An hour after we called my mom, we were pulling up to the house. My mom stood at the gate, making sure we got in without a problem. Already a bad sign . Callan parked in his usual spot and my mom greeted each of us with a tight hug.
“Did you get anything yet?” Callan asked before my mom could get a word in.
“No.” She shook her head with a frown. “Jake has been on it, though. We need your phone, baby,” she said as she turned to me.
Shit . My worst nightmare was my dad going through my phone. All the texts, pictures…
“Uh, alright,” I started, pulling my phone out. “Let me just…” I began deleting my text threads and “hiding” any risqué pictures.
“Don’t worry, baby,” my mom said as she put her hand on my arm. “I’m not gonna let anyone snoop.”
I sighed as I handed it over. “Where’s Dad?”
She returned a sigh. I could tell by the look on her face that she was upset. “Somewhere around here. I’ll go find him. You two go upstairs; there’s extra detail at every entrance, and I’m re-hiring you, Callan. Don’t leave Sloane’s side.” The firmness and confidence in her voice made me feel even safer in her presence.
”You couldn’t fuckin’ pay me to leave Sloane’s side,” Callan responded, taking my hand, and then guided us toward the door.
We headed up the stairs to the living quarters and down the hall to my room. It felt so strange to hold Callan’s hand out in the open like this—strange, but freeing.
My room was still in the condition I left it in when I packed in a hurry. Callan shut the door behind us and locked it, then pulled me in for a deep, passionate kiss. Tension melted from my body as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and I could feel him relax as his hands slid down my back to my ass. His erection pressed against my stomach as he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him, desperate for more. He carried me to the desk and set me down, his lips lingering on mine before he began to lift my shirt, his eyes filled with desperate need. Just then, a knock at the door made us both freeze.
“Sloane,” my dad called out.
“ Fuck ,” Callan muttered as he pulled me off the desk and straightened out my shirt.
“Sloane,” Dad repeated with more frantic knocking on the door.
“One second, Dad!” I called out, irritated and anxious.
Callan took my hand and kissed the top of my knuckles. “We got this, baby,” he assured me.
I took a deep breath and smiled at him. He released my hand and leaned against the desk, crossing his arms as I made my way to the door. I cleared my throat as I unlocked it and slowly pulled it open, finding my Dad standing there with his hands on his hips and a scowl on his face.
“Where’s Callan?” he asked angrily.
“Hi, Dad. It’s nice to see you too. Me? Oh, I’m fine,” I muttered out sarcastically.
“Sloane, stop. Where is he?” He didn’t wait for my answer as he pushed the door wide open to find Callan walking up to him, his expression mirroring my dad’s.
My chest tightened as I watched them approach each other.
“He’s not going anywhere, Dad. If you make him leave, I’m leaving too,” I said before either of them got a word in.
Callan stood firmly and silently beside me as my dad glared at him, his jaw tight, as if I wasn’t even there.
“You’re not staying under my roof,” Dad said through clenched teeth.
I rolled my eyes. “The White House is federal property of the United States govern—”
“Sloane, you know what I mean. Don’t get smart with me,” Dad quipped back.
”Okay, I’m leaving then.” I turned around and headed for my purse, but then I heard Mom’s voice.
“ Nadie va a ningún lado, ” she yelled as I turned and saw her appear in the doorway. “Sloane and Callan stay, Jacob. She’s your daughter—and he’s family, whether you’ll admit it or not.”
Dad sighed heavily and turned around, taking Mom’s shoulder and moving into the hallway.
I could hear them arguing but I didn’t bother to listen in. I glanced at Callan and his expression was somber, but he gave me a small, reassuring smile as he took my hand.
“Maybe it is better that I leave, baby. Jake has every right to kick me outta here,” he said quietly, squeezing my hand lightly.
Tears welled in my eyes instantly. “No. You’re not leaving. You’re staying, or I’m going with you,” I demanded.
He sighed as his jaw clenched. I could tell he wanted to argue, but all he said was, “Okay, baby. We’re staying together.”
