Day 4 of Block Party Prepping (6 to go)
Yesterday didn’t exactly go as planned, but having Jan’s sweet lips submitting to the pressure of mine reminded me of an endgame I’d all but forgotten about.
Mainly, it was to get that tasty little body of hers in my bed and make her totally addicted to me.
Good plan.
Of course, watching her try to ignore me after both passionate kisses was just too much fun. Plus, I was pretty sure I was obsessed at this point.
I mean, I hadn’t dated anyone for months. Actually, now that I thought about it, I hadn’t even flirted with anyone with any serious intent in a while.
Not since the first time Jan came bouncing into the Whiskey Bar with Delani with a pair of ankle boots on her feet and a pair of tight jeans that left nothing to the imagination.
Now, when I said bouncing, I meant bouncing.
The woman had the most incredible walk. Caught somewhere between sex kitten and excited preschooler. But that was just Jan.
She was a passionate person. Whether she was discussing politics or debating the benefits of women’s shapewear, which I was firmly against by the way, she just had this way about her.
She was strong-minded, brilliant, funny, sweet, and so damn pretty it hurt to look at her sometimes. Her wide, amber eyes, the short soft waves of her hair, and her smooth skin combined to make up a magazine worthy face.
Then there was her body. Now, I didn’t have a fucking clue why the world thought as it did, but I was never one to chase fads. Jan was full of delicious curves that wiggled and jiggled in all the right places.
She was a knockout. A showstopper. An eleven out of ten.
But my interest in Jan wasn’t purely physical. If anything, our months of verbal sparring had only increased my esteem for her.
She had this magnificent energy about her. And fuck, I was mesmerized ever since the first day. I just never admitted it before.
I wanted Jan, but I needed her to want me just as much. She’d walked away far too easily from our little session at the wedding.
Not this time. Not ever again.
Today, I was upping the ante.
Jones’ Grocery was a lot bigger inside than I originally thought, even the kitchen space. But I still managed to brush against Jan’s body every time I passed her.
I placed my hand lightly on her back, just to let her know I was behind her.
When I was divvying up the blueberries and bringing her half over to her, I made sure to press my hip against hers, bending close to her ear when I whispered thanks.
And when I handed her a bucket with half her share of cherries, I ran my fingertips over her arm, offered her a wink and smile before turning back to my station.
And so on and so forth.
It was the sweetest damn torture I could ever imagine. The only problem was, she wasn’t the only one affected.
My cock seemed to be stuck at permanent half-mast. Until I touched her. Then I was just rocking a straight on boner.
Fuck. Me.
I wanted Jan.
It was simple as that.
But would she be willing to have a little fun with someone like me?
Yesterday, when I kissed her, she blurted a bunch of questions, and I realized after she never meant to say them aloud.
But after I got home, I thought about it. Jan always seemed so confident and self-assured, but with me she seemed shy, uncertain even. Maybe I was assuming a lot because of her typically contentious nature.
The woman was a firecracker.
There was no denying it. And to be honest, I adored that particular quality almost as much as I adored her perfect ass.
I was just snapping the seal in place on the tub of my Spicy Bloody Mary Mix Pickles. I’d been making these for the Whiskey Bar for months now, and really, they were some of the best veggies I ever made.
Okra, celery, carrots, pearl onions, and jumbo pitted green olives that I stuffed with Italian long-hots.
A week was a short time to taste test everything, but I’d make it work. My special blend of vinegars, herbs, and spices would get the job done.
I closed the door to the walk-in fridge and turned around swiftly.
“What happened?”
“Shit. A staple was sticking out of the bushel. I didn’t see it. Oh my God, I’m gonna be sick,” Jan winced, and I raced over to her.
“Sorry, I know, I’m such a wimp. I just really don’t like the sight of blood,” she whispered, biting her lip as tears filled her eyes.
“Hey, you’re not a wimp. Come here,” I replied, pulling her into my body.
“Okay, it’s wedged in there good,” I mumbled.
“Oh my God, I’m gonna faint,” she murmured, trembling against me.
“Look, I’m gonna take the staple out of your thumb and walk you over to the sink, okay? Just keep your face right there, Jan Baby. I got you,” I murmured, kissing her head while I gently extracted her thumb from the thick piece of metal.
Jan yelped, burying her face against my chest while I wrapped my left arm around her soft body. Luckily, the staple wasn’t that long, but it was thick, and there was a bit of blood.
“Shhh. It’s okay. You’re doing great. I got you,” I repeated, washing her thumb with soap and water before grabbing a bit of antibiotic ointment and a bandage.
“When was your last tetanus shot?” I asked.
“Last year, actually. I stepped on a nail on the boardwalk. Just another example of my amazing good luck. Ugh. You must think I’m so stupid,” she mumbled, and I squeezed her tight.
“Hey, don’t say things like that about yourself, okay? I happen to think you are the smartest, wittiest person I know. No one argues the way you do,” I said, rubbing circles on the wrist of her injured hand.
“Great, so I’m not stupid, I’m just a shrew,” she replied, and I knew she was trying to tease, but it made me irritable.
“That’s it,” I grumbled, leaning back so I could look into her pretty eyes. “I want you to listen up, Jan Baby, and listen good. You’re not stupid, You’re not a shrew. You are the most fucking incredible woman I’ve ever met. Hear me?”
Goddamn it.
I was suddenly so angry. I wanted to find out who was responsible for making her feel this way about herself, and I wanted to tear their fucking heads off.
How dare they?
