M orning comes faster than I would have liked. With how exhausted I've been to my very core, I could have easily slept another eight hours. Before I open my eyes all the way and see the strange room I'm sleeping in, I forget where I am.
I'm going over the checklist of things to do at the bakery—start the ovens, check the orders for the day, and mix ingredients. It isn't until I feel Eli’s arm pull me closer to his hard body that everything comes flooding back to me.
My eyes jolt open, and I'm wide awake. Yesterday feels like a fever dream, and I'm still questioning whether I can believe it. Denied for the loan, held up at the bank, taken hostage by three smolderingly attractive bank robbers. Yep. Sounds like a normal day to me.
Even more so, I focus on last night. I remember the way Eli's lips felt on my neck and how he whispered in my ear while I came from his touch. The ache between my legs resurfaces once again, and it's all I can do to try to force it away.
What the hell is wrong with me? All three of these men are criminals. I shouldn't be humoring this thought at all. I should be thinking of a way to escape.
But something is telling me not to. Something is pulling me toward them, forcing me to turn around and trace my fingers over Eli’s toned chest. It’s like I can’t stop myself.
“Morning, princess,” Eli whispers, his morning voice gruff and quiet. “I trust you slept well after last night.”
“I did.” I nod and look up at him while biting my lower lip. His eyes linger on my lips, and I can’t help but wonder what he tastes like. The thought alone makes my pussy throb.
Eli’s hand slides under my shirt as he explores my body once again, feeling the curves of my hips while he slowly makes his way to my breasts. I can feel him stiffening between us, and I reach down to grip his cock through his sweats.
He groans from the pleasure and reaches down to grab my hand, showing me exactly how he likes it. “I want to repay you for last night,” I whisper to him. I look down at his cock through the covers and see it growing even more.
Before he says anything about it, I sit upright and straddle him, looking down at his groin with anticipation building in my stomach.
I've never done this before. Eli is the first man who's ever been inside me in any way. I can feel the nerves building in my stomach at the thought of doing this wrong, but it is something I want to do.
I pull the waistband of his sweatpants down, freeing his cock from them. I gasp, seeing it stand upright for me.
“You’re so fucking sexy, Laiken,” Eli says, watching me with lust forcing its way through the sleep in his eyes.
I lean down in the bed so my face is inches away from his cock, and I stick my tongue out to swirl it around the tip. I watch Eli close his eyes and lean his head back as soon as I make contact. I slather his cock with my spit before wrapping my lips around the tip and taking him in my mouth.
“Ohhh fuck…” Eli moans, grabbing my blond hair and holding it in his hands so he can watch me while I slowly work more of his huge, throbbing cock in my mouth. “You like tasting me?”
My mouth is too full to respond, so I nod my head subtly, taking more of him in my mouth. I move up and down, feeling the ache between my legs grow even more while his precum drips and mixes with my spit.
“I want you to take all of me in,” Eli says, moving his fingers through my hair to press against the back of my head. He slowly puts pressure to force my head down even more. I open my mouth as wide as I can and stare up at him with wide eyes as I take every inch of him.
My eyes water as he thrusts his hips slowly, pushing himself in and out of my mouth. I can feel him in my throat, throbbing and stiffening as he gets closer to finishing. I try to swallow unintentionally, feeling like I need to because of his cock deep in my throat.
Eli growls as my throat contracts around his cock, feeling even more pleasure wrapping around it. “Oh my God, you’re such a natural at this, princess.”
Hearing his praise, knowing that what I'm doing is good, that I'm bringing him pleasure the way he did me last night only makes me more wet. Eli tosses his head back on the pillow and moans while his cock twitches in my throat.
“Swallow every drop for me,” he growls, releasing his hand from my head as he explodes in my mouth.
The salty, sweet taste of his cum fills my mouth, and I swallow it down quickly while I bob my head up and down faster to completely drain him. Eli moans above me, and I watch him in the throes of ecstasy while I pleasure him, feeling just how badly I need my own release.
“Good girl,” Eli whispers, leaning forward and cupping my face with his hand after I drop his cock from my mouth. Spit and cum mingle as they drip from my lips, and Eli stares at me in awe.
A noise from the doorway catches both of our attention, and we turn around to see Bryce leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed in front of him. He's clearing his throat, an eyebrow cocked at both of us.
“I hate to interrupt the two of you, but breakfast is ready,” Bryce says before standing upright and staring at us. Before he turns away to walk to the dining room, I swear I almost see a wink.
My face turns beet red, and I want to hide under the covers to shield myself from the awkwardness of the situation. Of all the people to walk in and see that, it had to be Bryce. Ever since he and I first laid eyes on each other, I could tell something was between us.
Laiken, what the hell are you thinking about? Are you really worried you're hurting his feelings right now? Did you forget they're holding you hostage?
“Don’t worry about him,” Eli says as he jumps to his feet and adjusts himself in his sweatpants. He holds a hand out for me and watches me for a moment before I take it. He leads me into the bathroom, standing right behind me with his hard body pinned against mine as he hands me a spare toothbrush and some mouthwash. “Get yourself cleaned up for breakfast. Though I doubt you’re still hungry this morning.”
