His Temporary Wife (The Brides of Sunflower Falls #2) Chapter 19 93%
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Chapter 19


On his way past Melody’s door, Tony heard her speaking to someone, and then realized she was probably on the phone with her mother or Ana. Leaving her to it, he headed downstairs. His own mom was turning the corner of the railing when he was about halfway down.

“I’m coming.”

She sniffed with her nose in the air like she’d been doing since the television period drama she’d been in. And won an award for. He chuckled and bent to kiss her cheek. “Melody’s taking care of a few things, and then she’ll be down.”

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and guided her back to the kitchen. His dad was standing at the stove, pushing around something in a pan. As he passed behind him, Tony snagged one of what turned out to be sliced pieces of sausage.

“Hey. Make your own breakfast.”

“No need. I already made it for him.” His mother went over to a plate where his favorite breakfast of French toast was sitting. She uncovered the butter and pulled a butter knife from the drawer. As she had since he was a very small kid, she began buttering the French toast thoroughly, one slice at a time.

His dad scowled at his mother. “Why do you spoil him?”

“Because someone needs to spoil him. You push him, I spoil him. He’s a well-balanced child.”

He leaned back against the counter next to the sink as his dad gave him the stink eye over his shoulder. “We should probably be glad we didn’t have any surprise grandchildren before now.”

Tony grinned at him. “You taught me well. I always made sure my partners and I used protection.”

His mom clapped, flinging speckles of melted butter over the cabinets and him. “You planned this baby? Oh, Anthony, I’m so happy for you.”

Grimacing, he licked a fleck of butter from his hand and then rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, well, no. This baby wasn’t planned. But it is very welcome.”

His mom tugged on his arm until he turned and faced her. She cupped his face and brought it down to her level. She beetled her brows at him. “Not planned?”

“No.” When she was like this, pure honesty was the best way to deal with her.

“And Melody knows all her options?”

“Yes. We discussed that. I was very clear that I supported her decision. Whatever it was.”

She nodded and released his face. “Okay, then. Do you think she’ll want to go shopping for baby clothes with me today?”

“And now you’re spoiling our grandchild?” His dad moved the sausages over to a paper lined plate and then poured what Tony realized was scrambled eggs into the pan.

His mom pointed the butter knife at his dad. “I will spoil this grandchild as much as Melody will allow.”

Tony grabbed a piece of the French toast and bit into it. “Don’t I get a say?”

“How many times have I told you not to speak while chewing? And, no. I spoiled you, so I will spoil your children. You deserve spoiled children.”

He covered his mouth so he didn’t spit out the French toast as he began laughing. “Thanks, Mom.”

The sound of a clearing throat had him looking over at the hall entrance to the kitchen. Melody stood there, an uncertain look on her face.

He grinned at her. “French toast?”

“Normally, I’d be all over that, but my doctor wants me to increase my protein.”

His mom whirled around. “Any morning sickness? I can make some tea, if you’d like.”

Melody smiled at his mom. “Thank you, no. Just water for now, I think. I’ll find something in the fridge.”

His dad cleared his throat. “I’m making scrambled eggs. I’d be happy to share. Also have chicken sausage if you’d like that.”

Melody opened her mouth, but paused before responding. “Sure. That would be great. I guess not many people can say they have The Leo Dewitt making their breakfast for them.”

Grinning, his dad turned back to the stove. “Only family. Anthony, get Melody some water. This will be ready in a minute. We can sit at the dining room table.”

As he was getting a glass, he saw Melody frown and look around. “Where’s Zach? ”

Tony stopped as he realized he hadn’t seen Zach either.

“Oh, he stepped out to take a call. He’s probably back by the pool.” His mom waved to the living area.

The kitchen windows had a view of the ocean instead of the pool, so Tony couldn’t see if that’s where Zach was. But he also didn’t hear his friend, so he had to be outside somewhere. “Should we make him breakfast?”

His dad grabbed another plate out of the cabinet. “He was finishing up when your mother and I came down. Order up.”

Tony held onto the glass of water for Melody and grabbed his own plate before following his mother and Melody out to the dining area table. After Melody sat down, he set her glass down next to her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. His dad sat down on her other side and handed her plate to her.

