Holding Out for a Hero (Baytown Heroes #9) Chapter 2 6%
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Chapter 2


Oh… hello! Bess gave herself over to the kiss and instantly knew kissing Brad was different. She’d spent the past hour trying not to stare at his lips while fantasizing about them. But with one touch, he blew her fantasies out of the water. He took control of her mouth in a way that let her know he knew exactly the power in his lips while still keeping it respectable enough for the public so they wouldn’t get kicked out of the bar. Every neuron in her body lit, and she wondered if there was unseen electricity pulsating through the bar because no way could all these sensations be firing just from his kiss.

She opened her mouth, welcoming the touch of his tongue, no longer caring if they were in public. Bess was no stranger to kissing, but considering she’d been on a hiatus from almost anything fun for the year it had taken to get her business going, every cell in her body stood up, shouting hallelujah.

Far too soon, he pulled back, and she felt the void of the tiny space between them like it was the Grand Canyon. But then she was working hard not to gasp for breath, so she might have overemphasized their distance, considering she could feel his forehead leaning against hers. And to her great delight, he was also gasping for air.

“I’m taking a chance here,” he said, his words shaking as though speaking and breathing were difficult to do simultaneously. “But would you like to get out of here with me?”

She only hesitated for an instant. Belinda was the sister who usually overthought things while Bess ran full speed ahead. Those younger days were behind her, and in that hesitation, questions darted through her mind like lasers. Will getting out of here include sex? Is this for one night? Is this fun and nothing more? Is it smart to sleep with someone in the area who I have to see every time they come into my shop if things get awkward? Did I shave under my arms last night?

Then she looked into the beautiful eyes staring back at her, and those questions didn’t matter. She just wanted to experience everything this one night had to offer. She really didn’t have time in her life for anything more than a night of fun anyway.

Ignoring all the opposing thoughts, she grinned slowly. “As long as it includes more kissing, then I’m all in for getting out of here with you.”

His lips curved wider, and he waved his hand to the server, who brought over the bill for their drinks and food. He reached into his pocket, then his eyes widened into an expression of shock. “Oh fuck,” he muttered. Blushing, he shook his head as he looked up at the server. “My fucking wallet is at home. Let me go?—”

“Oh, I’ve got it,” Bess said, reaching into her small bag and pulling out her credit card. Handing it to the server, she said, “Put it all on my card.” She turned to him, her voice filled with worry. “You haven’t lost your wallet, have you?”

He grimaced but shook his head. “I had to… oh, hell, never mind the why, but my wallet is at home.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Bess said, waving her hand to the side. She started to say that he could buy the next time, then stopped herself. She didn’t know if there would be a next time, and she certainly didn’t want him to feel obligated to a next time just because he thought a debt was owed. Instead, she leaned closer and, when her lips were once again a breath away from his, said, “So… where are we going?”

“Are you okay with going to my place?”

She smiled, fighting the urge to say she didn’t care where they went as long as they went together. Instead, she simply nodded. As soon as she signed the receipt, he stood and held his hand out to her, and she allowed him to gently pull her from the chair. He didn’t let go of her hand for the entire way they walked through the crowded bar. With his free hand, he parted the others like Moses holding his staff to part the Red Sea. Moving with him, she felt a primal urge to let him take charge.

In the parking lot, he suddenly looked around and then down at her. “Do you want to follow me?”

She nodded her agreement, knowing it was the smart play to drive on her own. She loosened her fingers to drop his hand so she could walk to her car. He immediately latched his fingers tighter around hers and allowed her to lead. She stopped at her car and reached for her keys, only to hear him chuckle. Twisting to look up, she pursed her lips. “Stop laughing. You’ll hurt her feelings.”

At that, his brows lifted. “ Her feelings?”

“Yes. BeBe’s very temperamental. She gets her feelings hurt so easily.”

His gaze swung around, seeing only the two of them. “Who the hell is BeBe?”

She inclined her head toward her Volkswagen Beetle. “My car. Bess’s Bug. BeBe for short.”

He blinked, then tilted his head. “You named your car?”

“Duh? Of course. You can’t have a classic and not give it an appropriate name, and since it’s multifunctional, even better.”


She laughed and nodded while patting the top of her car at the same time. BeBe can be Beautiful Beetle, Bess’s Bakery, Bess’s Bug?—”

Now, he laughed and held up his hands. “Got it!” He stepped closer and peered into her eyes. “So follow me in your BeBe, but just so you know, to me, I’ll think of the nickname as Beautiful Bess.”

Her intake of breath was audible as he leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her lips before he opened the driver’s door for her. Once she was securely inside, he jogged over to his SUV. She pulled out of the parking lot and followed him onto the main highway. About five miles north, he turned onto a road that led to a brick apartment building. There wasn’t much she could see with the dark night sky, but she did note there were lights in the parking lot, and no one was hanging around. Assuming the detective would live in a safe area, she parked next to him. By the time her door was open, he was standing right there in her space.

