The ride back to her apartment was quiet, but Bess wasn’t immersed in an uncomfortable silence. Instead, she was filled with peace. Once there, Brad parked and turned to her. She didn’t hesitate. “Do you want to come up?”
Nodding, he held her gaze. “Absolutely.”
They climbed from his SUV parked next to her van and BeBe. He sighed as they walked to the door next to the bakery.
“What was that sigh for?” she asked, using her key to unlock the outer door.
“I just wish you had a more secure place to park your vehicles and that your apartment wasn’t a firetrap.”
She understood his concerns and nodded, holding hands as they ascended the stairs. Once inside her apartment, she tossed her purse on the counter and led him to the sofa. They sat, and she curled up next to him. “I know what you mean. I share those feelings, too. When Belinda lived right next to me, it was wonderful. I was over the bakery for easy access. It was my life being here, and it seemed so simple. But mostly, being next to my sister, who was around a lot, was the—pardon the pun—icing on the cake.”
He held her gaze, then wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her forward until his lips landed on her forehead. He left his lips there for a moment, then released her to stare into her eyes again. “Are you miserable here without her? Because I’ll tell you that according to Aaron, he’s in love and plans on moving forward with Belinda.”
Bess loved that Brad cared about her feelings, especially since those feelings weren’t something she’d easily discuss with Belinda or her parents. She sucked in her lips, pressing them together for a moment, then shrugged. “I’m not sure I’d say I was miserable. I’m just… a little lonely in the evenings. We’d usually get together several times a week for dinner or afterward to watch TV, talk, and try out new recipes.”
“And now?”
A small chuckle slipped out. “She’s with the man she’s fallen in love with, and her recuperation is going amazingly well. In case you’re wondering, I’m happy for her. I’ve never wanted anything less for Belinda than to be deliriously happy, with or without a man in her life. But I think Aaron is it for her.”
“Okay…” He drew out the word. “That’s you being a wonderful sister. But what about you?”
Sucking in a deep breath, she let it out slowly as her gaze wandered around the room. “I’ve thought about moving to an apartment building with more security or even a townhouse. Having a garage would be wonderful because BeBe hates cold days. Now that there are car thefts in the area, and I know she’s valuable, I’d love to keep her in a garage.” She dropped her gaze to his chest. “Belinda is going to give up the apartment in another month, and then I’ll have to deal with neighbors who might be wonderful or completely crappy.” Her gaze lifted to see his jaw clench. “I know what you’re thinking. I have a fifty-fifty chance of getting great neighbors or awful ones. Great ones would be cool, but it would never be like having Belinda next door. And awful ones could make my life… well, awful.”
Suddenly, she felt exposed and jumped up from the sofa to walk briskly into the kitchen. “You want something to drink?” She grabbed two beers and then turned, startled to see Brad standing right behind her. “Oh!”
He took them from her and set them on the counter. Stepping closer, he closed the distance and placed his hands on either side of her. Trapped between the counter and his hard body, she naturally lay her palms flat on his chest as she peered up into his eyes. She didn’t feel trapped—she felt enveloped.
“Your parents’ house is almost finished, and then they’ll move back here with your grandmother and great-aunt. Belinda is safe, cared for, and loved at Aaron’s place, and they’re looking toward the future.”
Nodding slowly, she tilted her head to the side. “Yes, but what’s your point?”
“My point is, Bessie girl, now is the time to focus on you—what you need and want, what moves you forward, and what you need to do to get there.”
She licked her dry lips. Her heart stood on the side of the pool, fearful of jumping into the deep end. But deciding to take the plunge, she asked, “And where do you fit into what I need?”
“I want to be here for you as you move into the next phase of being an entrepreneur. Help you check out new places to live if that’s what you want to do. Make sure you’re safe.” He lifted one hand to cup her cheek, tightly caressing her cheek with his thumb. “I want to move forward with you.”
“That all sounds risky. I’ve never been afraid of risk before, so why now?” she mused aloud.
“Because risks of the heart are the scariest ones of all.”
His words stole her breath. Unable to take her eyes off him, she felt tears threatening to fall. Finally, gathering her courage, she said, “I’d like to risk it all with you.”
As though her words were what he was longing to hear, his lips crashed down upon hers.
During the entire visit at his parents’ house, Brad had marveled at how effortlessly Bess melded with his family. With each genuine laugh and easy conversations with all of them, her presence was a natural extension of their shared moments. His parents had heard nothing but good things about her from him and Carol, but he sensed their silent scrutiny as they observed her interactions with his sister.
In those moments of quiet observations, Bess exhibited unwavering patience and empathy, especially when it came to Carol’s verbal struggles. Bess never rushed Carol or jumped in to supply a word as though Carol didn’t know what she was trying to say. And when Bess spoke, she held Carol’s gaze, never avoiding eye contact. It didn’t take long for his parents to relax, realizing that Bess was exactly who he knew she was—smart, funny, sincere, and most importantly, simply herself.
He and his dad had retreated into the garage to look at a new piece of equipment his dad had bought to further his ever-growing woodworking hobby. And while there, not surprisingly, his dad had given his wholehearted support.
Now, with Bess in his arms and their mouth sealed in a tender kiss, he knew their connection was special. To some, it would seem they were moving fast, but he was no teenager or young man who didn’t know his mind or what he was looking for. With Bess, he’d found everything he’d longed for.
He hadn’t come into her apartment just for them to end up in the bedroom, but she had other ideas. With her hands on his shoulders, she separated from him, her lips curving into a little smile. One hand dragged down his arm until they linked fingers, and she slipped past him, leading him toward the bedroom. He opened his mouth to say something… anything… but she looked over her shoulder and shook her head.
“Come on. We both want each other, and I see no reason to deny what’s between us.”
By the time they reached the bedroom, his brain had engaged his mouth enough to ask the question swirling around both of them but had remained unspoken. “What is between us?”
Her gaze dragged down his body before coming back to his face. “Too many clothes, for one thing.”
Not willing to let her get away with a sexy quip, he stopped until their hands tugged, and she looked up at his face again. “What else is between us, Bess?”
Her expression held understanding, and while her lips were smiling, he could see nervousness crossing her eyes. She moved closer and placed one hand flat over his heart. “Everything, Brad. I feel care, affection, and the desire to be with you. I can’t get you out of my mind when you’re not with me, and when you are with me, I just wanna be close. I love listening to you, talking to you, and watching you with your family. I love who we’re becoming together. So if you want to know what’s between us, to me… it’s everything.”
When his lips landed on hers this time, there was no hesitation. No holding back. His hands spanned her neck, his fingers gliding through her silky tresses while his thumbs caressed her soft cheeks. He breathed her in, her scent intoxicating. Lightheaded, he heard the pounding of his heart and wondered if she could feel it against her palm still pressed flat between them. His hands reluctantly left her head as they slid down to her waist and, with ease, lifted her in his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms, now entwined around his neck, pulling him closer.
He placed a knee onto the mattress and held her in his strong arms until her back was on the bed and his body covered hers. Somehow, through that maneuver, their lips never separated.
And other than taking off their clothes, for the rest of the night, their bodies remained connected, either making love or limbs tangled together as they slept. And if he had his way, this would be how they’d spend every night.