Highest Bidder Epilogue 100%
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“Cheers!” We clink our glasses, crowded around a pool table.

“Miney.” Mama grabs Myles by his shoulders, yanking him to face her after taking her fourth shot of whiskey. “I’m just so damn proud of you, son.” Tears well up in her eyes.

“Okay, Mama.” JT gently unravels her white knuckles. “It’s your turn to kick my ass.” He gives her a pool stick. Her face morphs into glee.

Jess hunches over, putting her hands on the side of the pool table. “That woman has to be knocking back Coke or something, right?” Her glazed eyes meet mine.

It’s true. Mama seems to have a very high alcohol tolerance. She just shot back her fourth shot, while the rest of us only knocked back our second, in the past two hours. Myles’ eyes land on mine. He’s told me about all his memories growing up, when he’d attemped to get her drunk. He was never able to get her wasted enough to have a hangover the next day. I giggle when Mama winks at me. She let me in on her secret, saying she had to keep them on their toes. She had told the bartender to make hers half coke and half rum, heavy on the coke.

Myles grabs my hips, planting a kiss on my lips. Even after almost a year, his kisses still give me butterflies. It’s hard to believe it’s been a whole year since I moved here. I wasn’t sure I would like it, or if I would make friends. Now, I look around the bar and watch most of our work friends all hanging out an enjoying a round of pool together. Looking back into Myles’ eyes, a smile spreads across my face.

Myles tucks my hair behind my ear. “What?”

“You did it.” My hands tangle in his shirt, and I nudge him. “You finally have your own lane. You’re an auctioneer, Myles!” I can’t help but beam up at him with pride.

The auctioneer, Aaron, decided to take his family and move across the country. Each GM called Myles separately, offering him the job. I’ll never forget the look on his face. He’s waited so long for this and worked so hard. We invited everyone out to celebrate.

“Can you guys move?” JT pokes Myles with the pool stick. “I’m trying my best not to let Mama embarrass me too badly.”

Jess walks up, wrapping her arms around JT’s neck, and sways a little. “You’re so hot.”

I cover my mouth to stifle my laughter. Jess is such a lightweight, but I’ve loved watching their new relationship blossom.

“Thanks, babe.” He kisses her on the forehead. “Have you eaten the appetizers or had any water to drink?” JT stalks behind her to make sure she has something to soak up the alcohol rolling in her belly.

Jess giggles, grabs his biceps, and stumbles as he walks her backward. “You are so strong. What are you doing later?” Her attempt at wiggling her eyebrows nearly makes me lose it.

JT looks at her tenderly. “I think a sleepover on the bathroom floor is in our future.”

“JT, are you going to keep this old lady waiting, or what?” Mama signals to the bartender to get her another drink.

Giving Myles one last peck on the lips, I pry Jess away from JT and take over getting her something to eat so JT can continue his game. He plants a kiss on Jess’ temple and goes back to lining up his next shot.

“Hershey! Are you ready to go?” Myles calls from the living room. I woke up late so I’m rushing to get ready.

“You kept me up late last night after getting home from the bar.” I pull my bra on over my head. “Then, you didn’t wake me up before you went to the gym this morning!” I yell from my bedroom, throwing a shirt on. His head peeks inside the room.

“You weren’t complaining last night,” he says, his voice gruff.

I roll my eyes.

“You could have woken me up before you left this morning. That’s all I’m saying.” I look in the mirror, trying different hairstyles. “What’s the big deal anyway? We’re going for a horseback ride. It’s not like the horses have somewhere else to be,” I shoot back with a sassy tone.

“Oh, believe me, I tried to wake you up before I left, but you sleep like the dead. I shook you, talked to you, kissed you. Surprisingly enough, you even responded to me a few times. But you never remember these things and always claim I didn’t try to wake you up.”

I shake my head. There’s no way he did all those things.

“You must not try hard enough to make sure I’m awake. I’m almost ready, okay?” I flip my head over, settling for a messy bun since my hair won’t cooperate for anything else. He sighs and walks into the living room. I pull on my boots and grab my Yankee baseball hat just in case. “Ready!” I walk out of the bedroom to see he already has the front door open. I roll my eyes at as I walk by. “Love you, weirdo,” I say. He shuts the door and wraps his arms around my waist, walking wide-legged behind me. He snuggles his face into my neck and kisses me right below my ear.

