table.

“Shut up, and lock the door, Myles,” I say, my voice coming out breathy.

His eyes darken like he’d never imagined this would happen, but he has never been more ready.

Something stirred in me after he called me his girlfriend. A pleasant little fire ignited between my thighs, his tight embrace fueling the heat as we danced. But when Myles' fingers climbed their way up my leg and sensually touched me beneath a table full of snooty, aristocratic elites, it felt as if he was dousing the flame he'd already stoked with gasoline, and I'm ready to combust. I want him now . He seems more than happy to oblige.

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