The arguing outside the door stopped and Dad walked in quickly, as if he’d catch us doing something.
“Once we figure this out, you’re out of here, Callan. I’m doing this to protect my stubborn daughter, otherwise I’d fucking kick you out myself,” he spit out as he pointed his finger at him.
“Don’t worry, Dad,” I snapped. “Once we figure this out, you won’t have to see either of us again.”
My heart sank when my dad’s expression shifted from anger to utter devastation. To my surprise, he didn’t say a word—he just shot a quick glance between me and Callan before angrily storming off. I watched as my mom followed him down the hallway.
“I fucking hate that this is straining your relationship with Jake,” Callan said, placing his hand on my cheek. His eyes were wide with worry.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as I leaned into his touch. “It’s not your fault, Callan. It’s his,” I said after a moment. “He should be happy that you love me so much and want to protect me. All he cares about is keeping me away from you, no matter how much it hurts me,” I finished, my voice cracking. “But he doesn’t understand, Callan. He doesn’t understand how much I need you.”
He didn’t say a word; instead, he pulled me close and wrapped his arms tightly around me.
“I need you too, baby. I need you so fuckin’ much,” he whispered into my ear as he stroked my hair.
As I melted into his embrace, the warmth of his arms around me felt like the only thing keeping me grounded. It wasn’t just love—it was something deeper, a connection so intense it was almost unbearable. He was my safe haven…and my anchor in the storm that had become my life.
* * *
Callan and I locked ourselves in the room for the rest of the night. It was late as we cuddled in bed, watching Netflix, and I nuzzled my face into his chest. He hummed deeply, as if my touch ignited something in him, and he grabbed my hips, guiding me to straddle him. I felt his erection growing beneath me, and as I stared into his eyes, I began to grind my hips against him. A lustful smile appeared on his lips.
“You think this is a good idea? I think Jake is one step away from fucking murdering me in plain sight,” he joked, but his hands gripped my hips firmly.
I shook my head. “Don’t think. Just fuck me,” I exhaled softly.
He smiled wider before he lifted me up and pushed me down onto the bed, face first. I giggled excitedly as he eagerly pulled my jeans down and threw them on the floor, and I glanced back as he began to pull his zipper down.
“Better be quiet, baby. Let’s see how hard I can pound you before you scream into that pillow,” he muttered quietly before he thrust his hard cock into me.
I bit my lip hard to stay quiet as I gripped the sheets beneath me, his hips slapping hard and quickly against my ass. His hand was suddenly at my neck, and he slowly began to squeeze as his breath quickened. As the friction of my clit rubbed against the bed, along with Callan’s cock pushing in and out of me, my pussy began to seize with pleasure, and my moans were low as my airflow depleted. I heard a faint chuckle in my ear as he took his other palm and pushed it against my mouth, trying to quiet me, but then a deep and low grunt escaped his throat as he released his hands from me. I gasped as I caught my breath as Callan’s hips slowed to a stop, draining himself in me.
Even a quickie like that satisfied me beyond belief. The sheer fact that we were in the White House, with my parents just down the hall and security detail practically outside my door, turned me on immensely. Was it the thrill of possibly being heard or caught? Or was it because I was free to fuck Callan in my bed without anyone being able to stop us?
Callan finally pulled out of me and lay on his side, wrapping his arms around my hips and pulling me into a close cuddle, making himself the big spoon.
“Fuck, I don’t ever want to leave this spot,” he whispered in my ear. “My girl, naked against me, with my cum dripping out of her,” he went on, his voice deep and velvety.
As I giggled and backed my ass against him, there was a quick and sudden knock at the door. Callan and I jumped up like springs before a voice came through.
“Sloane, baby. We need you and Callan in the sitting room to discuss some things,” my mom called out calmly.
Callan let out a deep sigh, one that sounded like pure relief.
“Okay. We’ll be out in a minute,” I responded loudly.
I looked over at my nervous, beautiful man and laughed. “Let’s get back to that soon,” I said, pointing my eyes to the bed.