“I have to keep you on your toes. If I always acted the same, you would be bored.” He playfully tickles my side, and I screech, trying to squirm away. He stops and kisses my neck again. “But last night was all about celebrating. Mama hasn’t stopped texting me today. She seems more excited than I am.”

We definitely celebrated. His mom’s something else, and when we got back to my house, we celebrated in a more intimate way. I get butterflies just thinking about it.

“Of course, she's excited. We’re all so proud of you. You have worked your ass off, and now you’re finally the full-time auctioneer you’ve always dreamed of being. I’m going to miss you being my ringman though.” I pout getting into his truck. He pecks me on the lips and shuts the door. I watch him rub the back of his neck as he climbs into the driver’s seat.

“It feels surreal. I won’t believe it until my voice feels worn out from announcing cars all week instead of just during the breaks,” he admits.

We pull up to JT’s house and walk inside. Jess is sitting at the kitchen island, covering her eyes and massaging her temples. She groans when we shut the door.

“Not too loudly,” she whines. Nickelback barks and comes barreling over to greet me. Jess groans again. Myles and I kneel to greet him before walking toward Jess.

“Where’s my perky morning friend?” I tease. She really does look like shit. Her hair is standing up all over the place, and she’s wearing baggy, wrinkled clothes and somehow has on only one sock.

“This girl can’t seem to keep up with how Mama parties.” JT emerges from out of his bedroom and kisses Jess on top of her head.

The gesture makes me smile. They officially started dating six months after we did, and it has been the best thing. The four of us are always hanging out.

“Jess, I warned you.” Myles shakes his head. “Mama’s like another breed when it comes to partying. It’s impossible for her to get drunk,” Myles says, looking out the back windows toward the stable.

“She kept giving me drink after drink after drink…” Jess looks over at me, and I jump a little. Her makeup is smeared all around her eyes. She even has a smudge of something on her jaw. “It’s not like I could tell a little old lady I couldn’t handle it.” She rubs her head again trying to ease the pain.

“Here, babe. This might help.” JT sets some strange concoction in front of her.

I don’t even want to know what is in it. It looks disgustingly orange with something floating in it. My stomach rolls just at the sight.

“What the fuck is this?” Jess’s eyes look up to JT, pleading with him not to make her drink it.

He strokes her back and shakes his head. “You don’t want to know.”

“Okay. We’re going to go for a ride,” Myles states, grabbing my hand and basically dragging me out of the house.

“See you later, Fun-Size.” JT waves.

Poor Jess looks like she’s trying to convince herself to consume whatever JT has given her.

“Myles, I’m coming!” I say, a little frustrated.

“I’m sorry, Hershey.” He pulls me into his chest and kisses the top of my head once we are outside. “I’m just excited to show you something.”

“You have a surprise?” I squeal. His smile spreads across his face.

“Yeah.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Can we go now?”

Instead of answering, I run to the barn and realize the horses are already saddled and waiting. I guess JT was in on the surprise is.

“Hey, Gizmo! Who’s a good boy?” I nuzzle the brown horses’s nose as I take carrots out of my purse and break off pieces to feed him, planting a kiss on his soft nose. Myles mounts his horse, so I take his cue and hang my purse in the tack room and get mounted too.

When we start riding, I lead my horse down to the creek where we always go.

“Hershey, we are going a different way today.” Myles nods in another direction.

I give him a questioning look.

“Trust me. You’re going to love it.” He gives me a wink.

We ride for thirty minutes, but it’s never boring on the back of a horse. The large oak tree leaves are rustling in the wind as the horses keep a steady pace along the dirt trails. Countless chirping birds flying overhead, and flighty wild bunnies zip by on our ride. These woods are one of our happy places. We could ride through here for hours. Myles leads us around another corner, and begin to hear a steady flow of water trickling. Myles turns to grin at me. I’m so excited to explore a new spot together.

We must be on one of JT’s neighbor’s land. I’m not surprised we have permission to explore it because all of the adjoining properties here have formed a tight-knit community, often riding together or helping each other out on their farms.

“Here we are!” He watches as I take it all in.