“Thank you. This looks delicious.”

“Can’t go wrong with chicken sausage and eggs. Even better, my doctor hasn’t told me to lay off them yet.”

“Melody, before you came in, I was asking Anthony what he thought about taking you shopping for baby clothes.”

Melody looked up at him. “You can leave the house?”

He cut into a slice of French toast and shook his head. “As far as I’m aware, I’m still required to stay here. This would be just Mom and you.”

Blinking, Melody turned to his mom. “Um, that would be nice. But Tony and I need to talk about some things today. And I have meetings tomorrow. And I’m supposed to fly home on Tuesday.”

Tony froze. “Tuesday?”

She speared a slice of sausage and some eggs. “Yeah. We’re still working on your house, and there are a couple of other projects starting soon. Eric and Libby are still in the city. I need to text him to see what his schedule is, but I’m point person until they’re free to come back to Sunflower Falls.”

Remembering his promise to not try to contain her, he gave a quick nod and dug back into his food.

“If you’re leaving on Tuesday, then we most certainly need to carve out some girl time today. Though, I might be able to go back to New York with you. It’s been ages since I spoke to your mother.”

He realized Melody had frozen along with him at his mother’s words. He looked over and saw Melody was blinking. Melody was usually the one steamrolling people, so being on the other end was probably more than a bit disconcerting.

“Uh…” She turned to Tony, widening her eyes. Her lips mouthed the word “help.”

He shrugged.

“We can go over to The Grove. Leo, would you make some calls?”

His dad sighed. “Remember, we hired Alyssa to be your assistant.”

“She’s on vacation as she should be.”

Leaning over, his dad kissed his mom on her cheek. “As she should be. I’ll call Norma, and she’ll make the calls for you. Let me know which stores you want to go to.”

“And we’ll need a car.” His mom looked at her watch. It was the same elegant gold band watch she’d been wearing for most of his life. His dad had given it to her as a wedding present as she’d been late to nearly all their dates. “Eleven? That will give you two a couple hours to talk and do whatever you need to do.”

His mom really was in steamrolling mode today. “Mom. Chill. I don’t know how long it will take us. When we’re done, if there’s time, you can arrange for a car then.”

She sat back in her chair and tapped her fingers together in front of her lips. She’d always wanted to play a villain mastermind. “Four hours and we leave at one.”

While his mother was notorious for losing track of time and getting ready for dates, she also had a reputation as a tough negotiator. Stories were still whispered about her time in the union’s leadership. He placed his hand on Melody’s. “It’s up to Melody. If she wants to just lay out by the pool and chill out in quiet, that’s what she gets to do.”

“Of course. Melody?”

Melody, being a lot more polite than he could be, finished chewing before answering. “Let’s see how I’m feeling later?”

His mom clapped her hands together. “Absolutely. Leo, call Norma.”

His dad opened his phone, pulled up a contact, and then handed the phone to his mother. Tony could hear the call ringing, and then his father’s executive assistant answered. Joy filled his mother’s expression as she got up from the table. “Norma, darling. It’s Vicky. I have a small favor to ask.”

Shaking his head, his dad went back to finishing his breakfast. “Norma’s going to love this as much as Vicky.”

Melody froze. “Wait. Is Vicky going to tell her about the baby?”

Both Tony and his dad froze and then looked at each other. His dad scrambled up from the table and ran after his mom. A few moments later he came back, shaking his head. “Sorry about that. I caught her just in time. Norma would keep quiet anyway, but if you don’t want word getting out, no one outside of family and who you choose to tell will know.”

“Thank you.” Melody went back to eating and soon finished her breakfast.

Tony finished his a minute later.

He was gathering up their plates and utensils when his dad waved at him. “I’ll get those. You two go talk. Your mom’s going to want to go shopping as soon as you give her the green light, so the faster you can work out whatever it is you need to work out, the better.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

His dad chuckled. “Believe me, it’s as much for me as for you.”

Before he could lead Melody outside to the garden area he thought she’d like, Zach came back inside. He spotted them immediately. “Good, you’re here. That was Damien. The authorities have found Robert.”

