The day everything changed.
T he words on the page become a scramble of letters and little black lines as Cassie’s voice enters the classroom. My calm focus is highjacked by my nerves. I sink down further into my chair, sweeping my hair forward to cover my face. The bagel in my stomach is now rolling into a firmly kneaded ball. I wish I had magical powers like the girl in the book I’m reading; I’d make myself invisible. Or maybe I’d banish my bully to the badlands where all the bullies belong.
“So, what are you girls wearing to my boyfriend’s party on Friday?”
I’d make myself deaf to their voices too, so I don’t have to listen to them talk about another party that I’m sure every senior except for me is invited to. I’d never be caught anywhere outside these walls with Cassie. Without the principal or her fear of getting suspended holding her back, I don’t know what she would do to me. But I still can’t keep the envy at bay. It feels like a high school rite of passage that I’m never going to experience. Just like homecoming. And junior prom. Football games on Friday nights. Senior prom will be the final devastating loss to this hell that has been my high school years.
“I haven’t decided yet,” Taya says. “What are you wearing, Cass?”
“I was thinking the long-sleeve bodycon I just got, but I’m on the rag so I’ll totally look bloated.”
How Cassie could think she’d look bloated in anything is beyond me. She could eat an entire pot of pasta and not even have a food baby. She has no idea how lucky she is. Me, I eat a carrot and gain weight. I wish I had her figure. Or any figure other than mine.
“Speaking of the party…” Taya’s voice shifts lower. “Are you going to invite the new girl?”
I didn’t realize there was a new girl at school.
“To be determined,” Cassie says. Her hushed voice sounding irritated.
It doesn’t sound like she’s too happy about the new arrival. It’s another female on her turf. More competition for the boys’ attention. Though, she’s already dating one of the hottest guys in school so she shouldn’t be worried.
I’m never going to understand what Chase sees in her. He’s been dating her for over a year, which is a seriously long time in high school years. But they’re polar opposites. Other than both of them being popular and super attractive, they’re nothing alike. Chase is nice, at least from what I’ve seen. He’s never spoken to me, but I’ve watched him over the years, and he seems really sweet. Plus, he’s funny. He’s always being a goof in class and making everyone laugh. Cassie makes people want to cower and cry.
“We’ll see what she’s like, but hush, Chase is coming.”
The girls immediately start talking about outfits again, their chatter getting drowned out by Chase’s deep voice. There’s something about the rugged sound that draws me in for every word. It sounds like he’s talking about the new girl too. If she’s already that popular, she’ll be inducted into their snobbish clan by the end of lunch.
I zero in on the words on the page, done with my emotions. Rejection, jealousy, sadness, fear. My mind is already raw, and first period hasn’t even started.
When a backpack is suddenly clunked down at my table, I lift my eyes, swallowing hard when I see a stranger looking down at me. She must be the new girl. And now I know why everyone’s talking about her. She’s really pretty. Prettier than Cassie. I change my mind: if I could look like anyone, I’d want to look like her. And now I understand why the queen sounded irritated. This girl will definitely steal the guys’ attention.
“Hey! Do you mind if I sit with you?”
Is she really asking me that question? She can sit anywhere she likes; she doesn’t need permission. Why she’s choosing to sit next to me is what I don’t understand. It almost feels like it’s a prank. Like someone dared her to come over here, and as soon as I say yes, the entire room is going to burst out laughing, making me the butt of everyone’s joke.
I swallow hard, bracing myself. “Um…sure. You can sit there. I don’t mind.”
“Thank you.”
She takes the seat and starts pulling out her things for class. I look around the room, seeing a strange look on Cassie’s face. No one other than the kids at the cool table are looking in our direction. I peek over at the new girl, and her cheeks tip up in a smile. I don’t get it. No one ever wants to be near me. I’m a loser. But this girl must not know that. She doesn’t know I’m the last person she should be sitting next to. Once she finds out that I’m beneath dirt in this school, she’ll be choosing a different seat and never speak to me again. She’ll walk the halls, avoiding me like everyone else does.
“Hey, new girl!” Cassie calls to her. “You don’t have to sit with the loser. Come sit over here with us. This seat is open.”
I guess she’s going to realize a lot sooner exactly where I stand on the social ladder in this school. In three seconds, she’ll be thinking it over, studying me closer, and packing up her things to move seats.
“Thanks for offering! But I’m good,” she sweetly declines Cassie’s offer then turns to me. “I’m Presley, by the way. What’s your name?”
