What the fuck has he done to you? Dad’s words echoed in my head as Callan and I got into his SUV. Why would he say that, as if I were some helpless victim with no say in this? Why blame him when I was the one who initiated everything? Dad didn’t know that yet, but he would soon find out. I’d tell him everything, even that we wanted to get married. He’d have to understand how serious we were, and maybe Mom would back me up.
“What are we gonna do?” I asked Callan after we pulled onto the main street outside his building.
“We’ll remain calm. I’ll tell him I’m crazy about you,” he explained quietly. “If he doesn’t get it, then he doesn’t get it, Sloane. He may need time to adjust to us being together. We just need to stand our ground.”
He sounded so sure of himself.
“Okay.” I nodded. “If he fires you, I’m coming with you.”
Callan glanced over at me, confusion flickering across his face. “Like, you’re leaving with me?”
“Yes. Is that okay? If I stay with you?” I didn’t want to impose, but I also couldn’t bear the thought of being apart from him.
He smiled quickly. “Of course it’s okay, baby. Fucking bring your stuff and never leave if you don’t want to.”
That was all the reassurance I needed. We pulled up to the house, and I took a deep breath before opening my door. Callan reached over and took my hand. “It’s gonna be okay, baby. You and me. We got this.”
I nodded with a smile, but my heart raced and my stomach curled into knots. My hands felt weak and shaky as we walked up the stairs to the living quarters where I knew Dad was waiting for us. As expected, we approached the yellow oval room, and he was sitting there, suit jacket off, staring down at the ground before looking up at us through his lashes.
“You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve showing your face here again, Callan,” Dad hissed, disdain dripping from his tone as he stood up and put his hands in his pockets.
I glanced at Callan. His jaw was clenched, but he held his head high.
“I don’t think you fully understand the situation, Jake,” he muttered.
Dad scoffed. “No? What don’t I understand about you taking advantage of my eighteen-year-old daughter?”
“Dad, that’s not what’s happening here,” I quickly chimed in.
I saw Dad’s eyes flicker over my shoulder. I turned back to see Mom standing at the beam that separated the room from the hallway, arms crossed, looking at us with an icy glare.
“Then tell me what’s happening here, Sloane. I’d love to hear it from you.” Dad wasn’t holding back any indignation.
My shaky hands clasped in front of me, held up to my chest almost like a prayer. “I started all of this between us,” I began, gesturing with my clasped hands between me and Callan. “He fought his feelings. He didn’t give in easily. But I knew from the beginning, Dad. I knew that I loved him and that he was the one.” I was surprised at how clear and concise my words were, how freely they flowed from me.
Dad suddenly burst into laughter. Confused, I looked over at Mom, who had her eyes closed in irritation, shaking her head. A quick glance at Callan showed the annoyance clearly written on his face.
“Sloane, you think you’re in love with Callan? Him ? This fucking almost forty-year-old ex-junkie?” Dad asked, exasperated.
“Jake!” Mom quickly scolded him.
“Nah, I can take it, Ana. Just fucking clear the air, Jake. Take it all out on me,” Callan said calmly, his hands firmly in his pockets.
“You mean the man you asked to come look after your family because he was the only person alive that you trusted for the job?” I butt in.
Dad’s eyes widened. “Yeah, the man I thought I trusted with my life. The one whose life I’ve saved more than once, pulling him out of more shit than I can count—that I’m sure he hasn’t told you about,” he spit out, pointing his finger at me.
Callan sighed. “Alright, Jake. We’re all heated here. Why don’t we just take a bit to cool off before—”
“Fuck you, Callan!” Dad shouted suddenly. “Telling me to fucking cool off when you’ve been fucking my daughter?!”
Callan blinked, his chest rising and falling rapidly. “You already heard it from her, Jake. I’m in love with her. I’m sorry, but I’m fucking in love.”
His words hit me hard, but before I could process anything, Dad lunged at Callan, backing him against the wall. He raised his fist and struck Callan across the face. Instinctively, I rushed toward them, hearing Mom shriek for Leo and Julian. Dad shoved me aside as he lifted his fist again, but Leo and Julian quickly flanked him, grabbing his arms.
I turned to Callan, who stood against the wall, stone-faced and breathing heavily, his eye already beginning to swell.
“Get the fuck out of here! If I see your face around here again, you’ll be in fucking prison for life!” Dad shouted, pointing to the hallway.
Tears streamed down my face. This was bad—worst-case scenario bad. Callan looked at me, uncertainty in his eyes, before turning to leave. I started to follow him, but Mom tugged on my arm. “Wait, baby. Let’s all talk.”
I shook my head. “No. I have to go with him,” I pleaded, watching him walk down the stairs.
“Sloane.” Dad was already beside me, tugging my arm along with Mom. Fear surged through my body—were they really not going to let me go?
“Let me go,” I warned him, my voice deeper than I expected.
“Sloane, you need to know something about Callan,” Dad insisted, easing his grip. “Something I defended him for—that I helped him get off scot-free. But now, after this…I’m not so sure anymore.”
I glanced at Mom; she looked as confused as I felt. “What are you talking about, Jake?” she asked quietly.
He let go of me and placed his hands on his hips, walking toward the middle of the room.
“Leo, Julian. Make sure he’s off the premises. I need to speak to my family alone,” he instructed, waving them away.
My hands trembled as I held my breath, waiting for Dad to explain.
“Dad,” I muttered angrily. “Tell me now, or I’m leaving.”
Dad turned, looking between me and Mom, who stood beside me with her arms crossed. “Ana, do you remember the case I was asked to testify on? The one I couldn’t discuss?”
“Yes,” she replied quickly.
Dad sighed, lowering his head. “It was a sexual assault case. It was against Callan.”