Tony blinked. Melody grabbed his arm. Tugged on it. “That’s a good thing, right?”

Zach nodded. He looked straight at Tony. “This doesn’t mean you’re free to leave, however. There’s a conference scheduled for tomorrow. You need to be at the courthouse, but Damien will meet with the judge and both sets of attorneys. If you’re needed, you’ll be called in. Damien expects you to be called in.”

“Will Robert be there?”

Zach shrugged. “Damien didn’t say.”

“Where was he?”

“On his way across the border.”

“Tijuana? Seriously?”

“Wrong border. He somehow thought no one would look for him if he went into Canada. ”

“Robert hates the cold.” It was a nonsensical thing to say, but this whole situation felt nonsensical.

“Yeah, well, he decided to not only drive into Canada, but cross the border in Minnesota. That’s at least partially why he’s been off the grid for so long. And before you ask, I’m not sure what else he’s been doing in all that time.”

Tony shook his head. This whole thing was becoming farcical. All they needed was some rural county sheriff from Minnesota to show up at the trial looking and sounding like Frances McDormand in Fargo. “Anything else?”

“Damien’s going to be over in a few hours to further discuss tomorrow. We’ll need to leave for the courthouse by six to avoid traffic.”

He looked down at Melody. “Where’s your meeting with Triple H? Maybe we can drop you off?”

“At their headquarters. I don’t know where that is in relation to here, though.”

Zach looked up from his phone. “They’re in City West, so not anywhere close to the courthouse. When’s your first meeting?”


“You’ll probably want to leave by six, too. If you get there early, there are a few coffee shops over by them. I’ll call my office to arrange a driver.”

Tony looked over at Zach. “Thanks.” Then he realized what else Zach had said. “Damien’s coming over?”

“Yeah. He didn’t say how long he expected it to take, but I’m betting at least a few hours.”

Blowing out a breath, Tony nodded. “Fine. Thanks.”

Zach headed back into the house, and Tony reached for Melody’s hand.

She tugged him back when he started for the garden. “What’s wrong? ”

He rubbed his face with his free hand. “I don’t want to rush this conversation, but with Damien coming over now, and then both of us in meetings or whatever tomorrow and you leaving on Tuesday?” He opened his mouth to continue, but no words came.

Melody squeezed his hand. “I get it. We’ve got time now, so let’s talk. Where?”

He bent his head and kissed her. “I love you. Please don’t ever doubt that.”

She ducked her head. “I’m getting there.”

“I’ve got this garden I think you’ll like. It’s got this secluded patio space.” He led her to a corner of his property that butted up against his neighbor’s storage garage. Her maintenance staff primarily used it, and since it was Sunday, they were unlikely to be around. He drew in a deep breath. Most of the plants had gone dormant at this time of year, but there were some herbs that gave off a fresh scent.

Melody grinned. “This is a gorgeous view with the pool and then the ocean.” She sat down and adjusted herself with a slight wince.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. My body’s just changing every day and it sometimes feels weird.”

He sat down next to her and put his arm around her shoulders. She rested her head against his shoulder and twined her fingers with his. “I never gave serious thought to becoming a mom. I had, have, a great mom, so I’ve got a great example. But I could never see myself having a kid with any of the men I’d been with, or going out and doing it on my own. It wasn’t a priority.”

He turned his head and rested his chin against the crown of her head. “Even with us getting married… ”

She poked him in the ribs. “We still need to talk about that, too.”

He grinned since she couldn’t see him. “I know. I’m also sorry I didn’t bring it up before. I should have.”

Melody blew out a long breath. “I should have, too.” She cupped her hand over her stomach. “I don’t usually run from conversations like that. I like putting all my cards on the table in relationships. That’s usually why the more serious ones didn’t last all that long. I’m too blunt.”

He pressed a kiss against the side of her head. “I like your bluntness.”

She chuckled and let it trail off. “I think I didn’t want to face the pain again. It hurt so much and was scabbing over.”

