Chapter 9
T he cabin looks like a miniature version of the house on the outside, and on the inside, it’s just as cozy feeling. The walls are textured and painted a fun, pale yellow color. The floors are aged hardwood. There are two full size beds, both set up in the same way a hotel room usually is. Off to the side is a luxurious feeling bathroom, including a large jacuzzi tub and a standing shower. Along the walls and all throughout the cabin, there are pictures of honeybees. Some of the shots are microphotography where you get a close up of the fuzz of a bee, their honeycomb, and their eyes. Other photos are the hives themselves. I can’t wait to see the bees. Before I’d come out here, I’d done a little research and learned that Circle Bee is known for their honeybees and their dogs, though I didn’t really understand what happens with the dogs. I can’t wait to learn everything I can.
“ It’s cute and cozy ,” Jinx comments from the side. “ Not my style, but that’s the point, right? ”
“It is,” I nod. “It’s exactly what I’d imagine some sweet country grandma would decorate her kitchen like.”
And that’s completely true. It all has a homey feel to it. There’s even the scent of banana bread, which I realize quickly is actually coming from the welcome basket sitting on the table. There’s a note that says, “Welcome to Circle Bee,” and a whole bunch of goodies. A homemade banana bread loaf, a jar of Circle Bee honey, some teabags and coffee beans for the electric kettle and coffee maker off to the side. There are some snacks from the area, many of them homemade. They thought of everything. There’s even some homemade soap from someone local.
“This is adorable,” I muse, digging through the basket. I grab one of the cookies and break off a piece. “Mmm,” I mumble. “Chocolate chip.”
After a while, I decide it’s best to unpack my suitcases since I’m going to be here for a month. I set my sewing machine on the small table and stare at it. I don’t know if I’ll open it, but just seeing it sit there feels right.
“ See. I told you that you should bring it ,” Jinx declares. “ You’ll be making clothes in no time .”
“I don’t know if I will,” I mumble, turning away from it to reach for something equally as important.
“ I can’t believe you brought that ,” Jinx says, scowling at the item I pull from the suitcase. It’s wrapped up in bubble wrap carefully to make sure it wasn’t damaged.
“I had to bring you along,” I whisper as I set the urn on the mantle of the small fireplace. “I couldn’t leave you behind in that empty apartment.”
“ I’m right here, but I get it ,” Jinx answers. She glances over at the door. “ Looks like your cowboy is back .”
She fades away just as there’s a knock on the door. I glance toward it, frowning, before I stand up and head over. I expect it to be Gunnar again, but when I open the door, it’s a new man standing there.
A very handsome man.
“Good morning, ma’am,” he says with a grin. He’s not wearing a cowboy hat, but I get the feeling he’d have tipped it to me if he was. “I’m Rhett Thomas, owner, and bee expert extraordinaire. You can just call me Rhett.” He winks. “Unless you’d like to call me daddy.”
I can’t help it. I snort and laugh, my hand coming up to cover my mouth in embarrassment. His grin widens at my laughter, as if he knows exactly how charming he is.
“Don’t laugh,” he says. “I’m being serious.”
“ Rhett is hot ,” Jinx says from behind me, but I don’t turn to look. Not in front of someone else. But I have to agree with her.
Rhett is indeed very handsome. His hair is windswept and a dark orange color. He’s bearded, the facial hair just as well kept as the rest of him. He’s muscular, but not overly so. Freckles dust his checks and the bridge of his nose. He’s wearing jeans that I know probably hug his ass just right and a t-shirt with the Circle Bee brand on it.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have a daddy kink,” I tell him, smiling. “But thanks for the offer.”
“Well, ‘baby’ works just fine, too,” he teases. “Anyways, Gunnar told me he left you to get settled in, so I thought I’d come on over, show you around, and explain the rules.”
“Okay. Lay it on me,” I say, stepping outside the cabin and closing the door behind me. “What are the rules? Don’t get lost in the mountains?”
Rhett laughs. “Circle Bee doesn’t butt up against the mountains, so we don’t include that rule. If you want to go hiking though, feel free to ask me. I’ll show you the best places where no one will disturb you.”
I raise my brows. “Because you’re going to murder me?”
He blinks. “Oh, wow. Yeah, I can see now how that may have multiple meanings. No. I definitely didn’t mean I’d murder you. Only that I’d murder that. . . you know what? Never mind,” he laughs. “Follow me, Ms. Everhart.”
“Fable,” I correct. “No need for formalities. Especially since you showed up asking me to call you daddy.”
He flashes his grin at me. “Too strong?”
“Maybe,” I laugh. “If you’re the owner, I’m not sure flirting with your customers is exactly professional.”
“Ah, well, I never claimed to be professional,” he purrs before immediately switching into business mode. “However, we do have rules here. Five of them to be exact.”
“Okay,” I nod. “Rules are good.”
He offers me a hand to step down off the small step and I take it without thinking. His warm hand in mine makes something low in my belly tighten. He doesn’t seem to notice my wobble as my leg gets a little stiff.
“Rule number one: stay out of the barn, especially if the doors are locked. We ask that you respect our privacy and any locked doors here.” He leans closer. “My bedroom door is never locked.”
