Three months later…
It has to be a joke.
“ H oly crap! Ruby, did you hear?” Presley’s practically bouncing with excitement as she rushes toward me, holding the flyer in her hand. Me? I feel like I’m going to puke at the sight of it. How on earth did I get nominated for prom queen? I’ve been invisible for the last four years. And I find it hard to believe that dating Chase for three months would elevate my status that much. Sure, people talk to me now, and some even ask for help on classwork, but it’s not like I’ve hit rock star status.
“Did you do this?” I ask her, wondering if she’s the reason my name was put on the ballot. “Did you nominate me for prom queen?”
“I wasn’t here the day they did nominations. Though, I would have had I not been absent.”
If she didn’t do it, then there’s only one other person to blame for this. And here he comes now.
“Are you the one who did this?” His eyes give him away instantly. “You did! But Chase, you know how much I hate attention.” The thought of getting up in front of our entire student body and standing next to Cassie at the pep rally makes me break out into hives. I don’t want to do it. I want her to take the crown and let me be.
“I know, babe. But I think you should be the queen. You’re sweet and smart and represent good, and Cassie represents everything that’s evil. I didn’t want to see her win. The only person who I think deserves it is you.”
“Yeah, well, if I win, it’s only because I’m your girlfriend,” I state. No one even noticed me before.
He grips my chin, tipping my head up. “No. Don’t do that, babe. Don’t underestimate how incredible you are. Why do you think my friends always want you to come hang out with us. Because they like you, Ruby. When I was dating Cassie, they begged me not to invite her along places. But sometimes I think they want to spend time with you more than me.”
“It’s true,” Kyler chimes in, and his girlfriend seconds the notion.
“You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met.” Presley smiles. “And I agree with Chase. You’re the one who deserves the crown. Not the witch.”
“I’m telling you, Ruby.” Chase turns my head to face him again. “They may have finally taken notice once you became my girlfriend, but it’s you who earned your name on that ballot. And come next week, you’re the one who’s going to be our queen.”
My eyes drop to the piece of paper in my hand. It’s crazy to see my name right next to Cassie’s. I never thought I’d see the day I’d ever be in the running for anything with that girl. Honestly, I never thought I’d even be going to prom. Or dating her ex-boyfriend. Which feels like the craziest part of this entire equation. These last few months have been like I’m living in an altered universe. I went from being the biggest loser in the school to being part of the cool group, and now Cassie is the one sitting in the corner of the cafeteria with her two friends.
Every once in a while, I see her looks, a glimpse of her hatred toward me simmering beneath the surface of her glare, but I just turn my attention back to Chase and kiss him deeper. At least everything else has stopped. All the mean comments. All the attempts to trip me in the hall, or glue my locker shut. I no longer feel like I have to hide. And I no longer get that dreaded knot in my stomach every time I enter the building. I can actually say I’m kind of sad we’re going to be graduating next month. For the first time, I’m having fun.
And…I don’t know what’s going to happen to me and Chase. I’ve heard of so many couples breaking up because they want to be free in college. Not only that, but long distance is hard. And Chase and I are going to be thousands of miles apart. I’m going to be in Michigan and he’s going to be in Tennessee. God, I feel sick just thinking about it, which is why I tuck the thought away and snuggle in closer to my boyfriend.
“What’s wrong, babe?” Chase looks down, the corners of his eyes creasing. “Are you really that upset about the nomination?”
I shake my head. “I’m just nervous.” Being prom queen isn’t that catastrophic to the idea that Chase and I might be breaking up soon. But I don’t want to talk about it right now. Especially not with our friends around. Thankfully, Ryeson and Baylor step up to the group, distracting me from my thoughts.
“Where were you guys last period?” Chase asks.
“I was in the library,” Ryeson states in that deep voice. “Not sure where he was.” He looks toward Baylor.
That’s odd. I was in the library and didn’t see him in there, but maybe I just missed him.
Baylor pins me under his stare. “I heard the news about our Ruby. Girl, I can’t fucking wait to see you take Cassie’s crown. Congratulations.”
He holds out his hand, giving me a fist bump like I’m one of the guys, looking seriously excited for me. Maybe being prom queen wouldn’t be so bad, after all. In fact, it might be kind of awesome seeing Cassie’s face if I steal her crown. It would actually make me really happy.