The bright sun peaks through the branches of the large oak trees surrounding the whole area. The grass and bushes are overgrown where there isn’t a path to walk into the stream easily. Myles takes out a machete from his saddle bad and clears a little spot for us to sit and toward the water. The running water is clear, and I can see the peddles scattered across the bottom.

Myles spreads a blanket close to the stream before we strip down to our bathing suits. It’s still hot this time of year, even though it’s technically fall. Fall is more of a state of mind here in Florida.

I wade into the water and let out a sigh. The water always feels good after a long horseback ride. The creek has a steady flow, and I go straight for the middle of the stream, where the water reaches my chest. Myles comes in after me and pulls me into his damp chest. I love feeling the cool water flow all around us. I admire the way the water bounces off the rocks along the edge. The oak leaves flutter in the breeze, like they are dancing for us. It’s so peaceful here. I wish could stay in this moment forever.

“You know what day it is today?” Myles asks, pressing a kiss right below my ear.

I shake my head and tilt my head up to him. I love how tall he is. It makes me feel safe in his arms. He gently kisses my lips.

“It’s the day that I first called you my girlfriend at that gala.” He smirks. “Your mom looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head, and that guy, Simon, was glaring at me.” I swat at his chest and turn in his arms, so I can face him.

“His name is Steve.” I laugh. “I remember you dropping the girlfriend label in front of everyone. I was in so much shock, I didn’t think I heard you right.” I sway. “Then we danced as if the world around us disappeared. It was amazing.” That night holds some of my favorite memories. There were many unpleasant things about that night, but it was also one of my favorite times with Myles.

“Oh, don’t forget the billiard room.” He winks, and I laugh.

“Yes, I don’t think either of us could forget what happened there.” I kiss him on the cheek and snuggle back into his chest, feeling the water flow around us.

“It’s also the day I realized I had deep feelings for you. I don’t think I ever had a chance since the first day you walked into the auction. I’ve been yours ever since.” He kisses my temple. “You mean everything to me, and I want to give you everything you could ever want.” His eyes are full of such love and affection.

“Well, now that you are an auctioneer, I think you can afford me now.” I laugh at my attempt at a joke. He continues to smile at me like I hung the damn moon.

“Do you like it here?” he asks, motioning to the nature that surrounds us.

“Here? I always love going on dates with you where we can enjoy the sun in the cool water.”

“Would you like to live here?”

I look at him puzzled, not sure I’m understanding. “What?” I ask, giving him a “you can’t be serious” look.

“I bought it—all twenty acres. There’s a house, a barn, a chicken coop, a well…” he keeps listing things and my jaw drops.

“Myles! This is yours?” I gasp. “You bought this place? It’s perfect!” I break out of his arms and spin around.


He wraps me in a hug before my hands push against his chest to look at him. “But you love your lake house.”

He nods. “I do, and I’ll keep it and rent it out.”

I walk further down the stream to see everything because now it’s not only some stranger’s stream. It’s his , and I want to know everything there is about it. He grabs my hand to stop me from getting out of the water. I turn around and look at him.

“Will you live here with me?” he asks, and I thought I couldn’t be more shocked than I already was. “Hershey, I love you. I want to wake up every morning with your wild crazy hair trying to suffocate me.”

I can’t remember ever feeling this happy. I was hoping one day soon that we might live together. But to do it here, in the most peaceful area with friends right next door seems unfathomable.

“Myles!” I screech out. “Of course, I’ll move in with you!” His face lights up, and he swings me around in circles, sending water splashing all around us. He stops and gives me the most passionate, perfect kiss. I love this man with every fiber of my being.

“Do you want to ride down and see the house? Our house?”


His hands grab the sides of my face as his lips crash into mine.

I chuckle and place my hands on his chest, pushing him back. “What are we even still doing here?”

I spring out of the water toward the horses. I throw my reigns over the neck of my horse and mount, leaving behind my clothes. Myles quickly swings his leg over his horse and nudges his horse toward the trail again. The horses seem to sense our urgency and quickly make their way further down the trail until the woods open up into a clearing. About a half a mile in front of us, stands a large two story white house with a wrap around front porch. It looks older, in need of a little love, and absolutely perfect.

Myles reaches over and holds my hand, bringing my hand to his mouth for a brief kiss. My heart soars inside my chest looking at this man. This is the start of a new chapter together. Teasing, challenging, caring, and loving each other. Nothing could be better than that.

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