Chapter Sixteen
Where did all these students come from? I didn’t remember seeing this many bodies on the enrollment list.
“Welcome to Intro to Professional Writing. I’m Professor Robinson. All of you should’ve received the class syllabus via email, if you haven’t please see me after class.” I glanced around and the majority didn’t even have the required course book with them. “I see many of you don’t have your book. Did you not receive your schedules?”
There was no way this many students didn’t receive the proper paperwork prior to classes starting. Something was amiss.
“Well, for today’s class just share with your neighbor.” The back door opened and in walked Dean Mitchell. Odd, he’d never once attended a class of mine. As he made his way toward me and stood in front of the podium, my heart raced. Was I being fired?
“Attention students. Anyone who is not registered for this class needs to leave now.”
Rustling and whispers commenced and then half the class stood and exited the hall.
What the hell was happening?
“Dean Mitchell?”
“My apologies, Professor Robinson. I’ll wait for you in your office. Please proceed.” Dean Mitchell exited via the rear door that led directly to my office. I proceeded to run through the syllabus and the expectations I had for my students and managed to dismiss them a few minutes early .
“Dean Mitchell, what in the world is going on?” I asked, beyond frustrated and confused as I entered the office.
“I’m going to cut right to the chase,” he laughed. “Sorry, that wasn’t meant as a joke. Are you dating a man by the name of Chase Prescott?”
“Yes.” Where was he going with this? “Chase isn’t a student and I’ve broken no rules.”
“No, you haven’t, but pictures of the two of you have gone viral and we’ve had to increase campus security due to the extra bodies we have. Your personal life has now impacted your professional one, and not in a positive manner. This is one of the many negatives to having an open campus.” Dean Mitchell shook his head. “The phones are ringing off the hook. Every news outlet has requested access to come on campus and interview Chase’s boyfriend.”
“Shit is right. Complete and total mayhem has erupted and the only way to shut it down is to get you off campus.”
“Am I being fired?”
“No. You’re a fantastic tenured professor but I believe for the sake of all our sanity and for the safety of not only our students, but you as well, that you should consider taking a sabbatical. Wasn’t there a novel you’d been working on but hadn’t had the time to finish researching? ”
Dean Mitchell was a friend, and I caught his hidden meaning. There was a novel but not one of an academic nature. This was his way of helping me out of a tough situation without losing my job or pay.
“Yes. I believe a research sabbatical is in order. Who’ll cover my classes?”
“Don’t worry about that, we’ve got it under control. And just for the record, Casey, I’m happy for you. I hope you’ve found your forever.” Dean Mitchell stood and patted my back.
“I believe I have. Thank you, Dean. I’m sorry for the challenges my personal life has brought you and this educational establishment. I’ll pack my things.” Why was this so easy? Don’t get me wrong, it sucked and was somewhat embarrassing, but the first thing that came to mind was I’d be able to join Chase on the road.
How was it this easy to give up a job I’d worked so damn hard for?
Love. That’s how.
“Enjoy your sabbatical, Casey.”
“Thank you.”
I packed my personal things, logged off the university-issued laptop and left it in my office. What I didn’t expect to find as I left was Richard standing next to my car.
“I heard what happened, is there anything I can do to help? ”
I opened the back and slid the box inside. “Honestly, I’m upset that it came to this, but I’m not upset. Does that make any sense?”
Richard smirked. “Yes, it makes total sense. Having seen you and,” he glanced around, “your partner together, it’s meant to be. You’re in love, both of you, and you deserve to be allowed to build a life together. You’re my best friend and Chase is like a son to me. All I want is for both of you to be happy.”
“Thank you, my friend, but I have a favor to ask.”
“Oh yeah, what’s that?”
“Chase wants to move in with me and I’d like to surprise him, and have it done before they get back from tour. He only has the stuff in his bedroom at their house to move. I need to donate my bed and move his in then I want to set up a special room in my house just for him.” Going into detail wasn’t necessary. Richard knew of my lifestyle and would ask no questions. He’d be there to help his friend no matter what I asked and I hoped to one day repay the favor.
“We can do that. Let me know when and where and I’m there.”
I followed his gaze to a gaggle of giggling girls nearby. “I’ll be in touch.”
With a plan in mind, as soon as I walked into the house I changed and got to work, starting with a call to Easton .
“Easton Masterson,” he answered the phone. “How can I help you?”
“Easton, hello. I’d like to ask that we keep this phone call private, please, and not for nefarious reasons.”
“Understood, please proceed.”