“Yep. I figured as much,” I answer, curious why he’s laying it on so thick. I don’t think I’ve been so aggressively flirted with before.
“ Take him up on that offer ,” Jinx says from beside me. “ I bet he’ll rock your world. Or he’ll be garbage. There’s no in between with men like him .”
“Rule number two: don’t touch any machines without supervision. Some of the things on this ranch can really mess you up if you don’t know what you’re doing. So if you wanna go for a ride on a tractor, ask and I’ll take you for a ride.”
He shoots a look at me, as if to see if I caught his innuendo.
I clear my throat. “Is every rule going to come with an offer for sex?”
He grins. “Too much?”
“A bit, yeah.”
“Alright. Alright.” He turns and points out to the pastures. “Don’t mistreat any animals. If caught doing so, your stay is forfeit and you’ll be asked to leave. Breakfast is at seven in the morning, dinner is at six at night, and lunch is had on the fly.”
I nod. “Okay. And the last rule?”
“Oh, the most important of them all,” he nods seriously. “Rule number five is never fall in love with cowboys.”
“Seriously?” I ask, laughing. “You added that in the rules?”
“Hey, if you want your heart broken, break that rule as much as you want,” he says, smiling, and the genuine smile makes him even more handsome. “Alas, I didn’t make it. That rule has been in effect since I was a kid. I think my mom added it, actually, to be fun.”
“Oh, well then that’s cute,” I muse. “Will I get to meet her?”
His smile falls and he immediately looks away. “No. She died a while ago.”
My heart squeezes. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
He waves my words away, much like I do if someone mentions Jinx. Those words don’t actually help anything, and they certainly don’t make me feel better, so I understand why he changes the subject quickly.
“This way,” he instructs, and I follow him toward the main house. “Meals are served in the house. Just let yourself in and the dining room is to the left as soon as you walk in. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be there. Our cook, Mel, makes the best burgers. I think he’s planning on cooking that tonight to welcome you.”
“I am living for the homecooked meals,” I say, smiling. The gravel beneath my prosthetic almost rolls my foot out, but I do my best to hide it. I don’t know why I’m keeping my leg a secret. I should tell them in case there are accessibility issues, but I can’t quite bring myself to reveal it. I just want to be normal for a little while. I don’t want them to fawn over me, or worse, get weird. I’ve worked hard these past eight months to make sure I can get around by myself. The doctors think it’s because of strength. It’s not strength at all.
It's fear.
“You’ve met Gunnar. He’s the barn manager,” Rhett continues. “And me, the best of all, I tend to the bees. I’ll make sure to take you out there after a while.” He points out a large building in the distance. “That’s the kennels. Colt is the dog trainer and expert with that. He’s away on business for a few days, but you’ll meet him once he’s back.” He turns and points to a large metal garage. I turn to follow his direction and see a large man strolling toward it. “Hey! Trent! Come say hi to our guest!” Rhett calls. The man looks up, scowls, and continues into the metal building. “Don’t mind him,” Rhett says, shaking his head. “Trent prefers his own company to anyone else’s.” He leans closer. “Don’t tell him I told you, but he’s super shy.”
“Noted.” I definitely don’t want to interrupt the man if he doesn’t want to be.
“This is the barn. Rule number one is in effect.”
“Respect locked doors,” I nod. “I remember.”
“Good girl,” he says, and though he’s being silly with it, I can’t help but notice that he says it so easily. Despite telling him he laid it on too strong, I’m suddenly wondering what it would be like for him to say that in a different setting.
“Circle Bee encompasses about six hundred acres,” Rhett continues. “We’re one of thirteen ranches in the Green River Basin and though we may not be the largest, we’re certainly not the smallest. Steele is our closest town, and you can get most anything there.” He turns toward me with a smile. “If there’s anything you need—a toothbrush, food, a warm body—don’t hesitate to ask. We’ll hopefully make this month as memorable as possible.”
“Thank you,” I answer honestly. “Are there any animals I shouldn’t pet? I’m gonna be honest, as soon as you’re done showing me around, my main goal is to pet as many as possible.”
He laughs, and it lights up his entire face. “Most of our animals are friendly. Maybe just avoid the donkey in pasture three. Old Don Key-xote is an ass. Literally. Otherwise, you can pet anything. Just don’t stick your fingers in any mouths. The horses can be a bit nippy if you’re not careful.”
“Leave the ass alone. Got it,” I smile. “I appreciate the tour, Rhett.”
“It was my pleasure, Fable,” he says with a wink. “I’ll see you at dinner. Stay outta trouble ‘til then.”
He turns and leaves me standing in the middle of the driveway. I watch him go, pleased to see I was right about the jeans. Christ, the men out here are something else. I should have come out to a ranch sooner.
Jinx appears beside me, her eyes on Rhett’s ass just like mine. She turns to me with a grin. “ Smash ,” she says. “ Definitely smash .”
And dammit if she’s not right. Suddenly, I’m seriously considering this man’s offer despite barely knowing him.
But that would involve him seeing my leg. So maybe not yet.
No, not yet.