He laughed as he stood up and began to pull his boxer briefs and jeans on, shaking his head at me. “So fucking naughty,” he teased.
Five minutes later, Callan and I walked hand in hand down the hall to the yellow oval room. We found my parents sitting on the couch that faced the hall, and my dad’s already hardened expression turned into a glare as he glanced at me and Callan, his eyes trailing down to our clasped hands. I glanced at a few familiar faces, vaguely recognizing them as part of the administration. They were scattered around in the armchairs, leaving the couch parallel to my parents open for us. Leo and Julian stood by the windows, watching us intently. Callan let go of my hand as we made our way to the couch, gesturing for me to go first. I sat stiffly across from my dad, while Callan sat next to me, across from my mom.
“Is it necessary for him to be here?” Dad asked through clenched teeth, clearly trying his hardest to keep it together.
“Yes,” I replied straightforwardly, holding my gaze with his.
“Sloane, we need to know if there’s anyone that’s been acting strangely with you,” Mom started, ignoring our staring contest. “Someone you know. We are trying to rule out people that you know first. The security team couldn’t trace the number because it’s a burner phone and it’s not giving off a location. They believe it’s been disposed of,” she explained.
My heart began to race. Someone I know?
“Where was Callan when you received the text?” Dad asked bitterly, his gaze now fixed on Callan.
“I wouldn’t do anything to hurt Sloane, Jake,” Callan responded quickly, a hint of anger in his voice.
“And where exactly were you when you received the text, Sloane?” Dad went on, turning toward me.
Does he think we planned this? Does he think we’re both in on this?
“I was…” I began, wondering how truthful I should be. Did it really matter where I was?
“We were in Baltimore. She wanted to talk to Sarah, since you decided to delve into the past,” Callan answered, putting his elbows to the tops of his thighs. “And Sarah admitted to lying. That make you feel better now, Jake?”
Dad’s eyes widened and his face turned white. I wasn’t able to think about it before Mom cut in.
“See? I knew he wouldn’t do such a thing, Jacob,” Mom said, slapping my dad’s thigh with the back of her hand.
“How did you find Sarah?” Dad asked suspiciously, looking between me and Callan.
“What about that one boy, the governor’s son? James?” Mom asked quickly, diverting the topic.
Was it possible that it was James? Did he find out about me and Callan, get jealous, and decide to try to scare us? But why involve Dad in it?
“I don’t think so,” I said as I shook my head. “Why would he?”
“Because he fucking liked you, and you rejected him so now he’s trying to hurt you,” Callan concluded angrily.
“Get his name,” Dad said to the man sitting in the armchair beside him. “Check every device he has. Find out where he was when that text came through,” he demanded sternly as he stood up.
I shook my head, muttering to myself as I stared down at the floor, trying to focus. “No, it can’t be.”
Callan put his hand on my thigh. “It has to be, unless there’s someone else you think would be capable of this,” he said quietly as the commotion and chatter around us became loud.
But I couldn’t think of anyone else—logically, James was the best and easiest explanation. But was it too easy? He was a sweet guy; I didn’t think he’d do anything like this. Then again, did I really know him?
“Let me go with them,” Callan said as he stood up, and I realized he was talking to my dad. “If it’s that kid, I’m gonna beat the fucking shit out of him,” he spit out.
Dad paused as he regarded Callan with bemusement. “No.” He shook his head and then looked down at me as his expression softened. “Stay with Sloane. They’ll get this figured out. Keep her safe here,” he said quietly as he turned back to Callan.
My heart melted—did Dad finally get it now? I glanced over at Mom and she was smiling at me warmly. Maybe Mom knocked some sense into him.
I stood up and took Callan’s hand, entwining my fingers with his. I knew he was wound up and angry, ready to do something about James possibly sending the threat.
“Come on, Daddy,” I whispered in his ear. “Now you need to fill up my ass.”
He turned to me with wide eyes, his anger shifting to desire. “Yes, ma’am.”