College Lesson #5: The Greek scene is like high school all over again.
D inner was awesome. I really like Matt and Sienna. But this party… Ugh… I feel like I’m back in high school surrounded by a bunch of Cassies. The place is full of drunk, pretentious jerks who are all dressed up as superheroes, yet not one of them has probably ever done anything heroic in their lives. Honestly, the only two people I like are Matt and his girlfriend. Although, no one is supposed to know they’re dating because Hunter the asshole would kick Matt out of the fraternity if he found out.
They filled me in on the crazy situation at dinner. How Hunter wants Sienna for himself. If I were Matt, I’d rub it in the jerk’s face. The moment I met Hunter, I hated him. Not to mention how he just barged right in earlier and then wanted an introduction while I was completely naked and my boyfriend’s dick was buried inside me. What a creep. And I’m pretty sure I saw him making out with a girl who isn’t his girlfriend.
I’m counting down the minutes until we can leave. I just want to be tucked away with him in our hotel room, and I don’t want to surface again until I have to board my plane.
“Hey, babe, I’m going to go use the restroom and grab us something to drink. What would you like me to bring you?”
“No beer,” I tell him. “And no shots. Actually, can you just bring me a bottle of water?” The more I think of it, I don’t want to be tipsy tonight. I’ve waited so long to be here with him, I don’t want to be under the influence of anything other than his dick.
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” He turns toward his roommate. “Matty, you want to come with me and leave these ladies to brag about how amazing our cocks are?”
Matt nods and nuzzles into his girlfriend, making her blush from whatever he’s saying.
As soon as the boys walk away, I turn toward the smiling girl. “You two are so cute together.”
“I was thinking the same about you guys. So, how is it being long distance?”
It’s awful. Some days I feel like I’m barely able to get out of bed. And when Chase’s mood is off, my mind goes crazy, dredging up a ton of insecurities. My fears of losing him running amuck. But I don’t want the truth to get back to Chase, so I choose my answer carefully.
“It’s okay when I’m busy, but I miss him so much. We’ll text all day long and FaceTime every night, so that helps.”
“That’s good.” She nods.
But it’s really not. I spend my days buried in my books and tutoring, doing everything I can not to let myself sink into the sadness.
“So, what about you and Matt?” I ask, needing the distraction. I don’t want to think about it anymore. In two days, I’ll be back in Michigan, and I can already tell that saying goodbye is going to be even harder this time. “How come you two never dated in high school?”
Chase already filled me in a little, so I know Matt’s reason for not wanting to date her. He didn’t even like the girl back then. Honestly, if no one had told me she was a mean girl back in school, I never would’ve pegged her as one. Sienna’s nothing like Cassie.
“Because I was a bitch.” She sighs, looking like the guilt of her choices is weighing her down. No, she’s not like Cassie at all.
“I was always trying to live up to my mother’s expectations. She would have freaked if I dated a guy who drove a run-down truck, so I never paid attention to Matt. He wouldn’t have met my mother’s approval.”
I’m sure she’s not the only rich kid put under that kind of pressure. I’m just thankful that Chase’s parents are so down-to-earth. Their money came from hard work, so their appreciation and acceptance of people isn’t based on social status. I feel sorry for Sienna. It has to be difficult to feel like you don’t have a say over your own life. In some ways, that’s exactly how I lived under Cassie’s rule.
“So then what changed?” I ask her.
“I finally moved out from under her roof and realized that there’s so much more to life than money and status.”
“What the hell are you doing here?” The loud shriek startles me. I turn and see the girl Hunter was hooking up with earlier, and she’s glaring at Sienna.
“Matt invited me.” Sienna smiles. “By the way, this is Chase’s girlfriend, Ruby. Ruby, this is the girl I was telling you about at dinner. The one who was supposed to be Chase’s date tonight.”
Oh, I know exactly who this girl is. I got to hear all about Margot and how she told everyone that my boyfriend was supposed to be her date for this party tonight. According to her, Chase decided yesterday to get back together with his old girlfriend and that’s why he bailed on her.
I think it’s time to set the record straight and show her friends what a liar she is.
“If you’re going to tell lies…” I step up to Sienna’s side. “You should at least pick a guy who doesn’t have a girlfriend. Chase bought my plane ticket to come to this thing weeks ago. And we never broke up.”
“Girlfriend?” Another one asks, stepping forward. I swear they all look and sound alike. “But he just took me on a date a couple weeks ago. He never mentioned having a girlfriend at dinner.” She slowly looks me over, and the disgust is clear on her face.
“I was there when he picked Stella up,” another girl chimes in, nodding with a smug smirk, like she’s happy to prove her bitchy friend right. “So maybe your boyfriend is the one who’s lying.”
This all just feels like one big setup. It reminds me of prom when Cassie tried to convince me that Chase was just using me to get back at her, which was all a bald-faced lie. I’m getting bully vibes all over again, but this time I’m not going to let these girls win.
Thankfully, my boyfriend walks up. His timing couldn’t be more perfect. Now, he can defend himself and put these girls in their place.
“Chase.” I smile at my gorgeous boyfriend, who’s carrying two bottles of water in his hands. “We were just talking about you. This girl here claims that you took her on a date a couple weeks ago. I was about to tell her she’s delusional, but now that you’re back, I’ll let you do the honors.”
The girl turns to face him, crossing her arms and jutting out her sharp chin. “Yes, please tell us. I’d love to know why you failed to mention you had a girlfriend on our date.”
I look from her to my boyfriend, suddenly feeling off kilter. The anger takes shape around his features, and my nerves dismiss this girl’s attempt to rock my confidence. Chase is just as pissed that these girls are making up this elaborate story.
“I didn’t tell you about Ruby because you spent the entire night talking about yourself.”
The center of my earth cracks. My heart pounds hard in my chest as each word processes through abrasively slow. He just admitted to going on a date with her. It’s not some elaborate scheme intended to knock my confidence. My boyfriend took her out. I turn to him, hoping like hell I’m wrong. Praying that my ears have deceived me, but when I see it on his face, my heart shatters.
I don’t want it to be true. Please tell me I’m wrong.
“It’s not what you think, Ruby.”
It’s not what I think. And yet, the only thought I’ve ever had is that my boyfriend would never betray me. I turn, needing air, rushing out before everyone sees my breakdown. All those feelings I was having. The way he was acting. It was because he’d cheated on me. A sob breaks free, as I rush through the door, running down the road, wanting to get as far away from the pain as I can. But the pain is chasing me down. Trying to split me open. Crushing my very being.
“Ruby! Stop!”
I can’t stop. If I stop, I’ll have to face the fact that my boyfriend cheated on me. If I stop, it will destroy me.