I knew people could be awful shits. But come on. How could someone so wonderful think such thoughts about themselves?
Sometimes cruelty did a number on you, and the thought of anyone being mean to Jan made me vibrate with anger.
“I, uh, w-what are you talking about?” she asked, eyebrows raised as she leaned back to look at me.
“I’m serious, Jan Baby. And if you need me to tell you that every single day until you believe it, I will.”
The temperature in the well air-conditioned room seemed to go up about ten degrees, and Jan’s soft body was wreaking havoc on mine. But I wasn’t letting her go.
At least, not until she answered me and told me she understood. I mean, fuck. Didn’t she know how awesome she was?
Jan was not only gorgeous and sweet, but she was also a woman with outstanding dignity and honesty. She was a terrific verbal sparring partner.
She never backed down from an argument, always making sure she was heard. God, I loved to listen to her. The woman had the most incredible mind.
Jan was also an excellent friend. Through thick and thin, I’d watched this woman stick by her best friend, offering unwavering support regardless of the situation.
And this whole thing she was doing, trying to put down roots for her already successful online jams and jelly business was brave as hell.
I was in awe of her. Really, she was downright inspiring.
Jan swallowed. I realized I’d suddenly made the atmosphere more serious, more tense than I intended to be.
“Shit. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound all down on myself. I just really hate it when I get hurt. My, um, my mother was always getting hurt in the kitchen. A cut here, a burn there, and my Dad was so quick-tempered about it. Like it was her fault. I just, I don’t like to make mistakes,” she whispered.
My arms tightened for a moment, and I leaned back to look at her pretty face. That was probably the most personal thing Jan had ever said to me, and I totally understood.
“My dad was a good man, but he was a perfectionist. He had no patience for mistakes, regardless of who made them. Even when it was his own son. I promise you, I will never think less of you for making a mistake, Pretty Girl. God knows, I make them all the time,” I whispered.
Her luminous amber eyes were glued to mine and when I leaned down, it was unclear who reached who first.
She stood on her tiptoes, every soft inch of her pressed to my body. Mine reacted predictably, but instead of shying away from it, Jan moaned, squeezing her arms around my waist. She hugged me to her, tilting her head and opening her mouth wider as she tangled her tongue with mine.
The woman kissed like she did most everything, she dove in headfirst and participated fully. And I loved it. I loved every single thing about it.
Her scent. Her taste. The feel of her in my arms.
It wasn’t the time or place for it, but I needed more of her. And I needed it right now.
This woman had been driving me crazy for months. Enemies or not, I had to have her.
“Fuck. I need you, Pretty Girl,” I growled, nipping her lower lip with mine.
“T-there’s a sofa in the office just over there,” she replied, tilting her head back to allow me to lick along her speeding pulse.
I closed my eyes and thanked whoever might be listening for Mr. Jones leaving his sofa in his old office. Eyes on her, I bent my knees and lifted Jan up with both hands locked onto her gorgeous ass.
She wrapped her legs around me, biting her lower lip and looking equal parts mischievous and more tempting than chocolate cherry cake.
“You’re sure?” I asked, wanting to kick myself but needing to hear her say it.
“I’m sure, David. I want you, too.”
Thunder roared in my ears, and I hoped like fuck she wasn’t saying anything else cause I was blind, def and dumb to everything but my current mission.
Get Jan to the office. Strip her down. Bend her over the sofa, and bury my cock inside her perfectly plush body. After I make her come on my tongue, of course.
The doorknob turned with a click, and I flicked the switch on.
“Do we need that on?” she asked, as I slid her down my body, allowing her to feel every inch of my hard length.
“Fuck yes, I need the light on. I wanna see every glorious inch of you, Jan Baby.”
She shook her head, like what I was saying was ridiculous, and she looked down. But I wasn’t having any of that. I cupped the back of her neck, firmly, but tenderly, and I squeezed until she brought her eyes back to mine.
“Take that dress off. Let me see what’s mine,” I rumbled.
“Oh, um, like all the way off? With the light on?”
“Hurry up, Pretty Girl, or I’m gonna have to do it for you.”
“Okay,” she murmured, untying the little belt that held it in place.
Then, like magic, Jan unwrapped the dress, splitting it open in the front. My jaw dropped as she revealed a cute as fuck panty and bra set.
I didn’t know shit about fuck when it came to fashion, but I thought those were pretty pink cherry blossoms painted across the cotton. A damp spot was visible right over her slit and I groaned.
Fuck. She was wet. For me.
I was frozen in place. Just staring at her, taking in every dip and curve, every freckle and beauty mark. She was gorgeous and right now, she was mine.
I licked my lips, dying for a taste.
“Um, maybe we should turn off the light,” she suggested, and I frowned.
“None of that. Not here. Not between us. When you’re with me like this, need to know how fucking sexy you are. Got it?”
She shook her head slightly, but I was still holding her neck and I squeezed it again gently. I had the perfect idea on how to make my shy soon to be lover feel more relaxed.
“I need you to take off your panties,” I instructed, while I reached for her tits.
I squeezed them through the fabric of her bra, pinching her nipples and tugging on them. Jan’s lips parted, and she sucked in a sharp breath.
I wasn’t finished.
“God, your tits are fucking perfect,” I told her. “I can’t wait to slide my dick between them. But not yet. Now, take off your panties, Jan Baby,” I repeated.
Releasing my hold on her gorgeous tits, I took a step back.
“Are you gonna be my Good Girl, or will I need to teach you a lesson?”