Holding Out for a Hero (Baytown Heroes #9) Chapter 19 53%
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Chapter 19



Flip walked into the office and spied Artie sitting on the sofa. He didn’t like the old man but liked that Artie’s ignorance allowed Flip to keep running cars and money through the shop. But hearing the police had been by made Flip antsy.

“Artie, what did the police want to know?”

Artie looked up from behind the thick glasses he wore. “Flip? Oh, I didn’t hear you come in. Just had a visit from the sheriff’s department.”

He huffed, shaking his head. “Yeah, I know that. What did they want?” he repeated, his voice louder.

“Asked about them car thefts in the county. Next up county, too, I reckon. Don’t know what’s wrong with people these days. Used to be a time when you could leave your doors unlocked around here without fearin’ you’d get your head bashed in while sleeping. Or keys in the car ’cause no one would even think about stealing nothin’.” He shook his head slowly. “Wonder if I ain’t outlived what’s good in the world.”

“What’d you tell them?”

Artie held his gaze, but it was hard for Flip to tell what he was thinking when he peered behind such thick glasses. “Didn’t have nothin’ to tell ’em. Why? You know somethin’?”

“Don’t worry about it, Artie. We’re almost finished with the fence.”

“I ’preciate the help, Flip.”

“You just sit here with your memories and don’t worry. We’re taking care of everything for you.”

Artie jerked his head up and narrowed his eyes. “Just don’t forget who’s in charge, Flip. This is still my business. Still my name on the sign over the garage.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure.” He offered a tight nod before turning and heading back into the garage, muttering under his breath, “For now, old fuck. For now.”

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