With an air of anticipation, she reached out her hand, and without words, he wrapped his fingers around hers, the feel already familiar. He made sure her car was locked, then led her to a second-floor apartment.

Once inside the door, he flipped the locks before rounding on her. With his hands pressing against the door on either side of her head, she was ensnared but felt no fear. Despite the proximity, he maintained a respectful distance, yet she still felt enveloped by his presence.

“Stay right here.”

She nodded, thinking that if he’d asked her to do a handstand, she would have attempted it—unsuccessfully, but she would have tried nonetheless. Her gaze lingered on him as he walked away, noting with appreciation that his ass was just as impressive as the front view.

Before she could fully relax, he returned to the room with a small box in his hand. Setting it on the end table near the door, she watched in fascination as he opened it and pulled out a small tube of cream. With a gentle touch, he took her injured finger in his hand and applied the burn cream to the reddened flesh. Tossing the cream back into the box, he then snagged a bandage and ripped off the paper before wrapping it carefully around her finger. “Good?”

She stared at her finger, then blinked up at him and nodded. Tumultuous thoughts ran through her mind. No previous boyfriend had ever taken care of her like that. They either didn’t think of it or assumed she would handle it herself because she was so independent. She felt his presence closer as he leaned one hand on the door next to her head, and her gaze moved up to his face.

“I want to kiss you, Bess. And then, I want to do a whole lot more. But I need to know that you’re on the same page.”

She nodded.

“No, Bess. I need to hear the words.”

She placed her hands on his chest and, with her head leaned back to stare into his eyes, inhaled deeply. “Brad, I came here of my own free will to talk to you, laugh with you, have another drink with you, kiss you, make out with you, have sex with you… or… um… any combination of the aforementioned items.”

A chuckle erupted from his chest, and her body shivered in a way that let her know she could hear that chuckle anytime, anywhere, and she’d not only recognize it, but she’d respond to it. “I know you’re in law enforcement, so that’s why it’s important for you to have the assurance of my intent. All that sounds kind of non-sexy, but… um… as long as everything is consensual, I’m all in.”

He lowered his head, and his breath washed over her face. “Good to know, babe.”

Her girl parts giggled again. The nickname “babe” could be a verbal throwaway when a guy couldn’t remember the girl’s name, but since he’d used “Bess” numerous times, his use of it made her want to kiss him even more. Moving the scant half inch it took to meet his lips, she licked them with the tip of her tongue.

Her actions elicited a growl from him, and she’d barely registered the animalistic noise before he pressed his body to hers. Connected from lips to hips, she gave as good as she got.

Heads moved back and forth, tongues tangled, breaths mingled, and hands explored. Her breasts ached in a good way as she crushed them to his rock-hard chest. His hips rotated, and the unmistakable feel of his erection pressed against the cushion of her tummy. She’d never had against-the-door sex, and even while reading about the description in romance novels, she had wondered how everything would fit together without the two falling onto the floor. But right now, she didn’t give a damn if they started against the door, moved it to the floor, and then ended up on the sofa.

His leg slid between her thighs, and she wished there was nothing between his hard muscular thigh and her sex, but she rubbed, desperately needing to meet the friction her body craved.

Suddenly, his arms banded around her back, and he lifted. She wrapped her legs around his waist. The action was instinctive to keep from falling, but it was soon apparent that he held her securely.

Bess, usually curious, hadn’t looked around his apartment, but as he turned and started toward the back, her gaze was pinned only on him. His eyes, the scruff of his trimmed beard, the slight wave of his hair, the strength in his arms, and his lips. His gorgeous, kissable lips needed to be connected to hers. Hoping he could navigate with her mouth latched to his, she angled her head and kissed him deeply. Somehow, he made it into the bedroom, only bumping against the doorframe once.

Inside, he patted her ass, and she interpreted the silent request and let her legs slide down his hips. He lowered her feet to the floor but kept his arms around her. Standing to his full height, she had to lean back to hold his gaze, finding his eyes burning with what she hoped was the same lust coursing through her veins.

“All you have to do is let me know at any time if you want this to stop,” he said.

She understood his meaning and appreciated the sentiment. But she couldn't imagine wanting him to stop unless he planned on bringing out whips and canes. Nodding slowly, she said, “I understand. Now, if you don’t have an objection, I’d really like to get naked with you.”

For a long second, he didn’t move. And then slowly, his lips curved wider, and just when she thought he couldn’t get more handsome, he shot straight to movie-star gorgeous. He shrugged, removing the suit jacket that he tossed gently to the nearby chair. His hands moved to the buttons of his shirt, but she stepped forward.

“Allow me,” she said, her gaze moving from his eyes down to the buttons, which she hastily undid even though her fingers fumbled slightly.

“As long as I get the same opportunity,” he said. His hand slid to the bottom of her polo shirt and gently began lifting it upward, guiding it over her breasts. “Undressing you is like opening a present on Christmas morning.”

She laughed and shook her head. “If that was a line, it was a little cheesy but really appreciated.”