Tony hugged her closer. “I know I can be overly optimistic. Thinking things will work out. If I can clearly see a problem, I do my best to fix it. Like with Robert. But I was scared, too. I wasn’t able to be with you, but you were still communicating with me. I didn’t want to give you a reason to cut ties because I wasn’t there after I told you I would be.” He cleared his throat. “Getting back to the kids question. Even after we got married, you never thought about the possibility of kids with me?”

She was quiet for a few minutes. Recognizing she needed the mental space, he also stayed quiet, slowly rubbing his thumb against her fingers.

Eventually, her words came slowly. “No. I was still struggling with the idea of being married to someone. Until I took the pregnancy test, I truly didn’t think about the possibility of kids.” She placed her free hand on her stomach. “I’m glad Peanut’s here. But it was so far outside my vision of my future.”

“And now that Peanut exists? ”

She went silent again for a few minutes. “I know you’ve got this life here, but I want to raise them, and any more kids we decide to bring into the family, in Sunflower Falls.”

His dad had been right. He’d been so wrapped up in trying to avoid giving her a reason to cut him out while he was gone that he hadn’t been clear in his communications about his vision of their future. He’d just latched on and barreled forward. He paused in rubbing her hand, felt her hand tense, and began rubbing again. Pressed a kiss to her head. “I’m just thinking. That’s all.”

“I know that’s probably not what you wanted to hear.”

“Remember, just thinking.”

She nodded against his shoulder. He breathed in the scents of rosemary and sage. When he’d first bought this house, his Nonna Schreiber had come over and planted them. Told him how he should always have the scents of the home country near. Even though her own parents had been born and raised in America and he had more than Italian heritage to his name, she was insistent. And then tutted about the plants not being nearer to the kitchen so he could use them like she’d taught him.

But Nonna had been right. Any time he’d need space for thinking, this is where he came.

When he felt like he’d gotten his thoughts in enough order, he turned and tipped up Melody’s chin. “Again, I’m sorry for tiptoeing around the hard discussions and making assumptions. I’m not saying I won’t move to Sunflower Falls. I want to be very clear that’s not what I’m about to say. However, my work is here, at least partially, and even if I move to Sunflower Falls, I’m going to have to be here or on location on a regular basis. I won’t be able to be full time in Sunflower Falls.”

She blinked, then nodded. “My work’s in Sunflower Falls, and even if Eric and I can land a show deal, that will always be our base of operations. How are we going to make this work?”

He wrapped both arms around her and gave her a hug. “One day at a time. We need to learn to communicate better. I promise you, other than my identity that I had to keep hidden…”

Melody placed a finger against his lips. “I get it. I do. I still don’t like it, but I understand why you did it.” She let out a quiet laugh that had a bit of a sarcastic edge to it. “Something else for me to go back to therapy for.”

He pressed another kiss to her temple. “We should probably look into finding a couples therapist. I don’t want that poisoning our future. Or our kids. If we’re going to make all this work, we’re going to need help.”

She snuggled her head back into his shoulder. “A lot of it.”

They both fell silent. He didn’t know what was running through her mind, but he was trying to figure out the logistics of living in Sunflower Falls on an at least more-than-half-time basis. He could do a lot of meetings from the house, but there were going to be times he’d need to be on set.

His parents had raised him on sets as he grew up, placing him with the on-set tutors for most of his younger schooling years. And since they basically traded project time and minimized overlap, he’d grown up with both his parents around most of the time. But they were in the same industry which made working out that kind of schedule a lot easier.

He and Melody had years before they had to think about things like school for Peanut and any other kids Melody wanted to have, though. The fact she even broached the possibility of more kids blew his mind. However many kids she wanted was fine with him. And if she only wanted Peanut, they could find ways to ensure no more kids and still explore kinkier adult fun times like this morning.

Melody pulled at his left hand, lifting it. “I think you’re missing some jewelry.”

He leaned back and pulled out the chain he wore beneath his shirt every day. The ring she’d first put on him back in Niagara Falls hung from it. “Whenever you want to put it back on, I’m ready.”

She lifted her face and kissed him. “I’ll let you know. But first, do you think we can have some more fun before your mom kidnaps me for a shopping expedition?”

He grinned. “To quote the Dread Pirate Roberts, as you wish.”

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