Honey Bee Hearts (Green River Hearts #2) 19. Rhett 31%
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19. Rhett

Chapter 19


O ur little guest has been at Circle Bee for over a week now and she’s apparently made quite the impression on everyone. She’s a pretty thing, for sure, but she has Gunnar eating out of her hands. Now Colt can’t stop talking about her after their day together yesterday. I haven’t spent much time with her yet, figuring I’d take her out on harvest day, but now I’m intrigued. What’s so special about her that has Gunnar and Colt tied up in knots? At least I know Trent won’t be like that. He’s kept to himself the entire time she’s been here so far.

Colt said their day had been fine and Gunnar has warned me about her prosthetic leg that none of us seemed to know about, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight of her when I walk into breakfast. I stumble to a stop, my eyes widening. She’s beaming up at Mel as he sets a plate of French toast in front of her. There’s some color in her cheeks today, more brightness to her, but that’s not what surprises me.

Before, she’d been in casual clothes or a simple button down. That’s not what she’s wearing today. She’s dressed in all hot pink. Hot pink flared pants, hot pink vest that shows off her cleavage as well as a bit of skin on top of the pants. She has a bandana tied around her neck and that same cheap cowboy hat on her head. The hat is starting to look a little worse for wear and it doesn’t really go with the outfit, but she seems to know she needs a hat. That thing ain’t going to last much longer.

I whistle and everyone looks up. “Well, don’t you look fancy today,” I say, grinning at her. “What’s the occasion?”

She flushes and I get a nice show of it traveling down her neck and to the tops of her tits. “It’s Thursday,” she says.

I nod, trying hard to hold back my chuckle. “Well, happy Thursday to me then because you look mighty fine in that getup,” I compliment. “You been enjoying your time here at Circle Bee, Wild West Barbie?”

She laughs at my nickname. “Yes. Everyone has been great. I really enjoyed hanging out with the dogs yesterday, and Gunnar took me horseback riding.”

The plate in front of me sits empty. When I look at Mel to see if he’s going to serve me like he did Fable, he scowls, so I narrow my eyes and load my own plate. Stuffy old man playing favorites, I see. “Apparently, one of them took a liking to you,” I muse. “One of the border collies is sitting on the porch waitin’.”

She perks up, but it’s Colt who responds. “That’s probably Jethro,” he offers. “He’s been whining all morning. The moment I let him out of the big yard, he came running to find her.”

“He’s a sweetheart,” she replies, beaming. “I’m happy for him to follow me if you don’t mind.”

Colt shrugs. “He’s flunking the training program anyways. It doesn’t matter if he misses a day.”

She takes a bite of her french toast and glances at me. “So what’s the itinerary for today? Do I get to meet the bees?”

“Not yet,” I say, straightening. I try to smile but I can feel it tightening with tension. “We have some business to attend to today, so you’re free to wander around the ranch at your leisure as long as you stick to the rules. Gunnar, Colt, and I won’t be available.” Trent will be but he isn’t the kind to volunteer to entertain guests, so I don’t even mention him. He’s happier spending his time out in the garage.

Fable nods in understanding. “Okay. That’s totally fine.”

Though she seems to understand, there’s a bit of disappointment in her eyes. I can’t blame her. I’m a delight to be around. Can’t say the same about Colt and Gunnar though. I snort at my joke despite no one else being able to hear it.

“We’ll make it up to you,” I say, before her posture can droop too much. I grab her hand and kiss the back of it, looking up at her over her knuckles. “You ever been to a honkytonk, Wild West Barbie?”

“Can’t say I have,” she answers, gently tugging on her hand.

I hold fast for a few seconds more before I let her go. “Well, we’ll head out on Saturday night after work is done if you’re interested. The Boot Skoot has a live band.” My eyes trace blatantly down her body. “I look forward to seeing what you find to wear.” I shovel a few bites of food into my mouth before I gesture to Colt and Gunnar. “We’ve gotta go.”

“Already?” Gunnar groans, but he drops his fork and stands before grabbing his hat where he’d hung it on a hook. “See you later, Florida Girl.”

She waves at Gunnar and Colt as they cast a lingering look toward her. Her smile makes both of them straighten and I scowl. Well, shit. That ain’t good.

Can’t have them getting distracted at a time like this. There’s too much riding on their attention to business.

Still, can’t blame them. There’s something about that Wild West Barbie that makes me want to get her out of my system before I get too interested.

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