My name is… shocked . She’s not moving. She’s staying put. No one has ever turned Cassie down before. All the girls in this school practically beg to get a smile from her. Even the freshmen worship the ground she walks on. It’s like they learn about the legend of the queen in kindergarten. I don’t know what this girl is doing, but she’s making a big mistake.
“You should really go sit with them. Cassie is the most popular girl in school, and if she’s giving you an opportunity to be part of their group, you should take it. Don’t commit social suicide by sitting with me. I wouldn’t want to sit with me either.”
Her pretty smile drops and it’s almost like what I said made her sad. I may have straight A’s and be really good at solving calculus problems, but I am not good with people. It doesn’t compute that there are now tears in her eyes like she’s on the verge of crying. I’m not sure what I said to upset her so much. I wasn’t trying to tell her I don’t want her sitting with me. I wasn’t trying to reject her. I just know the truth about the land that is my hell. And this girl does not deserve to burn with me.
“I appreciate you trying to look out for me, but you seem way nicer than that girl, and I’d really rather sit with you, if that’s okay? I don’t want to be surrounded by a group of people who think that because they’re popular they have the right to be mean to people.”
And if this were a test, I’d fail. This girl is prettier than anyone in this school, but she’s nice. She doesn’t want to associate with mean kids, but that’s not going to leave her a lot of options here because most everyone is mean. The wealth and pretension is bred thick within these walls, and if you’re not in line with Cassie, you’re a bottom dweller like me. But I would happily be her friend.
“It’s nice to meet you, Presley. I’m Ruby.” I try to tip my cheeks up into a smile, but it’s such a foreign thing to do and makes me feel awkward. “So, did you just move here?”
“Yes.” She nods. “Well…kind of. I actually just moved back. I lived here up until sixth grade, but then my parents got divorced and I lived with my mom full-time. But now I’m back living with my dad again.”
I feel like she just revealed a lot without giving many details. Being a kid of divorced parents has to be hard. I can’t imagine having to split my time back and forth or having to live with one full-time. There are a million things I want to ask, but I doubt she wants a stranger prying into her personal life. I’d love to know the reason she decided to move back. Halfway through her senior year, having to start a new school and make all new friends… There has to be a motivation behind her decision, because that’s a kid’s worst nightmare.
Although, if my parents told me they wanted to sell the house tomorrow and move, I’d be excited. I’d love to attend a new school. Meet new people. No longer be Ruby the saggy tits whale. No longer have to watch my back for fear of Cassie coming for me. But that’s never going to happen. My parents have built their business here, and there’s no moving anywhere. So I’m going to have to suck it up and deal for the next four more months. Wait… Did she just say she moved back ? That means she’s lived here before, which means we would’ve been in school together when we were kids. But I don’t recognize her at all.
“Really? I’ve lived here my entire life, and I don’t remember you going to school with us.”
“That’s because my parents had me in an all-girls private school before I moved away, so you wouldn’t have seen me.”
“Oh.” That explains why I’ve never met her. I wish I could go to a private school, but my parents can’t afford it. At one point, I even begged my mother to homeschool me, but she said that I was being ridiculous and needed to put on my big-girl panties and not let what kids say get to me. Sticks and stones and all that wonderful advice, which doesn’t actually stop the rejection from hurting or make it any less miserable to be faced with the cruelty every day. Which is why I read. At least the characters inside my books aren’t mean to me. They’re who I cling to to find my strength and make it through my days. I look back down at my book, not knowing what else to say to Presley. I’m not used to talking to people. And I don’t want to say something that will make her not like me.
“So, is this teacher hard or easy?”
“Mr. Stanley is nice.” I close my book, excited that she still wants to talk to me. “I’d say a bit on the strict side, but he’s a fair teacher.”
“That’s good.” She giggles. “Calculus isn’t my strongest subject.”
“Oh.” I turn toward her. That’s something I can help her with. It’s something that might make her like me more. “Well, if you ever have a question or need help, just ask. It’s my favorite subject and I’m not trying to brag but I have a hundred in the class, so I’d be happy to tutor you if you ever need it.”
“Thanks.” She lights right up at my offer, and I tuck my head, trying to hide my excitement. The fact that she might actually be willing to spend time with me makes me feel giddy inside.
Mr. Stanley calls our attention to the front, and I turn with a smile on my face. This day feels like it’s going to be better than all the ones that have come before it. I may have even made a friend.