He closes the bathroom door behind him, but I have a sinking suspicion he's lingering in the room. As far as I know, I'm still a flight risk. Where the hell would I even go if I escaped? The three of them have cars and guns and are all ridiculously athletic.
I stare at myself in the mirror, combing back the tangles of my blond curls while I brush the taste of Eli out of my mouth. How am I supposed to sit at a table and eat eggs, knowing Bryce saw everything? No doubt Koda knows about it by now too.
To no one’s surprise, Eli is sitting on the bed when I walk out of the bathroom. He grabs my arm and leads me out of his room to the dining room where Bryce and Koda are sitting in front of a breakfast buffet spread out on the table.
I try to hide the burning in my cheeks as I grab a plate and pile some cheesy eggs high on a piece of toast with some bacon. I'm not much of a baker, and that same truth also applies to cooking. Most of my meals are freezer friendly, and I eat more cereal than a twenty-year-old woman should.
Bryce and Koda watch me as I take a big bite of the breakfast I threw together on the plate. It only occurs to me after the fact that there is a chance this could be poison. That would be one hell of a way to take care of the me issue.
“Still hungry?” Bryce asks me, laughing under his breath. Koda rolls his eyes and turns to glare at me.
“Listen, princess, if you want to get out of the situation alive, you better listen to everything I have to say.” Koda leans his elbows on the table, his eyes never leaving me. I nod, my mouth still full, to let him know I’m listening. “If you try to escape, you die. There's no one around us for miles, and I highly doubt you have what it takes to survive in the wild during the winter.”
“Definitely not,” I agree, sipping some orange juice to help the food go down. Koda watches me with an irritated, angry look in his eyes.
I don't understand why he seems to hate me so much. Bryce has been kind to me since the moment we met, and Eli... well, Eli has been very friendly.
“We're letting you go eventually. We can't carry you around the house forever and have you here, forced to take care of you,” Koda continues, tossing a glare directly at Bryce, who he clearly blames for this entire situation. “If you say anything to the police about where we are, we will find you.”
I shake my head, turning to look at him with wide eyes. He can only take me on my word, and I don't know how much that means to him. So far, Bryce has promised me that he isn't going to hurt me, and I believe him. They haven't done anything to make me feel like I'm in danger since being back at the cabin.
“She's not going to talk,” Eli says, looking at Koda with an expression on his face that silently tells him to calm down. “There's absolutely nothing in it for her to spill information about where we are. There's no need to threaten her.”
“Besides, she hates that banker anyway.” Bryce laughs, no doubt thinking about how I left things with Mr. Jenkins. He turns his attention to me, and the smile on his lips falls. His icy, glacier eyes bore into mine, and I feel calmer about the whole situation. “You wouldn't ever tell, would you?”
“I really won't. What do I have to gain? If I tell, it's only going to make you guys come after me,” I agree, turning to Koda with a pleading look in my eyes. “And Bryce is right. I'm actually glad you guys were able to get away with this like you did. It might have been a joke when I said it yesterday, but all the bank is is a greedy, money-hungry company. Plus, they probably have insurance to cover everything you took.”
There's a moment of silence while the three of them stare at one another and silently communicate their thoughts. Honestly, I feel myself getting a little annoyed seeing how they appear to have some kind of telepathic communication with one another. I tap my fingers on the table, waiting for them to fill me in on their thoughts.
“Is anybody going to be looking for you?” Koda asks with a reluctant sigh. “Friends? Staff at the bakery?”
My heart drops to my stomach, and my blood runs cold, thinking about why he's asking. Is he thinking about getting rid of me? I look at Bryce and Eli to see calm looks on their faces, neither seeming to care about the weight of the question. Bryce seems to read the expression on my face, and he leans forward and stares at me with a calm look in his eyes.
“Don't worry. He just wants to know if there's anybody out searching for you right now from the bank. I promised you you'd be fine, didn't I?” His eyes meet mine, and a small smile plays on his lips, calming me more than I would expect it to, given the circumstances.
I nod my head to silently thank him for reassuring me. Koda turns in his chair to face me more directly as he takes a deep breath. “We're waiting for the heat to die down, but I think taking you back after the holidays is best. The cops are going to think we're long gone by then. We can get back to Harmony in a different car and drop you off at your bakery. We can do that as long as you swear you won't say a word.”
“You'll have to tell them a fake story as well,” Bryce chimes in, leaning back in his chair while smiling at the three of us. “We can't very well have them tracing anything you say back to us here, can we?”
My mind swims from everything I'm being saddled with. Threats from Koda, learning that I'm going to be staying with them until after the holidays, and the possibility of screwing something up accidentally and getting myself killed.
“How about you tell them you were blindfolded as soon as we put you in the car? We never took our masks off, and we kept you in a room in the basement, giving you food and water a few times a day without ever removing our masks,” Eli suggests, leaning forward on the table and raising his eyebrows.
Koda looks at me and lowers his head while raising his eyebrows to silently ask me if that sounds like a plan. I nod and look between all three of them. “I can do that. You can trust me, I swear.”
“Atta girl, princess,” Bryce says, smirking at me with a curious look in his eyes.
I'll be staying with them until after New Year's. Looking at all three of them sitting at the table, I can't help but wonder what's in store for me over the next week.