“I’ve been placed on a sabbatical at work. Seems dating a rockstar has flooded social media along with the UNLV campus. The dean and I agreed I’d take a leave.”
“Oh my, I’m sorry to hear that. How can I help?”
What a seriously great guy. Anyone else would’ve likely brushed my comment off, but not Easton. He was a natural fixer and more than anything, he cared.
“Thank you for asking and I hate to ask for so much at once, but I do require your assistance. First and foremost, Chase and I planned to move in together as soon as the tour was over, but I’d like to surprise him by moving his things in so they’re here when he gets home.”
“I can arrange that but will need to find a way to get him to admit that to me first. I have an idea how to do that without giving away your request. What is the next item on your list?”
“Once I get that completed I’d like to surprise him again and show up at the next available show and finish the tour with him. Would you be able to get that arranged? ”
“I absolutely can manage that. If this cohabitating will take place at your current home I’ll need to insist upon extra security measures being installed by our chief of security, Fizzbo. He will visit the site and familiarize himself and assess the needs. His guards will require access as well.”
“Absolutely not an issue, please feel free to pass my number along to him. As soon as we hang up I’m calling an alarm company to install cameras and alarms.”
“I’d like to handle that through Fizzbo as well, so it’s tied into the systems our security team currently oversee for our portfolio.”
Didn’t expect that. “If it helps ensure Chase’s safety then I’ll grant you free rein with it.”
“Thank you. I can assure you that your privacy will be at the forefront, and they operate with the utmost discretion. Only what impacts our bands and their safety is shared amongst their guards and with Masterson and nothing else. Diamond and I have the same systems and measures installed in our home as would be in yours.”
That was good to know.
“When would you like the truck and moving personnel to arrive at the location?”
“I take it Chase is standing nearby?”
“Well, now that I’m off, I’m on your schedule so I can work with whatever arrangements you make.” My mind reeled as the plan came together. I had so much to do and things to order. Thankfully I’d lived frugally all these years and had built up a nice nest egg in the form of a savings account.
“Excellent, I’ll be in touch.” Before I could thank Easton, he disconnected the call.
I headed straight for my home office and started filling online shopping carts. Took a nice chunk out of my savings but at least I had income coming in to replace it with. Besides, my boy was more than worth it.
Two days later, I received a text from Easton with the date and time to meet the movers at David and Chase’s house. Every time Chase and I talked I had to bite my tongue to keep from spoiling the surprise. The mailman had become a regular fixture at my house, delivering my orders on a near daily basis. Now with the date set for the move I could schedule the shelter I donated my mattress to so they could come and pick it up.
Everything was coming together nicely.
Richard came over and helped me get rid of the crap I had in the spare room and paint it. Instead of putting a regular bed in there, I opted for a cozy animal cove in the shape of a teddy bear. Wasn’t ideal for sleeping but was perfect for snuggling in while reading a story to my songbird. Only problem was it wouldn’t be here for two weeks.
I wouldn’t be able to get to my boy until they got to Rocktoberfest.
With that in mind, I fired off a message to Easton.
Me: Everything is coming together, thank you for all your help. I’ll be able to make it to Rocktoberfest. Will you still be able to arrange that for me?
Easton: Happy to hear that and you’re welcome. I’ll have a car pick you up and take you to the private hangar we met at last time and fly you to Reno. From there another car will pick you up and bring you to the festival. They’ll alert me of your arrival, and I’ll meet you at the gate and escort you to their bus. I’ll make sure Chase is there to meet you.
Me: You are fabulous. Thank you again!
Easton: You’re welcome. And Casey, my job offer still stands.
I’d forgotten about that and honestly believed he’d only made the offer to be nice. At some point, Easton and I would have to sit down and actually discuss it before I made any career related decisions. I appreciated Dean Mitchell offering the sabbatical, but the truth of the matter was this challenge wouldn’t go away, especially the more Chase and I were seen in public together and that wasn’t something I was willing to change. I was a happy Daddy, and a proud partner, and I wanted the world to know my songbird belonged to me.
I couldn’t wait to see my boy. I hated it was so last minute and at the tail end of their tour, but it would be worth it when he saw his playroom and that I’d taken care of everything for him. Now he could enjoy his downtime stress-free. Time to get back to unpacking his collection and adding the new ones I had purchased to the shelves.
Fizzbo and a couple of his guards came by and assessed the property. By the end of the week, he’d have everything installed and would walk me through arming and disarming it. Between that and the remainder of the things I had ordered for Chase’s room, it was down to the wire to catch my flight.
With the final pieces in place, the decorations on the wall plus a couple more surprises for my boy, I was off to the airport.