The material moved to her chin, and she raised her arms to allow him to lift the shirt over her head. She would’ve tossed it to the floor, but he took a moment to fold it before he laid it on the chair carefully with his jacket. His hands went to the top of her jeans, and she sucked in her stomach, suddenly wishing she’d done a few more crunches and less tasting of her food.

Her subtle attempt not to show off her tummy failed miserably when he shook his head and said, “Don’t you dare suck in your stomach. Your body is beautiful. Every inch.”

With those words said, she wondered if she could change her snacking habits to just licking and nibbling on his body. She held on to his upper arms as he dropped to a kneel to slide her pants down, snagging her panties along the way. He leaned forward, inhaling deeply. This time, she felt sure he wasn’t after the scent of sugar and vanilla because even she could smell her arousal.

Standing, he deftly unsnapped her bra, leaving her fully naked in front of him. With him still dressed from the waist down, the idea that she was fully naked struck her, but staring at the awed expression on his face, she felt empowered and not vulnerable. Turning her back to him, she walked to the bed, now noticing it was a king, neatly made with a gray, black, and maroon geometric patterned covering.

Not wanting to mess up the comforter with bodily fluids—hoping there would be an exchange of bodily fluids—she jerked the comforter back, then turned to face him again as she sat on the edge of the bed. With her hands behind her for leverage, she scooted farther onto the mattress and reclined with her weight on her elbows pressed next to her sides. Offering what she hoped was her best come-hither smile that also hopefully hid her nerves, she waited, barely breathing.

“Damn, Bess. Your body is like a siren calling to me.” He shucked off his shoes, pants, and boxers so fast that the material haphazardly flew onto the chair, no longer neatly folded. He placed one knee on the mattress beside her legs, then stretched over her body to open the nightstand drawer. His fingers fumbled for a moment before they withdrew a condom.

Her gaze dropped to his prominent erection, and her tongue dragged over her lips.

“Allow me.” Why she thought her hands would fumble less, she had no idea. She took the condom packet from his hands, trying to ignore the sparks that flew between their touch. Ripping open the foil, she gently sheathed him.

In a carefully controlled maneuver, he halted in the middle of a push-up as his body hovered just over hers with barely an inch separating them. Using his strong arms to hold his weight, he lowered just enough to kiss her.

Her skin felt tight when their lips touched, and her body was on fire. Her hands dove into his hair, then slid forward so her palms could cup his cheeks tightly. Once again, just as her lips were praising the feel of his, he pulled away from her mouth but continued to kiss along her jaw and down her neck, sucking at her fluttering pulse point. Her head tilted back, and he continued trailing kisses from one breast to the other, sucking hard as his tongue danced around her nipples.

She lifted her feet, latching them behind his ass, wanting more connection, but he resisted. His body moved down, and he nuzzled the underside of her full breasts before kissing around her belly button, his tongue tracing lazy circles on her skin. As he continued to lower, her legs fell open wide, and he sniffed.

As his breath puffed air over her sex, she asked, “This is the second time tonight you’ve sniffed me.” She lifted her head to look down at his face between her thighs, his eyes on her, and his wide smile.

“When I sniffed earlier, you smelled like a sweet, tasty, tantalizing bakery. And right now, what I smell is pure honey musk. Just as sweet, just as tantalizing, and just as tasty. You are fucking intoxicating.”

His words caused her nipples to pebble harder and her sex to clench. She’d never had a guy talk the way he was. Usually, sex just involved grunts and then a long groan where she hopefully got off before the guy did, or she’d be left in the cold to play with her toy afterward.

Before she could think of a response to his words, he licked her slit, then began the delicate dance of sending her body into electrifying shocks. He sucked and nipped, his finger slid in and out along with his tongue, and then he moved to circle his lips around her swollen nub, smiling as she writhed on the bed.

Her hips lifted to offer him easier access, and her fingers clutched the sheet underneath her. The coil that had been tightening since she first met him in the bar now sprang loose as her orgasm rushed over her, and she cried out his name. Floating on a soft cloud as her body slowly eased the quivering, she was barely aware that he continued a trail of kisses upward toward her mouth.

By the time she could breathe normally again, he latched onto her lips, and she tasted her essence on his tongue. It wasn’t a new experience, but for the first time, she truly understood what he meant when he said sweet, tasty, and tantalizing. She had a feeling the sensation came from the combination of both of them, like a perfect recipe.

Determined to offer the same to him, he must have anticipated her thoughts because he shook his head. “As much as I want your mouth around my cock, that can come later. Right now, I’d love to be buried inside you.”

The tip of his erection was right at her sex, but he hesitated, and she realized he was asking for permission. Her fingernails dug slightly into his shoulders. “What are you waiting for?”

He grinned for only a few seconds until he slid his cock deep, giving her body a chance to acclimate to his size. She forced her eyes to stay on him and watched his smile ease, only to be replaced by a look of sheer ecstasy. She felt beautiful and powerful. Holding him tight, she lifted her hips and met him thrust for thrust, loving the beauty of their bodies moving together.

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